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Post by Hotmomma Fri Nov 17, 2023 11:16 am

I always thought he would chose Theresa.. But am doubtful.. as Leslie moved in the top spot.. even short little scenes (like her hearing suds) staying out of the drama.. etc..
I have no horse in this race .,

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Post by luvstx Fri Nov 17, 2023 11:40 am

You guys are driving me crazy! Just when I was sure it was Theresa, I now doubt it.

Just went back and watched the Season Preview on page 5 of this thread and found an interesting tidbit which may mean nothing. They have a voice over of Gerry saying the Trista advice: Stop looking for the woman you can live with (then there's a shot with Theresa and Sandra) and Starting looking for the woman you can't live without (shot of Leslie).

Got to hand it to the editors and producers....they are keeping us on our toes.

Will be interesting to see any new previews that come out for the finale.

Also, is there an ATFR?

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Post by CHO Fri Nov 17, 2023 11:52 am

It's just that we are almost at the end - and I have yet to see a convincing moment for Theresa.  I really thought there could be a possibility of his picking Theresa but I thought we would see something more last night and I didn't.  As Gerry says - their relationship kind of plateaued - even after the fsd - everything is so calm, rational, affectionate but I am missing the passion and playfulness that comes with new love.  It seems he is trying to convince himself that Theresa is right because they share the passing of their spouses.  But he always has fun with Leslie - they share the athleticism and the playfulness.  He probably feels younger when he is with Leslie !
It would seem strange for the whole show to be Leslie - and then an about switch at the very end ???  We really haven't seen anything with Theresa.  Yes, he's fond of her but more than that ?  What do they have in common aside from being widows and having grandchildren?
It would seem to have a switch at the very end - is more like the rational choice rather than from the heart.

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Post by Hotmomma Fri Nov 17, 2023 12:39 pm

CHO wrote:It's just that we are almost at the end - and I have yet to see a convincing moment for Theresa.  I really thought there could be a possibility of his picking Theresa but I thought we would see something more last night and I didn't.  As Gerry says - their relationship kind of plateaued - even after the fsd - everything is so calm, rational, affectionate but I am missing the passion and playfulness that comes with new love.  It seems he is trying to convince himself that Theresa is right because they share the passing of their spouses.  But he always has fun with Leslie - they share the athleticism and the playfulness.  He probably feels younger when he is with Leslie !
It would seem strange for the whole show to be Leslie - and then an about switch at the very end ???  We really haven't seen anything with Theresa.  Yes, he's fond of her but more than that ?  What do they have in common aside from being widows and having grandchildren?
It would seem to have a switch at the very end - is more like the rational choice rather than from the heart.

And he even told Leslie what Trista said.. this is where I wonder why they are showing every important convo with Leslie .. from multiple ILY.. and Theresa ( as I remember him saying it off camera!) We haven’t seen him saying it to her! Even the morning after he said to Theresa we will have grandkids watching.. you know how I feel!
It seems he is more “Alive ” with Leslie…

I think it’s going to come down to his heat over mind.. JMO

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Post by RizBiz Fri Nov 17, 2023 1:15 pm

Jumping in here for a quick minute. Just as a reminder of what I posted a while ago which still convinces me today.
I think it is important in this season to focus on the AFTER filming comments, interviews, etc more so than the 'regular' edit.
Something that has OFTEN been repeated by Gerry, AFTER filming, is the term, Watershed Moment.

(noun)  in the sense of turning point
an important period or factor that serves as a dividing line, changing the course

turning point  
defining moment
PIVOTAL moment - to pivot
tipping point

Something dramatically changes in the course, in the flow of the events of Gerry's progress. THE Watershed happens.
According to Gerry, it happens during the Fantasy Suites.

Therefore, the edit IS reflecting that.
Leslie has been the obvious F1 up till now. That was the fact going into FSDs.

Theresa WILL be the F1 after the FSs imo. After the Watershed Moment happens.

As to the lack of our seeing any passion, interaction, etc., with Theresa during the season, is because, most of that imo is on the editing floor. (OR being saved for the ATFR.)
For a reason. To support the story Production wants to tell.

I don't think Theresa made it to the Final Two if she didn't have a quality, close, significant connection with Gerry. More so even than his connection with Faith and Ellen.
I also think that Gerry and Theresa had more passion together during the season than what we've seen.  For example, screencaps show they  were kissing on TWO different Ferris wheels. On her HTD and and on the group date.
There are probably Hours and Hours and Hours of footage that we never got to see.
We didn't get to see much of the significant, relationship progression - Ie. Her talent wasn't shown. (She said later that she sang him a song about her feelings towards him. However, imo, we may see that yet...)
But she definitely was a front-runner from the very beginning.
The Cupcake kiss.
The First Date with the Theme of this season; Don't stop believing. Have Hope.

Remember, there are only TWO hours of airtime left.
They must still cover the Meet the Family, Gerry's convos with his daughters, the LCDs, the dumping of someone, Gerry's emotional time with Jesse, Neil Lane, the FRC ....
AND all the commercials.
ALL in two hours!
Leslie's sobbing clip "I thought you said you chose me" is her being dumped.
There is no time for a dump and get-back together drama in those two hours.

