Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #3

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Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #3 - Page 25 Empty Re: Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #3

Post by pavalygurl Wed Apr 04, 2018 12:05 am

kmick0890 wrote:
Maggenzm wrote:
mindless wrote:All I know is that judging by Google Maps those three parking spaces with the handicapped one in the middle are right across the street from Arie's place and right next to the neighbour's condo (if she really took that pic of Arie with the dogs from her porch). So I can totally see why she'd be annoyed by seeing his truck there day after day. It makes sense to me. She also mentioned the parking issue a month ago already when she posted some other gossip about Arie, so I guess it's a running lie then, if it's a lie. I tend to believe her, but that's JMO.

There is always two sides to a story, so until I hear Arie's side, I am going to give him the benefit of the doubt. JMO
In addition, what happen to loving your neighbor as yourself? The right thing would have being to go talk to him and not announce it to SM unless you have ill intentions .JMO

I believe, this is a bad neighbor who is probably not liked by others in the community because he can't keep his nose out of other people's busness. JMO

I get that Arie is in the public eye now, but this seems like an issue that could/should be settled privately. It seems like the neighbor likes attention. Also, does Arie's truck block that neighbors house etc? My neighbors park in front of house all the time, but as long as they don't block my driveway, I don't see the big deal. Also, I bet if Arie knew a handicapped neighbor needed that spot, he would find a way to give it to that person. I don't think he's that cruel.

Arie doesn't need to know a person with a disability needs the spot. It is not Arie's spot to take or give. Period.
I have a special peeve with folks who act as he appears to have.  It is more than a hinderance to folks with disabilities and their families, it is against the law.

Last edited by pavalygurl on Wed Apr 04, 2018 12:21 am; edited 1 time in total


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Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #3 - Page 25 Empty Re: Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #3

Post by Maggenzm Wed Apr 04, 2018 12:09 am

GuardianAngel wrote:I'd be filing a police report against the neighbour. I wouldn't want some lunatic posting online where I live, what kind of vehicle I drive, and pretty much stalking me because that's what she's doing by taking pictures, and harassing me.

I don't care how much she or her SO dislikes Arie. That's not the way to handle a situation that you're not happy with, IMHO. Her behaviour, to me isn't funny. I don't care who it is.

:yes: GA, this is not funny, it is crazy and not safe for Arie and Lauren. I hope he finds out about this neighbour online postings and put a stop to it.

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Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #3 - Page 25 Empty Re: Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #3

Post by mindless Wed Apr 04, 2018 12:19 am

sosleepy wrote:One of my siblings is currently engaged and planning to get married in a couple months. They haven’t been together long at all. A year (which is longer than Arie and Lauren). The engagement is fast. It’s giving me some anxiety and worry. 

My sibling’s situation gave me a new perspective on these quickie (and in the limelight) rushed Bachelor engagements. I’d be very concerned if I were Lauren’s family... and really can’t understand if they don’t have some concerns. All of the successful couples have said the real relationship starts now... and most take their time. I don’t understand what Arie and Lauren are trying to prove here with this massive rush. Unless that’s all it is... they just feel like they need to prove to the world. And that, to me, seems like an idiotic reason to get married.

I don't get the rush either. It's so easy to get swept up in the romance when you've just fallen in love, but you don't really know the other person at all after a few months. Sure, it can work if you're lucky, but the fact is that most relationships fail despite the initial infatuation. I wouldn't complicate things further by getting married to a near stranger. It seems like most of these couples burst out of the gate talking about wedding planning, but then they calm down and realise they might as well enjoy the engagement and get to know each other properly first. These two seem dumb and desperate enough to go full speed ahead though. JMO.

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Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #3 - Page 25 Empty Re: Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #3

Post by Lucas15 Wed Apr 04, 2018 12:27 am

Maybe it's just me and how I'm wired, but IMO what the poster's SO said to Arie in front of Lauren tells me all I care to know about his character - or perhaps I should say lack thereof. And IMO that the poster jokingly posted what he said tells me all I care to know about her character ...

