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Post by nutty1 Wed Jul 17, 2013 8:00 am

I just read this on TWOP, and it probably is as simple as that!!

To me it seems as though this whole franchise is so played out, TPTB decided to upend the formula. Have the lead pining for one of the contestants, reveal it early, and make the drama about the contestant's decision rather than the Bachelorette's.

That's what I think as well. Dez will be torn between a guy that has confessed his undying love and one that she's not sure will propose. It seems obvious and lame.

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Post by iamreal2u Wed Jul 17, 2013 8:19 am

Rolly wrote:I said this somewhere else, I think his mom saying he was her favorite is a parents little joke that she tells each child they are her favorite...really she doesn't have a favorite. If you listen after she says that there is a little laugh from Brooks and he says "yeah". Like when you hear little siblings say to each other "Mom says I'm her favorite" and the other sib says "but Mom says I'm her favorite". I think they both know she is inside joke.  I know sometimes (not usually) parents do have favorites but they don't  tell the kids who they are....especially being filmed. Trust me this was a playful family joke.

Yep..I took that as a joke. I have one child and I always tell him he is my favorite son.

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Post by nannymargie Wed Jul 17, 2013 8:21 am

nutty1 wrote:I just read this on TWOP, and it probably is as simple as that!!

To me it seems as though this whole franchise is so played out, TPTB decided to upend the formula. Have the lead pining for one of the contestants, reveal it early, and make the drama about the contestant's decision rather than the Bachelorette's.

That's what I think as well.  Dez will be torn between a guy that has confessed his undying love and one that she's not sure will propose.  It seems obvious and lame.

What is TWOP?

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Post by iamreal2u Wed Jul 17, 2013 8:26 am

nannymargie wrote:
nutty1 wrote:I just read this on TWOP, and it probably is as simple as that!!

To me it seems as though this whole franchise is so played out, TPTB decided to upend the formula. Have the lead pining for one of the contestants, reveal it early, and make the drama about the contestant's decision rather than the Bachelorette's.

That's what I think as well.  Dez will be torn between a guy that has confessed his undying love and one that she's not sure will propose.  It seems obvious and lame.

What is TWOP?
Television Without Pity. A very harsh forum. Need a backbone to hang out there.

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Post by SueSt Wed Jul 17, 2013 8:50 am

Aunties_Love wrote:
nannymargie wrote:There is that one scene that looks like she is letting Drew go.  Then there is the one with Chris in the Limo which looks likes she did not pick him.  But Brooks comes back and she chooses him.. Out of left field.

But we also have to keep in mind nothing is what is seems and you can't believe the MF tweets either.  How many times we have heard the most dramatic FRC and turns out to be nothing.
I honestly don't know if that is what is happening there.  I know it is a scene of contention but when you look at the other caps that are Drew and Des, I think IF that is from the LCD, they seem to of gotten over it as there is a sc of Drew and Des at the Verandah in what seems like a LCD type room and NOT a FD type room due to how FD suites are usually a lot better than the LCD suites.  The LCD suites are usually a lot more laid back like the Verandah is.  And that cap of them kissing on the bed seems pretty hott so doubt that they said goodbye earlier in the day.

I know I have asked this before and haven't had a response, but what IF the FD filming is different than what we have in our filming schedule and the dates go as:  Chris, Brooks then Drew.  If that happens, then things go haywire with Brooks in the middle and that sc we have of Drew and Des on the beach is actually their FD.  Drew is helping her talk through things and sort things out in her mind.  Is that a possible scenario worth consideration??  I know it doesn't wrap things up in a neat little bow for the spoiler of Brooks being F1 and Drew being the cause of more angst, but what if is all I am saying.

I like it Auntie; it definitely is a possibility in my eyes.  It would take a very special person to be able to support Des in that situation... to hear/see what a tough time she's having over someone else and still be supportive.  I really think Drew has that kind of strength in him... so yes.  The only thing that would make me pause is Des crying at the RC after the FDs... she obviously still has not resolved her feelings.  Chris asks: what do you want to do.... How would your scenario work in conjunction with what comes after? Now, if the scene is part of their LCD... well that might work, right?

