Married At First Sight - Season 2 - Sean Varricchio - Davina Kullar - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* #2

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Post by BusyLizzie Wed Jun 17, 2015 12:08 pm

I'm curious what jerseynurse thinks of Sean's performance last night. Does anyone know, has he signed onto another reality show yet. I thought I had read that he has, but now, I can't find it.


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Post by razielle Wed Jun 17, 2015 12:18 pm

I agree with makeupchick85. It was so hard for me to watch Dr. Logan lash out at someone she was supposed to be providing support to.  Whether Davina's feelings were "right" or "wrong" about Sean ---  If Davina felt 100% convinced that Sean was being fake and was carefully wording everything he said so that he'd look better -- then of course she was going to be angry.

But why can't they offer support anyhow?  Why is it: Play Along or We Attack You  

That's why this season nose-dived into the ground.  
It had nothing to do with people, and was all about the show.


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Post by TheEyesHaveIt Wed Jun 17, 2015 12:21 pm

Minor point of clarity: The barstoolers are not in a professional relationship with the cast members. They may be offering expertise (or not...) from their own fields, but the relationships aren't client-therapist, so the traditional expectations of a therapist's behavior to their client don't apply.

Right about now would probably be a good time for all six of them to sit down (individually) with someone who IS their therapist.


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Post by nan27 Wed Jun 17, 2015 12:30 pm

I would be beyond livid if I were Davina.  She was paired with a guy who wanted television exposure and who is at best conflicted about his own sexuality.  Sean finding God at the end of the regular series was beyond laughable.  It didn't ring true at all.  Sean never had any intention of moving to Manhattan, either.  He would have said anything to get on the show.  The show obviously didn't interview anyone who knew him and his reputation.  

Logan came across as a real shrew.  Being a sexologist, I guess that she was miffed that Davina didn't have sex with Sean.  Davina dodged a bullet there.  I think that her friend, Chris, suspected Sean's sexual preferences, and that is why he was so blunt in his conversation with Sean.  He was seeing if Sean would take the bait--which he didn't.  This is all Davina and Chris needed to know.  

All of these gals are beautiful and will definitely find great guys on their own.


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Post by TwinkleB13 Wed Jun 17, 2015 12:38 pm

IMO, I didn't feel like they were lashing out at Davina. I saw it as them trying to help her take accountability for some of her actions. She was the better of the two in this pairing, but she still has some personal work she needs to do internally with her own emotions, thoughts and feelings before she can be in a successful relationship. The inability to be accountable means that she can't look in the mirror and admit the areas she needs to work on. They asked her point blank several times what she could have done differently and she replied each time with "He could have" or "He didn't". All of the things she said in those statements was true, but they were asking about her, not him at that time. She carries so much emotional baggage from her past that until she works through it (for real), she is going to end up in this same dead end in her relationships unfortunately.

IMO, Sean was definitely the worst out of the group. He is very smarmy. He is deceitful and disingenuous and his priorities are out of whack. In that respect, I do blame the experts for not seeing through this and casting him anyway. I really hope for the next season that they actually screened the men.

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Post by Boomshakalaka Wed Jun 17, 2015 12:48 pm

what irritated me was the so called 'experts' telling Davina how she should feel about the experience instead of listening to what Davina had to say. They match her with a guy who had no interest in being married, loved to talk about himself, had never been in a long term relationship with a woman, spent 10 days out of 42 with her, and has the emotional maturity of a 2 year old....and they act like Davina is the problem? Davina may have her issues, but this thing was a failure from day one and once Davina figured it out she was pissed, as she has every right to be. i think given the circumstances, Davina handled herself well. i would have gone off on those experts.

The eye rolling from the experts was way out of line and totally unprofessional.

Did anyone else notice the way Sean walked out onto the set...all slumped over and very timid like? do you think he is really that timid or was that just for show?


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Post by TwinkleB13 Wed Jun 17, 2015 12:53 pm

Only spending 10 of 42 days together was not entirely Sean's fault. Davina traveled for work a couple of times, and toward the end when they did the message in a bottle thing it was said that Davina was "finally" seeing where Sean lived. That means that at no time prior to that did she come to his home when he was back there because of work.

Again, IMO, I feel like Sean was much more to blame than Davina but she is not squeaky clean and I'm confused on why so many people can't admit her flaws and areas that she needs to work on. I still support her and feel like she got a really crappy deal with the whole thing, and that Sean was not right for her and that he was wrong in what he did, but I can also say that she played a part and I would have liked to see her take a little responsibility. Even just a little.