If I were Arie I'd be looking for a new place - somewhere where I could take Lauren far away from both of those people as soon as possible.


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Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #3 - Page 25 Empty Re: Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #3

Post by stuckinsc Wed Apr 04, 2018 12:40 am

Lucas15 wrote:Maybe it's just me and how I'm wired, but IMO what the poster's SO said to Arie in front of Lauren tells me all I care to know about his character - or perhaps I should say lack thereof. And IMO that the poster jokingly posted what he said tells me all I care to know about her character ...

If I were Arie I'd be looking for a new place - somewhere where I could take Lauren far away from both of those people as soon as possible.
I don’t condone the neighbor’s behavior. I posted this already. 

I also don’t condone Arie blocking or using a handicapped space, no one should need to tell him or ask. The spaces are there for a reason, be a considerate human being and leave them free, in my opinion and the law’s opinion.

Sounds like Arie and his neighbor are both rude and inconsiderate. Neither of their selfish or negative behavior excuses the other IMO.

I don’t care if they get married on tv. I will not watch or DVR it. Arie won’t make another cent off me. I do not support people who are inconsiderate, especially to the handicapped. JMO.

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Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #3 - Page 25 Empty Re: Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #3

Post by mindless Wed Apr 04, 2018 12:48 am

Maggenzm wrote:
GuardianAngel wrote:I'd be filing a police report against the neighbour. I wouldn't want some lunatic posting online where I live, what kind of vehicle I drive, and pretty much stalking me because that's what she's doing by taking pictures, and harassing me.

I don't care how much she or her SO dislikes Arie. That's not the way to handle a situation that you're not happy with, IMHO. Her behaviour, to me isn't funny. I don't care who it is.

:yes: GA, this is not funny, it is crazy and not safe for Arie and Lauren. I hope he finds out about this neighbour online postings and put a stop to it.

Just want to clarify that she hasn't posted his address or vehicle. Arie has posted pics of his truck himself and his Airbnb listing is still up.

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Post by Mommyof2 Wed Apr 04, 2018 12:53 am

Alanna wrote:Wow Arie has some size insecurities imo.

Nah.  He races trucks, so it makes perfect sense that he would drive a big, fast truck.  laugh out loud. My ex was a racecar driver and he had some huge trucks with huge rims that were good for off-road driving.  laugh out loud

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Post by LoveDovez Wed Apr 04, 2018 12:56 am

vacayeveryday wrote:
Minney wrote:I actually thought it was funnier that he jacked up his truck and it won’t fit in the garage.  Like what 37 year old does that? IMO Wonder if Lauren’s having buyers remorse? giggling

IMO I seriously doubt Lauren is having "buyers remorse." I really think she can't wait to be married to him & to become the mother of his children. As much as everyone rags on Arie, he definitely doesn't seem to have a problem getting women to fall for him (Emily, Courtney, Sydney, Becca & now Lauren).

If Em loved him so much why did she not choose him when she had the chance to????? I think she was turned on by him and the attention he gave her, but loved him... Just NO.

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Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #3 - Page 25 Empty Re: Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #3

Post by Cocoasneeze Wed Apr 04, 2018 12:58 am

stuckinsc wrote:
Lucas15 wrote:Maybe it's just me and how I'm wired, but IMO what the poster's SO said to Arie in front of Lauren tells me all I care to know about his character - or perhaps I should say lack thereof. And IMO that the poster jokingly posted what he said tells me all I care to know about her character ...

If I were Arie I'd be looking for a new place - somewhere where I could take Lauren far away from both of those people as soon as possible.
I don’t condone the neighbor’s behavior. I posted this already. 

I also don’t condone Arie blocking or using a handicapped space, no one should need to tell him or ask. The spaces are there for a reason, be a considerate human being and leave them free, in my opinion and the law’s opinion.

