The Final One (F1) - Bachelorette 9 - Spoilers - Thread #3

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The Final One (F1) - Bachelorette 9 - Spoilers - Thread #3 - Page 52 Empty Re: The Final One (F1) - Bachelorette 9 - Spoilers - Thread #3

Post by MaggieBach Wed Jul 17, 2013 6:17 pm

brittany4400 wrote:
atem wrote:Nope, that doesn't work at all.  The FRC is at the Verandah, not St Annes.  The F3 RC is at St Annes.

Chris has a LCD and we are 100% sure that's Drew on the horse.  

Atem, do u agree the screencaps say drew and chris both has lcd's? We know that Chris for sure did, unless they did a helicopter and boat date all in one day(not happening). Also chris is seen at two different rc with two different suits? How in the world if brooks if f1 then can drew be f2? If people are claiming drew is f2 then chris has to be f1! What is being speculated can not fit with the screencaps.

Sorry, I meant RC not FRC at St Anne's. Typo.

I mentioned at the beginning that I wasn't sure about the sleuthing for Chris and LCD. I do realize that Des is in 2 different bikinis. But the olive one is late in the day. I thought perhaps since they flew to Barbuda that they had the first half of their date. And then changed for a later in the day portion before the FS. Instead of the usual dinner at a table, they are having a sunset picnic on a beach. I also mentioned I didn't know everything about Chris's suits.

Sorry if I missed things. It is fun to speculate (but dangerous!!)


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Post by Judiful Wed Jul 17, 2013 6:20 pm

KCCasey wrote:Judiful, I was thinking the same thing, but in my scenario Brooks leaves early, not sure about his feelings. She takes Chris and Drew to finale, but she lets Drew go early (on the beach), and takes Chris to the proposal but changes her mind (dressed up sc in limo) in the end, deciding not to settle. She thinks the show is over and Brooks shows up to sweep her off her feet, referencing the conversation with his sister and how he can't live without Des. And that would be a surprise ending. If I were writing it, that's how I would script it, not that this is scripted or anything. Hugesmile
I like your scenario a lot.. I know there's supposed to be 2 proposals...If your scenario is correct, I hope the producers give us a nice fairytale ending without it being abrupt...I can't get enough of them...they are such a beautiful, sexy couple. cheerleader 

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Post by Judiful Wed Jul 17, 2013 6:38 pm

canyonvue wrote:The biggest thing I look at when it comes to this season is the storyline. I'm a writer, so, well, I look at the story and the "characters." Other things are nice little clues, but altogether, it's all about a story. Some years TPTB probably don't have much of a story, or a very intriguing one to tell, but this one is intriguing, and I believe that's why they consider it the best season yet and Des the best lead and the guys the best bunch of guys. This story has a lot of emotion and depth that most Bachelorette seasons don't.

The main line in the story IS Des' love for Brooks. He gets the first date. It's a beauty of a date. Brooks look like a romantic figure and you can already tell that Des is smitten with him. Almost love at first sight. Why else would Brooks even GET the first date. She must've indicated she was very attracted to him. She probably loved his personality immediately, and his looks.

The story then switches up to others guys. You've got to give all the other guys time. And that's exactly how it feels. They're just giving all the other guys their due time. Meanwhile, Brooks is kept in the background, never completely ignored. They always swing in for his reaction, or manage to catch some interaction between him and Des. They don't really do that with the other guys.

Brooks forced them to highlight him during the Dodgeball game. He stole the show. giggling They also highlighted Drew saying silly things (I actually thought Drew was quirky and funny this episode.)

Brooks runs off with Des' heart to the hospital, where they actually spend time watching him, even when he's passed out. They never bothered to look in on Ames or really any of the other contestants who got shipped off for a minute. That's because Des' romantic figure was in the hospital.

Then, unlike any of the other times, Des couldn't stop talking about and worrying about Brooks. She even made the guys toast to Brooks. Then cue the "hero returns" music, Brooks comes back with his finger sticking in the air, looking all sweaty and delirious, still dressed for Dodgeball, and comes back in, running in the background with a grin on his face, making all the other guys go "oh, brother, do we ever get rid of him?"

