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Post by HodanG Fri Oct 03, 2014 7:55 pm

I hope this interview doesn't make Sam seem as an victim!

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Post by HodanG Fri Oct 03, 2014 7:58 pm

Sam looks like she's going to cry! Poor girl! Can't wait to find out blakes story

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Post by AllAboutLove Fri Oct 03, 2014 7:59 pm

emusha wrote:just watched it...interesting...i'm no expert or anything and this is what i'm sensing

sam shakes her head while she says "why would you propose to me, what a joke" according to online body language cues that's an encouragement for the listener to agree. sam's facial expressions are generally either full on or she has a "listening cautiously - not trusting what she's hearing look" in this instance she's in between -- she seems to be leashing her thinly veiled anger seemingly brimming exactly below the surface ...she says "i feel a bit played..a little bit" -- repeating a phrase she seems to not want to come across too strongly on that point -- she seems a bit unsure of herself in that moment that she's not sure if she can SAY that he played her which indicates she may not believe that fully or feel confident that she can say it fully (for fear that she might get discredited -- this isn't her girlfriends she's talking to) -- then she lets it rip and her obvious trust issues are back in fuuull force and veryyy visible "what a jackass"...

blake looks to the left and down when he says "i do love sam, and she's a beautiful person" as a left-handed person that is a signal usually to the right for a right-handed person "Looking down and to the right can indicate that they are attending to internal emotions." he does this a couple of times during the interview -- blake seems very involved with his emotions where as sam seems alert and very aware of the interviewer blake also gives this look
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to me that looks like he's completely tortured and heartbroken

then looks down
"Looking down involves not looking at the other person, which hence may be a sign of submission ('I am not a threat, really; please do not hurt me. You are so glorious I would be dazzled if I looked at you.')
Looking down can thus be a signal of submission. It can also indicate that the person is feeling guilty." he did this look when sam was questioning him about how he knows its taken her so long to open up...she doesn't want to make a fool of herself if he's picked someone/made his decision (during a cocktail party where she had a red minidress on and blake had spent the ghost date soley focused on jess -- to me that moment he looked guilty -- he also touched his eye while talking to sam that time) history of body language is key to understanding how ppl emote via their expressions

he is a very emotionally intelligent man (growing up with women helps!) i remember seeing a response to his rationale for wiping his eye around laurina saying he didn't want to have her feel like his eyes were watering cos of the emotional gravety of how he felt about what she was saying to with that in mind its obvious he's someone who is fully cognizant of his emotions and how they come across he's also careful to control them and how they appear if the moment calls for this moment that indicates that he's either truly devastated or this is a "pity me/sympathize with me" look since he's very aware how he'll come across

this is sam's fully angry face when she says "what a jackass"
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she actually smiles towards a laugh at the end -- this girl is pi55ed and she is very sure of herself  

from watching this i'm wondering if channel 10 is under blake's spell and are taking it word for word that what he tells them about sam is the truth -- chloep who seems to have insider info (and was pro the couple before that info) suggested that sam might be milking this to appear peachy and perfect when she might actually be also at fault... with blake having the best of intentions...

that might be true but i have a sense based on a few points... my sense is we can make a guestimation based on their demeanors where sam is totally ticked off and completely sure of herself (not showing guilt) that 1. channel 10 heard about the breakup and what happened from blake 2. we've heard from a high school ex of blake's and his most recent ex that it's easy to fall under his spell 3. I do stand by my observations of how blake behaved with jess, sam in ep8, chantal when she questioned him and maybe even laurina a lil bit that he does have a tendency and skill to maneuver/manipulate situations -- he's also a real estate agent whose sole job is to use emotional IQ to come off at the side of a buyer to make a big sale/commission on a house...

i'm not saying sam's not at fault - i think they both share the blame but i don't know if i can by that blake is totally looking out for sam's interests and taking all the blame for her either....there's more under the surface and maybe channel 10 doesn't know yet and chloep's sources aren't aware of it...

