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Post by 2observe Tue Jul 16, 2013 6:10 pm

Kashathediva wrote:

I would not be surprised if off camera she did exactly that--even several times. Afterall, she did not refrain from coming out and saying so to CH knowing it was filmed.
To me, Des saying that she's in love with Brooks and telling CH the same thing twice seems more like a part of a producer driven storyline.

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Post by ImeldaMarcos Tue Jul 16, 2013 6:12 pm

sfrank wrote:
bleuberry wrote:This show sucks me in every time. Like, it's already pretty much a given that Des and her f1 probably won't get married, but picking a guy who likely isn't as into her as she's into him is a recipe for disaster.

Brooks clearly has very strong feelings for Des but if you are comparing him to guys writing poetry every 5 mins, singing songs (solo + family) or  telling her they love her after having just a single 1 on 1 date  then yes, I suppose "he is not that into her". For me I see Brooks as being normal and cautious in a crazy process. In fact think Des is crazy too - with the ILY before FD even. Brooks the only one thinking straight in my opinion, IMO.

:yes: I mean poetry is nice...but enough. That song singing gets old and is self promoting after a while and that is from a vocalist. I do not want a man who starts the ILY so quickly, cheapens the meaning. That said, this is this first season it is actually believable to me that the F4 truly fell. They are all great guys. Just not all great for Des. Usually there is that one.


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Post by Guest Tue Jul 16, 2013 6:18 pm

Luvstruck wrote:Brooks's twitter page (googled as BrooksBrooks25) heading is "Living the Dream" and the first tweet May 31 is "Unexcpected outcomes are the best gifts in life."  Pretty strong indication without coming right out and saying he got his girl. Must be one guy happy with the outcome!!!!!!!!!!!

Pretty sure that's a fake.

His BF Tyler tweets him. His real twitter is @BrooksForester


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Post by charriotoffire Tue Jul 16, 2013 6:37 pm

Drew doesnt exude raw animalistic sexual vibe  to a lot of people.   I don't see Drew dragging a woman's

hair, beating his chest and going 'woman to my cave NOW!'.   Did we ever see Drew's hair disheveled in one form or fashion?  

He is very proper,  like a little boy who will never break a pencil or will stay

in his chair from morning to recess.   Des can kiss him with tongue  all she wants  but the body language is off, like there's a bubble talk above

Drew's head that says  "you can kiss me but, keep away from my hair!.  My hair products cost more than your clunky dented car!"

But it will be fun to watch him as the Bachelor, just to see how he handles someone like Tierra, Courtney or Vienna.

Fleiss  is probably wetting himself as we speak at the possibility of trashy women putting their grubby hands on Drew's hair.


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Post by charriotoffire Tue Jul 16, 2013 6:38 pm

Going back to Brooks.    It's perfectly okay if he doesn't want to say " I love you"  yet (at this point).  It's  Des' behavior that's making everything worse.  

She seemed so obsessed and too one track minded about bagging this guy, it's is so cringe worthy to watch.

Have some dignity!  This is the Bachelorette,  not "The Desperate Girl Trying To Win The Affection of That Dude with Scraggly Hair"

She visited four wonderful families,  and all she can come up with is  "Im sure I'll get Brook's proposal, after this".  Its  like a slap on the other

guys and their families faces!  

I mean Chris and Drew are basically fighting for second place.   I'm sure production encouraged Des to be the aggressor and pursuer

as they sensed  Brook's deer in headlights  vibe.  They want to drive him into the corner so they can have the meltdown they were anticipating.

I think Brooks is so not ready to commit to anyone and the production is playing up that apprehension.  No different than the time of

Jillian and Reid,  Reid obviously was commitment phobic and Jillian hounded and nagged  him to say I love you.

The production will not and cannot invent anything out of thin air  (like they CANNOT make obviously smitten bachelors like Brad2 to appear

frightened to propose to someone like Emily).   Its just bothersome to see a perfectly beautiful woman like Des throw all of herself prematurely

to somebody who is  not that smitten to her.  Brooks has a tender way about him  when he's with Des  but I havent seen

an F1 who is so not ready for marriage  than Brooks.  