Chris even says so. "Darn, that Brooks. He's so good. So smooth." What? He just came back from the hospital. Did you expect him to stay there all night?

Then Des is all happy and wants to go talk with him immediately. He looks like he's not quite there, doesn't want sympathy for his finger, and kisses her because she has nothing of importance to say and he probably can't think straight.

They highlight him during Mr. America, too, making sure to show his talent and his runway walk. giggling Plus, all the other times they zero in on Brooks. Now if they hadn't been doing all that zeroing in, I would've noticed. I would've worried. But they never forgot about Brooks for long. giggling 

Then he finally gets another kiss and a rose, finally, in the igloo. In fact, she shuts him up. And he happens to see James kissing and it makes him jealous. And another time you see them talking, all wound up, and she sits between his legs, just throwing herself at him.


We get different editing from any of the earlier shows. It's like it's taken on a more somber twist. Then you get his second, long-awaited 1v1, and all of a sudden Brooks is pensive and unsure and Des is starry-eyed and confessing love for Brooks. Brooks looks a little . . . behind. Ruh-roh. The other dates don't have that heaviness to it. Drew is getting competitive, though. He MUST tell Des he loves her first. NO, Chris must tell her he loves her first! NO, Zac must. He must win more time with her. Brooks just looks a little out in left field and unsure. Dramatic preview to blow one's mind. What the freak happens? We all ask . . .

HTDs. Brooks gets the last one to cap the night.

Zac's is great. Shows him fun-loving and zany, with a lot of energy and total belief in Desiree. You just KNOW Zac is doomed by what he does, like that very heavy song they sing for her, and then that ring.

Drew's date is for the philanthropist. It's about being a good person, loving people, acceptance, belief, very deep subjects. It shows Drew as a very good person, very deep, with a little bit of a naive view of his relationship with Des. Of course, you've seen that all along and how it's kind of forced. You do see she thinks he's so cute, and that physical attraction can be a tricky bugger to distinguish from real love, sometimes.

Chris' date starts out great. It is mostly about Chris. They act mostly like friends. And, then, for some reason, they drop the hammer on Chris. They show some really bizarre stuff. It may not be bizarre, but the way they do it is so jarring. They just seem to be throwing Chris under the bus, so, that's where he sits in your mind.

Brooks' entrance is perfect and their meeting beautiful. The date is beautiful, filled with memories. She's taken time to list all her favorite moments. He comments about ducks. He's getting his humor back. Brooks about dumps them in with the duck doo to get a kiss from her. His family are very admirable and normal and Des loves them. They accept Des. They even push Brooks aside to envelope her and Des is all, ahh, don't be mean to Brooks. Des has a good talk with Brooks' mom. Brooks has a good talk with his sis, bros and mom, who gives him her blessing if that's what he wants, and he sits there, looking very rapt as they tell him how he can know if he's in love and what they think of Des and what they told Des about him. Brooks looks a little confused and thunderstruck. Everyone thinks Brooks is still having a hard time. He's processing things.

Then, whammy, they remind people that Des loves Brooks. The others ALMOST make her think twice. She has yet to really mention Drew. She mentions Chris more than Drew. But then when you think she's still right where she is, she adds a new whammy and says she wants a proposal—from Brooks! Really? You think, can you say this on the Bachelorette? This show is making you feel like you're in the Twilight Zone.

You just know, know that something's going to happen with Brooks. Then another preview that in its way, with its quietness, seems even more foreboding and final than the previous crazy one. Brooks fans begin to worry.

What are they saying in the previews? That's the big question for the average viewer. It looks like Chris and Drew have fun. It looks like Brooks has something heavy to talk about. All you ever see of Brooks is walking along the beach, talking with Des, saying things that have a finality about them. There's a big BUT in them. "You know I love these things about you", or whatever it is he says. BUT? She starts out happy to see him and ends up crying, which makes all Brooks and Des fans sad.