Sounds like Arie and his neighbor are both rude and inconsiderate. Neither of their selfish or negative behavior excuses the other IMO.

I don’t care if they get married on tv. I will not watch or DVR it. Arie won’t make another cent off me. I do not support people who are inconsiderate, especially to the handicapped. JMO.

I agree with all of this. The neighbour sounds like a really unpleasant person. And Arie sounds like an entitled, self centered jerk, Imo. The neighbour being a douche doesn't excuse Arie. Also Arie doesn't need to be made aware of if any handicapped people might need the parking space. He is not allowed to use it regardless. Arie doesn't need to be told by the neighbour, that him blocking/parking in the handicap spot is bothering them, he, as an adult man, who has a driving license, he should know it already, and follow that law. Jmo.

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Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #3 - Page 25 Empty Re: Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #3

Post by Mommyof2 Wed Apr 04, 2018 12:58 am

Maggenzm wrote:
Diana wrote:
Good luck with that Arie and Lauren. So dumb. JMHO Rolling Eyes

I cant wait for this. When you know, you know. I just listened to Courtney Robinson on Steve RS and agree with her, Arie has found the ONE, so why wait? My husband and I meet in December 1977 and got married July 78. We have being married for 40 years this July.

Holy crap. Courtney actually said he found the one? That must have been tough for her to say out loud. Jmo.

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Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #3 - Page 25 Empty Re: Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #3

Post by LoveDovez Wed Apr 04, 2018 1:01 am

Amberish wrote:
sosleepy wrote:She has pictures of Arie walking his dogs (including Lauren’s) in front of his condo. Seems legit to me. Confused how that’s the “big tell” that the poster is lying.

ETA: also, if you live in a condo, I’m guessing chances are there are more people with special needs who need that handicapped stall. Higher proportion to normal home owners, who I’d wager have stronger likelihood’s of being able bodied. Of course douche canoe uses one of the stalls for his truck, so the elderly couple or the disabled tenant have to find parking elsewhere. I’d be totes annoyed too... if I were the neighbor. I have a neighbor that’s constantly parking their vans in front of our mailbox or where we put our garbage. It’s annoying as hell!

Like I say about my neighbors, same goes for Arie- clean your garage, dude. Stop putting other people out just cause you can’t fit your vehicle where it’s supposed to go.
Doesn't matter if it's a regular poster or not. Not saying Arie hasn't blocked a stall or not, ever or from time to time, because we don't know if he did or didn't. 

**IMO**The part that is total BS is Arie being fined numerous times. He's a licensed RE Agent and wouldn't do anything that would escalate to numerous fines. If only because he would risk the possibility of moving condo residents' listings. Would never happen where he lives. (Real Estate 101: Don't sh*t where you eat.)

Wasn't his driver license suspended at one time???

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Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #3 - Page 25 Empty Re: Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #3

Post by LoveDovez Wed Apr 04, 2018 1:13 am

mindless wrote:
sdmom wrote:I think my beef is more with HOA than Arie, because my HOA is ridiculous. They sent me a reminder because we park our car on the side, not directly in the middle, of our driveway! I am not following the rules in their eye, so I guess I am like Arie who does what he pleases?

Now I want to see a copy of Arie’s HOA parking rules.

Can you guys see how I feel about HOA?

I think there's a big difference between parking your car in the wrong place on your own driveway and consistently parking it in the few available visitor spots in the neighbourhood, let alone the only disabled spot. I looked at his neighbourhood on Google Maps (because I still had the Airbnb link in my browser history), and the neighbour wasn't lying about there being one single disabled spot. It's also between two normal parking spots parallel to the road, as in the cars are parked back to back. No matter which of those spots he uses, he's probably blocking the handicap spot, since his truck is way longer than a regular car. Long story short, he's a jerk IMHO.

The place I used to live if you parked in the visitors section you got your car towed. If you parked in the handicapped you got your car towed PLUS a 500 bucks ticket for it.... So he's seems to be getting off very lightly... IMO...

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