Wonder where Chris falls in all of this?  The default F2?  Default F1 if Brooks flies the coop?  He seems to be the quiet victim in all this. At least

Drew now have 50,000 plus twitter followers, have set his sights on new  modelling and acting assignments and will probably be the next Bachelor.

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Post by Aunties_Love Tue Jul 16, 2013 6:39 pm

canyonvue wrote:
Ariela wrote:Ok, now that the HTD are over, and everybody loved Des....errr on camera, we had a scene in the previews that sends Des into a tizzy.
It's the one where she is sitting on the bench with Brooks, and all of the sudden she peals off walking away, followed by some boohooing. She's wearing the same outfit on camera as she is with Brooks on the bench. I think this is where the in the VO, Brooks is saying: you know I love spending time with you...."  Could Des have run out of patience(not telling her ILY) with Brooks? That is when he is wearing the blue t-shirt, and she's wearing a bathing suit top with a see-thru top. I think this will be pivotal for the finale.
The other scene is where she is already talking to CH (in a long dress). CH says "I'm sorry" ...asks what she wants to do. To me it sounds as though Des got mad at Brooks, he left, and things are hanging in the air.

Either way, I feel sorry for Chris and Drew.

I've always believed it's Des who blows a gasket—not Brooks—because of how Brooks was crying and what he said while pacing. She wants more than what she's ever seen fit to tell him, leaving him in the dark. She's been waiting a long time for some declaration. He becomes a little too slow for her taste and something he says sets her off, totally blindsiding him. Brooks will be able to see more clearly what he feels when he could lose it.

I came to the conclusion that that's exactly what Brooks needs to make that final step to the finish line. He needs her to back off a bit so that he can chase her. How can he know for sure how he feels if she's doing all the chasing? What his brother said, will he go after her, will come to fruition.
BUT, regarding the bolded. It is obvious from that little bit of preview that we had, it is Brooks telling Des something. It is BROOKS that started the meltdown between them. I think it is Brooks that wants to take things slower, take a backseat and when he tells Des he isn't ready to continue at this pace, that is where the meltdown happens. I think that Des sends him away/or he goes away cause he can't handle the process, then Des gets closer to the two remaining guys as she herself has said that she is keeping an open mind/heart to everyone. I understand that you are "closer" to Brooks in this process than Des, even though she is the lead, but obviously their talk goes wrong and I really don't think that they had any sort of a FD at all. I think all of the blowup happens when she first arrives for the date.

Candace:  There is nothing better than an Auntie's Love!  blowkiss

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Post by Aunties_Love Tue Jul 16, 2013 6:42 pm

canyonvue wrote:
2observe wrote:
BarbB222 wrote:
canyonvue wrote:
BarbB222 wrote:
nd4reality wrote:
BarbB222 wrote:
nd4reality wrote:How about that line we heard Des saying that she has always loved the wrong men ?

Don't you all think that at some point she clued into her error ?

No way about the wrong man stuff. How about hearing Brooks' VO saying something about I'm in love as I've ever been. I'm in love with Des. The voice is relaxed and sounds very happy.

There was definitely a VO on the preview at the end of ep7 where she said that.

Ok I get you. You're right. That could be spoken when she gets upset and wants to give up. But Brooks clear VO shows me all ended up well. His realization that he's never felt love like this before before and that he IS in love with Des.

Poor Brooks.

The thing with Brooks' possible apprehension is in his mind there are no guarantees. He probably heard Zak gush about Des yet she let him go. He doesn't need someone to guard and protect his heart because he does a good job on his own. He talked to his mom about it. He wants to quickly let go but does not want to be hurt . Even Chris and Drew feeling  so confident will feel that pain that Brooks wants to avoid. There's merit in his apprehension . He can tell the other two love Des too. He can't gauge how much so he falls back into being cautious. Des gets worried now Brooks wavers and in being upset lets him go. So now being faced with losing her he realizes he cannot live without her. He recalls his brother's talk and will find a way to talk to Des or vice versa.
IMO, if Des really wanted to reassure Brooks, she would have let him know that he was her F1 one, just some of the other Leads have done.  

