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Post by AllAboutLove Sun May 29, 2016 6:07 pm

I think these s/caps may be the night portion of Jordan possible 1on1 date in Uruguay/Epi 5 since the rose is very visible on his jacket lapel
- so possibly after being on the boat by Punta del Este (as sleuthed by @Katiebelle)
- Jordan is not on GD (sand dunes) so thinking likely 1on1 date and going by FIR Shawn B (Epi 5 first SD)
- The carnival costumes in the background from googling seem to be similar to what are seen in Uruguay (or Argentina). I don't think it is carnival itself but maybe just street celebration of some sort?

If not night portion to Uruguay/Epi 5 1on1 date, I'm thinking it could be SQT from Epi 7/pre-HTD RC.
- I don't think it can be 1on1 2nd SD for Epi 7/pre- HTD RC because there is a visible rose and typically 2nd 1on1 dates in that episode (Josh M, JoJo, Lauren) do not get roses so more like SQT/GDR (like Amanda).
- Also I don't think it is from Epi 6 as I doubt Jordan would get back-back SDs (it's possible though) nor SQT/GDR if he has 1on1 in Epi 5 (still possible though).

Atm I am thinking more 1st 1on1 SD in Uruguay night portion with possibility of being SQT/GDR in Epi 7/Pre-HTD RC in Argentina.

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Jacket looks same so possibly together? Looks like lighter top under jacket so may match?
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Post by AllAboutLove Sun May 29, 2016 8:53 pm

Bringing over from s/cap thread as requested by @nd4reality  yes
nd4reality wrote:Ok so there are 2 South American countries that celebrate the Carnival with street danincg. 

One is Brazil which I don't think they visited and the second is Uruguay which we have sleuthed that they do.

The dancing is called llamadas and they dancers wear skimpy things, bikinis and feathers in headgear much like what we saw in the sc of Jojo and jordan.
If someone can please google and provide a link of llamadas dancing that would be great.
I saw it on  and on YT also.

So the evening part of his date was street dancing in Uruguay in episode5 where he got the rose (fixed to the jacket in the dancing SC).

We also have a single SC of him wearing that jacket with a grey tshirt underneath. 
We also have another SC seen fro. One of the earlier promos that ABC ran that shows Jojo in a white dress where she says I am so happy which I believe is from this date.

Incidentally, she also says "that makes me so happy" in what seems to be a response to him  Telling her he is falling for her wearing the white top with blackish embroidery on the sleeves. On a separate occasion/dAte.

Basically one thing we have established imo that Jordan makes Jojo happy, because she has said it multiple times.NO SPOILERS - JORDAN  - Bachelorette 12 - *Sleuthing - NO Spoilers* - Page 5 2498057887
Sorry I am struggling to type on this iPad so putting together thhe SCs is impossible for me.

Great work @nd4reality  yes  I googled IIamadas dancing and bunch comes up with Montevideo, Uruguay so IA and also think this may be a confirmation for Jordan Ep1 5 1on1 date posted here in Jordan's thread.

I am thinking the other s/cap of Jordan kissing on stairs and at dinner with JoJo in lace blouse (so different outfit from dress dancing) where she says she is so happy is is likely SQT for Epi 6 or 7 then in Argentina.

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Post by Ladybug82 Wed Jun 01, 2016 12:20 pm

Bring the new Jordan and Jojo preview over here for y'all.

Ladybug82 wrote:New preview of the Jo's Hugesmile

***The video is at the top, lots of other clips below.  Haven't watched them all so, not sure if any contain spoilers.  There are no comments, just a lot of other clips. So... enter at your own risk and don't scroll down!  laugh out loud***

Wasn't sure where all you'd want it or if any SC's were needed, so copy, move and SC as needed.  bestbud!

Sorry, it seems the embed code is still wonky.  I'll try reposting it later today to see if that helps.  hmmm

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Post by agentcurls Wed Jun 01, 2016 12:23 pm

Re: ^Jorjo preview

JoJo is really into Jordan. Her BL is saying a lot. I think Jordan is coming from a good place in his heart. I wonder if he is truly ready for all of this? 

I wonder if this is another Charlie Maher/Trista situation though, where it's so hot and heavy in the beginning (a quick flame that gets extinguished as the process continues?).
He is still a big front runner in my book, however, his lack of Thailand SCs is still a concern.

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Post by Litta123 Wed Jun 01, 2016 1:05 pm

Thanks, Ladybug, for bringing this over!

I noticed at the end that JoJo rests her head on his shoulder as Jordan talks. This is the BL that we've seen in a couple of caps with Chase. I agree, AC. I think this BL from JoJo is helpful to identify who JoJo is drawn to and feels safe with.

I watched Ben's season, but didn't pay attention to these kind of details with JoJo. That's the problem with being spoiled (at least for me), I miss a lot of helpful clues. So if anyone (unspoiled) recalls, did JoJo take on that posture with Ben?

I think Jordan is definitely a strong contender for F1, but a life with him would look very different than a life with someone like Chase, imo. I wonder what JoJo really wants out of this?

