Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

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Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 13 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by AllAboutLove Sat Aug 15, 2015 12:25 pm

I definitely think that the girls see the connection. Big time!! Here's why:

They all keep commenting on Sam and Heather: "Why Heather? Why white rose? Why is Sam wanting to talk to Heather again and again at the cocktail parties? etc ec, Look at Sam and Heather's body language, look at the body language! What does he see in her?" and on an on it goes.

So the issue is not that the girls don't see the connection, the issue is that the girls are VERY aware of the connection they just don't understand it nor do they like it.

They are not questioning if there is a connection between Sam and Heather they are questioning why there is a connection.

It's because they are different from Heather... they said she is fun and quirky and not like them (sexy) so they see her as threat because of her connection with Sam because if Sam wants Heather then he must not really want them (Emily's implied this numerous times in ITM).

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Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 13 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by happygolucky Sat Aug 15, 2015 1:59 pm

See, when girls talk a lot about Heather in their ITMs or PIs I don't take it as their personal choice to want to discuss her ... but more like the producers question them what they think about Heather (getting more time again? what does H mean to do with the white rose?) ...

I see only 1 girl who has serious problems with Heather's connection with Sam ... and that's Jasmin, she is a jealous one (with a mean undertone), because she has no self-confidence and isn't in-touch with her feelings yet (also she never had a boyfriend in her life, so every girl that gets more attention and time than her is a threat)

Others are more like you all said, AAL and Realityjunkie ...seeing the connection, but either can't understand it or don't want to accept it because their own would be put to question, so they lash out ... also no matter how beautiful they are, there are still cracks in their confidence and plenty of insecurities ... after all, some have used the cosmetic corrections to improve their looks, because they felt insecure/unconfident enough  about it... so if now one flat-chested girl, who doesn't put much emphasis on the appearance and the exterior, is getting more time with Sam ... the insecurities strike even harder.
I believe Snezana, Nina and Sarah are the only ones who are confident enough in their own skin to not subject themselves to that type of "jealousy".

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Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 13 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by AllAboutLove Sat Aug 15, 2015 2:29 pm

I do think they personally want to discuss Heather and I think the producers prompt the question because the girls (not Sarah, Snez, or Nina) are talking about Heather on their own, not the other way around. It all started with the coveted white rose and continued.

Case in point: After Emily talked to Sam at CP, she was talking about "fire" not friendship and it was clearly aimed at Heather which resulted in Heather walking out the room. As soon as Heather left the room the girls in that room were discussing Heather and the "friendship" thing. They were also asking what each other knew about Heather's feelings towards Sam and Emily said she thinks Heather really likes him (implying H likes S but S just sees her as a friend - something she has said before). Emily also said she felt fire when she met Sam and the friend thing is not what he looks for. Then, when Jasmine says that Sam took Heather to talk and not Rachel or Sarah, Emily is like "Maybe he wants to see how friendly they are". And then when Sandra laughed and Bec also laughed/hand at mouth, Emily was being all coy "What, did that come out wrong?"

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Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 13 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by happygolucky Sat Aug 15, 2015 3:01 pm

Oh, yes, I agree on that conversation ... I do think that Heather has a target on her back since the night 1. because of the white rose. But up until that 5th episode, I didn't really feel like girls were intentionally trying to poke Heather ... then with that conversation I completely get it that it's a "game on" ... since they think it's an open hunt ... because the white rose is gone.
I do think it's prompted by Jasmine and then added the salt by Emily... I also believe Bec isn't all-so-nice and I actually start to see her as least genuine of the group. I actually find everyone else more real and honest who they are (good and bad).  Ebru I believe is just a bit IDK naive maybe, I just don't find her really jealous but more like questioning everything... maybe she really doesn't get it. Who's left? Sarah and Rachel had a few eye-rolls when Sam took Heather for a quick chat... but they don't interfere in other people's business, and i understand Sarah, since she is trying to build a relationship, Rachel on the other hand seems like she doesn't even try IDK. Nina plays her own game but is respectful to everyone, so does Snezana, so they are apart from the rest.

I do wonder what kind of dynamic will be once the new girls arrive ... will the original cast stand together or will new alliances be created?