You remember the other preview and how it looked like Drew was going home. But then it was Brooks you see in the limo. And Chris. Someone has a ring. Brooks opens his door. Brooks is pacing in the trees and crying. He is saying "This is the worst day of my life". Distraught. "There's nothing I can say." Limo ride with red eyes. Des just looking defeated and sad from then on out. Shockingly, she doesn't want to do this anymore. She just wants to go home. They make it look like Drew is the catalyst for everything and that even Brooks is affected. By why is Brooks the one they come back to, the same scene, wandering around the trees. And then why do they end with Brooks sobbing, close-up, and her just saying she wants to go home? To be continued?

The storyline of this show has been abut Brooks and Des. Did the fallen romantic figure go home? They show that Chris and Drew are having fun dates, and Brooks seems to be calling it quits. The darkness is scary. Is it a tale of two halves? A new dawn. A knight in shining armor coming to the rescue? Or, does the hero come back, like he did once before? This time with some new knowledge and understanding?

I wish I knew Brooks well and could shake it out of him somehow!
PERFECT !! :tissuebox  You're such an amazing writer.. !! :Clap: 

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Post by Rolly Wed Jul 17, 2013 6:42 pm

Latergator, I love the description you gave comparing what's happening in their relationship to entering the house in their HTD. It's scary entering into this unpredictable situation but they decide to do it together ....supporting and encouraging each other. The HTD turned out great, I think their relationship will too.

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Post by Guest Wed Jul 17, 2013 6:58 pm

Judiful wrote:
canyonvue wrote:The biggest thing I look at when it comes to this season is the storyline. I'm a writer, so, well, I look at the story and the "characters." Other things are nice little clues, but altogether, it's all about a story. Some years TPTB probably don't have much of a story, or a very intriguing one to tell, but this one is intriguing, and I believe that's why they consider it the best season yet and Des the best lead and the guys the best bunch of guys. This story has a lot of emotion and depth that most Bachelorette seasons don't.

The main line in the story IS Des' love for Brooks. He gets the first date. It's a beauty of a date. Brooks look like a romantic figure and you can already tell that Des is smitten with him. Almost love at first sight. Why else would Brooks even GET the first date. She must've indicated she was very attracted to him. She probably loved his personality immediately, and his looks.

The story then switches up to others guys. You've got to give all the other guys time. And that's exactly how it feels. They're just giving all the other guys their due time. Meanwhile, Brooks is kept in the background, never completely ignored. They always swing in for his reaction, or manage to catch some interaction between him and Des. They don't really do that with the other guys.

Brooks forced them to highlight him during the Dodgeball game. He stole the show. giggling They also highlighted Drew saying silly things (I actually thought Drew was quirky and funny this episode.)

Brooks runs off with Des' heart to the hospital, where they actually spend time watching him, even when he's passed out. They never bothered to look in on Ames or really any of the other contestants who got shipped off for a minute. That's because Des' romantic figure was in the hospital.

Then, unlike any of the other times, Des couldn't stop talking about and worrying about Brooks. She even made the guys toast to Brooks. Then cue the "hero returns" music, Brooks comes back with his finger sticking in the air, looking all sweaty and delirious, still dressed for Dodgeball, and comes back in, running in the background with a grin on his face, making all the other guys go "oh, brother, do we ever get rid of him?"

Chris even says so. "Darn, that Brooks. He's so good. So smooth." What? He just came back from the hospital. Did you expect him to stay there all night?

Then Des is all happy and wants to go talk with him immediately. He looks like he's not quite there, doesn't want sympathy for his finger, and kisses her because she has nothing of importance to say and he probably can't think straight.

They highlight him during Mr. America, too, making sure to show his talent and his runway walk. giggling Plus, all the other times they zero in on Brooks. Now if they hadn't been doing all that zeroing in, I would've noticed. I would've worried. But they never forgot about Brooks for long. giggling 

Then he finally gets another kiss and a rose, finally, in the igloo. In fact, she shuts him up. And he happens to see James kissing and it makes him jealous. And another time you see them talking, all wound up, and she sits between his legs, just throwing herself at him.