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Post by moonchild Wed Jul 17, 2013 10:37 am

misticia wrote:For those who asked me what were the body language and other signs of Brooks mother. 

I would like to remind that Brooks said that if he hasn't his mother's approval, it will be the end of the relationship. So this is a pivotal moment.

- when she sat on the couch for the little chat with Des, she crossed her fingers on her knee : it means skepticism about what Des is saying.
- When Brooks asked his mother how was the conversation with Des, she answered : "OK, I think". A polite way to mean "I'm not sure to give my blessing". Just after, Brooks twist his mouth : tension.
- The mother is surprised that Des asked her a couple of questions. She is meaning to his son that Des took the (her ?) lead during the chat.
- Des asked "did I think you are ready to get married. I said yeah..." then the mother paused to mean the following is the most important of the sentence "... if you find the right person, you will". The big word here is "if". She means that she she is not sure that Des is the right person.
- Just after that, she uplift her eyebrows : she means she is worring and Brooks does the same.
- When the mother says "I think you're very compatible with Desiree" she pinches her lips in a sad forced smile (anxiety), she uplift her eybrowes (worries). 
- Brooks immediatly replies his mom she is his favourite person in the world. So basically, they are supposed  to talk about him loving a young pretty girl and he says to his mother "You are still the one". 
- The biggest thing is that the mother replies "You are my favourite too". Wow ! (I could imagine the feeling of her other children watching this.)

I would say that Brooks has to clear up a lot of things with himself and his mother before to move forward in his love life.

Hi Misticia, I appreciate your doing this, however I disagree with the interpretation of some of the things that were said.

"OK, I think"

Could just mean, I don't know if I helped your, or I couldn't get a read on what she was thinking after some of my answers.

The mother is surprised that Des asked her a couple of questions.

I think she was trying to get a better read on what was going on with her son. Where is his heart in all of this.

"did I think you are ready to get married. I said yeah..." then the mother paused to mean the following is the most important of the sentence "... if you find the right person, you will

Many of the parents on this show have answered this way. I think that just about anyone that has a child go on this show is going to be skeptical if they have found their "soulmate" this way and say Yes, he/she is is ready to marry YOU after only seeing them together for a few hours at the most. And , I think every parent worries about their child's heart being broken, if they know anything about the show at all.
Brooks did discuss with his mom how this whole experience was allowing him to tear down some of the walls that he had built up to protect his heart. He also discussed with several family members that it was such a pleasant surprise that he had these unexpected feeling for Des. We have heard other F1's say the same thing to their family on HTD.

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Post by agentcurls Wed Jul 17, 2013 10:48 am

misticia wrote:
Pattycake92 wrote:I took it as a joke when she said "you are my favorite". I say that to all my kids. Are we really critiquing her parenting skills?  Seems like she did a HEELUVA job!  9 kids. Single mom. I'd lose my freaking mind.

I want to be clear : i'm not critiquing her parenting skills, i'm trying to find explanations. We all have issues and nobody's perfect ! 
So i'm trying to figure out why a guy coming to date TV show has problem with commitment. The TV show is maybe the solution for him.

That statement is too general. You've surmised after what little you've seen and heard of Brooks that he has a problem with commitment. We can't judge his fear of commitment based on a reality show where contestants are expected to fall in love with the lead in a matter of months after spending approximately 7 days with them all together.

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Post by nd4reality Wed Jul 17, 2013 10:54 am

agentcurls wrote:
misticia wrote:
Pattycake92 wrote:I took it as a joke when she said "you are my favorite". I say that to all my kids. Are we really critiquing her parenting skills?  Seems like she did a HEELUVA job!  9 kids. Single mom. I'd lose my freaking mind.

I want to be clear : i'm not critiquing her parenting skills, i'm trying to find explanations. We all have issues and nobody's perfect ! 
So i'm trying to figure out why a guy coming to date TV show has problem with commitment. The TV show is maybe the solution for him.

