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Post by BlackHalo Tue May 19, 2015 12:38 pm

I think Kaitlyn could always turn it around with the media. She is not obligated to fall in love with any of these guys. She made a comment that "slow and steady wins the race". This process is the opposite of that. She just couldn't find love in this type of a setting.


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Post by california90 Tue May 19, 2015 12:39 pm

I think she wanted to "win" over Britt. Then she was over it really soon because it's a job and it's really demanding. She said she wants to find love and slow and steady is her winner. This show was not made for that. On CS season, I think she was just there for fun. She wasn't the lead so it's draining to be the lead, which was why Britt was better because she is very used to it.

She also could have had a BF back at home, very possible. There were rumors and they could just be rumors, but who knows. Maybe TPTB didn't pick a guy that could beat him essentially so she said no one?

I think the "lead" is a job and its a hard job and perhaps not meant for Kaitlyn after all.


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Post by Guest Tue May 19, 2015 12:41 pm

sdmom wrote:
Kiltburn wrote:I'm struggling with all this ...if Kaitlyn did the show only for publicity and not to find a guy...the most publicity you get is on the interview circuit with the happy couple...Brad was brutalized after his non pick it certainly didn't endear him to people... I'm surprised if Kaitlyn is as media savvy as I think she is that she wouldn't realize this? She does t look happy in the interviews etc either...very very low's all very odd.. Upset

I have said repeatedly, why not dating Nick/Shawn or both in the real world to see how it goes? Didn't RS say she was attracted to both?  Maybe she really has a BF back at home?
"Low energy"... maybe she is anticipating the backlash? Will there be a ATFR? Will all f3 be at ATFR?

It's really odd she wouldn't even date them. Hell, if she had left the first episode, I'm sure the producers would've placed Shawn for Kaitlyn in the same role they put Brady for Britt. So if she was ready to date him episode 1, what changes after 10 episodes? I really think something drastic happens this season. Watching at Chris Harrison's Robyn Ross interview, he is practically salivating talking about what is going to happen in this season. And this "super teaser" we see tonight will definitely shed some light.

I agree she has been low energy in the interviews. But, on the other hand, she's been tweeting and snapchatting like herself. Just keeping my fingers crossed that everything's okay! Nothing too heartbreaking sad


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Post by Alanna Tue May 19, 2015 1:11 pm

freeflowingsalt wrote:
sdmom wrote:
Kiltburn wrote:I'm struggling with all this ...if Kaitlyn did the show only for publicity and not to find a guy...the most publicity you get is on the interview circuit with the happy couple...Brad was brutalized after his non pick it certainly didn't endear him to people... I'm surprised if Kaitlyn is as media savvy as I think she is that she wouldn't realize this? She does t look happy in the interviews etc either...very very low's all very odd.. Upset

I have said repeatedly, why not dating Nick/Shawn or both in the real world to see how it goes? Didn't RS say she was attracted to both?  Maybe she really has a BF back at home?
"Low energy"... maybe she is anticipating the backlash? Will there be a ATFR? Will all f3 be at ATFR?

It's really odd she wouldn't even date them. Hell, if she had left the first episode, I'm sure the producers would've placed Shawn for Kaitlyn in the same role they put Brady for Britt. So if she was ready to date him episode 1, what changes after 10 episodes? I really think something drastic happens this season. Watching at Chris Harrison's Robyn Ross interview, he is practically salivating talking about what is going to happen in this season. And this "super teaser" we see tonight will definitely shed some light.

I agree she has been low energy in the interviews. But, on the other hand, she's been tweeting and snapchatting like herself. Just keeping my fingers crossed that everything's okay! Nothing too heartbreaking sad
It's like tptb messed with her so badly that it was easier for her to just give up and not choose anyone than to get engaged and deal with more drama and stress. It's like she really just stopped trying, wanted it to be over and walked away because it seems both Shawn and Nick were willing and ready to be with her and at least date.

