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Post by Ash Thu Sep 07, 2017 9:49 am

Moved here:

Well.. I have also been all for the idea that Tara went to Final 2. Until ppl said she was out after F3 because of the date stamp on SM.
Cos to me it was her on the boat in Thailand and Elise (bikini top is same as one she used on spa date with the racer back (even tho it's pretty sad to assume that they only carried one bikini - Elise loves her clothes she was voted as the one with most enviable wardrobe) so hmm yes the person on the beach is curvy. Tara's bikini top
Elise racer back

There was a friend of Tara's that posted A pic of her
Another comments: cannot wait.. Thai and batchie celebrations (and I have been very disciplined and not taken that to heart and treated it as a red herring.... ) but HEY! Wat do urll think huh huh??

Whether Tara  came back with the FR tho... that's another story.
MJ has chosen dates to be with Tara, Elise has won group dates but other than that he only chose her for one date.

at the F7 GD if as discussed Laura was already on board with building her story line to be eliminated.  It was sus from the onset. Unless they didn't tell her the truthmere fact that she was a Georgia look alike.. I mean why wud Matty...
plus the build up to her walking alone across the bridge and being shown getting so upset at the CP, it's a setup. imo Laura is next to leave imo it's confusing, the way he makes his face! Sorry to say.

And MJ when asked what he had to say to the F2, he said she should take every opportunity that comes her way!
If that means Tara then a career on screen - playschool.. if it's Elise he leaves behind in Thailand.. that might mean bachelorette..

I have finally found an interview I have referred to before. Have a look below perhaps I will try and paste the text in the next comment as it is long.

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Post by solaroo Thu Sep 07, 2017 9:49 am

Well if he did make up his mind so soon, I think poor Matty TBH. If he realised early (like it appears), what was he supposed to do? He signed up for this, and for an entire series obviously. Of course he would have had no choice but to just go through the motions, but how excrutiating to have to do that. But it is what it is, and I don't know what the alternative could have been really.

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Post by Ash Thu Sep 07, 2017 9:53 am

Matty Johnson, the kind, cheeky, charming 30-year-old who won over audiences in last year's season of The Bachelorette, made his return to TV this Wednesday. Sitting in the driver's seat as the Bachelor, Matty will face 22 beautiful women and whittle them down to just one lucky lady — with whom, he tells us, he is in love.

All the Stages of Watching Matty J's New Bachelor Trailer
We spoke to Matty ahead of Wednesday night's kick-off, and before we could even get into our questions, Matty answered the biggest one for us. Read on for more!

PS: Matty! What's been happening since last time we spoke?

Matty: Oh, look, you know, nothing much — just found love.

PS: Yeah, no big deal. Wait, you found love?

Matty: [Laughs] Yes, yeah.

PS: Ah, that's a good way to start this interview off.

Matty: [Laughs] Yeah, it is. It's weird because I can give this interview this time; I can openly say I'm really happy and tell people that I found someone great, I just can't tell you anything specific about her.

PS: That must be pretty difficult.

Matty: Yeah, it's weird, but it's . . . it's definitely easier than last time. And it's even, you know, it's hard for her because she can't be happy, otherwise she'd give it away. So she has to keep that ambiguity going, while I can kind of skip down the street and be like, "this is great." She has to keep her cards a lot closer to her chest.

PS: Very interesting.

Matty: Yeah, I guess it's nice that I've been in her shoes before, so I can sympathise and offer advice. You know, I've been there. I guess it's slightly different because I was hiding disappointment, and she's hiding excitement. It's almost like a double-edged sword though, I think, because on the one hand, you can sympathise, but on the other hand, kind of knowing what you can inflict on people makes things difficult as well.

We'll Never Get Over the Awful Moment When Matty J's Heart Breaks
PS: OK, I can't wait for the show to start! Now, I have to ask about Georgia.

Matty: Yeah.

PS: Did it take you a long time to get over that heartbreak? And how do you feel about Georgia now, looking back?

Matty: Yeah, there's a weird kind of process to get over somebody, because when filming finishes there's always maybe a two or three month period before it goes on air. So you kind of . . . you do move on and you start to forget because, you know, "out of sight, out of mind." That she was in Melbourne was really helpful to me. I could go back to work and start the process of moving on, but then it goes on air and you have to relive it all. It's kind of hard to relive it. It's like looking back at holiday pictures with your ex.

PS: It's a very unusual set of circumstances, for sure.

Matty: Yeah it's . . . it's kind of hard to say exactly when I got over her. I think it just, gradually, I began to move on. To the point where I was kind of like, "Oh, now I'm really excited about potentially going on dates with somebody else." You work at your appetite for getting back into the dating world. Whereas when you've first had a breakup you're like, "Ugh, I couldn't think of anything worse than to date someone right now." And now, I think I look back with really fond memories of what we had, even though it was brief, and I guess I'm thankful that. For me, it was kind of just another step in really knowing what I'm looking for in a partner. You try and look at the glass half-full.

PS: Yeah.

Matty: You can look at your relationships that didn't work and go, "What a waste," or you can be like, "Well, I learned from that, and made mistakes, and people walked out but hopefully it'll help me in my next relationship."