You'd think, huh? It certainly would solve a LOT of problems.
Des herself said that through this process she is keeping an open mind/heart to everyone...maybe Brooks WASN'T her F1 completely in her mind. She was still trying to figure out a few things and couldn't in all certainty say that she was ready to stop the process and pick Brooks.

Candace:  There is nothing better than an Auntie's Love!  blowkiss

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Post by Aunties_Love Tue Jul 16, 2013 6:45 pm

Cecilia wrote:
nd4reality wrote:
canyonvue wrote:
2observe wrote:
BarbB222 wrote:
canyonvue wrote:
BarbB222 wrote:
nd4reality wrote:
BarbB222 wrote:
nd4reality wrote:How about that line we heard Des saying that she has always loved the wrong men ?

Don't you all think that at some point she clued into her error ?

No way about the wrong man stuff. How about hearing Brooks' VO saying something about I'm in love as I've ever been. I'm in love with Des. The voice is relaxed and sounds very happy.

There was definitely a VO on the preview at the end of ep7 where she said that.

Ok I get you. You're right. That could be spoken when she gets upset and wants to give up. But Brooks clear VO shows me all ended up well. His realization that he's never felt love like this before before and that he IS in love with Des.

Poor Brooks.

The thing with Brooks' possible apprehension is in his mind there are no guarantees. He probably heard Zak gush about Des yet she let him go. He doesn't need someone to guard and protect his heart because he does a good job on his own. He talked to his mom about it. He wants to quickly let go but does not want to be hurt . Even Chris and Drew feeling  so confident will feel that pain that Brooks wants to avoid. There's merit in his apprehension . He can tell the other two love Des too. He can't gauge how much so he falls back into being cautious. Des gets worried now Brooks wavers and in being upset lets him go. So now being faced with losing her he realizes he cannot live without her. He recalls his brother's talk and will find a way to talk to Des or vice versa.
IMO, if Des really wanted to reassure Brooks, she would have let him know that he was her F1 one, just some of the other Leads have done.  

You'd think, huh? It certainly would solve a LOT of problems.

Maybe she did on the pier. Tell him that she is in love with him but he still couldn't commit to her and the process. I'm pretty sure she would not have kept quiet at the point.

Remember the VOs that they used for Drews crying scene ? Everyone said that she was not really saying that to Drew. They have to hae come from somewhere. Perhaps it was from Brooks' scene instead.

Absolutely the "I'm only here for you" is about Brooks and most likely said to him while she is sobbing after he says something or again refuses to say something on the pier. She runs away crying and he paces and tears up himself, worst day etc.  He rides home in the limo (screencap).  

When is the knock on the door?
Also, does this mean there is no fantasy date?  That would be a tragedy for us viewers giggling And don't see how he could propose with one less date to spend intimate time with her.  The questions never end.
With the caps/video we do have, I am thinking that it is one of the handlers that shows up to get Brooks for his FD, hense the knock on the door, he goes down to the pier, meets up with Des and tells her that he's having a hard time in this process, needs more time, etc and the meltdown happens. Brooks takes the limo ride crying home. No FD happens.

Candace:  There is nothing better than an Auntie's Love!  blowkiss

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Post by b Tue Jul 16, 2013 6:48 pm

You know if Brooks needs to see her for the relationship to progress (or he forgets I think is what he said) then I wonder what post show has been like...if they'll still b together @ ATFR. Not saying the distance isn't challenging for any couple. I wonder if they've been able to meet w his job. Has Des returned to hers or did she resign to do the Ette?


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Post by Aunties_Love Tue Jul 16, 2013 6:49 pm

nd4reality wrote:
Nativenewyorker wrote:
nd4reality wrote:
Ariela wrote:
nutty1 wrote:re: Fleiss' tweet…...I think "steamiest" date means hot tub. I am not joking, I could see Fleiss using a play of words.