i do think in aussie more than in US the relationship between blake and the production team is much much more close than with the girls ...even osher made it clear that he rarely ever interacted with the girls or even knew where they stood/what they thought... the girls seem to be in their own section of bach world -- their own bubble of bonding... so based on this it's not at all unfathomable for me to see two camps and stories potentially starting to form

1. production/channel ten (esp with that blake-only announcement) + blake
2. sam and the girls

if so this might get a bit ugly...
from rochelle's interview it is very very clear that the girls are treated as required to perform...she felt veryy resonsible and guilty for not being able to give them what she wanted but then she had a year long devastating journey of getting over the hurt of betrayal MAINLY by the production team who led her to believe the wrong thing...again emphasizing the point that production and tim being one camp and the girls esp the jilted ones being "collateral damage" the show didn't even provide her with ANY support system...and both anna and rochelle admitted that sans fam+friend support the girls fully relied on each other despite them dating the bach...

this sounds like a VERYYYYY different dynamic between production/the girls and the bach making me also interpret the potential meaning of what kind of insider info and stories we hear from these various directions differently than we would in the US bach... i.e. i would not be shocked at all that sam would be completely thrown under the bus while sam is completely indignant and angry about blake AND production. again -- in the US elan, other producers etc. form very close relationship with the contestants...they are their support system and they usually milk it for their purposes...the contestants aren't the support system for eachother production is their main support system cos they're not competing with them....

I agree with many of your observations and assessments here, emusha. Spot on!

Regarding the bolded....

1) Blame game seems to be the name of the game post-season.....  Blake + Sam = Blame

2) Girls being coached to perform vs. Production Team+Blake girls.....
I mentioned that on the "Yacht Date in South Africa"... it appeared to me that Sam had been told she needed to tell Blake how she was feeling. She evenly looks DIRECTLY at the camera just before she tries to get it out. Blake at the end of their date says to her... "Thank you. You alright?" This indicates Production+Blake vs. Sam/girls...

Also, they made the season heavily invested in the personal "Life of Sam"... Maybe the were pushing her for more than she was wanting to give based on what they saw in regards to her wanting to leave? Maybe they encouraged Blake to make her stay since they had this "personal life story of Sam" theme going on and her whole... let her walls down/skepticism about the whole process which Sam's brother, Jeff reiterates in his recent interview that she was skeptical from the getgo and that he imagines Sam is very upset and that Blake wouldn't be welcome back to their home.

Sam became a bit of a promotional ad throughout the show. Even with all the "toasts" in South Africa promoting all things Africa. Also, the necklace.. you can win it too? And Bunda, Bunda, Bunda. Sam was there... she tried on the very ring she would get in the end... they knew she would be most affected by this as she had never touched diamonds.

If it is true as it appears to be that there are TWO CAMPS, then they were definitely leading Sam on to "open up" and coaching her... and they were giving us hints all the way through it was Sam, Sam, Sam.  Case in point: the photo of the proposal where we saw Sam's nail polish? The Bunda ring? Intentionally left there to be sure. They hinted, glaringly obviously at times, that Sam was it.

The statement by Channel 10 made was very anti-Sam and pro-Blake. TB is what they promote... the girls are just moving parts to their story. Sam was the easiest target to move around because they (Production Team+Blake) could more easily play on her skepticism and emotions and thus get the audience more invested because if SAM is convinced then we too can be convinced (it didn't work with Laurina, she went to get a mint!! Funny how MINTS played such a role in the show.... Hmmm.)

So all of this... may be why she seems, as you stated, that she felt played. Not just by Blake but the actual production team as well. I am certain then, if this is the case, that this explains why Sam had that smirk we SC when Jess left. She didn't seem concerned in the least about going home. She had the same smile last two RC.. she had been told prior to ceremonies not to worry. For her it worked because it was always about her doubts anyway. And then in the proposal, Blake talks about having "no doubts, no doubts"...