We get different editing from any of the earlier shows. It's like it's taken on a more somber twist. Then you get his second, long-awaited 1v1, and all of a sudden Brooks is pensive and unsure and Des is starry-eyed and confessing love for Brooks. Brooks looks a little . . . behind. Ruh-roh. The other dates don't have that heaviness to it. Drew is getting competitive, though. He MUST tell Des he loves her first. NO, Chris must tell her he loves her first! NO, Zac must. He must win more time with her. Brooks just looks a little out in left field and unsure. Dramatic preview to blow one's mind. What the freak happens? We all ask . . .

HTDs. Brooks gets the last one to cap the night.

Zac's is great. Shows him fun-loving and zany, with a lot of energy and total belief in Desiree. You just KNOW Zac is doomed by what he does, like that very heavy song they sing for her, and then that ring.

Drew's date is for the philanthropist. It's about being a good person, loving people, acceptance, belief, very deep subjects. It shows Drew as a very good person, very deep, with a little bit of a naive view of his relationship with Des. Of course, you've seen that all along and how it's kind of forced. You do see she thinks he's so cute, and that physical attraction can be a tricky bugger to distinguish from real love, sometimes.

Chris' date starts out great. It is mostly about Chris. They act mostly like friends. And, then, for some reason, they drop the hammer on Chris. They show some really bizarre stuff. It may not be bizarre, but the way they do it is so jarring. They just seem to be throwing Chris under the bus, so, that's where he sits in your mind.

Brooks' entrance is perfect and their meeting beautiful. The date is beautiful, filled with memories. She's taken time to list all her favorite moments. He comments about ducks. He's getting his humor back. Brooks about dumps them in with the duck doo to get a kiss from her. His family are very admirable and normal and Des loves them. They accept Des. They even push Brooks aside to envelope her and Des is all, ahh, don't be mean to Brooks. Des has a good talk with Brooks' mom. Brooks has a good talk with his sis, bros and mom, who gives him her blessing if that's what he wants, and he sits there, looking very rapt as they tell him how he can know if he's in love and what they think of Des and what they told Des about him. Brooks looks a little confused and thunderstruck. Everyone thinks Brooks is still having a hard time. He's processing things.

Then, whammy, they remind people that Des loves Brooks. The others ALMOST make her think twice. She has yet to really mention Drew. She mentions Chris more than Drew. But then when you think she's still right where she is, she adds a new whammy and says she wants a proposal—from Brooks! Really? You think, can you say this on the Bachelorette? This show is making you feel like you're in the Twilight Zone.

You just know, know that something's going to happen with Brooks. Then another preview that in its way, with its quietness, seems even more foreboding and final than the previous crazy one. Brooks fans begin to worry.

What are they saying in the previews? That's the big question for the average viewer. It looks like Chris and Drew have fun. It looks like Brooks has something heavy to talk about. All you ever see of Brooks is walking along the beach, talking with Des, saying things that have a finality about them. There's a big BUT in them. "You know I love these things about you", or whatever it is he says. BUT? She starts out happy to see him and ends up crying, which makes all Brooks and Des fans sad.

You remember the other preview and how it looked like Drew was going home. But then it was Brooks you see in the limo. And Chris. Someone has a ring. Brooks opens his door. Brooks is pacing in the trees and crying. He is saying "This is the worst day of my life". Distraught. "There's nothing I can say." Limo ride with red eyes. Des just looking defeated and sad from then on out. Shockingly, she doesn't want to do this anymore. She just wants to go home. They make it look like Drew is the catalyst for everything and that even Brooks is affected. By why is Brooks the one they come back to, the same scene, wandering around the trees. And then why do they end with Brooks sobbing, close-up, and her just saying she wants to go home? To be continued?

The storyline of this show has been abut Brooks and Des. Did the fallen romantic figure go home? They show that Chris and Drew are having fun dates, and Brooks seems to be calling it quits. The darkness is scary. Is it a tale of two halves? A new dawn. A knight in shining armor coming to the rescue? Or, does the hero come back, like he did once before? This time with some new knowledge and understanding?

I wish I knew Brooks well and could shake it out of him somehow!
                         PERFECT !!    :tissuebox     You're such an amazing writer.. !!  :Clap: 

Aw, shucks! Thanks! Embarassed bestbud! 