PS: Matty, if you could date any girl in the world, who would it be?

Matty: I know it's such a cliché answer, and you probably knew that, but it would be the girl that I end up with. Or, I think, probably one of the most perfect women would be someone like Princess Diana, who is just the kindest person, but also elegant and beautiful.

PS: How do you keep from getting a massive ego when you've had so much attention? How do you keep yourself in check?

Matty: I think it's . . . it's kind of like I have two lives, almost. It kind of feels like I have my normal life where I'm at work, and I wake up at seven o'clock and do my nine-to-five, and at work people really don't treat me differently. They treat me like Matt, an account director. And my friends don't really care, they don't really treat me different at all, which is really nice. That definitely keeps me grounded, keeps me in check. Even comments on Instagram, they kind of feel like they're . . . even though it's on my page, it doesn't really feel like they're directed at me. They're directed at this Bachelor character, who is me but not really me, if that makes sense.

PS: Yeah, I get that. You kind of have to separate your life, your real life, from the TV persona.

Matty: Yeah, I have real-life Matt, and then I have Bachelor Matt. Even though they're the same person, I've had to differentiate between the two characters, which is really weird.

PS: How have you found all the fame? It got pretty massive there for a while.

Matty: Yeah, it was kind of a slow build,. I think that initially I was definitely in the shadows on The Bachelorette, and then as time progressed, interest kind of built up, you know, to the point where I had my first date quite late. And then it slowly ramped up, so it was kind of nice in the way that I got to warm up to it, it wasn't going straight to the deep end. It's really surreal, and I think it's . . . I remember, initially, when your face is in a magazine, your friends are like, "Oh, wow," and they send it to you. But then after a couple times, the novelty kind of wears off. It kind of becomes normal, in a way. And now my situation is a bit weird — my face is in the paper or on a bus stop now, and that's kind of become normal. I definitely don't think it's gonna last.

PS: You gotta enjoy it while it does!

Matty: Yeah, it's just nice to have that little time in the spotlight. [Laughs] Everybody will move on and forget me and my story.

PS: Well, maybe not. Look at Tim [Robards] and Anna [Heinrich], they're still a hot topic!

Matty: Yeah, yeah. And Sam and Snezana as well.

PS: Exactly. So what is your relationship deal-breaker?

Matty: I think the biggest one is if somebody genuinely, just outright, did not want to have kids or start a family. I think that would be difficult to overcome.

PS: What's the best date you've ever been on?

Matty: [Pauses] The best date was kind of like . . .

PS: [Laughs] It might be a giveaway!

Matty: . . . It would just be doing something active. Something outdoors, something that involves the water. Without giving too much away.

PS: Did you use any pick-up lines when you were between The Bachelorette and now?

Matty: I hate pick-up lines. My only pick-up line is, "Hi, how are you? My name's Matt." I kind of think pick-up lines are — they don't make any sense.

PS: I don't think any woman likes a pick-up line.

Matty: I think to just smile and say "Hi" is the most welcoming. That's what I would do as opposed to try and drop a, "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" Like, that kind of stuff, it's usually just cheesy.

Your Heart (and Ovaries) Aren't Ready For Matty J and His Little Nephew
PS: How did you find making out in front of cameras and stuff? How do be yourself in front of the cameras?

Matty: The very first date I did, you know, felt a little bit awkward, having intimacy play out in front of the camera crew. But then you just learn to live with it. It becomes really normal after a while, like having a conversation with your friend, around other people. And you know they're there, but they're not really have any impact on your conversation. You notice they're there, but you don't really see them as cameras — you're more seeing them as people, 'cause it's the same camera crew from the previous shoot. So instead of a camera, it's like, "Oh, that's Mossy, and that's Jamie, and . . ." Which was kind of nice, over time you just forget that it's being filmed and turned into a TV show.

PS: You've said in the promo that you believe in love at first conversation. Do you think the first impressions at the cocktail party are accurate? Is it hard to pick who to eliminate that night?

Matty: It is. I'm a big believer in, you know, your first impression of someone is normally quite accurate. But at the same time I think, I couldn't really have that thought process and stick to it in this environment because I know that my first impression with Georgia was definitely not who I am normally. And I know that there were some girls who would be really nervous, not because they are a shy or quiet person normally, it's just the fact that you are in front of cameras and lights and producers. So I didn't want to make any knee-jerk decisions based purely on that first, initial conversation. It's interesting to have the second conversation inside the cocktail party, and then see if that matched up with how they were on the red carpet.

Here's Every Single Bachelorette This Year — Including Who's Been Eliminated!
PS: Did you find it got easier or harder as it went along to eliminate people?

Matty: It was annoying, because it did just get more and more difficult. The more time you spend with everybody, the more you get to know them and you build that rapport and that relationship. Even though a lot of them don't develop into being in love, you still really care for them. And sending people home, you know exactly what that feels like. You know exactly what it's like to stand there and hope you get called out. It did just get harder and harder and harder and harder.

PS: What question would you say you get asked the most?