Big: You know, Manhattan has a lot of beautiful women.
Carrie: What an amazing observation!
Big: But the thing is, after awhile, you just wanna be with the one who makes you laugh.
~ Sex and the City


All the J’s all the time: #jash #Jo^3 #jaitlyn


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Post by momoftrips Tue May 19, 2015 2:11 pm

Kaitlyn and Britt's People blogs.

Britt Nilsson's Bachelorette Premiere Blog: 'I Had to Try Again. How Could I Not?'

By Britt Nilsson
 @brittkarolina 05/19/2015 AT 12:50 PM EDT

Britt Nilsson charmed her way into the hearts of the Bachelor Nation – and nearly the Bachelor himself, Chris Soules, on season 19 of The Bachelor. Now Britt hopes to begin her own journey to love as the next Bachelorette.

I am still not quite sure if this is all a dream. There's a part of me that is still waiting to wake up to my life back to normal … waiting tables, sitting in traffic, talking with my girlfriends about life and love. There's another, more analytical part of me that is processing the fact that my life has definitely changed forever. No turning back.

Looking back on that first night, I was excited and honored, nervous and overwhelmed, self-conscious and confident all at the same time. I still feel all of those emotions. And while I know that everything happens for a reason, and I wasn't standing outside that mansion by mistake, I remember that I couldn't stop asking myself the same question over and over in my mind: Will I stay and find love – or leave brokenhearted?

The season before, when I was on The Bachelor, I went in open but came out broken. My intentions were pure, and my heart was ready, but, when I left the show, my character was questioned and I found myself at a loss for words as I watched. The prospect of competing for love again was, as Kaitlyn had put it, "not ideal." The fear of further rejection or misunderstanding lurked in the back of my mind – but louder than my fears, I heard a resounding "yes." Yes, this was the next step. Yes, this was where I was supposed to be. Yes, this was the chance of a lifetime to find love and happiness with a soulmate. I couldn't help but allow the excitement of that possibility to overtake me. I had to try again. How could I not?

For weeks, I remember my emotions vacillating between extreme optimism and momentary dread. Waking up with confidence, I would feel insecurity creeping in and stealing my joy by the afternoon, and back and forth again. Thankfully, as the first night slowly approached, I remember a sense of peace coming over me one night while I prayed – a distinct shift into a radically different perspective. The apprehension and questioning gave way to a realization that whatever was truly best would happen, and so the outcome was not only out of my control but going to be inevitably good – no matter what. This was something bigger than either of us, and I could ease up and walk through this process with freedom. I'd have to just let go and enjoy the ride. I felt released, happy and finally ready. I would only be the Bachelorette if my husband was in that group of men, and, if Kaitlyn's was, then she would. It was all very simple, but, as I would find out, not necessarily easy.

Most of that day before the first night was spent being dressed and made up by a brilliant team of stylists, which was humbling to say the very least. This look was a far cry from the chipped nails, tennis shoes and T-shirts I usually bum around in. I secretly kept waiting for someone to tell me this was all a big joke and I would have to go home soon. So far no one had, so I sat with my hair curled, my makeup done and my head spinning as I waited for the limo to arrive. I knew that somewhere, Kaitlyn was going through the same process and probably feeling the same anticipation and bewilderment. Unfortunately, our chances of going on and completing the season were mutually exclusive, so I wondered how this night would ultimately end for each of us.

To be honest, the entire evening was mostly a fantastic blur. I specifically remember the surreal moment that our limos pulled up to the mansion. I had recollections of my first encounter there with Chris Soules (nervous heavy breathing included), and couldn't believe that I would now be the one greeting potential partners. I saw Kaitlyn, who looked stunning, and Chris Harrison, who looked like, well, Chris Harrison – always with his mix of serenity, familiarity and a little mischief. I felt ready but all too sure that we were in for a surprise (or two … or 10).