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Post by Aunties_Love Wed Jul 17, 2013 7:55 pm

canyonvue wrote:Can we stop just assuming things about Brooks? He has never displayed a fear of commitment. He has never displayed that he's needy or whatever else has been attributed to him. It's all just a bunch of stories.

Going off of his last date, he loves Des, he missed her, they have fun together, he is totally into her and thinks he doesn't have enough time with her, he has had a wall around his heart, but he's slowly breaking it down, he's happy . . . even brought to tears hearing that his family accepts Des and supports him, and he just wants to get advice from his family about how to know when he's in love, when he should consider proposing. They gave him very good advice and left it all up to his good judgement.

That's what I got out of their date. Oh, and Des is still over the moon over him.

They also showed him contemplating Zac's blindsided departure. Not that that means anything, but he did feel for the guy, and I'm sure they ALL had similar thoughts, that that could be them some time. I'm quite sure those thoughts wouldn't be exclusive to Brooks.

Then it looks like Brooks will put on the brakes in Antigua. He says something to Des. He sounds somber. He breaks her heart. She cries. Then I don't get his pacing and "This is the worst day of my life" and "There's nothing I can say." Seems to me he should've expected the response he got. So, either something else happens that causes him to do that, or, he didn't expect the response he got from her, or, he just feels bad for how he made her feel.

And as far as anything they show: that's all there is of Brooks and Des.

Maybe the spoilers are wrong. Maybe he does leave for good. If Des isn't right for him, Des isn't right for him. I'd start to think along the line of next Bachelor? I wish. But, if the spoilers are correct, something else happens that we don't see, yet. And from that convoluted preview that ends with Brooks crying and Des saying she just wants to go home, I have to believe that's exactly what they're saying.

They've kept the ending, in general, very in the dark. They're intimating that he leaves, so that might not be much of a surprise to people. For him to come back and they get together, would be a surprise and kind of romantic.

Would it be a surprise for him to leave? Not really. They've been working up to that for a long time. Would it be a surprise for him to leave and for her to be able to move on with someone else? (I vote for Drew being that guy). Not really. Because that's what the show does. She may even says she loves him. She may. Life is good.

Or, Brooks and Des somehow get back together in the end and for the first time the guy who left is the F1 standing.

no idea 

Frankly, none of those scenarios sound all that dramatic and twisty. Why did Brooks says that there are a lot of weird twists coming up. So far, there hasn't been any weird twists, except for how they've treated the show, and how they've showed her bold confessions, but that is just editing. What weird twists is his talking about. And it sounds like he is involved in a lot of them. Otherwise, how would he know there are a lot of weird twists. What's weird about them, to Brooks? That not everything went smoothly? That she reacted like he didn't expect? That she beat him with a cricket bat? What?
Can I ask you to refresh my memory on where you heard Brooks himself say that there were weird twists and turns coming up. I remember a tweet from someone else, but in the sleuthing world, that is hearsay. I am wondering if it isn't really that convolutted? Now, another thing that I saw you posted above is that Brooks loves Des. I guess I must of missed that as I don't remember him saying that in an ITM or anything.

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Post by latergator Wed Jul 17, 2013 8:30 pm

found this interesting in trying to get totally up to speed.  thought a trip over to the episode area and wanted to start at the beginning.  second post was the recap of the show from abc... the introduction to the story line and all that.  other than the fact that they called Desiree "Emily" the last paragraph was very telling.

As in the past, men will continue to be eliminated each week, but if at any point along the way a bachelor should decide that he's no longer interested in the Bachelorette, he can reject her invitation to continue dating. Two lucky men will meet her family, and she will visit the final bachelors' hometowns for a slice of their lives in an effort to determine the man with whom she is most compatible -- but there are surprises in store for Emily (Desiree) that will shake her world. At the end of the journey, the Bachelorette may quite possibly have found true love. But the big question is: After all of this, will he pop the question, and will she say yes?

this may and may not mean a thing, but it does tell me at the beginning of the season, abc was telling us that 2 lucky men got to meet her parents, and that with one of them she may have possibly found true love, and the question is will he pop the question and will she say yes?

