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Post by emusha Sat Oct 04, 2014 11:01 pm

aerina wrote:^ Right??? Both Bachelors now have been known to be involved in the entertainment business. LOL.

Also, this has been sleuthed upthread, but did we confirm the last known date of when Sam and Blake were together? It makes sense now of that Instagram photo Sam put up a week ago saying, "Best day of my life."

that was sept 24th -- yea agree with you things were on the rocks at that time -- and sam isn't likely one to misdirect
3 weeks ago she also posted a photo of her 2 little bros with the caption "the loves of my life" i think that's an indication that she was feeling like blake wasn't the love of her life -- that's timed around blake's last in person interviews with sept 18th being when the anonymous caller called in...i'm actually going to listen to that to see what the caller was trying to goad blake with...

Re- the ex's email -- yea you see the date on it?? that's the beginning of filming...ridiculous

mercieme nothing yet to validate the louise rumor

Last edited by emusha on Sat Oct 04, 2014 11:43 pm; edited 3 times in total

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Post by emusha Sat Oct 04, 2014 11:10 pm

aerina wrote:
mercieme wrote:I want to puke with all these crap coming out about Blake..... I wonder how his family feels with all these news circulating about him. I don't see the public shifting their support from Sam after Monday, Blake is fried for real!!!

Aussie friends, how do you think the public will react to Season 3 of Bach AU? I feel like unlike the US fans of the Bach, the Aussie viewers will make Channel 10 pay for selecting Blake without a comprehensive background check but then people may let it go.

I find that Bachelorgate will have its pros and cons going into the next season but nothing that will hurt the network. Australia loves to hate trash TV, and there are a lot of people who are going to watch it for the sake of satisfying guilty pleasures or hate-watching, like Rosie. Big Brother Australia has been a polarizing yet very successful TV series here (although this year's season of BB is a pile of poop due to the boring contestants), and I can see it being in the same category as BB. So ratings galore there for Ten if they can deliver the same amount of drama next year. On the downside, Blake was very controversial, so the cynics and feminists will be even more relentless with the show, but what did you expect with a reality show centering around semi-polgamy, hahaha. I don't think that's even a downside, TBH. If it gets the tongues wagging, then it doesn't hurt. The people who are not fans will be watching in and checking up on the goss anyway, so more buzz for the show.

This "scandal" is tame anyway, compared to Jake and Vienna's break-up, Ben and Courtney, JP's season, and the Jason switcheroo hahaha. Unless some more news comes along on Monday or later on...

How do you think a bette season would fare aerina? someone had said people would be peeved about a woman aggressor cos expectations are that men woud need to chase her... say a season of bachette with ali or sam or rochelle?

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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Oct 04, 2014 11:13 pm

^^ To me, it all comes down to 3-4 weeks ago when the anonymous call was made. It has now been revealed that Blake didn't dabble in something sleazy, he is the owner of a male entertainment/stripper company.

None of the girls would want to be with someone like that unless they themselves are a part of that industry or find it just wonderful.

So there is no room for a Mesnick. Jason was a father. Not an owner of a strip club.

No TB franchise has ever had a bachelor who owns a stripper/entertainment company. This is why it is the worst scandal, in my opinion, in the history of TB. Behaviour is one thing, occupation another.

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Post by emusha Sat Oct 04, 2014 11:15 pm

see2love wrote:
atem wrote:
see2love wrote:
I found him quite bland and terribly boring after a few episodes. But i am also willing to give him the benefit of a doubt

Benefit of what?  He's a wimp and I would hope that he shared what the heck he really does for a living.  The show made him out to be something he isn't.

Oh i am sure the knew what he did for a living but "bachelor coded" it.
SPOT ON! I wouldn't be shocked if they got him a job as an auctioneer at this point!! they rented lisa a mansion didn't they?? he opened the business in 2013 that's pretty recent for a budding business to get off the ground -- i'd imagine around this time would be when he'd be contemplating moving forward with the experiment of the business, it starting to take root or what... it's interesting that he said he sold his car before starting the show... ready to move but then when interviewed about moving he said i'd def like the girl to come over to see perth ....seems he wanted to keep his perth homestead when he knew how much sam wanted to raise a family close to her sister's/what family means to her
his "ex" had posted that he's not tied to perth and could easily me this just sounds like he's open to opportunity...he was interviewed saying he wants to look around sydney for moving...

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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Oct 04, 2014 11:22 pm

Also, after this anonymous call (I think it was someone from the production team themselves who called) Sam posted her first IG photo saying "In the end this is all that matters" with her holding her niece. Same timeline.

I think the production team (especially if a woman) may have fallen under Blake's spell believing he was just a real estate agent/auctioneer and so they didn't vet him well enough. (We have all seen how these women fell under his spell).

As they were filming, things started coming out in the media (his ex, stripping, etc) ... eventually, if they didn't know already, they found out that his main occupation was in the industry the caller referred to. They set him up to expose him, not his behaviour, but his occupation.

