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Post by AllAboutLove Fri Oct 03, 2014 3:13 pm

california90 wrote:oh gosh, this relationship went down in flames fast. it's the bubble, i tell you.

Not sure if anyone read my earlier post in Blake+Sam thread but I mentioned the focus was on THEIR EYES...

From ALL the screen caps I sleuthed, everything and I mean EVERYTHING, came down to what we saw in Blake's eyes. He looked at Sam differently from every single girl. Even when he said he had fallen for all three, ALL screen caps showed him looking differently at Sam.

Blake said .... when you LOOK at me I feel so loved...
Sam said.. when you LOOK at me I can tell you love me too

Blake and Sam had INTENSE eye contact. They literally would just gaze into each other's eyes. They were the ONLY two that constantly LOOKED at each other... think back to the date Blake and Sam had with Lisa on the couch as well... He couldn't take his eyes off Sam.... and this continued until the proposal....(other than Jess, but towards the end you could see from screen caps that Blake stopped looking INTO her eyes as much) 

Chantal even mentioned to watch Blake's face. Because of how he LOOKED at Sam. It was different. Even ALL the girl's acknowledged that during the WTA. 

I believe that things went awry because Blake needed to be in the bubble with Sam and have Sam looking at him with love in her eyes. ( remember how he said that Louise made him feel loved? the difference was he didn't LOOK at Louise like he did Sam)... Because Blake didn't get to see her at all it seems from all his interviews (too too weird considering it was only three weeks ago and they hadn't seen each other) and get that validation Sam loves him still, he never felt loved anymore which raised doubts (remember he said during HTD that Sam's doubts gave him doubts)... 

Obviously there is a lot more to this but I wanted to draw attention to what Blake said in his proposal about looking into Sam's eyes and feeling so loved... and Sam having told him on the yacht that she can tell by the way he LOOKS at her that he loves her too and he responded that that makes him really happy that she can "read" him so well...

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Post by Guest Fri Oct 03, 2014 3:17 pm

There's something that's not adding up. It seems everything that Blake's ex told us here is coming true. I listened to his ex and dismissed Blake for awhile, even stopped sleuthing on it because I just didn't care about the outcome. Then the fact that he picked such an awesome F3 started to change my mind. He certainly seemed to be looking for a genuine girl and I felt he did an amazing job of narrowing it down to them. I gave him credit for recognizing the qualities I saw in the girls. I am not easily fooled. I began to think he was sincere and my intuition is usually pretty good with these guys.

There was one crack in the FD show for me. I'm not bothered that he was falling for more than one of them, but he said something to Lisa that caught my attention. In the suite, which may not have been called an overnight, but was a hotel room- she said something like she was happy to be here with him and he responded that it had been in his thoughts for awhile. I took that to mean, he had been thinking about/fantasizing about when he would finally be alone and get to sleep with her. Anyone catch that comment from him?

I am going to keep an open mind until all the facts are in because if he truly is the cad his ex describes dumping Sam would not be his next move. He would play this for all it's worth. Put on a good show at AFTR and reap the benefits. Breaking up with her is disastrous for him. He would only do that if there is a legitimate reason or if he is really stupid which he's not imo. This move could prove that he didn't go on the show for fame because this break-up is smashing his reputation to bits.

Honestly, it was a terrible decision any way you look at it which makes me wonder if something big is happening. Lisa being pregnant would be big enough. Sam having a new boyfriend would also be, but if that's true, Sam should be honest. If all we hear is he wasn't feeling it anymore than he's a jerk for proposing and not giving it a fair chance in the real world. He's also an idiot for doing it now and bringing on all the backlash. The break-up could have waited if it's nothing more.

I'm not sure I made sense.. So it's not adding up for me because he can't be a player/cad and also destroy his reputation at the same time. Those 2 things don't go together. He doesn't come off as stupid, so I'm wondering if it's something big.


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Post by atem Fri Oct 03, 2014 3:25 pm

Relationships from this franchise don't work out all the time! That's why they have the ATFR show. It's just a way to talk about what happened after. Not this silly game the show is doing now.

Last time I looked, both of them are adults that can be in the same room and just have no audience and let them have their say!

Geez, it's not rocket science and there's only been a billion seasons in the US and other countries.

Anything I post means it's Just My Opinion.  Don't feel like posting it every time I post. So, I thought I'd get that out of the way.


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Post by Guest Fri Oct 03, 2014 3:32 pm

atem wrote:Relationships from this franchise don't work out all the time!  That's why they have the ATFR show.  It's just a way to talk about what happened after. Not this silly game the show is doing now.  

Last time I looked, both of them are adults that can be in the same room and just have no audience and let them have their say!  

Geez, it's not rocket science and there's only been a billion seasons in the US and other countries.

I took that to mean that the break-up happened very recently and they still aren't clear on what to say. It sounds like chaos that they are trying to sort out before publicly speaking about it.


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Post by atem Fri Oct 03, 2014 3:34 pm

From what I'm reading they taped their interviews already, so why not do it with both in the same room?

Anything I post means it's Just My Opinion.  Don't feel like posting it every time I post. So, I thought I'd get that out of the way.


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Post by Guest Fri Oct 03, 2014 3:35 pm

It's crazy how big this break up has gotten. I think it was the engagement aspect and how it ended so, so quickly.

This break up is so messy. I hope Sam and Blake get to actually talk to each other, hash it out properly so they can end things in a civil way so this doesn't become media fodder. From what we could tell, they hadn't seen each other since they filmed the finale. Couldn't they wait after the finale aired to talk face-to-face about breaking up or making up or whatever, especially since they were an engaged couple? I'm convinced their break-up happened over a phone or a Skype call. Seems like petty high school drama to me, drama that I was involved with when I was fifteen haha.