Matty: Probably the most common one is, "Is it real? Is it scripted?"

PS: Yeah! And what's your answer?

Matty: [Laughs] Well I get that people would assume that and I'm like, "The best thing is that, with cocktail parties and dates, the date starts, and they kind of just let you get on with it." It's not as if they're calling "Cut!" every two seconds and saying, "Can you repeat that? Can you do that?" The cocktail parties will start and then the only time they would say, "Alright, that's it" is when we have run out of time, and we have to go into a rose ceremony. It plays out organically and they just film it all. You can't help but want to defend it. When someone cries, they're not crocodile tears. People are genuinely upset and invested, and it is really real. You kind of wish you could be like, "Do it, go do the show," so you can experience and understand how real it is.

PS: I'm so happy to hear that you're in love, this is very exciting.

Matty: [Laughs] Thanks again.

PS: Are you excited for the show to start?

Matty: I'm really excited, yeah! Especially because I know the outcome and I can't wait now for everyone else to — it sounds like such a lie and really cliché — but to discover my journey and watch it play out, and to have that happy ending, which I get.

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Post by ssin0547 Thu Sep 07, 2017 9:59 am

dolcimumma wrote:I was really looking forward to seeing a dark horse win, a very different storyline to what we have seen.  Something to really surprise us! .  I didn't care who it was but I really thought it would not be so damn predictable this season.  It would be nice to see something other than SD3 & SD5 being F1's I mean seriously! BORING

That's the thing. Why make it so predictable? ChAnge it up. The best publicity they had was for Richie's season because that's the only one that wasn't super predictable.


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Post by ssin0547 Thu Sep 07, 2017 10:00 am

@solaroo I guess so, but then he would have or at least should have considered it. I really think he thought he would go into it not expecting to know who the one was right away and when he did know, he didn't know how to handle that.


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Post by solaroo Thu Sep 07, 2017 10:14 am

ssin0547 wrote:@solaroo I guess so, but then he would have or at least should have considered it. I really think he thought he would go into it not expecting to know who the one was right away and when he did know, he didn't know how to handle that.

@ssin0547 You're probably right, particularly suggesting Matty may not have known how to handle it.  And that may be why the stories have emerged suggesting he was such a puppet through the process precisely because he (may have) made up his mind but had no idea how to get through the rest of the season and required the producers to direct him every step of the way to make it a plausible narrative.  JMO.

Possibly Matty did consider this might happen (deciding early on), but I suspect we would never get an honest answer out of him if it's indeed true.  The leads are always so cagey answering that question, even someway down the track once the show is finished.  And honestly, I'm OK with that because the lead still gives some modicum of respect for everything else that happens to other contestants during the season, not just with the F1.

Even still, IMO I still think it's possible TPTB could pull the rug out from under this season, despite where it's heading at this point.

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Post by mercieme Thu Sep 07, 2017 10:37 am

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Post by Sprite Thu Sep 07, 2017 12:30 pm

brownravens wrote:
dolcimumma wrote:I do love's recaps.  Always good for a giggle.  They give Laura are hard time here about 'Rushcutters'  rofl

When we get to Laura’s turn, her home town is listed as “Sydney” in the subtitles and she’s probably mortified at this error because, in episode one, she made it perfectly clear she lives specifically in “Rushcutters”.

That;s exactly what made me roll my eyes at her night 1! I'm so glad i'm not the only Sydney-sider who picked up on that!! Bachelor Australia - Season 5 - Matty Johnson - Media Social Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #4 - Page 66 3806527698

Please what does this mean? I'm from Canada so this goes right over my head.

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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Post by solaroo Thu Sep 07, 2017 12:47 pm

@Sprite  Rushcutters Bay is a pricey inner-city Sydney suburb, very close to the centre of town and Sydney Harbour.  Probably safe to say it's a bit of a hipster suburb these days, lots of well-dressed youngish people and inner-city professionals.  IMO, I suspect Laura dropped the name Rushcutters during the M&G with Matty simply because it's only a couple of suburbs away from Bondi and it quickly established how convenient a relationship would be with her.

The journalist in this article is having a bit of a dig at Laura for being what he perceives as pretentious by naming her suburb rather than just saying 'Sydney'.  Saying that, the whole article sees him having a humorous dig at people throughout the entire episode.

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Post by Sprite Thu Sep 07, 2017 1:48 pm

@solaroo Thank you. I thought it was probably something like that...a bit snobby. TBH I kind of see a little of that with Matty, so that would just be another way they connect.

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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Post by mercieme Thu Sep 07, 2017 1:54 pm

Tara did a quick interview with the GC Bulletin, click link below for video, unable to embed it. Tara looks really good & happy IMO.


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Post by ssin0547 Thu Sep 07, 2017 11:40 pm

Found this on FB. Laura is reading all the comments it seems. Bachelor Australia - Season 5 - Matty Johnson - Media Social Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #4 - Page 66 Img_7317
[url=]Bachelor Australia - Season 5 - Matty Johnson - Media Social Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #4 - Page 66 Img_7316[/url

From The Bachelor Aus Facebook page


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