Someone up the chain was duped by Blake to choose a person with an occupation history such as his. No other bachelor has owned a strip/entertainment company.

It boggles my mind.


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Post by yvi123 Sat Oct 04, 2014 11:24 pm

So much drama at the moment!

Slightly off topic but I found Laurina's interview by Popsugar quite interesting. Most of you have probably already read it! But I'll include some of it here anyway:

"PS: What about when you had the chat at the cocktail party, what was going on there?

Laurina: Oh, the editing of that killed me, watching that last night. So he said to me the night before, "How do you picture our lives together after this?" and we knew nothing about each other's lives! Like nothing. We had connected on a romantic, talking about what we want from love, but I knew nothing of his day-to-day life — I didn't even know what he did for a living until four days before that! I found the question inappropriate, "How do you picture our lives together?" and so the conversation flopped. So then the next day I tried to redeem it, because he got upset that I hadn't pictured our lives together — he said, "How could you not have pictured our lives together? What have you been doing in here this whole time?" — so then I tried to say to him, "I'm sorry I hadn't pictured our lives together! Let's have that conversation together. Why don't I tell you a bit about what my life is like in Melbourne, and then tell me about Perth?" And it was a very contrived conversation, because you've only got five minutes, and here I am trying to redeem myself not having pictured our lives together. So that's what happened there. And I feel like the editing made me look like I was babbling incoherently, which was terrible. It didn't seem contextual! So thank you, graceful exit, thanks.

PS: Were you able to ignore the cameras and production around you?
Laurina: I was, but Blake wasn't. He thinks that I wasn't, but ultimately he would not have a conversation with me that wasn't camera-appropriate. I'm a bit rogue — I was always trying to bring up things we weren't supposed to be talking about on-camera, and he got really uncomfortable with that. He would shut down and not communicate with me off-camera.
PS: That's interesting, because I asked him ages ago if he always felt pressure to be perfect, and he said he was just going to be true to himself.
Laurina: OK. He wouldn't speak to me off-camera, and that was for me the most important thing. I thought, 'If we're really going to connect, let's grab these moments where we can communicate off-camera,' and a couple of times he said to me, "Blah blah blah." I said, "What's 'Blah blah blah?'" And he said, "Just to make it look like we're having a conversation before we go on-camera." I was like, "OK, that's very engaging, how would you like it if I said, 'Blah blah blah,' to you?" And ultimately he was trying to do the right thing, and save it all for the camera, but to me I would have been able to establish a better connection on-camera had we had been able to get rid of that awkwardness off-camera, and then establish that comfort zone, so by the time we go on-camera it's super comfortable. Those moments were important to me and I couldn't get it out of him."


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Post by emusha Sat Oct 04, 2014 11:29 pm

LMAO "Blah blah blah"!!!!!! thanks for lightening the mood in here  cantstopl  cantstopl i love laurina what do you think yvi123? what do you find interesting about it? does it suggest that blake was playing along for the cameras?

So the annonymous caller
1. works for a website
2. it's about a "girl close to blake" 's past (f5)
3. hot or cold game began with "nudy pics on website" then got warmer at "Escort" a bit colder at "porno online" -- could have easily been stripping that falls between these

blakes face looked dumbfounded he barely said anything during the conversation looked like his throat got dry or something mouth dropped open and he just waited looking a bit anxious -- i wonder if he felt like he was going to be revealed!

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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Oct 04, 2014 11:35 pm

emusha wrote:LMAO "Blah blah blah"!!!!!! thanks for lightening the mood in here  cantstopl  cantstopl i love laurina what do you think yvi123? what do you find interesting about it? does it suggest that blake was playing along for the cameras?

So the annonymous caller
1. works for a website
2. it's about a "girl close to blake" 's past (f5)
3. hot or cold game began with "nudy pics on website" then got warmer at "Escort" a bit colder at "porno online" -- could have easily been stripping that falls between these

blakes face looked dumbfounded he barely said anything during the conversation -- i wonder if he felt like he was going to be revealed!

He looked around the whole room at his 'team' or handlers like he had been caught out/set up. I don't think they actually vetted him properly. He duped them. They realised it and so had to edit the show to make it seem just behavioral since during/after filming it was all coming out about his stripping past. Once the they wrapped filming they immediately protected Sam because they knew his occupation. They knew she wouldn't want to marry a guy who owns a stripping business. So they planted someone to call into the show. They also had Sam post the IG photo on her instagram. It was not to mislead us that she wasn't the F1 but to foretell that she would be dumped by the Bach. The whole narrative by TBAU has been foretelling instead of misleading this season.

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Post by yvi123 Sat Oct 04, 2014 11:42 pm

emusha wrote:LMAO "Blah blah blah"!!!!!! thanks for lightening the mood in here  cantstopl  cantstopl i love laurina what do you think yvi123? what do you find interesting about it? does it suggest that blake was playing along for the cameras?

