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Post by Guest Thu Jul 31, 2014 2:11 am

chloep wrote:
Marqul is pretty much not allowed to say anything even remotely controversial(bc of BIP). (I am sure he is doing plenty of tongue biting.) I am sure he is not a fan. Him and Nick were really close and he stuck up for Nick during the whole season.

yes, it just seemed to imply that he too is biting his tongue so she better zip it.

Have you heard anything on the timing of when Andi knew it was Josh? TIA


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Post by chloep Thu Jul 31, 2014 2:14 am

^^ It's hard to not come on here. I wish I could stay away. Smiley

As for your take on SC, you are entitled to your opinion. I do not agree with it(mostly anyway), but that's my opinion. Cat expressed regret that she may have been too harsh, but the gist of her point still stands. (Let's not forget that they sat there and watched the finale live too. They were on air live. Everything they said was very much "in the moment". They did not have the liberty that Jillian, Jash or Trsita had to deleted/edit their tweets/posts after calming down a notch.
They watched a guy telling his F2 that he "loved ******** her" and then to be a douche to her at the FRC. They then watched how said guy acted like an immature twit at the ATFR. (Nikki just pretty much sat there. She looked freakishly uncomfortable with the whole situation that JPab created). They sat and listened how JPab would throw small jabs at Sean, despite Sean reaching out to him behind closed doors multiple times.)
I take these things into account too.  yes 

“Do not look back and grieve over the past, for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has yet to come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering”

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Post by chloep Thu Jul 31, 2014 2:17 am

grace8136 wrote:
chloep wrote:
Marqul is pretty much not allowed to say anything even remotely controversial(bc of BIP). (I am sure he is doing plenty of tongue biting.) I am sure he is not a fan. Him and Nick were really close and he stuck up for Nick during the whole season.

yes, it just seemed to imply that he too is biting his tongue so she better zip it.

Have you heard anything on the timing of when Andi knew it was Josh? TIA

 no idea  I don't think anyone but Andi knows that.

“Do not look back and grieve over the past, for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has yet to come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering”

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Post by MVMom39forever Thu Jul 31, 2014 2:17 am

grace8136 wrote:
I do think it seems like a PR person helped refine what he would say in these interviews. Isn't it funny that TPTB showed him fumbling with his words so often, yet he was so articulate all day today.

Wonder what Marquel's response meant? That he would talk if she did?

Andi Dorfman ‏@AndiDorfman  8h
Ouch it hurts to bite your tongue. Literally and figuratively

Marquel Martin
@AndiDorfman ..

Tiffany Weeks ‏@TiffAWeeks  11m
@viallnicholas28 Take heart in knowing that some of us are as confused as you are...

Jessica Grobler ‏@JessGrobler  6h
How does Andi NOT choose the guy she says SEES her SOUL ??? I'd also be confused if I was @viallnicholas28

Yes! As a sales executive Nick is definitely involved in presentations during client meetings so he's got to be able to speak in front of a room full of people. During the season he only seemed to fumble when he felt vulnerable with Andi. However, he probably did have some help from a media/PR expert in honing his message BUT there really was not a lot of time for much training as F2 usually don't interview very much.

On the flip side, Andi and Josh probably had lots of training to ensure they spun the right tail but WHOOPS! Nick threw them a curve ball during ATFR, which is probably why Andi and Josh have not been quite as adept when the conversations goes in that direction. Good thing they are back in Atlanta ...

As far as Marquel's tweet goes ... do you think he pushed send on the tweet too soon? ... Or could it mean something like "don't say anything at all"???

Oh geez, here I go again reading into tweets, stop me now.  duh 

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Post by sdmom Thu Jul 31, 2014 2:18 am

Nick just tweeted:
Say good morning to LA and goodnight to NY. #weirdday #coasttocoast

Looks like he will do GMA live tomorrow morning.

"Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree"~ Martin Luther

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Post by Guest Thu Jul 31, 2014 2:45 am

sdmom wrote:Nick just tweeted:
Say good morning to LA and goodnight to NY. #weirdday #coasttocoast

Looks like he will do GMA live tomorrow morning.

on behalf of Operation Sharnick, im dropping a comment of his IG  giggling :

ll9150 @nick_viall28 OMG! Nick! You are in @sharleenjoynt's neighborhood! You have to send her a thank you card or something to show you appreciate all the nice things she said about you in her blog. I know I'm being nosy, but you have got to try. If she ends up thinking you're a creep, at least she will tell you because she's honest and she won't give you false signs. And if all you end up being is just friends, it would still be worth it.

Looks like besides Beagle, I and Chloep there are fans outthere..who are on board with Operation Sharnick  Nick Viall Bachelorette 10 - Fan Forum - Updates - Discussion - Thread #9 - Page 17 2498057887 cheerleader 


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Post by Guest Thu Jul 31, 2014 2:59 am

chloep wrote:
rosesrREd wrote:
julychild wrote:

Marquel?...but then fleiss is full of it!

I don't think Marquel was ever in the running, since they put him on BIP.  Nick's media appearances, and the 30 plus minutes on ATFR spent on his heartbreak, make me believe he is being strongly considered.