That statement is too general. You've surmised after what little you've seen and heard of Brooks that he has a problem with commitment. We can't judge his fear of commitment based on a reality show where contestants are expected to fall in love with the lead in a matter of months after spending approximately 7 days with them all together.

Well basically that IS the premise of the show. 10 weeks and you're done.

If that is too fast then its not the show for you to find forever happiness 👅. Yeah right, most of them go on for adventure, to promote their business or themselves. Some end up falling in love either with the lead or by themselves laugh out loud. Brooks is not an exception just because he is the spoiled F1.
Perhaps he does not have a general fear of commitment but just this particular one. His mother did clue him in after all. And what she said made perfect sense.

Team #:tinfoil
iPad mini typos Embarassed  . So sorry.

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Post by agentcurls Wed Jul 17, 2013 10:58 am

nd4reality wrote:
agentcurls wrote:
misticia wrote:
Pattycake92 wrote:I took it as a joke when she said "you are my favorite". I say that to all my kids. Are we really critiquing her parenting skills?  Seems like she did a HEELUVA job!  9 kids. Single mom. I'd lose my freaking mind.

I want to be clear : i'm not critiquing her parenting skills, i'm trying to find explanations. We all have issues and nobody's perfect ! 
So i'm trying to figure out why a guy coming to date TV show has problem with commitment. The TV show is maybe the solution for him.

That statement is too general. You've surmised after what little you've seen and heard of Brooks that he has a problem with commitment. We can't judge his fear of commitment based on a reality show where contestants are expected to fall in love with the lead in a matter of months after spending approximately 7 days with them all together.

Well basically that IS the premise of the show. 10 weeks and you're done.

If that is too fast then its not the show for you to find forever happiness 👅. Yeah right, most of them go on for adventure, to promote their business or themselves. Some end up falling in love either with the lead or by themselves laugh out loud. Brooks is not an exception just because he is the spoiled F1.
Perhaps he does not have a general fear of commitment but just this particular one. His mother did clue him in after all. And what she said made perfect sense.

True, maybe Brooks didn't really know to what extent he was getting himself into.

Even so, it does not mean outright that he has a fear of commitment.

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Post by Guest Wed Jul 17, 2013 11:20 am

Can we stop just assuming things about Brooks? He has never displayed a fear of commitment. He has never displayed that he's needy or whatever else has been attributed to him. It's all just a bunch of stories.

Going off of his last date, he loves Des, he missed her, they have fun together, he is totally into her and thinks he doesn't have enough time with her, he has had a wall around his heart, but he's slowly breaking it down, he's happy . . . even brought to tears hearing that his family accepts Des and supports him, and he just wants to get advice from his family about how to know when he's in love, when he should consider proposing. They gave him very good advice and left it all up to his good judgement.

That's what I got out of their date. Oh, and Des is still over the moon over him.

They also showed him contemplating Zac's blindsided departure. Not that that means anything, but he did feel for the guy, and I'm sure they ALL had similar thoughts, that that could be them some time. I'm quite sure those thoughts wouldn't be exclusive to Brooks.

Then it looks like Brooks will put on the brakes in Antigua. He says something to Des. He sounds somber. He breaks her heart. She cries. Then I don't get his pacing and "This is the worst day of my life" and "There's nothing I can say." Seems to me he should've expected the response he got. So, either something else happens that causes him to do that, or, he didn't expect the response he got from her, or, he just feels bad for how he made her feel.

And as far as anything they show: that's all there is of Brooks and Des.

Maybe the spoilers are wrong. Maybe he does leave for good. If Des isn't right for him, Des isn't right for him. I'd start to think along the line of next Bachelor? I wish. But, if the spoilers are correct, something else happens that we don't see, yet. And from that convoluted preview that ends with Brooks crying and Des saying she just wants to go home, I have to believe that's exactly what they're saying.

