Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 48 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by notarose Tue Mar 11, 2014 3:23 pm

dw_a_mom wrote:
Ariela wrote:Although, Nikki and JP looked like they were in cahoots, and sticking it to Fleiss, a part of me thinks that we saw the relationship between them just like it is.

I agree.  I'm not totally sure what to read into it all, if he is controlling the situation or she is happy riding it out for the publicity and just go along ...

I do want to give her credit for saying she prefers it this way to all those in the past that were clearly lying saying they were in love at the ATFR.  

I think CH expected Nikki to interject on JP's behalf because that would have shown that JP was too stupid to speak for himself. But Nikki was wise to that and didn't give CH the satisfaction.
As to publicity, they are obligated by contract to whatever post-show stuff is required.

The publicity to watch are the other girls. My guess is some with be vying for spots on Bach Pad or who knows what. Realistically, who hasn't been dumped by guy who you were more into than he was into you. How is that newsworthy?

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Post by DKWillis Tue Mar 11, 2014 3:28 pm

alwaystulips wrote:This explains her glut of air time last night.

E! News ‏@ENews  8m
#Bachelor star Catherine Lowe (@clmgiudici) is co-hosting E! News tonight with tons of scoop from the #BachelorFinale -- watch at 7!
lm sorry but they are starting to get on my nerves l dislike some of the things that Cat/Sean says and does (Tptb puppets milking it for all its worth).  l guess just another way to roll in more dough from the show & the ratings too, to help the shows they appear on.  What money will do/buy GREED.  JMO thou


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Post by DKWillis Tue Mar 11, 2014 3:41 pm

l also heard/read somewhere that if he was to propose the ring he had he actually bought it himself that he wasnt going to give the Neil Lane ring l would have loved to have seen that surprise on their faces/reaction from CH & Co. That would have been priceless.


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Post by Isabel123 Tue Mar 11, 2014 3:44 pm

DKWillis wrote:
alwaystulips wrote:This explains her glut of air time last night.

E! News ‏@ENews  8m
#Bachelor star Catherine Lowe (@clmgiudici) is co-hosting E! News tonight with tons of scoop from the #BachelorFinale -- watch at 7!
lm sorry but they are starting to get on my nerves l dislike some of the things that Cat/Sean says and does (Tptb puppets milking it for all its worth).  l guess just another way to roll in more dough from the show & the ratings too, to help the shows they appear on.  What money will do/buy GREED.  JMO thou

Can't blame Sean/Cat for taking advantage of these opportunities, it's money and spotlight, but they should also respect if JP and Nikki have different perspectives. ITA with the bolded and as Cat said "don't bite the hand that feeds you."

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Post by ImeldaMarcos Tue Mar 11, 2014 4:04 pm

Methinks JuanPa was pizzed they pressured him and the relationship with TPTB was so OVER by that point. We know know why the skewered him before hand and he was not giving them a damn thing they wanted. I know some men like JuanPa - once they feel pressured - you will never get your way. I now wonder if his relationship with Carla was such that he promised no ILY. hmmm.


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Post by ImeldaMarcos Tue Mar 11, 2014 4:20 pm

iamreal2u wrote:Wait a second.  If JuanPa whispered that he loved F'ing Clare.  Is that the worst thing a woman wants to hear.  What the hell.

I think he may have whispered that he did not know her all that well but he sure would like f'ing her. IF he did, (which I am not altogether sure - it may have just been story boarded because JuanPa would not toe the party line) it is not the kind of thing you want to hear from a man you want a lifelong commitment from. I he said that she would be the last woman he would ever want to f - THAT would be romantic.


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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 48 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by chloep Tue Mar 11, 2014 4:29 pm

1st, THIS IS JUAN PABLO'S BACHELOR THREAD, let's keep ON point.... What Sean and Catherine are doing now and how you feel about them is OFF TOPIC in this thread. If you didn't like them before, you are going to interpret what they had to say yesterday the way it fits your negative opinion of them, if you did, you are going to do the same by looking at the context.... :gotcha: 

2nd, I thought it'd be wise to set up a FAN THREAD AND A NON-FAN THREAD for JP and NIKKI, so people can retreat back to their perspective corners now that the finale has aired, where they don't have to argue their opinions 24/7 - There really is no use in arguing, the season is done with. Opinions won't be changed now and NOBODY should feel like they are not allowed to have their OWN. This goes BOTH WAYS.   yes 

I hope that we can accept the fact that people may see certain issues differently.
Andi's season starts shooting TOMORROW. I hope we can leave our differences behind in JP's threads and that we can focus on drooling over Andi's hunks from now on. :Drool:  :yes: yes

Last edited by chloep on Tue Mar 11, 2014 4:59 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post by richmondrose Tue Mar 11, 2014 4:55 pm


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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 48 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by Rolly Tue Mar 11, 2014 5:13 pm

Mommyof1 wrote:
tigertiz wrote:
I was also disappointed with SeanCat, jeez, say what you really feel without worrying about the hand that "feeds" you. That was the worst line of the ATFR.
Yes it was just cringeworthy .   Neither of them made much sense to me.  Sean was boasting about how much he needed to tell Cat that he loved her.  Well - OK - but that was because he apparently fell in love with her during their filming.  Can he not accept that it just didnt happen that way for JP?   "I fell in love in 7 weeks so you should have too"?  Huh?   Get off of your high and mighty horse , Sean.