Chris informed us that we would be standing side by side, which is not awkward at all ... right?! So there we stood, side by side, waiting with hearts pounding for the first limo to arrive. There were a million and one thoughts running through my head, but I'll try to spit them out as they come back to me. In no particular order, I recall:

Shawn E.
Hot tub car. I mean, come on! That was actually impressive to me, not so much because it made me think anyone driving it would make a particularly good husband but because I am amazed that we are living in a time and place where someone not only thinks of but physically creates something that ridiculous, awesome and unnecessary.

Ben H.
Ben got out of the limo early and immediately made me feel very comfortable and safe. He told me he was aware of some of the children that I sponsor and correspond with, and he suggested we write a letter to a sponsored child of his own. It felt good to know that he not only had learned about me and my passions beforehand, but also that he shared the same enthusiasm for helping others. That is exactly the heart I am looking for in a man, especially in a father and husband. And, hey, being cute never hurts.

I feel almost patronizing saying this but I sincerely liked Tony's "energy." I definitely could tell that Tony was a deep and compassionate individual. We didn't get into very much detail about his exact methods of meditation or healing, but I was impressed that he is driven to help people and learn about himself. Anyone trying to self-improve and better understand how they relate to the world they live in, is immediately attractive to me. Though, I never did get the story on that black eye!

The cupcake car was just so much yes. If a guy can laugh at himself (which he definitely has to when his head is the cherry on a giant cupcake), that's a great sign. Also, his smile didn't bother me ... at all.

Brady had an effortless charm about him. I detected a slight accent, which I love, and a peacefulness that was magnetic. His story about leaving his professional baseball career to become a Christian musician was absolutely intriguing to me because my faith is the center of my life. We had a very intense moment of connection, and I felt really excited about the possibility of finding someone with the same core values. I left that conversation wishing it had gone on a little longer, which I suppose is a very good problem to have.

Ryan M.
Somebody get this guy some water. And an attitude check. And maybe a part as the drunk guy in a college frat movie – he might actually have something going for him if he's given the chance to shine in the right role!

I liked Jonathan right away. I liked him to the point that my neck got warm and I couldn't make myself say anything intelligible, only anxiously listen to my own voice stumbling through embarrassing half sentences. I had absolutely no coolness or game with that guy. He's from Detroit, has a son, tattoos, a beautiful face and a lot of personality. Yup. Gooood one.

Sweet, funny, personable. It takes a real man to bring balloons to a party. (Sidenote: Kaitlyn and I gave the helium a try, and we're thinking of starting a chipmunk cover band. Out on iTunes soon.)

Overall, the night was a rollercoaster. Am I the first person from the Bachelor franchise to say that? I really felt open and was surprisingly able to establish solid foundations with many of the men, considering the circumstances. I was proud of them for being vulnerable and present; it really seemed like they were giving it everything they had. Just as I felt like I was getting a clearer picture of who each one was, Chris Harrison announced that the voting would be taking place. As the energy in the room shifted, I could see the reality of the situation setting in. No one wanted to make the wrong decision, and the stakes were officially set.

As the men filtered in and out to vote, and Kaitlyn and I tried to reach out to the men we hadn't spoken with, the gravity of the impending deadline set in. We were no longer able to convince ourselves that we were all just enjoying a cocktail party. The momentum of the evening had turned from fun to dutiful.

As we waited for the men to finish voting, I had to intentionally keep centering my heart and mind on the fact that this was not in my hands. I had tried my best to bare my soul and make the men feel comfortable, to be perceptive and listen, and to be honest and available to them. I knew Kaitlyn was doing the same, so each man's personal taste was the only thing that would end up making the decision in the end. I still felt like I was supposed to be there, but I also knew that Kaitlyn was more than deserving to be there as well. We were both ready, both fully invested and both unsure of what the next few minutes would tell us about our next few months – and possibly the rest of our lives. Each man that we had only met for a few moments held one bit of our future in their hands.

All we could do was wait ... and hope, and pray for fate to step in and lead us all in the right direction.