Brooks is definitely one of the two, as his story has been the commitment hurdle.  I do know that I have seen Des' mouth move and the corresponding words came out of it that she was 1.falling in love with Brooks, love with Brooks, 3.hoping for a proposal from Brooks. three guys may go into this but only two go to the FRC.  I think that Drew is let go at F3, as he is the hardest to say good by to.  Chris is F2, the friend that will always be there for her.  Brooks is the F1 who has claimed her heart from the beginning.  she can make allowances for Brooks inability to commit, she knows that he loves her by his actions and his treatment of her.  what a shock when he not only tells her how much he loves her, but asks for her to be his bride.

ps: I struck out Emily's name above and put Desiree's.  I can't believe they let that slip through no no 

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Post by 2observe Wed Jul 17, 2013 8:39 pm

I just don't understand why Des' lovestory with Brooks would have him give up his FD and alone time (to really talk away from cameras) with Des.  While the other two guys get the alone time Des to talk about their future plans away from the camera.  I just think that it's odd to say the least, if he's F1 imo.

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Post by Kashathediva Wed Jul 17, 2013 8:48 pm

latergator wrote:found this interesting in trying to get totally up to speed.  thought a trip over to the episode area and wanted to start at the beginning.  second post was the recap of the show from abc... the introduction to the story line and all that.  other than the fact that they called Desiree "Emily" the last paragraph was very telling.

As in the past, men will continue to be eliminated each week, but if at any point along the way a bachelor should decide that he's no longer interested in the Bachelorette, he can reject her invitation to continue dating. Two lucky men will meet her family, and she will visit the final bachelors' hometowns for a slice of their lives in an effort to determine the man with whom she is most compatible -- but there are surprises in store for Emily (Desiree) that will shake her world. At the end of the journey, the Bachelorette may quite possibly have found true love. But the big question is: After all of this, will he pop the question, and will she say yes?

this may and may not mean a thing, but it does tell me at the beginning of the season, abc was telling us that 2 lucky men got to meet her parents, and that with one of them she may have possibly found true love, and the question is will he pop the question and will she say yes?

Brooks is definitely one of the two, as his story has been the commitment hurdle.  I do know that I have seen Des' mouth move and the corresponding words came out of it that she was 1.falling in love with Brooks, love with Brooks, 3.hoping for a proposal from Brooks. three guys may go into this but only two go to the FRC.  I think that Drew is let go at F3, as he is the hardest to say good by to.  Chris is F2, the friend that will always be there for her.  Brooks is the F1 who has claimed her heart from the beginning.  she can make allowances for Brooks inability to commit, she knows that he loves her by his actions and his treatment of her.  what a shock when he not only tells her how much he loves her, but asks for her to be his bride.

ps: I struck out Emily's name above and put Desiree's.  I can't believe they let that slip through no no 

Wetpaint did that earlier, too. They mentioned the FD/FRC was taking place in Curacao vs Antigua. Interesting, isn't it?

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Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, bye Felicia! 

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Post by IrishGal Wed Jul 17, 2013 9:05 pm

Hehe!  Kasha, that means the press releases are all canned and some intern just rewrites them from season to season. TPTB are so lazy in some ways.

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Post by Kashathediva Wed Jul 17, 2013 9:13 pm

So is there some kind of connection between TPTB and Wetpaint? Something to ponder. I have to wonder what kind of stuff the Machine puts out there and to whom.

No good deed goes unpunished.  
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, bye Felicia! 

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Post by Guest Wed Jul 17, 2013 9:18 pm

FWIW, there are often misspellings and grammar issues in her People blog. TPTB definitely vet these (if not write them entirely), and I find it so amateurish and lazy. Probably the same intern's responsibility.

(This adds nothing to the F1 discussion, sorry. Just more of my shock at how sloppy this show has gotten.)

Last edited by freelancergirl on Wed Jul 17, 2013 11:48 pm; edited 1 time in total


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The Final One (F1) - Bachelorette 9 - Spoilers - Thread #3

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