As for the actions of the experts, IMO they were probably too emotionally invested at that point and probably shouldn't have been present, or at least conducted themselves in a less dramatic manner.

Please note, all of the above is strictly my opinion Married At First Sight - Season 2 - Sean Varricchio - Davina Kullar - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* #2 - Page 75 1710264613


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Post by anOldBMW Wed Jun 17, 2015 1:05 pm

Boomshakalaka wrote:what irritated me was the so called 'experts' telling Davina how she should feel about the experience instead of listening to what Davina had to say.  They match her with a guy who had no interest in being married, loved to talk about himself,  had never been in a long term relationship with a woman, spent 10 days out of 42 with her, and has the emotional maturity of a 2 year old....and they act like Davina is the problem?  Davina may have her issues, but this thing was a failure from day one and once Davina figured it out she was pissed, as she has every right to be.  i think given the circumstances, Davina handled herself well.  i would have gone off on those experts.

The eye rolling from the experts was way out of line and totally unprofessional.

Did anyone else notice the way Sean walked out onto the set...all slumped over and very timid like?  do you think he is really that timid or was that just for show?

Exactly, I'm ITA with you.

Regarding your question at the bottom, my answer is, it was all for show.


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Post by razielle Wed Jun 17, 2015 1:13 pm

TwinkleB13 wrote:Davina but she is not squeaky clean and I'm confused on why so many people can't admit her flaws and areas that she needs to work on.

Well, for me, it's not a question of whether Davina has areas she needs to work on... just because it was a moot point to work through those areas *with Sean*

If the show were, "Are you marriage material" then sure... keep trying to smash Davina into the hole that makes her the perfect wife.
But this show was on making a marriage work, and this marriage was a sham.

If you look at it this way: If they had paired Jaclyn with Sean, and Jaclyn felt Sean isn't genuine, so she gave up on trying...
would it matter that Jaclyn does things like tending to put guys in the friend zone, or wanted more sex than Sean was willing to give (wink!)
It'd be a chore to just "go through the motions" when your heart was in it and you're feeling let down.

So that's why I felt that all of the back-and-forth "he did this, she did that" and "he didn't want to move" etc. was all just dramatic blather. Or as someone put it: deadhorse


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Post by TheEyesHaveIt Wed Jun 17, 2015 1:30 pm

It's pretty clear from both Sean's behavior and his own words that he suffers from anxiety. I think that was at play in his body language as he walked onto the stage knowing that he would be talking about his relationship with Davina and meeting up with her for the first time in many months.

But, for the billionth time, where were the experts who should have screened out a man that not only had unresolved legal issues but has pretty significant anxiety?? Not that Sean can't find a mate who can support that....he's just that THIS SHOW is not the way for someone with tremendous anxiety to find a mate. WHY was he cast? That is a total mystery.

I personally find something about his behavior off-putting, I can't put my finger on it...but I wish him the best. Even some of the horrific behavior I saw on this show had something to offer people who are trying to improve their own relationships.


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Post by TwinkleB13 Wed Jun 17, 2015 1:31 pm

Well, for me, it's not a question of whether Davina has areas she needs to work on... just because it was a moot point to work through those areas *with Sean*

I guess this is where we disagree. While it's true that she was not going to work through those areas with Sean, it would have been beneficial to her to be able to take at least something positive away from this experience, and I feel that discovering the areas where she really needed work in a relationship would serve her well going forward. She said a few times that she has a history of letting things from the past bog her down and she gets in her own way. Regardless of who the husband was, I feel like she still would have done this, because she has not learned how NOT to do it.

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Post by makeupchick85 Wed Jun 17, 2015 1:31 pm

TheEyesHaveIt wrote:Minor point of clarity: The barstoolers are not in a professional relationship with the cast members.  They may be offering expertise (or not...) from their own fields, but the relationships aren't client-therapist, so the traditional expectations of a therapist's behavior to their client don't apply.  

Right about now would probably be a good time for all six of them to sit down (individually) with someone who IS their therapist.
I disagree. They are getting paid to perform a service in their field. While not done in a traditional setting, certain traditional expectations still apply. I think remaining netural should be one of them.  

My personal opinion after serious consideration is that Sean is gay. I think Dr. C took a liking to him after meeting him through Doug, and used this as a launching pad to help someone he was sweet on. This is all speculation, but let's just say my speculation comes with years of Entertainment first hand knowledge behind it. I'd bet every dollar I have that I'm right.

Eta: I don't believe for a second that Sean has anxiety.


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