Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 49 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by George1218 Tue Mar 11, 2014 5:26 pm

alwaystulips wrote:This is an Episode Finale/After the Final Rose Thread, so I thought it pertinent to bring over E's tweet about Catherine's dishing about the Finale tonight.  If that's off topic, my apologies.  I like Catherine but was surprised so much time was given to her during the Finale, considering I'm not sure she's ever met Juan Pablo.  There were at least 4 other people on the panel who had filmed a season with Juan Pablo who never spoke.  It just makes me think TPTB set her up for exposure in other media outlets.  I'm intrigued by the interview choices last night and how CH and TPTB handled the time available for the panelists.
Intrigued??  Yep, I guess that's one word for my thoughts on how CH and TPTB handled last night.
 question  scratch no no no

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Post by 4health Tue Mar 11, 2014 5:31 pm

Linds911 wrote:I agree
pavalygurl wrote:
Sable wrote:I don't even know what to think of the finale and the ATFR show.  I get that Juan Pablo didn't want to play the game that TPTB wanted him to play any longer, but in the process he made himself look very bad and he humiliated Nikki in the process, IMO.  Juan Pablo was so dead set on sticking it to TPTB during ATFR that he didn't even consider Nikki's feelings in the matter and how their relationship would appear to the general public.

I will admit that I didn't want Juan Pablo as the bachelor in the beginning, but then as the show aired I started to have some compassion for him because of the way he was being treated by TPTB with his edit.  Now I sort of see why TPTB gave him the edit that they did.  Yes, TPTB manipulate everything to the nth degree on this show, but that is what the show is all about.  While Juan Pablo's season was shocking and entertaining (in a very weird way for me), I certainly don't want to see a show like this ever again.  I know that most of the time this show is not real, but I watch for the potential of an ending like JP and Ashely or Sean and Catherine.  The show is what it is.  I think it is clear that Juan Pablo never should have been the bachelor.  I think TPTB made a huge mistake in casting him, and Juan Pablo made a huge mistake in accepting.  I don't hate any of the contestants and I wish all of them well, but I am left not really caring about Juan Pablo's and Nikki's relationship.  I truly feel badly for Nikki because I think the way Juan Pablo acted on ATFR show was very disrespectful of her and their potential relationship.  That is just my opinion, and many may not agree.  I few times during the ATFR show, I thought Nikki had a look on her face of embarrassment and humiliation because of the things Juan Pablo was saying.  I truly feel she was just playing along w/everything because she didn't want to make the whole situation even worse.

I really don't see what Nikki sees in Juan Pablo.  A few times they panned the camera to Sharleen and she sort of had that look of embarrassment and humiliation as well because I think she was really feeling bad for Nikki and the way Juan Pablo was treating her and their relationship.  I think that Nikki is too good for Juan Pablo, and I think she will wake up from the bizarre bachelor bubble that she's found herself in and walk away from the relationship.  Usually the happy couple is paraded around in the media and they get to give their interviews, etc.  It doesn't look like Nikki is going to get any of that.  Nikki may have won the show, but IMO she turned out to be the biggest loser of all.

These are my thoughts as well.
 I agree  as well! Great post!
Thanks High clap  :Thanktwo  for saying it better then I ever could. I have tried several times but just could….


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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 49 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by chloep Tue Mar 11, 2014 5:40 pm

Chacharo wrote:
chloep wrote:1st, THIS IS JUAN PABLO'S BACHELOR THREAD, let's keep ON point.... What Sean and Catherine are doing now and how you feel about them is OFF TOPIC in this thread. If you didn't like them before you are going to interpret what they had to say yesterday the way it fits your negative opinion of them, if you did you are going to do the same by looking at the context.... :gotcha: 

2nd, I thought it'd be wise to set up a FAN THREAD AND A NON-FAN THREAD for JP and NIKKI, so people can retreat back to their perspective corners now that the finale has aired, where they don't have to argue their opinions 24/7 - There really is no use in arguing, the season is done with. Opinions won't be changed now and NOBODY should feel like they are not allowed to have their OWN. This goes BOTH WAYS.   yes 

I hope that we can accept the fact that people may see certain issues differently.
Andi's season starts shooting TOMORROW. I hope we can leave our differences behind in JP's threads and that we can focus on drooling over Andi's hunks from now on. :Drool:  :yes: yes

Wow.  Sean and Catherine were on the show last night and the conversations about them have related to that appearance and the things that came up from there and are relevant to the conversations about the finale.

Second, in my opinion, splitting up into different threads is not necessary this season.  We're all adults here, right?

Yes, but Cat's E!NEws appearance and their GREED etc.. has nothing to do with this thread yes You know I meant that in my post.