I love how Nick talking about "making love" is seen as classless to Josh, but Andi's sleeping with Nick, when she was "in love" with him is apparently perfectly fine.  I dislike those two more and more every time they open their mouth.

It was between Chris and Marquel for quite a while. Marquel backed out. Arie became a stronger contender.

MF is talking about Arie. (IMO)

Again. Nick is NOT being considered for The Bachelor and Nick has ZERO interest in being The Bachelor.
I am not sure how many times I have to repeat this, but this is a fact.  bestbud!

i too think Arie gets the gig. He has tweeted he is open to that. I am so excited!.in fact, he will be the first Bach i am excited about!.. Praying 


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Post by MonicaJM2001 Thu Jul 31, 2014 3:04 am

MVMom39forever wrote:
eirekay wrote:
I think I heard somewhere - I'll try to find it - that Josh gained 20 pounds during filming.  They would have provided suits for both of the men, or have the men provide their own because in the ideal Bach world, both go to the FRC.

I will say that when I heard about the 20lbs I laughed and thought back to the airplane video where Nick says "...he just eats, sleeps, and sh*ts ..."


And apparently a little too much of the first two and not enough of the latter ...


Still catching up but had to let you know I about choked on my hot tamales (the candy) when i read above!  rotfl

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Post by VAgirl79 Thu Jul 31, 2014 3:08 am

Hi everyone! It has been a long time no see with some of you, and I see new people I haven't had the pleasure of talking with before. Glad to be here and looking forward to chatting with y'all.

This season was a bust for me. I never got to watch the shows until the wee hours of the morning, and I never got terribly interested in any of these guys. I liked Chris and Brian, and as time went on I was more impressed with Nick. I appreciated the fact that he was analytical and "a thinker." I also appreciated that he had apparently watched past seasons or episodes (I remember some of the guys saying that one episode); what the guys bashed him for, I thought was smart! I always said these contestants were dopey if they didn't check out this show in advance to be prepared.

What actually made me come here was the whole ATFR debacle. I was reading here yesterday and earlier today and was so happy to see a group of people who saw things much the same way I did about it all. Should Nick have said what he did? No. But I do understand why he did. If he was saying it out of vindictiveness or meanness, yes, I would understand the backlash. However, I thought he was genuinely hurt, upset, and confused. The guy looked terrible. His mother, poor lady, looked heartbroken too. That was his chance to get answers, and unfortunately, it happened to be televised. It seemed like something that was really bothering him still; rewatching the part of the finale where she sent him home, it was clear to me it was bothering him then too and he was trying not to come out and say it. It's an unfortunate situation, but I'm not sure what else he could have done to get those answers, save for trying to pull her aside after the fact and ask, if she would even speak to him then.

Andi was never someone I cared for, going back to JP's season. I almost didn't watch this season of B'ette at all due to that. But this whole thing took my dislike of her to a whole other level. She certainly is free to make her own choices and live her life by her own values and standards. However, from what Nick said, he made it perfectly clear to her what taking their relationship farther physically would mean to him, so she knew full well it would mean something very different to him than it meant to her. Yet she went ahead with it anyway, despite the fact, per her FRC comments, that she loved Josh all along. One can live one's life to their standards all they want, but everyone's behavior does not occur in a vacuum. It affects other people. Knowing what she did and feeling how she supposedly did, she never should have led him on in that manner.

It makes me sad seeing some of the media reports and Andi herself bashing Nick for what he said, when I feel like it is a total double standard. Men sleeping around to beat the band is so often written off as "Boys will be boys", while women are labeled derogatory names. That's not fair. Andi sure did pitch a fit at how JP treated her. Now the shoe is on the other foot, and basically Nick is just supposed to get over it and say nothing and not be hurt over it because he's a man? That doesn't fly with me either! Good for him that he was not cavalier about going farther with her in the FS.

I certainly hope he does not even ponder for one second being the Bachelor if they ask. As always, I want the guys I like from these seasons to run far, far away and find someone normal to fall for. I don't think he will have any trouble there, as long as he weeds out the fame chasers and such. He seems like a really smart and thoughtful guy. People don't need this mess of a TV show to find "the one." I sure like him, what I saw of him on TV! I never thought that he was some Big Bad that the show tried to portray him as. He was just different than the typical guys on this show. Hopefully he runs, not walks, from all things Fleiss in the future.

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Post by california90 Thu Jul 31, 2014 3:18 am

stuckinsc wrote:I don't have a problem with a woman having sex when she wants to.  I support that.  My problem is that he let her known that it was more than sex to him.  If it wasn't to her then she should have held back.  IF at the time she was unsure, then just admit it.  Tell him that you cared for him, but at the end of the day that you just loved Josh more.  If she would have done this to begin with, I don't think that Nick would ever have mentioned their time in the FS.

I agree 100%.


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Post by chloep Thu Jul 31, 2014 3:20 am

@VAgirl79  Welcomeparty! 

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Post by sdmom Thu Jul 31, 2014 3:23 am

Welcome, VAgirl79  welcomebanner

"Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree"~ Martin Luther

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