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Post by Pattycake92 Sun Aug 04, 2013 8:16 pm

There's no clues to :detective that Chris or Drew were chosen. In fact, I would say that Des own words of "I can't love them like that" as a HUGE clue that she does not choose either of them.

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Post by nutty1 Sun Aug 04, 2013 8:16 pm

Chris just posted a picture of a poem on IG……I put it in his thread. Doesn't sound like a F1 poem. Reminds me of Lindsey pinning sad things on pinterest. He is in CA though…..his locator is on. I am guessing they are all there by now.

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Post by Tiggerlgh Sun Aug 04, 2013 8:17 pm

Aunties_Love wrote:
sydney1 wrote:Remember Roberto it was like he dropped off the face of the earth. If it had not been for a poster who worked for State Farm who saw that he had applied for an insurance license in CA it would have been the same as Brooks.  And believe me Ali was everywhere. .....
The thing with Ali and Roberto, Roberto lived near Ali so it was easier for them to get together.  Wasn't one in San Diego and the other in San Francisco??

Didn't Roberto live on the East coast and move to San Diego after the finale?

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Post by Piper61 Sun Aug 04, 2013 8:17 pm

ImeldaMarcos wrote:
treschicas wrote:Imelda...what are these sources saying that proves Brooks is F1...have they seen pictures or is it just someone's word? I'm just curious cuz all these spoilers say Brooks is F1 but there is no evidence or proof of it.

While we do not have ANY sleuthing evidence at this time that indicates Brooks = F1, the certainty of those posters and admins that I trust tell me that I can be confident that he IS. I am sorry that is not good enough for some people, it is for me. I have not asked what info was given to the many sources who posted the spoilers, they could not tell me even if I did. No one would ever give them info should they out their source. If they are wrong in the long run and were misled, they are the kind of folks that will stand up and say so. In the end, I remain confident they will not have to do so. That's all I've got folks.
yes  I believe the spoilers because of those on this board reporting it, and confirming it so late in the game, even after the breakup.

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Post by Aunties_Love Sun Aug 04, 2013 8:18 pm

LLiza wrote:
Aunties_Love wrote:
latergator wrote:
Aunties_Love wrote:
latergator wrote:thinking about the f3 clause... Des would be unaware of that, didn't she leave at F4 on Sean's season? so all this time that she has been understanding where Brooks was, how he didn't need to tell her certain things because she totally understood, she had been there herself. but this break-up, this she would not have anticipated because she knows nothing about that.  Des asked Brooks, you were so certain on the htd, what happened. he tried to explain as best as any man can but couldn't get out to her what the road block was.

drumming my fingers here in frustration for the two of them  The Final One (F1) - Bachelorette 9 - Spoilers - Discussion - Page 23 Tappingfingers_zpsa6ff114c
I am going to disagree on the bolded.  I don't think that is a fair statement.  Both Chris and Drew stated what they wanted quite clearly.  I know of several guys that can open their hearts and express completely what they are feeling/wanting, so to lump it all together saying "explain as best as any man can" is somewhat generic and not really applying here.  There are 3 guys, 2 of which had no problem letting her know exactly what they wanted, and one that just couldn't.  Is that because he wasn't feeling it(he did verbally tell his mom/sister/chris harrison that he DIDN'T love Des so how are us viewers suppose to magically believe that he did all along and be fine with the ending after him totally breaking her heart.  I think her storyline continues and that she surprises herself and finds the true love that she wanted in either of the other 2 guys.  Problem will be; Does Brooks come back and what happens after that.

you know Aunties_Love... where you have been around on the boards for long and have been such a old time sleuther (per one of your posts last night)... I would think you would know this.  NO... Brooks never once said he did not love Des to either his mom, his sister, Chris Harrison or to Des.  don't follow the leader with this, go back and listen for yourself.  there is a difference in saying I don't love Des and I don't think I'm feeling like she is the love of my life; there are so many things I love about Des, but I don't know if I'm prepared to propose to her; I'm pretty sure that I know the difference, I have been close to proposing in the past and I know what that felt like (just so happened that girl cheated on him so his perception of love might have been flawed). part of sleuthing is checking and rechecking the information.