Kaitlyn Bristowe's Bachelorette Premiere Blog: 'Going Home Was Not an Option'

By Kaitlyn Bristowe
@kaitlynbristowe 05/19/2015 AT 12:50 PM EDT

Kaitlyn Bristowe charmed her way into the hearts of the Bachelor Nation – and nearly the Bachelor himself, Chris Soules, on season 19 of The Bachelor. Now Kaitlyn hopes to begin her own journey to love as the next Bachelorette.

Well … if you would have told this edgy little gal a year ago that I would be writing a blog for PEOPLE as one of two Bachelorettes duking it out against each other for love, I would have done my fat man laugh. I would think you were nuts, but here I am!

When I was approached with the idea of two Bachelorettes, I was definitely not jumping for joy. It was more like, pouting for hours. I thought about it for days. Why would I do this to myself? And then I realized the world I was living in. It's 2015, people are swiping and linking on Tinder, meeting online and dating on TV. So I thought to myself: Kaitlyn, this is just an incredible opportunity to meet a man you could spend the rest of your life with. Clearly whatever I've been doing in the real world isn't reeling in the best caliber of men. I had to know there could be light at the end of the tunnel. Or maybe I should say love at the end of the tunnel! There is it ladies and gentlemen, my first cheesy line of the blog. But I mean it!

All of a sudden I am one of two Bachelorettes, at Cary Fetman's place – Cary is the stylist for the show and also one of my favourite people EVER. I spelled favourite the Canadian way. Just let me have that. Anyway, racks of expensive clothes, gowns and shoes surrounded me. Every girl's dream right? Wrong! I wear T-shirts, backwards hats and buy my shoes at Payless! Shopping isn't my jam, but I was excited to play dress-up with the talented stylist. And being the Bachelorette (or one of two) means being glam. Cary, if you're reading this, you truly are a saint for putting up with me. And, now that I think of it, I have a new appreciation for clothes.

Now usually the Bachelorette would jump into a limo, excited and eager to stand in front of the Bachelor mansion, knowing she could potentially be meeting her husband. That's got to be one of the wildest most unbelievable feelings. You are on the receiving side, the power is in your hands and these men are nervous as hell to impress you or they could be going home. Well, not this season. This time around there were two of us and WE had to impress the men, knowing one of US could be going home. Holy pressure.

Everyone asks, "What was your strategy going into this?" And the only thing I could think of was just to be Kaitlyn. Laugh, be sincere and make the guys feel comfortable. And, to be honest, once the first limo pulled up and I accepted the awkward situation, we did have some fun! I would look over at Britt, and we would giggle. The guys were more nervous than we were, which took the pressure off! And just to go back to my strategy for a second … when I ran inside to say hi to the guys, I wasn't trying to be unfair or discourteous. That was never a game plan or strategy. It was meant to be a sweet gesture. We were waiting for another limo, and it was a few minutes late. I heard all the guys inside laughing and having fun, and I had a split second of FOMO (fear of missing out). I wanted to just run in, say hi and tell them how great they were. I remember that night being so long with Chris Soules and thinking how nice it would be for him to run in and just say hi! Sorry if that felt rude, Britt!!

Overall, I was just so impressed with the quality of these men. One definitely gave me that feeling I was looking for when it came to first impressions. So after a motorized cupcake, a strip tease, a car "pool" (hahaha, I'm still laughing) and some incredible dudes, it was time to head into the mansion. It was intimidating to walk into a room of that many handsome faces. It takes a lot for me to be speechless. But having 25 babe sodas staring at me will do it. So what do I do? Tell a joke. CLASSIC KAITLYN. I wanted to make the guys feel comfortable, and I knew I had all night to talk to them about what I was looking for in a husband. Britt killed it; you nailed that speech girl. I like to think she was speaking for both of us. I really was looking at these men wanting to find a best friend to love for the rest of my life. I should have spoken from the heart, my bad.