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Post by emusha Fri Oct 03, 2014 8:18 pm

AllAboutLove wrote:

So all of this... may be why she seems, as you stated, that she felt played. Not just by Blake but the actual production team as well. I am certain then, if this is the case, that this explains why Sam had that smirk we SC when Jess left. She didn't seem concerned in the least about going home. She had the same smile last two RC.. she had been told prior to ceremonies not to worry. For her it worked because it was always about her doubts anyway. And then in the proposal, Blake talks about having "no doubts, no doubts"...

you know what MAYBE that's why sam had that funny hesitant stumble when she said "i felt played a bit...a little bit" maybe she was refrring to something she's obligated NOT to say -- that she felt played by the show...she had a what maybe a bit of a similar expression in ep8 when she described wanting to leave -- she even looked in the direction of the camera in a moment of realization that she has to temper her speech cos she can't say she's pi55ed at production for bringing on intruders...a moment of wanting to say something but knowing she can't fully say it... like i mentioned i do think she would have a LOT to expand upon with that point if she was in an intimate space hashing it allllll out with a girlfriend she could trust...

interestingly rochelle's sense of betreyal was directed at the show... and feeling played by them...she was pretty upfront about it a few weeks ago in her intrerview but never said anything before that...

aerina wrote:

i also agree by watching the preview that it was a two-sided thing that lead to them breaking up. the cause of it is yet to be determined and i don't think we're actually going to get it. i feel like communication was missing between them. i feel like blake was avoiding the issue with sam and promptly broke it off, thus her tweet about her being "in the dark." sam has a feisty side, so i would not be surprised if she prompted an argument with him and he got scared and went into hiding and they never spoke since.

i really wonder what triggered the cold feet... and his explanation is not an excuse. couples compromise. previous seasons of the bachelor have shown it's possible.

this is plausible -- i did find it interesting that blake said in one of his interviews -- we've had more communication post-show than we ever had during the show ...this was said in a "hmmm i'm finding out things i had no idea about" kind of tone though he did drop it pretty casually but maybe you're right i do think - not only blake but many men punk out of confronting relationship issues when they feel like they want to break up (women do it too but as communicators they may not as often) i do think blake's handling of conflict was not fully revealed pre-finale and i do sense he's used to getting things to go his way (mannn what his exgf said is coming to light sooooo much it's crazyyy hahahaha giggling  ohh how the truth ish hits the fan!)

mercieme wrote: I will be happy if Blake sheds a tear though....because he has proven to be quite emotional on the show, he cried when both Jess & Lisa left. Breaking up with Sam should top those in my opinion, this was the person he "was in love with" just 6 weeks ago!!!

you know what -- i don't know if they are in that vulnerable space with each other anymore.....his statement said "feelings change" maybe his feelings DID change it's insane what sam predicted might have happened exactly "but do you really know who i am"

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Post by california90 Fri Oct 03, 2014 8:24 pm

Does anyone think its possible if Sam comes out the winner in all of this, that she would be considered for 'Bachelorette' gig? (No idea if they want to try to go there) This whole season was pretty much about Sam.


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Post by Guest Fri Oct 03, 2014 8:33 pm

california90 wrote:Does anyone think its possible if Sam comes out the winner in all of this, that she would be considered for 'Bachelorette' gig? (No idea if they want to try to go there) This whole season was pretty much about Sam.

It would be amazing if she did an Emily. Although I don't think she has a shortage of men now! I think she's the type of person men totally swoons over -- the whole fun and bubbly, girl-next-door typical Aussie chick. Haha!

Last edited by aerina on Fri Oct 03, 2014 8:48 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Post by mercieme Fri Oct 03, 2014 8:34 pm

california90 wrote:Does anyone think its possible if Sam comes out the winner in all of this, that she would be considered for 'Bachelorette' gig? (No idea if they want to try to go there) This whole season was pretty much about Sam.

That's actually a good idea for the producers to use & repair the image of the franchise after this fiasco. The Bette series will be challenging in Australia because the woman can't afford to do things that garner name calling such as kissing a lot of dudes & I think unlike the US series the Bette might need to be pursued rather than be the pursuer. So I think it will be a tough call for the producers. I wanted Louise as the Bette before but Sam would be awesome, she just radiates on the screen.