AND I just meant that perhaps people would like to ALSO (NOT ONLY) have their own corners where they can follow JP and Nikki now that the show has ended. This going back and forth makes some people uncomfortable since it isn't really going anywhere.

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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 49 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by chloep Tue Mar 11, 2014 6:00 pm

alwaystulips wrote:This is an Episode Finale/After the Final Rose Thread, so I thought it pertinent to bring over E's tweet about Catherine's dishing about the Finale tonight.  If that's off topic, my apologies.  I like Catherine but was surprised so much time was given to her during the Finale, considering I'm not sure she's ever met Juan Pablo.  There were at least 4 other people on the panel who had filmed a season with Juan Pablo who never spoke.  It just makes me think TPTB set her up for exposure in other media outlets.  I'm intrigued by the interview choices last night and how CH and TPTB handled the time available for the panelists.

Absolutely fair game. I didn't mean those comments I meant the ones later on...

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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 49 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by Longhornfan Tue Mar 11, 2014 7:20 pm

stuckinsc wrote:
FLChica wrote:
stuckinsc wrote:
FLChica wrote:
see2love wrote:@jennabahamas: @jenniferweiner ABC offered him money to propose. He led them to believe he was & didn't. Chris was NOT prepared & Had no q's to ask. Sadsy

So Juan Pablo is actually slapping the hand that wanted to feed him!  TPTB can't buy JP!

Might explain a little of the Sean hostility to JPG too.  Sean has been happy to take money anytime offered and have his life on tv.  It has been great for the fans to watch and share, but I wonder if he finds JPG's unwillingness to do that insulting?

The righteous indignation displayed by the recipients of three reality tv shows plus a televised wedding extravaganza speaks volumes!  Does Cat even realize how telling her statement was?

I have really been a big fan of SeanCat.  I was happy all the times I got to see them on tv.  I watched DWTS again after not watching since 2010 because of Sean.

But I hated them saying Sean found love because he was open to it.  I thought Sean found love because Cat was on the show?  Would he be married now if the producers hadn't picked Cat?  Seriously, Sean was the 17th or 19th bachelor and they found the right woman for the lead exactly twice (even though Jason, Mr I love to propose, had to do a test run with the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader first)?  So because Sean was so ready, would he have proposed to someone else if Cat wasn't on his season?  If he did would he be married now?  

I like that Sean Cat got it right, but look at the track record folks, most times they don't find the person's match.  I found SeanCat to be very sanctimonious tonight and I felt bad for Nikki.  Hate JPG if you want, but why sit there and make Nikki listen to all that?  

I too wonder if Catherine had not been there during his season as the Bachelor, would Sean have proposed to anyone?  I personally think that the producers did choose a lot of the women for Sean who were handpicked for him, and they really tried to give him a good group of women.  But I can't say the same thing was done when choosing the women for JuanP's season....not that there weren't some nice women there....but they just weren't handpicked for him.

Sean and Catherine got very lucky to have been able to meet, fall in love and get married on national television.  But one size does not fit all.  And the franchise continues to be treat them like royalty, much like Trista and Ryan.


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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 49 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by FLChica Tue Mar 11, 2014 7:33 pm

alwaystulips wrote:This is an Episode Finale/After the Final Rose Thread, so I thought it pertinent to bring over E's tweet about Catherine's dishing about the Finale tonight.  If that's off topic, my apologies.  I like Catherine but was surprised so much time was given to her during the Finale, consideringI'm not sure she's ever met Juan Pablo.  There were at least 4 other people on the panel who had filmed a season with Juan Pablo who never spoke.  It just makes me think TPTB set her up for exposure in other media outlets.  I'm intrigued by the interview choices last night and how CH and TPTB handled the time available for the panelists.

Posting about what transpired on the show & is happening as a result of it should be posted here.

SeanCat's employers knew they would be filled with righteous indignation & they did not disappoint. They will feed at the ABC trough as long as it is offered. Lots of viewers would appreciate the perspective of contestants that actually know Juan Pablo, but their views may not reflect what TPTB want portrayed.

Thanks for bringing over the news alwaystulips. I'm sure I'll find something more interesting to watch than the E!News drivel.