Let the mad scramble begin. The poor guys had to try and get to know two women in a matter of hours and decide who they might want to marry … not date, MARRY. Kind of a big deal, like WHAT??

Every time I sat down with one of the guys, I would think, Well it's not going to get better than this! And then the next guy would come along, and I'd think, Okay, wait, it can't get better than this … fast forward to 25 guys later, and I'm convinced we have the best group of guys in all of the land. When Clint revealed that picture of Chris Harrison riding a triceratops, I almost died. He is funny AND talented! I love when a guy has some sort of talent.

Chris S. … cute AND successful. Usually I avoid the dentist – not this one. Chris was so easy to talk to, you can tell he has a full heart and wants to find that person to spend life with. Hearing about who these men were, where they came from and what they wanted made me SO hopeful and happy. They opened up to me, shared things with me and put it all out there. Going home was not an option. Unless you're Ryan M. … then you are definitely going home. I'm surprised I didn't smack that guy in the face and walk him out myself. Who does that guy think he is? He was inappropriate, disrespectful and not taking this seriously. I'm all for having a good time, but that was just next level. I had second hand embarrassment for him watching that back. Not cool Ryan.

Enter Chris Harrison. Like I said, it's all fun and games until Chris Harrison walks into the room. He announced that a vote would have to be made. I can't describe the feeling in that moment. Excitement, shock, horror, nerves … you name it, I felt it. Waiting around to learn your fate (while being reminded how great the guys are) is emotionally exhausting. Either way this was going to go, I knew it would be hard. I like Britt. I don't want anyone's feelings to get hurt. Everyone deserves love and knowing one of us would feel heartbreak again, made me sick to my stomach (I noticed I say that A LOT) …. Then Chris came out and told me how the voting went … He said … okaaaaaay, we know I can't do that.



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Post by Guest Tue May 19, 2015 2:28 pm

^^^ Thanks for posting! Loved both blogs... but could it be more obvious these two are poles apart? Such different personalities and accounts of the same night and same experiences Smiley

I also found this interview:

I know I'm grasping at straws here, but their responses to these vital questions in light of RS spoilers:
Interviewer: Did you do the right thing by saying yes to this (The Bachelorette)?
Britt and Kaitlyn, unhesitantly: Yes.
Interviewer: No regrets?
Britt, unhesitantly: No
Kaitlyn pauses, then slowly shakes her head.

WHAT HAPPENED. sad question I need to know already!


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Post by Alanna Tue May 19, 2015 2:35 pm

One definitely gave me that feeling I was looking for when it came to first impressions.

Why even include this? I love her yet I hate her at the same time. Stop speaking, Kait.

Big: You know, Manhattan has a lot of beautiful women.
Carrie: What an amazing observation!
Big: But the thing is, after awhile, you just wanna be with the one who makes you laugh.
~ Sex and the City


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Post by Guest Tue May 19, 2015 4:06 pm

For some reason I am thinking she is with someone.


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Post by Guest Tue May 19, 2015 4:11 pm

reason wrote:For some reason I am thinking she is with someone.

I am too reason, and I'm still thinking its Nick


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Post by Guest Tue May 19, 2015 4:15 pm

I am on that train of thought too Max it wont leave my head and gut for some reason.


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Post by Alanna Tue May 19, 2015 4:16 pm

Max64 wrote:
reason wrote:For some reason I am thinking she is with someone.

I am too reason, and I'm still thinking its Nick
Even after that Ryan Seacrest interview? I think it's impossible she's with someone right now after that interview. JMO.

Big: You know, Manhattan has a lot of beautiful women.
Carrie: What an amazing observation!
Big: But the thing is, after awhile, you just wanna be with the one who makes you laugh.
~ Sex and the City


All the J’s all the time: #jash #Jo^3 #jaitlyn


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Post by Guest Tue May 19, 2015 4:19 pm

Where is the Ryan intereview? directions please?


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