If it's with Drew, I'll bet there is more to the date than just a hot tub.
The way they make out on regular dates makes me think that Des will try out the goods on the FS date. Just a hunch Hugesmile 

Now running and hiding....with shame.........

laugh out loud Des said she used the FD to talk. This was in one of the earliest interviews post filming. But the way she cozy's up to him it's no wonder they got things steamy.

I am not surprised by the "steamy" description of their FD.  The way that Des holds onto Drew and can't take her eyes off him and loves to kiss him, I would expect things to heat up even more with an overnight date.  

Of course Des would say that she used the FD to talk.  They don't publicly admit if anything else went on.  

Try out the goods! Too funny! How about take a test drive?    giggling      :giggle:   :Drool:
If you watch the bedroom scene in the preview when they are kissing, you can see her slowly pull him downwards.
BUT, isn't that the bedroom scene from the LCD? I thought that since the FD suites are more luxurious and the LCD's are more basic, as has been mentioned, the Verandah bedroom scene was more like a LCD?

Candace:  There is nothing better than an Auntie's Love!  blowkiss

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Post by Kashathediva Tue Jul 16, 2013 6:52 pm

I could be wrong, but I don't think she has been employed by that bridal salon since at least TB. The one she was working for went out of business,didn't it?
As far as Brooks--he is simply a sales rep for the company--not CEO nor CFO nor owner. For some of these marketing firms sales rep is a fancy word for telemarketer. I cannot fathom how that would impede a secret weekend jaunt.

No good deed goes unpunished.  
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, bye Felicia! 

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Post by Ariela Tue Jul 16, 2013 6:53 pm

Aunties_Love wrote:
canyonvue wrote:
Ariela wrote:Ok, now that the HTD are over, and everybody loved Des....errr on camera, we had a scene in the previews that sends Des into a tizzy.
It's the one where she is sitting on the bench with Brooks, and all of the sudden she peals off walking away, followed by some boohooing. She's wearing the same outfit on camera as she is with Brooks on the bench. I think this is where the in the VO, Brooks is saying: you know I love spending time with you...."  Could Des have run out of patience(not telling her ILY) with Brooks? That is when he is wearing the blue t-shirt, and she's wearing a bathing suit top with a see-thru top. I think this will be pivotal for the finale.
The other scene is where she is already talking to CH (in a long dress). CH says "I'm sorry" ...asks what she wants to do. To me it sounds as though Des got mad at Brooks, he left, and things are hanging in the air.

Either way, I feel sorry for Chris and Drew.

I've always believed it's Des who blows a gasket—not Brooks—because of how Brooks was crying and what he said while pacing. She wants more than what she's ever seen fit to tell him, leaving him in the dark. She's been waiting a long time for some declaration. He becomes a little too slow for her taste and something he says sets her off, totally blindsiding him. Brooks will be able to see more clearly what he feels when he could lose it.

I came to the conclusion that that's exactly what Brooks needs to make that final step to the finish line. He needs her to back off a bit so that he can chase her. How can he know for sure how he feels if she's doing all the chasing? What his brother said, will he go after her, will come to fruition.
BUT, regarding the bolded.  It is obvious from that little bit of preview that we had, it is Brooks telling Des something.  It is BROOKS that started the meltdown between them.  I think it is Brooks that wants to take things slower, take a backseat and when he tells Des he isn't ready to continue at this pace, that is where the meltdown happens.  I think that Des sends him away/or he goes away cause he can't handle the process, then Des gets closer to the two remaining guys as she herself has said that she is keeping an open mind/heart to everyone.  I understand that you are "closer" to Brooks in this process than Des, even though she is the lead, but obviously their talk goes wrong and I really don't think that they had any sort of a FD at all.  I think all of the blowup happens when she first arrives for the date.

I think we are saying the same thing in a different way. First we see Des and Brooks kissing on the bench. Then she storms out, away. That would seem that he/she says something that he/she doesn't like, or she's not hearing what she needs to hear from him. Right now the lack of commitment IS on her mind, no matter how brave she pretends to CH that she is. Then I'm not sure about the rest, but we know she talks in circles about love...


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