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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 49 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by glazedover Tue Mar 11, 2014 7:36 pm

Chacharo wrote:
chloep wrote:1st, THIS IS JUAN PABLO'S BACHELOR THREAD, let's keep ON point.... What Sean and Catherine are doing now and how you feel about them is OFF TOPIC in this thread. If you didn't like them before you are going to interpret what they had to say yesterday the way it fits your negative opinion of them, if you did you are going to do the same by looking at the context.... :gotcha: 

2nd, I thought it'd be wise to set up a FAN THREAD AND A NON-FAN THREAD for JP and NIKKI, so people can retreat back to their perspective corners now that the finale has aired, where they don't have to argue their opinions 24/7 - There really is no use in arguing, the season is done with. Opinions won't be changed now and NOBODY should feel like they are not allowed to have their OWN. This goes BOTH WAYS.   yes 

I hope that we can accept the fact that people may see certain issues differently.
Andi's season starts shooting TOMORROW. I hope we can leave our differences behind in JP's threads and that we can focus on drooling over Andi's hunks from now on. :Drool:  :yes: yes

Wow.  Sean and Catherine were on the show last night and the conversations about them have related to that appearance and the things that came up from there and are relevant to the conversations about the finale.

Second, in my opinion, splitting up into different threads is not necessary this season.  We're all adults here, right?

I's annoying to feel like there are censored threads and I enjoy reading everyone's opinions. Once again, this is really not supposed to be a fan site and we are all adults. The bolded is true and great, IMO. I like the free exchange of ideas and I don't see it as arguing, but rather discussing.


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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 49 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by chloep Tue Mar 11, 2014 7:58 pm

glazedover wrote:
Chacharo wrote:
chloep wrote:1st, THIS IS JUAN PABLO'S BACHELOR THREAD, let's keep ON point.... What Sean and Catherine are doing now and how you feel about them is OFF TOPIC in this thread. If you didn't like them before you are going to interpret what they had to say yesterday the way it fits your negative opinion of them, if you did you are going to do the same by looking at the context.... :gotcha: 

2nd, I thought it'd be wise to set up a FAN THREAD AND A NON-FAN THREAD for JP and NIKKI, so people can retreat back to their perspective corners now that the finale has aired, where they don't have to argue their opinions 24/7 - There really is no use in arguing, the season is done with. Opinions won't be changed now and NOBODY should feel like they are not allowed to have their OWN. This goes BOTH WAYS.   yes 

I hope that we can accept the fact that people may see certain issues differently.
Andi's season starts shooting TOMORROW. I hope we can leave our differences behind in JP's threads and that we can focus on drooling over Andi's hunks from now on. :Drool:  :yes: yes

Wow.  Sean and Catherine were on the show last night and the conversations about them have related to that appearance and the things that came up from there and are relevant to the conversations about the finale.

Second, in my opinion, splitting up into different threads is not necessary this season.  We're all adults here, right?

I's annoying to feel like there are censored threads and I enjoy reading everyone's opinions. Once again, this is really not supposed to be a fan site and we are all adults. The bolded is true and great, IMO. I like the free exchange of ideas and I don't see it as arguing, but rather discussing.

I agree wholeheartedly. Did you read my clarification above?  :yes: I meant it as an additional feature that all other couples have. I personally don't have a problem with this, nor do I feel the need to have one, since I doubt that I am going to follow JP/Nikki too closely. But there are people here who feel uncomfortable and feel like their views aren't accepted or welcomed. (One way or the other) This forum has over 11 thousand members. I advised people to go ahead and post anyway(yet respectfully) but I thought I'd suggest a Fan section to San nonetheless.

Also, It is really not my intention to censor anything, (regarding SC or any other things) but since we have so many threads(and threads for practically everythingSmiley it'd be nice to keep thoughts on-topic(see: Cat's E!News segment, etc.-> we have threads for that too(not just "fan" threads)

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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 49 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by Bashful Tue Mar 11, 2014 8:02 pm

Catherine has met Juan Pablo. There are pictures somewhere of her and Sean with him in a photo booth. At the party they were all at the night Juan Pablo uttered the famous gay remarks.


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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 49 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by Rolly Tue Mar 11, 2014 8:08 pm

Bashful wrote:Catherine has met Juan Pablo. There are pictures somewhere of her and Sean with him in a photo booth. At the party they were all at the night Juan Pablo uttered the famous gay remarks.

Sean and Cat were also on the show this season with JP talking about their experience.

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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 49 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by FLChica Tue Mar 11, 2014 8:24 pm

To clarify: "know" as in lived with him for weeks / months while on the Bachelorette. "Know" as in dating him on the Bachelorette. "Know" as in dating him on the Bachelor. Something more in depth than taping a scripted segment for the show or a photo op at a party.


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Post by Rolly Tue Mar 11, 2014 8:30 pm

FLChica wrote:To clarify: "know" as in lived with him for weeks / months while on the Bachelorette.  "Know" as in dating him on the Bachelorette.   "Know" as in dating him on the Bachelor.  Something more in depth than taping a scripted segment for the show or a photo op at a party.

I said in another thread I wish more people would have been asked questions and had been allowed to speak at the ATFR. They would have given unpredictable responses and I'm sure that's not what TPTB wanted. Why did they even invite the others anyway? I think they would have each asked great questions.

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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

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