The break up must have been sudden and out of the blue for Sam to have the reaction she's having now. The statement Ten made was very much written from Blake's side of things.


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Post by Guest Fri Oct 03, 2014 3:38 pm

atem wrote: From what I'm reading they taped their interviews already, so why not do it with both in the same room?  

I hadn't read that. There are so many stories and pages to keep up with! I agree with you that they should have gotten their act together in time for an ATFR. All the speculation is making it worse for them, especially Blake.


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Post by AllAboutLove Fri Oct 03, 2014 3:39 pm

grace8136 wrote:There's something that's not adding up. It seems everything that Blake's ex told us here is coming true. I listened to his ex and dismissed Blake for awhile, even stopped sleuthing on it because I just didn't care about the outcome. Then the fact that he picked such an awesome F3 started to change my mind. He certainly seemed to be looking for a genuine girl and I felt he did an amazing job of narrowing it down to them. I gave him credit for recognizing the qualities I saw in the girls. I am not easily fooled. I began to think he was sincere and my intuition is usually pretty good with these guys.

There was one crack in the FD show for me. I'm not bothered that he was falling for more than one of them, but he said something to Lisa that caught my attention. In the suite, which may not have been called an overnight, but was a hotel room- she said something like she was happy to be here with him and he responded that it had been in his thoughts for awhile. I took that to mean, he had been thinking about/fantasizing about when he would finally be alone and get to sleep with her. Anyone catch that comment from him?

I am going to keep an open mind until all the facts are in because if he truly is the cad his ex describes dumping Sam would not be his next move. He would play this for all it's worth. Put on a good show at AFTR and reap the benefits. Breaking up with her is disastrous for him. He would only do that if there is a legitimate reason or if he is really stupid which he's not imo. This move could prove that he didn't go on the show for fame because this break-up is smashing his reputation to bits.

Honestly, it was a terrible decision any way you look at it which makes me wonder if something big is happening. Lisa being pregnant would be big enough. Sam having a new boyfriend would also be, but if that's true, Sam should be honest. If all we hear is he wasn't feeling it anymore than he's a jerk for proposing and not giving it a fair chance in the real world. He's also an idiot for doing it now and bringing on all the backlash. The break-up could have waited if it's nothing more.

I'm not sure I made sense.. So it's not adding up for me because he can't be a player/cad and also destroy his reputation at the same time. Those 2 things don't go together. He doesn't come off as stupid, so I'm wondering if it's something big.

I am thinking that he might have backed out because of Sam's inability to filter anything. If, and IF she had something on Blake she would DEFINITELY tell it on the ATFR. She herself had mentioned time and time again that she didn't want to play games and the truth just comes out of her. 

So, basically he was in a lose-lose situation. 

 Either he says nothing and comes across badly and cowardly (since HE opted for ending the engagement and not talking on ATFR) 

or ... he goes on ATFR and pretends... he cannot do that however, because if Sam had something on him she would make that public and known and then he would have to respond to that ON CAMERA.

So he had a choice... both of them make him look bad so he chose the one that won't give as much evidence (ON CAMERA) and thus leave some doubts for viewers to speculate ... it just becomes a he said she said thing from then on rather than an actually confrontation on camera between Sam and Blake.

So, him not doing ATFR can actually be him trying to save as much face ... I believe that is what Sam's TWITTER statement was all about..

"Blake is calling all the shots" ... meaning she was willing to do ATFR (I believe they had broken up long before this time) and yet Blake was NOT willing to do ATFR... 

That makes him look bad because he is hiding something...

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Post by GuardianAngel Fri Oct 03, 2014 3:40 pm

I would think Blake would have had to tell the producers, whatever actually happened, and he wanted to break off the proposal. Whether that was weeks ago, or recently, we don't really know for sure do we? If it was last week, I would think there has to be a good reason, it seems like an abrupt decision from what we are hearing.

I don't recall reading any rumours that they split, or maybe I missed it, but that's another reason why it sounds abrupt to me.

I blame the producers of the show and not necessarily Blake at this point for the way everything is being handled. It's not like he would have a say on how they handle it.

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Post by Guest Fri Oct 03, 2014 3:41 pm

What is it you think he's hiding?


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Post by AllAboutLove Fri Oct 03, 2014 3:42 pm

aerina wrote:It's crazy how big this break up has gotten. I think it was the engagement aspect and how it ended so, so quickly.

This break up is so messy. I hope Sam and Blake get to actually talk to each other, hash it out properly so they can end things in a civil way so this doesn't become media fodder. From what we could tell, they hadn't seen each other since they filmed the finale. Couldn't they wait after the finale aired to talk face-to-face about breaking up or making up or whatever, especially since they were an engaged couple? I'm convinced their break-up happened over a phone or a Skype call. Seems like petty high school drama to me, drama that I was involved with when I was fifteen haha.

The break up must have been sudden and out of the blue for Sam to have the reaction she's having now. The statement Ten made was very much written from Blake's side of things.

Very, very messy!  This is the Sam we saw in episode 8 when she let everyone know she was not okay with games being played having new girls coming in... 

I will be interested to find out if Sam says anything to the effect that she was willing to talk with him on air, conduct inteview together and that Blake didn't (thus Sam saying on her Twitter... Blake is calling the shots).

I could TOTALLY see her willing to let it be known on camera WITH Blake beside her ...exactly what went down. She has no filter ...

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Post by GuardianAngel Fri Oct 03, 2014 3:42 pm

AllAboutLove wrote: snipped...

"Blake is calling all the shots" ... meaning she was willing to do ATFR (I believe they had broken up long before this time) and yet Blake was NOT willing to do ATFR... 

That makes him look bad because he is hiding something...

It may also mean he doesn't want to embarrass Sam if it was something to do with on her part. Just saying.

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