They've kept the ending, in general, very in the dark. They're intimating that he leaves, so that might not be much of a surprise to people. For him to come back and they get together, would be a surprise and kind of romantic.

Would it be a surprise for him to leave? Not really. They've been working up to that for a long time. Would it be a surprise for him to leave and for her to be able to move on with someone else? (I vote for Drew being that guy). Not really. Because that's what the show does. She may even says she loves him. She may. Life is good.

Or, Brooks and Des somehow get back together in the end and for the first time the guy who left is the F1 standing.

no idea 

Frankly, none of those scenarios sound all that dramatic and twisty. Why did Brooks says that there are a lot of weird twists coming up. So far, there hasn't been any weird twists, except for how they've treated the show, and how they've showed her bold confessions, but that is just editing. What weird twists is his talking about. And it sounds like he is involved in a lot of them. Otherwise, how would he know there are a lot of weird twists. What's weird about them, to Brooks? That not everything went smoothly? That she reacted like he didn't expect? That she beat him with a cricket bat? What?


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Post by iamreal2u Wed Jul 17, 2013 11:33 am

canyonvue wrote:Can we stop just assuming things about Brooks? He has never displayed a fear of commitment. He has never displayed that he's needy or whatever else has been attributed to him. It's all just a bunch of stories.

Going off of his last date, he loves Des, he missed her, they have fun together, he is totally into her and thinks he doesn't have enough time with her, he has had a wall around his heart, but he's slowly breaking it down, he's happy . . . even brought to tears hearing that his family accepts Des and supports him, and he just wants to get advice from his family about how to know when he's in love, when he should consider proposing. They gave him very good advice and left it all up to his good judgement.

That's what I got out of their date. Oh, and Des is still over the moon over him.

They also showed him contemplating Zac's blindsided departure. Not that that means anything, but he did feel for the guy, and I'm sure they ALL had similar thoughts, that that could be them some time. I'm quite sure those thoughts wouldn't be exclusive to Brooks.

Then it looks like Brooks will put on the brakes in Antigua. He says something to Des. He sounds somber. He breaks her heart. She cries. Then I don't get his pacing and "This is the worst day of my life" and "There's nothing I can say." Seems to me he should've expected the response he got. So, either something else happens that causes him to do that, or, he didn't expect the response he got from her, or, he just feels bad for how he made her feel.

And as far as anything they show: that's all there is of Brooks and Des.

Maybe the spoilers are wrong. Maybe he does leave for good. If Des isn't right for him, Des isn't right for him. I'd start to think along the line of next Bachelor? I wish. But, if the spoilers are correct, something else happens that we don't see, yet. And from that convoluted preview that ends with Brooks crying and Des saying she just wants to go home, I have to believe that's exactly what they're saying.

They've kept the ending, in general, very in the dark. They're intimating that he leaves, so that might not be much of a surprise to people. For him to come back and they get together, would be a surprise and kind of romantic.

Would it be a surprise for him to leave? Not really. They've been working up to that for a long time. Would it be a surprise for him to leave and for her to be able to move on with someone else? (I vote for Drew being that guy). Not really. Because that's what the show does. She may even says she loves him. She may. Life is good.

Or, Brooks and Des somehow get back together in the end and for the first time the guy who left is the F1 standing.

no idea 

Frankly, none of those scenarios sound all that dramatic and twisty. Why did Brooks says that there are a lot of weird twists coming up. So far, there hasn't been any weird twists, except for how they've treated the show, and how they've showed her bold confessions, but that is just editing. What weird twists is his talking about. And it sounds like he is involved in a lot of them. Otherwise, how would he know there are a lot of weird twists. What's weird about them, to Brooks? That not everything went smoothly? That she reacted like he didn't expect? That she beat him with a cricket bat? What?

I am so onboard with everything you said except for the guy who left and return is the F1. That title goes to Ed in Jillian's season. As for the bolded, that made me giggling  when in Rome do as the Romans do?

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Post by skitts Wed Jul 17, 2013 11:44 am

Is there any info on Brook's past girlfriends...what were they like in looks and personality?

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