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Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 13 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by AllAboutLove Sat Aug 15, 2015 3:42 pm

happygolucky wrote:notice something delicious ... it was quite the conversation to burn all the calories ... Chocolate Labrador ... Hendrix!
@heather_maltman IG wrote:Take a risk, who knows, it could turn out to be chocolate...
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This is incredible!!! Great sleuthing HGL!  :claphands

That cake of Sam's dog is too adorable for words. Sam must have loved it! Wish we could have seen his reaction!
Heather is so creative and no wonder Sam said that Heather gets ALL the parts of him and knows his whole personality!
And then her bio caption? Taking a risk and chocolate?
I think it's an inside joke between Sam and Heather for sure!

Also, Heather started following a wedding account.

ETA: and Sam's IG profile pic is of him with his chocolate lab Hendrix!

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Last edited by AllAboutLove on Sat Aug 15, 2015 7:11 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 13 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by realityjunky Sat Aug 15, 2015 5:45 pm

I'm so confused now, in one of the podcasts posted by AAL Sam says that heather is frontrunner as of that time. I mean if heather is f1 I understand why they would want to make it  obvious because of all the drama from last season but from my PoV it's way too obvious now and I'm starting to suspect something. I'm just a bit confused by the whole thing now. I mean he could have just danced around that question but instead he chose to say heather. Maybe he's just being honest I don't know duh duh any thoughts?

Last edited by realityjunky on Sat Aug 15, 2015 5:51 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 13 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by AllAboutLove Sat Aug 15, 2015 5:50 pm

I see it as two ways:

1) F1 is not Heather so she is just the misdirection and Sam is using her name as smokescreen since she is obviously the frontrunner anyway so it doesn't mean anything.
2) F1 is Heather and Sam is such a straightshooter that he doesn't dance around the question because he wants the public to support his F1 and continue having her as fan favorite (right now Heather is 51% fan favorite). Also, if he says someone else's name it would look like he is lying because Heather is seen as the frontrunner anyway so it doesn't mean he is giving away the ending that Heather is also F1.

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Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 13 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by AllAboutLove Sat Aug 15, 2015 5:59 pm

Sorry for double post, just wanted to add this:

In an interview Sam was asked what his greatest fault/flaw is and he is said he is impatient.

If Heather is F1 and they have been together for months now but not able to just be open about it in public... I could see someone like Sam, who seems to be a straight shooter and not mincing words being impatient about having to wait while the show airs.

I do think that for a lead who is impatient, in love, and a straight shooter the waiting will be a huge struggle/challenge and who knows, he just might not even really care at this point since his present reality is different from the show (Art Green was similar in this way - he was just done with the show and was over it since his reality was with Matilda, not reliving the tv show).

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Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 13 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by Guest Sat Aug 15, 2015 6:07 pm

realityjunky wrote:I'm so confused now, in one of the podcasts posted by AAL Sam says that heather is frontrunner as of that time. I mean if heather is f1 I understand why they would want to make it  obvious because of all the drama from last season but from my PoV  it's way too obvious now and I'm starting to suspect something. I'm just a bit confused by the whole thing now. I mean he could have just danced around that question but instead he chose to say heather. Maybe he's just being honest I don't know duh duh any thoughts?

Not just the podcast, even the edit points to her. Heather is also all over the radio as is Sam. The only other people we have heard from as much as Heather and Sam are those eliminated so far so I guess they are just throwing it out there for all.

I doubt anyone sees any other girl as the F1 at this point tbh. Good on them if that is the way they are playing it. I am not an Heather fan and I am happy to watch my favs and enjoy their moments on my tv without the misguided hope they are F1.


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Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 13 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by lozzatron Sat Aug 15, 2015 6:56 pm

I'll start this by saying that I haven't followed the spoilers all that closely so I have no idea how far Heather goes (I know she has at least one more date coming up but that's all I know).

Watching the show though and following the media, social media, etc I'm jumping back and fourth about whether I think she'll be F1 or not.