Theresa is F1 AFTER the Watershed.
Just all imho.


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Post by luvstx Fri Nov 17, 2023 1:52 pm

@RizBiz I hear you.

Can you remind me where Gerry talked about the Watershed moment? A print or video interview, right? I'd like to go back and see that again.

Also, just curious what you think about Leslie in the royal blue dress.

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Post by provenceguy Fri Nov 17, 2023 1:59 pm

I'm confused. Is Gerry's name pronounced "Jerry" or "Gary"? In his podcast today, RS said it was "Jerry".

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Post by RizBiz Fri Nov 17, 2023 2:47 pm

@luvstx Here's three for starters.  (Very end of article)

There are more. No time to look for them right now. Smiley

ETA. And as to Leslie in the Blue dress, my guess at this time is that it was a trial dress rehearsal type of thing.
That in her downtime, she was prepped with the FRC dress, make-up, hair, etc. being told that they are taking video in preparation for the actual FRC. This is often done prior to people getting married, where they shoot footage to give the bride an idea of what she will look like.
I can't see them BOTH actually getting to the FRC, after he obviously breaks up with one of them, regardless who that  one was.
One of them is wearing a FRC dress for show, since we know he broke up with one of them.

Last edited by RizBiz on Fri Nov 17, 2023 3:14 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Post by Sprite Fri Nov 17, 2023 3:11 pm

This whole season we have been repeatedly told that Gerry needs to find the one he can't live without. From the edit that would appear to be Leslie. Teresa seems to be the one on paper.

I don't know,  for me there something off about Teresa. I can't figure out what it is about her that bugs me. Maybe it is the saccharine sweetness. Those types always annoyed if they were trying too hard to appear proper. IMO she is trying too hard to appear perfect, whereas with Leslie I feel as if I see the real, complex  person...warts and all. Maybe that is a set up for the Golden Bette? Either way, I  don't know that I see a lasting future.

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Post by sdmom Fri Nov 17, 2023 3:23 pm

ABC preview won’t let me take screen caps, so here’s the YT link

Tons of good screen caps so it will take me awhile to share.

Now, after the few screen caps below, I have a new thought:

Both women have FRC dress on. Leslie’s color (blue) matches Gerry’s suit, but his pocket chief is silver: Theresa’s color. Based on the history, F1’s outfit matches with the lead : Leslie 1 point.

What if Gerry couldn’t make up his mind and did not choose anyone at FRC? He told both women he needs more time? Then, at night, he went to one of the women and broke up with her? Never Happened before!
Or he chose one and immediately changed his mind at night?

Before, we assumed he broke up with one woman before FRC, what if it’s after FRC?

The Golden Bachelor - Gerry Turner - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 33 Img_5233
The Golden Bachelor - Gerry Turner - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 33 Img_5234
The Golden Bachelor - Gerry Turner - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 33 Img_5232

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Post by Billysmom Fri Nov 17, 2023 3:25 pm

I am completely befuddled.

But it occurs to me that with Leslie, Gerry is the rock, comforter & protector.
With Theresa, he has someone who will have his back, who notices how he is faring & tries to comfort him.
I'd be curious to know the dynamic between him and Toni... Toni was still working up till shortly before getting sick, yes?
If the family expresses a preference for Theresa, will that steer him in her direction, or make him realize he cannot give Leslie up?  (But then again we have the preview voiceover that we think is Leslie alluding to having thought he was picking her.... unless that was frankenbyted???)


But it is true that the finale is only two hours, so if we were left with thinking he has now flipflopped in favor of Theresa, is there enough time to go back the other way and still have a MTF/LCD/FRC??

Could the novel element be that he goes to break off with Leslie but realizes he cannot???

ETA: If he pulls a Mesnick I really don't think the audience will be as happy as Gerry seems to think we'll be.

He says, "I think I made a mistake".... was it in leading someone else on, or breaking up with the wrong person??

If the theme of the season is indeed "Don't Stop Believin'", does that suggest it's Theresa F1??

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Post by RizBiz Fri Nov 17, 2023 4:00 pm

@sdmom Regarding FRC dress colours.
Don't forget that those dresses were chosen well BEFORE the FSDs.
Going into the FSDs, with Leslie as the F1 contender, it would make sense that her dress was blue to match.
BUT since the Watershed happened, all of those details may not matter.

As well, a coordinating coloured pocket-handkerchief could always be added at the last minute.

Since he obviously broke up with someone that emotional night with Jesse, BOTH of them imho, are not going to be present at the FRC. These two shots could just simply be rehearsal pics.

@Billysmom Regarding the not breaking up with Leslie.
He spoke to Jesse about the breaking of good person's heart in PAST tense. He was torn  up about it because it was already done.
He was wearing a beige shirt when he knocked on a wooden door, walked down a hallway, cried on the stairs, cried over a balcony, and when he broke down with Jesse. Imo the same shirt.
Have we seen anything about a LCD with Leslie?
We have seen the LCD with Theresa which ended well. He was wearing a grey hoodie and she was wearing the black and white top. Theresa's room had Gerry entering Glass Doors. Not wooden.

Last edited by RizBiz on Fri Nov 17, 2023 4:08 pm; edited 3 times in total


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