again, seeing as you are this experienced then you more than likely know that Chris and Drew have told Des they love her way earlier than normal, and so did a few others that left... and yet Brooks has not said it.  hard to believe that Drew said it even before they had their first one on one... I think I'm falling in love with you. I would say that they are a little premature in their declarations, sort of jumping the gun.

you wrote
I think her storyline continues and that she surprises herself and finds the true love that she wanted in either of the other 2 guys.  Problem will be; Does Brooks come back and what happens after that.

as much as you want to believe that... here are some facts outlined on last mondays show:  when Des was crying and telling Brooks not once, not twice, not three times, not four that she loved him... that even tho he broke her heart she still loved him... I love you she said directly to his face.  she said you're the only one I can say that to, I have not shared my heart with any of the others, I wanted to give my heart to only you, when I'm not with you I think of you every minute, when I went on dates with the others I always wanted it to be you.  I wanted you to meet my parents.  

talk about living in a bubble if you think that in a few days time, she comes to her senses and choses one of the other guys?  if all it takes is coming to her senses, how easy life should be.  wow, maybe she can come to her senses about being tall, or short, or a person of color, or rich, or a movie star, or some other nonsense. after hearing her declaration of love to Brooks, why would either Chris or Drew's fans want that for their guy, just so they can win?  if she picks either of them, and I don't think for 1 minute she will, they will not last.  her heart is with Brooks, and with all she said, that is not going away in a weeks time.

Look, no disrespect intended, but I will stand up for myself here.  If you go back and listen, he flat out says that he DOESN'T love Des.  He said that to Harrison and with his mom/sister, he never said that he loves her.  

Believe me, I NEVER follow the leader on anything.  I think and feel things for myself. A lot of what I think and feel may not be popular, but it is all MY thoughts/feelings on the topic and NOT because I am following the leader!! 

You are right, there is a difference in saying I don't love someone versus saying that I don't think I am where she is at in love or this process.  He flat out said to Harrison that he's NOT in love with Des.  With Brooks saying a line as:   "there are so many things I love about Des" in NO ways does that mean that he LOVES Des.

You are right, part of sleuthing is checking and rechecking info.  Another part is not to get lost in the triangle of wanting your favorite to be the final 1 left standing.  IF you have watched my posts at all, I think you would see that I am usually pretty even keeled and do refer to the screencaps, storyline and stuff like that versus the fangirling over a favorite.  Giving a free pass to your favorite is kind of like living in a :rosiecolored  bubble.  Sooner or later it MAY get popped(I have been on both sides of the coin). With sleuthing and being objective, you are able to see things clearer, and as I have said so many times, I have no horse in this race.  I just don't think that just because I want Drew gone because I want my fave of Brooks to win is the right way to look at things neither.

Before you get back to me, I am not saying that Brooks is my fave either, none of the guys are.  I just see differences in them and feel that her better match for the long haul is in Chris or Drew.  The guys that have stood behind her the whole way, the guys(especially Drew) that she has professed many times that she completely and thourally trust.

As far as what you have said here:

hard to believe that Drew said it even before they had their first one on one... I think I'm falling in love with you

Drew never DIRECTLY told her that before the 2 on 1 date AFTER their individual date.  YES he said it in ITM's but not directly to Des.

I NEVER said that either Chris or Drew were my faves, but when you look at the situation, I hardly think that Des is a cruel person.  Taking Drew out on that LCD with the horseback riding and sitting on the beach just to let him go as they are sitting there when she felt that she was going to let him go(as many Brooks fans seem to think) is a cruel thing.  I am thinking that she isn't necessarily saying goodbye to him there but more so talking to him about her feelings for Brooks and how Brooks leaving broke her heart.  Drew is sympathizing with her, telling her that if Brooks isn't willing to give it a go, then it will never work.

Finally;  I do understand that things are getting a little heated in here, but being condescending to the posters(me included judging from your post that I am responding to) just isn't the way to be IMO.