One one hand it just seems way too obvious. I mean on the previous Australian series it became pretty obvious Tim was going to pick Anna and Blake was going to pick Sam but the show's producers at least tried to make it look like that wasn't the case to build suspense. They're not even really trying this year which makes me think they're happy to go on letting the public think it'll be Heather to distract from it being someone else. Heather's the one doing the media circuit, Heather's the one the girls in the house all talk about, Heather's the one Sam said was the frontrunner (at this stage), etc. Almost seems like they want to leave the focus there to distract people because someone else has snuck under the radar (obviously my guess would be Snez whom Sam obviously is also very attracted to).

On the other hand though after last year's mess maybe they're just happy to let it unfold a bit more naturally without even bothering to try and throw people off track. Heather is quite popular with the fans so maybe they're just happy to ride with that to keep the bulk of viewers happy.

I will add however that if Heather doesn't go onto win and she's just been in focus to throw people off track then it may backfire spectacularly for them. Judging by the fans comments on social media, the polls, media identities positive comments about her, etc she seems extremely popular. Now obviously not everyone likes her, but for a Bachelor contestant at least she has quite a large majority of support. They've kind of set up this situation where she seems like the natural choice and if Sam then chooses anyone else it'll probably cause a great deal of confusion/negativity from large portions of the general fanbase.

Now obviously at the end of the day it doesn't matter who the fans favourite is, it is Sam's decision. However after last season's mess they'd probably want an ending that'll make the fans happy so if Heather isn't F1 then they probably should have maybe pushed her into the background a bit more. I know there's still a long way to go though so perceptions can change a lot.


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Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 13 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by AllAboutLove Sat Aug 15, 2015 7:01 pm

Heather has over 51% fan favorite vote. I don't see any good coming from Heather not being F1. The public will feel duped and that will backfire big time. I think if Heather is F1 like I believe she is, then the network is caring more about a successful relationship than they are about keeping any suspense up.

Also just posted in Sm sleuthing thread, but insider info saying Heather has been going to Melbourne every weekend (apart from this weekend).

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Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman - Page 13 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

Post by Guest Sat Aug 15, 2015 7:36 pm

lozzatron wrote:I'll start this by saying that I haven't followed the spoilers all that closely so I have no idea how far Heather goes (I know she has at least one more date coming up but that's all I know).

Watching the show though and following the media, social media, etc I'm jumping back and fourth about whether I think she'll be F1 or not.

One one hand it just seems way too obvious. I mean on the previous Australian series it became pretty obvious Tim was going to pick Anna and Blake was going to pick Sam but the show's producers at least tried to make it look like that wasn't the case to build suspense. They're not even really trying this year which makes me think they're happy to go on letting the public think it'll be Heather to distract from it being someone else. Heather's the one doing the media circuit, Heather's the one the girls in the house all talk about, Heather's the one Sam said was the frontrunner (at this stage), etc. Almost seems like they want to leave the focus there to distract people because someone else has snuck under the radar (obviously my guess would be Snez whom Sam obviously is also very attracted to).

On the other hand though after last year's mess maybe they're just happy to let it unfold a bit more naturally without even bothering to try and throw people off track. Heather is quite popular with the fans so maybe they're just happy to ride with that to keep the bulk of viewers happy.

I will add however that if Heather doesn't go onto win and she's just been in focus to throw people off track then it may backfire spectacularly for them. Judging by the fans comments on social media, the polls, media identities positive comments about her, etc she seems extremely popular. Now obviously not everyone likes her, but for a Bachelor contestant at least she has quite a large majority of support. They've kind of set up this situation where she seems like the natural choice and if Sam then chooses anyone else it'll probably cause a great deal of confusion/negativity from large portions of the general fanbase.

Now obviously at the end of the day it doesn't matter who the fans favourite is, it is Sam's decision. However after last season's mess they'd probably want an ending that'll make the fans happy so if Heather isn't F1 then they probably should have maybe pushed her into the background a bit more. I know there's still a long way to go though so perceptions can change a lot.

Very good points you make especially re the bolded. Making it too obvious may also turn public opinion agains Heather. For example, on sm (twitter especially) people are starting to call her out on her jealousy and her facial expressions when she hears about someone else's connection. There are a lot of comments on fB regarding this too. If the edit continues to show as as the jealous F1, it will only cause people to start rooting for the "underdogs". I hope the are more discreet with showing the F1 at this stage or maybe refrain from showing her possessive, jealous and entitled tendencies.


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Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Heather Maltman

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