ETA: Jordan sounds sincere to me in this exchange. I don't get the "I need to win" vibe or any "there for the wrong reasons" vibe. I also like that his emotions seem to be building at an appropriate pace for this kind of show. He's not over the top, too soon.

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Post by AllAboutLove Wed Jun 01, 2016 2:47 pm

Jordan is different from what I expected... not sure what that was but after the last two seasons I expected him to be more of a Shawn B (FIR) or Josh M (sports/jock) type of guy and so far I don't see that with Jordan.

Jordan got the FIR but he has not been cocky or arrogant about it and he seems to be much more of a beta type and kind of freaked out by Chad's all out alpha-ness which I can't blame him because it is way over the top (I couldn't imagine how Chad would act if Chad had got FIR!).

I'm not sure if Jordan is ready for marriage (especially given his edit in the season preview) and then again, I am not sure if JoJo is either, but I don't get a sense that Jordan is a meat-head/jock or box of rocks and other than Chad, Jordan seems to get along very well with the rest of guys and not be their "leader" either just because he got FIR.

I will say I felt bad for Jordan when Chad was going on about Jordan's brother and comparing Jordan to him. I don't know much about NFL but if his brother is famous/pro-athlete I don't get why that makes his brother better than him? I don't see occupation as a reason for Chad to say a person is better than another person just because of their occupation.

So far Jordan seems pretty normal but maybe with some famous ties? Kind of makes me think that he is similar to JoJo in a way with her brother (on RFL). I can still see Jordan as potential F1 but not as sure considering no s/caps of him yet in Thailand?

I will keep an eye on Jordan to see if his edit goes from physical to more emotional (ready to be engaged seems to imply it may) as that may indicate a more F1 edit but if not then possibly more physical or something else.

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Post by nd4reality Wed Jun 01, 2016 3:23 pm

I too keep waiting to see cockiness in his demeanour and find none.

He states it like it is. Zero sleaze imo.

While he admits to an attraction with Jojo he hasn't started gazing into the future with her, yet. Good pace.

I really like him, he's not classically good looking but it seems his looks are more from character and humor. I Like that. He's a self professed goofball. how can anyone resist that? 

He's a hot goofball.

The guys like him, he hangs with men and not the boys.

I'm looking forward to seeing the rest of this season shakes down. I'm super excited.

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Post by AllAboutLove Wed Jun 01, 2016 5:10 pm

Have any other FIR recipients been next leads?

I ask because I am wondering if maybe Jordan could be F3/F4 and so be potential next lead?

Luke's edit seems very next Bachelor but now that I think about it, maybe JoJo asking Jordan if he is ready for engagement could be a setup conversation to show he is ready if he is in the running for next lead?

I could also see the "ready for engagement" convo being part of F1 (overcoming doubt) or F2 (doubt that can't be overcome) but if spun positively I can see it more F3/F4.

Atm I am thinking he is either F1 or F3/F4.

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Post by nd4reality Wed Jun 01, 2016 5:39 pm

No fir recipients have ended up as next lead. IDK they typically self implode with that target on their backs and the presumed pressure.
We previously had a bachelor rule that the fir is never f1 but had enough(2 seasons)  to put a hole in that one.

Same with the first date person, goes up in smoke somewhere along the way. They start second guessing themselves and their relationship with the lead as the other relationships start fleshing out. Worst pick ever imo. No one has ever been f1 from that position.

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Post by agentcurls Wed Jun 01, 2016 5:41 pm

AllAboutLove wrote:Have any other FIR recipients been next leads?

I ask because I am wondering if maybe Jordan could be F3/F4 and so be potential next lead?

Luke's edit seems very next Bachelor but now that I think about it, maybe JoJo asking Jordan if he is ready for engagement could be a setup conversation to show he is ready if he is in the running for next lead?

I could also see the "ready for engagement" convo being part of F1 (overcoming doubt) or F2 (doubt that can't be overcome) but if spun positively I can see it more F3/F4.

Atm I am thinking he is either F1 or F3/F4.
No, not recently. 
F1s that have gotten FIR:

But most have been F2s (Tenley, Lindzey, Nick V) or below F4 (Ashley's  Ryan, Emily's Doug, Sharleen, Britt (almost the lead), Olivia

Re: Jordan... I agree with your standing on him

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Post by Litta123 Wed Jun 01, 2016 6:27 pm

^Me, three. At this moment in time, I see Jordan just like you @AllAboutLove. Either he is F1 or F3/F4(and potential next lead). The F2 has to have an edit that is believable as a potential F1, imo. Jordan's edit seems to have doubt built in from the beginning, so either that's his obstacle to overcome (F1)...or he's let go in the F3/F4 position. I will be shocked if he ends in the F2 position.

I know this is Jordan's thread, but let me quickly comment that Chase is my leading candidate at the moment for F2. I think there are just too many VOs pointing to JoJo's final pick where the edit ends on Chase. I think those are TPTB's initial attempts to get us to buy into Chase. I hope I'm wrong, but it feels like there are just too many of these VOs. It's like they're handing him to us on a F1 platter. Seems suspect to me.

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Post by agentcurls Wed Jun 01, 2016 6:31 pm

^are you talking about JoJo's VOs or Chase's?

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