I cannot stand Sean.  There...I said it!  :hidingchair 

I am happy that Sean and Cat are together but last night made me like them less. I don't know who they think they are?!? Just because it worked for them doesn't mean it will work for others the same way...I am disappointed in the way JP and Nikki were judged. Maybe JP loves Nikki but didn't want to say it on TV (or wanted to stick it to CH and TPTB, who could blame him)....maybe he doesn't love her and didn't want to be dishonest. I don't think it was at all appropriate for CH to push JP the way he did. And I may get :knock:  but the never ending Seancat story and the favoritism being showed to them is irritating. Why didn't Des or Chris get asked anything??? scratch  BTW I'm a huge Brooks fan and I still think it would have been nice to be asked their opinion, they both knew JP after all. When will Seancat leave the stage??? Maybe never because they will never "bite the hand that feeds them". Sorry if anyone is offended but IMO. There I said it too!!!!  :hidingchair

I'm keeping my comments in because I'm too lazy to move it :giggle: and it does have something to do with JP.  yes More importantly it all has to do with ATFR which is what this thread is titled.

Last edited by Rolly on Tue Mar 11, 2014 5:20 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 48 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by alwaystulips Tue Mar 11, 2014 5:15 pm

This is an Episode Finale/After the Final Rose Thread, so I thought it pertinent to bring over E's tweet about Catherine's dishing about the Finale tonight.  If that's off topic, my apologies.  I like Catherine but was surprised so much time was given to her during the Finale, considering I'm not sure she's ever met Juan Pablo.  There were at least 4 other people on the panel who had filmed a season with Juan Pablo who never spoke.  It just makes me think TPTB set her up for exposure in other media outlets.  I'm intrigued by the interview choices last night and how CH and TPTB handled the time available for the panelists.

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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 48 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by Chacharo Tue Mar 11, 2014 5:16 pm

chloep wrote:1st, THIS IS JUAN PABLO'S BACHELOR THREAD, let's keep ON point.... What Sean and Catherine are doing now and how you feel about them is OFF TOPIC in this thread. If you didn't like them before you are going to interpret what they had to say yesterday the way it fits your negative opinion of them, if you did you are going to do the same by looking at the context.... :gotcha: 

2nd, I thought it'd be wise to set up a FAN THREAD AND A NON-FAN THREAD for JP and NIKKI, so people can retreat back to their perspective corners now that the finale has aired, where they don't have to argue their opinions 24/7 - There really is no use in arguing, the season is done with. Opinions won't be changed now and NOBODY should feel like they are not allowed to have their OWN. This goes BOTH WAYS.   yes 

I hope that we can accept the fact that people may see certain issues differently.
Andi's season starts shooting TOMORROW. I hope we can leave our differences behind in JP's threads and that we can focus on drooling over Andi's hunks from now on. :Drool:  :yes: yes

Wow.  Sean and Catherine were on the show last night and the conversations about them have related to that appearance and the things that came up from there and are relevant to the conversations about the finale.

Second, in my opinion, splitting up into different threads is not necessary this season.  We're all adults here, right?

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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 48 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by Linds911 Tue Mar 11, 2014 5:23 pm

I agree
pavalygurl wrote:
Sable wrote:I don't even know what to think of the finale and the ATFR show.  I get that Juan Pablo didn't want to play the game that TPTB wanted him to play any longer, but in the process he made himself look very bad and he humiliated Nikki in the process, IMO.  Juan Pablo was so dead set on sticking it to TPTB during ATFR that he didn't even consider Nikki's feelings in the matter and how their relationship would appear to the general public.

I will admit that I didn't want Juan Pablo as the bachelor in the beginning, but then as the show aired I started to have some compassion for him because of the way he was being treated by TPTB with his edit.  Now I sort of see why TPTB gave him the edit that they did.  Yes, TPTB manipulate everything to the nth degree on this show, but that is what the show is all about.  While Juan Pablo's season was shocking and entertaining (in a very weird way for me), I certainly don't want to see a show like this ever again.  I know that most of the time this show is not real, but I watch for the potential of an ending like JP and Ashely or Sean and Catherine.  The show is what it is.  I think it is clear that Juan Pablo never should have been the bachelor.  I think TPTB made a huge mistake in casting him, and Juan Pablo made a huge mistake in accepting.  I don't hate any of the contestants and I wish all of them well, but I am left not really caring about Juan Pablo's and Nikki's relationship.  I truly feel badly for Nikki because I think the way Juan Pablo acted on ATFR show was very disrespectful of her and their potential relationship.  That is just my opinion, and many may not agree.  I few times during the ATFR show, I thought Nikki had a look on her face of embarrassment and humiliation because of the things Juan Pablo was saying.  I truly feel she was just playing along w/everything because she didn't want to make the whole situation even worse.

I really don't see what Nikki sees in Juan Pablo.  A few times they panned the camera to Sharleen and she sort of had that look of embarrassment and humiliation as well because I think she was really feeling bad for Nikki and the way Juan Pablo was treating her and their relationship.  I think that Nikki is too good for Juan Pablo, and I think she will wake up from the bizarre bachelor bubble that she's found herself in and walk away from the relationship.  Usually the happy couple is paraded around in the media and they get to give their interviews, etc.  It doesn't look like Nikki is going to get any of that.  Nikki may have won the show, but IMO she turned out to be the biggest loser of all.

These are my thoughts as well.
 I agree  as well! Great post!

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