Auntie, sweetie -- you spent a lot of time writing that post, but unfortunately the Brooksie clan here is not going to change their minds -- he will always be perfect in their eyes, no matter what.  Even if you list one thousand concrete examples , they are not ready to hear anything other than their viewpoint.  That is OK.  Everyone can justify things in their own way.  Just save yourself some time and frustration and ride the ride until it is all over.  It is only a game -- a game that the producers are manufacturing.  None of it is real, rosecolored glasses or not.  Few will actually care if they stay together as long as they get their happy ending tomorrow night.  Truth is in the eye of the beholder.
Thanks Lliza. I just got called out for my post and my thoughts, so thought I'd respond. Thanks for your reply!! Hope you are having a great Sunday!!

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Post by nd4reality Sun Aug 04, 2013 8:21 pm

draven31 wrote:
Goldie2 wrote:
rosesrREd wrote:
treschicas wrote:Ariela....the 5 sources could be wrong if they are all from the same source, or if some are made up. or if the each source has a single source telling them the wrong thing.

I agree.  Those 5 people who have confirmed their source has told them so, could be the same source.  I doubt there are different sources for these people who spoil.  They are probably one in the same.

Everyone has their own people they go to for information-
They are not one in the same.
I am very confident in knowing where my information came from or i would not post it ever- nor would the others I'm sure.

This spoiler has been out all season . All sources are doing now is confirming their status -
that they are still together and happy.
Extremely unlikely these independent sources would ALL be wrong - including the mags and RS.
To my knowledge their hasn't been one source that is saying Chris or Drew are F1.

The reason being is because they aren't - it's Brooks. Not trying to dash anyone's hopes -
just trying to keep it real.

When was the last time the F1 spoiler was wrong.. Brad part 2. The problem was a lot of people saw the connection between Brad and Emily then. I dont remember when RS changed it from Chantel to Emily but it was before the last episode aired. The Chantal fans were pissed and Emily's fans were thrilled.  We also had Brad admit on camera to Emily that he was in love with her.

In this case we have only see Des talk about her love for Brooks. I know she likes Chris but she's not in love with him.  I think it's Brooks or no one. I hope those that doubt the spoilers are right are not overly pissed off that they were wrong.

Actually I don`t agree with the bolded at all. It was just a few people that `saw`the connection - very very few. The majority on the boards (it was over at FORT back then) `saw`the connection with Chantal and there was a tsunami of posts for Chantal and dismissing any of the posts against Chantal as F1 as - oh Emily is the next bachelorette therefore they are showing us _______ and ___________. I was in that minority and found it impossible to post that season. But there were also sleuths like CSW and others who continued to dig till they found evidence.
RS did not change his tune that season because he got confirmation from his source that he was wrong. He knew from the sleuthing done and then went to his source. giggling 

I doubt anyone that doubts the spoilers on this thread and elsewhere will be pissed at all :Woah-hoo: . They have questioned and sleuthed and that is all they can do. On the contrary - there is no evidence YET that Brooks is F1 ..........other than the spoilers. If there is then I`d like to see it. Post-show evidence that is, because the show is highly edited and stuff that could be obvious is on the cutting floor so far.

That should be the 1st clue that all is not a straight line to the finish and that line can zigzag tomorrow night like heck.

So I hope that those that are hanging their emotional well being on the spoilers are jumping from windows tomorrow night IF the spoilers turn out to be wrong. It works both ways.

Team #:tinfoil
iPad mini typos Embarassed  . So sorry.

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Post by nd4reality Sun Aug 04, 2013 8:24 pm

Tiggerlgh wrote:
Aunties_Love wrote:
sydney1 wrote:Remember Roberto it was like he dropped off the face of the earth. If it had not been for a poster who worked for State Farm who saw that he had applied for an insurance license in CA it would have been the same as Brooks.  And believe me Ali was everywhere. .....
The thing with Ali and Roberto, Roberto lived near Ali so it was easier for them to get together.  Wasn't one in San Diego and the other in San Francisco??