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Post by emusha Fri Oct 03, 2014 8:38 pm

aerina wrote:

another radio interview with jeff, sam's brother, who pretty much doesnt know anything in regards to the break up hahaha. he just said that Bachie wasn't keen on her anymore. which still boggles my mind. if anything, i would've thought sam was going to do the breaking up.

haha!! awwww jeff is hilarious "i'm a nice fella...josh is a bit intimidating"!!! their whole family seems like a hoot and just too much fun!! giggling ...his protective side was coming out -- "feel a bit sorry for little sam...put herself out there. wonder what he was thinking saying all the things he said. she was skeptical to open up and he shot her down."

also tim tweeted what we were thinking THE MESNICK!!

Tim Robards Official @MrTimRobards · Oct 2
Switcheroo? #TheBachelorAU

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Post by california90 Fri Oct 03, 2014 8:54 pm

mercieme wrote:
california90 wrote:Does anyone think its possible if Sam comes out the winner in all of this, that she would be considered for 'Bachelorette' gig? (No idea if they want to try to go there) This whole season was pretty much about Sam.

That's actually a good idea for the producers to use & repair the image of the franchise after this fiasco. The Bette series will be challenging in Australia because the woman can't afford to do things that garner name calling such as kissing a lot of dudes & I think unlike the US series the Bette might need to be pursued rather than be the pursuer. So I think it will be a tough call for the producers. I wanted Louise as the Bette before but Sam would be awesome, she just radiates on the screen.

Interesting - I guess double standards.

I thought Louise would be perfect as the bachelorette too.


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Post by mercieme Fri Oct 03, 2014 9:11 pm

emusha wrote:
aerina wrote:

another radio interview with jeff, sam's brother, who pretty much doesnt know anything in regards to the break up hahaha. he just said that Bachie wasn't keen on her anymore. which still boggles my mind. if anything, i would've thought sam was going to do the breaking up.

haha!! awwww jeff is hilarious "i'm a nice fella...josh is a bit intimidating"!!! their whole family seems like a hoot and just too much fun!! giggling  ...his protective side was coming out -- "feel a bit sorry for little sam...put herself out there. wonder what he was thinking saying all the things he said. she was skeptical to open up and he shot her down."

also tim tweeted what we were thinking THE MESNICK!!

Tim Robards Official @MrTimRobards  ·  Oct 2
Switcheroo? #TheBachelorAU

If Tim tweeted that out then there might be some merit to the rumor then. Seems some of the girls from his season are close to the girls on Blake's season. Even after Monday, I can see this break up story continue to grow more legs because I just don't think Blake would say exactly why he broke things up. Next thing we know someone saying they are with Blake's child is going to call into a radio station!!!!


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Post by AllAboutLove Fri Oct 03, 2014 9:13 pm

emusha wrote:

also tim tweeted what we were thinking THE MESNICK!!

Tim Robards Official @MrTimRobards  ·  Oct 2
Switcheroo? #TheBachelorAU

If this is true and it is Lisa then that will confirm my suspicions that I brought up concerning her actions on the show (being so confident about her and Blake during the 2-1 date with Sam) and social media activity (following Blake, posting photos with Blake in them, no post supporting Sam since breakup thought the other girls have and yet Sam and Lisa sooo close?)

Also a switcheroo doesn't mean a change of heart as with Mesnick's. The scandal could cause the switcheroo girl to bail on him (making him even more sad and maybe reason why we might see him sad in the upcoming interview???). Or, it was already broken off long ago with the other girl that has been implied.

Definitely feels different from the Mesnick situation.

Sam looks more pissed/incredulous than devastated to me. So something has to be behind her revealing an emotion other than absolute devastation (from what I gathered in the preview she doesn't look devastated that she was dumped) and if it was a recent breakup there is no way this girl will be able to keep it together emotionally if her heart was completely shattered.

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Post by Sundy Fri Oct 03, 2014 9:16 pm

Louise has been the one that has been super quiet in all this. Not a peep that I could find. There never seemed to be much of a connection between Louise and Sam though. I haven't watched the promo for the project but does Sam do that pursed lip thing. She did it at various times throughout the Bach. I think on the mint date, at the proposal etc. not sure what it means whether it's confidence or close to tears but she does do it quite often. Could be a clue of genuine emotion.

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