So the annonymous caller
1. works for a website
2. it's about a "girl close to blake" 's past (f5)
3. hot or cold game began with "nudy pics on website" then got warmer at "Escort" a bit colder at "porno online" -- could have easily been stripping that falls between these

blakes face looked dumbfounded he barely said anything during the conversation looked like his throat got dry or something mouth dropped open and he just waited looking a bit anxious -- i wonder if he felt like he was going to be revealed!
hahaha I love Laurina too, especially her frankness! I definitely grew to like her more as the show progressed.
hmmmm, yes. It makes me wonder whether he was just that way towards Laurina because he never felt he had a "connection" with her & the producers wanted to keep her in, or whether he was that way towards any of the other girls as well...being warm on camera and cold off camera. He's certainly a great actor if the latter was the case! I so wanted to believe he was as genuine as he was portrayed!

i'm with you on that Emusha! He looked flabbergasted! Also wonder if he recognised the voice of the caller!


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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Oct 04, 2014 11:46 pm

Hahaha... just had a funny thought

Maybe Blake looked stunned/dumbfounded when the caller said one of the F5 girls were in the industry because HE is in the industry and he is thinking, I haven't seen any of them when I make the rounds. He was probably flabbergasted that someone has the same occupation as him.

Ha! giggling

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Post by emusha Sat Oct 04, 2014 11:46 pm

Here's my new theory which tries to make sense of what chloep was saying -- just making some reasoning out of it dunno how much of it is actually true/will come to fruition...

1. they found out the relationship wasn't really going to work very early on for some reason --who knows why! as much as we try to psychoanalyze blake or sam we don't know them as we feel that we do and the info we feel we might have (from the ex for instance) may not be as accurate as we think tho with maybe some smidgens of truth ...whatever the reason might be --
2.  i think sam was maybe offered the bette/or some sort of deal (that she can capitalize on) early on
right after when things weren't playing out as she was led to believe i.e. she'd thought she was engaged to a guy wanting to build a life with her -- she might have been shocked, sad and disappointed (maybe 3-4 weeks ago i.e. that way their relationship only lasted weeks and the doey eyed look on blake makes sense during those early interviews along with sam's change in tune and more frequent posting on instagram as we mentioned ^^^)  and had walked herself through the stages of grief to be able to land on anger more recently (hence her demeanor during the interview airing on monday)

Based on info from chloep

anywayssss chloep said that sam is more than happy to have blake be the bad guy and that sam would play that up even if that may not be real
chloep wrote:she is more than okay with having the opportunity to blast Blake and be seen as either the poor girl who got screwed over OR this kick-ass girl who won't let him off the hook.  2cents

these are the EXACT images  the previous pre-bachette ladies had shown to drum up their profiles so that the public will fall at their feet and beg them to become bachettes exhibit 1) emily, ali, deanna, trista?? the girl andy dated?? 2) ANDI, possibly deanna?

....maybe it is that sam would have been happy to "play along" while still harboring some amount of resentment to blake/rebellion (as seen in her IG posts)
chloep wrote: I just find it rather interesting that Sam is feeling as she was being played, when "playing" was something she wasn't against at all.  *Rolling Eyes* Let's just say that it was in Channel10s interest to make sure we have a happy couple for another couple of months. (one way or another, if you get my drift..) One party was up for the deal, the other not so much. You can guess who is who. Sam is going to get the media baking. I am sure of that.
I am also sure that the truth is gonna come out sooner than later... probably later.

...chloep also said that the interview likely wouldn't reveal too much and blake wouldn't reveal all that had gone down -- "he wouldn't go there" ...i.e. blake wouldn't reveal that

So i'm thinking whatever deal/bachette sam was offered she was down for playing along with the relationship but blake wasn't -- (this part REALLYYYY intrigues me cos of all the things he did the fact that he didn't want to pretend is the biggest clue to a positive side to blake or interests that contadict with him playing along)  so now when sam is on the interview she'd likely unlease all the feelings she has pent up inside of her (hadn't had a chance to vent) but in reality she might be playing things up for her own benefit as well at this point.... there are some shady things coming out about blake but he's human and not completely evil hehehe i do think there's a good maybe very broken (per recent evidence) sides to him --- maybe he broke it off with her cos he just didn't want to pretend and she's angry about that as well as everything else ...(the first break up could also have been mutual - that they just didn't fit/blake wasn't willing to move/they weren't really two people ready for the committment they'd set themselves up for etc...)

OHHH and one last point the SLEAZIEST  :vomit:  part of his ownership of the stripper/male ent business is his LIES about it. full stop.

Last edited by emusha on Sun Oct 05, 2014 8:33 am; edited 2 times in total

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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Oct 04, 2014 11:50 pm

^^ this may all be true but I keep going back to this...

Behaviour is one thing, occupation another.

Sam or Blake could behave sleazy/fake/nice/whatever ... that is not what the scandal is actually all about, neither is it what the caller referred to. It was about occupation.

So either Sam is a stripper (highly doubtful)
or Blake is a strip business owner (already confirmed)

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