Didn't Roberto live on the East coast and move to San Diego after the finale?

Yes you are right. He lived in Florida and moved to CA to be closer to Ali.

Team #:tinfoil
iPad mini typos Embarassed  . So sorry.

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Post by Muslady Sun Aug 04, 2013 8:28 pm

nd4reality wrote:
Tiggerlgh wrote:
Aunties_Love wrote:
sydney1 wrote:Remember Roberto it was like he dropped off the face of the earth. If it had not been for a poster who worked for State Farm who saw that he had applied for an insurance license in CA it would have been the same as Brooks.  And believe me Ali was everywhere. .....
The thing with Ali and Roberto, Roberto lived near Ali so it was easier for them to get together.  Wasn't one in San Diego and the other in San Francisco??

Didn't Roberto live on the East coast and move to San Diego after the finale?

Yes you are right. He lived in Florida and moved to CA to be closer to Ali.

His State Farm office was in SC and he asked for/got a transfer to CA. I think his family was in FL.

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Post by yrkiemommy Sun Aug 04, 2013 8:30 pm

Muslady wrote:
nd4reality wrote:
Tiggerlgh wrote:
Aunties_Love wrote:
sydney1 wrote:Remember Roberto it was like he dropped off the face of the earth. If it had not been for a poster who worked for State Farm who saw that he had applied for an insurance license in CA it would have been the same as Brooks.  And believe me Ali was everywhere. .....
The thing with Ali and Roberto, Roberto lived near Ali so it was easier for them to get together.  Wasn't one in San Diego and the other in San Francisco??

Didn't Roberto live on the East coast and move to San Diego after the finale?

Yes you are right. He lived in Florida and moved to CA to be closer to Ali.

His State Farm office was in SC and he asked for/got a transfer to CA.  I think his family was in FL.

That is correct - it was in Charleston, SC

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Post by nd4reality Sun Aug 04, 2013 8:31 pm

yrkiemommy wrote:
Muslady wrote:
nd4reality wrote:
Tiggerlgh wrote:
Aunties_Love wrote:
sydney1 wrote:Remember Roberto it was like he dropped off the face of the earth. If it had not been for a poster who worked for State Farm who saw that he had applied for an insurance license in CA it would have been the same as Brooks.  And believe me Ali was everywhere. .....
The thing with Ali and Roberto, Roberto lived near Ali so it was easier for them to get together.  Wasn't one in San Diego and the other in San Francisco??

Didn't Roberto live on the East coast and move to San Diego after the finale?

Yes you are right. He lived in Florida and moved to CA to be closer to Ali.

His State Farm office was in SC and he asked for/got a transfer to CA.  I think his family was in FL.

That is correct - it was in Charleston, SC

Muslady, your avi is one of my favorite moments ever! Ashley did!

Yes his HTD was in florida but he lived in SC.

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Post by Aunties_Love Sun Aug 04, 2013 8:32 pm

LLiza wrote:
bamafan wrote:I only read a few pages so I'm not sure what is being said.  I just think everyone has a right to have  a favorite or not.  

Of course they do.  I don't have a problem with those here who have favorites.  I don't have one, but it is fine with me if you do!!  It all depends on how crazily one-sided they are.

In life, though, I take issue with extremists -- whether it be in regard to politics, social equality, religion, etc.  That kind of fanaticism only begs for others to react unfavorably, and I believe that those fanatics know full well that adversarial comments are imminent.

The same occurs here with a silly television game show.  When a poster goes too far to the extreme, ugliness is right around the corner.
Thanks for answering LLiza.

bamafanI don't know if you were responding to me either, but the only thing that I was doing was defending myself for being bashed and called out for my thoughts/beliefs. That's all. Hope you understand.

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Post by nd4reality Sun Aug 04, 2013 8:33 pm

So since this is the F1 spoiler thread and it is the eve of the finale - what 100% proof other than the spoilers and the recent confirmations do we have that Brooks is F1 question . I was out camping and wondered if we have anything noteworthy yet.

Team #:tinfoil
iPad mini typos Embarassed  . So sorry.

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