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Post by marriedtoabaritone Tue Jul 08, 2014 4:51 pm

I've made it through Nick and Chris so far. Man, both great dates! I married an Iowa boy with family in Milwaukee, so I loved it all...the cheese curds at the Market and the cheesehead hat (GO Pack GO!) and seeing the beautiful farm where Chris and his family live. My BIL's farm in northern Missouri is one of my favorite places in all the world! I can't see Andi in either of those environments long-term, though.

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Post by LibbyBell Tue Jul 08, 2014 6:38 pm

Hometowns!! Sorry-- I have a HUGE long post. If you want to comment or quote, please feel free to clip out only the part you want to discuss.

Nick--I thought the Public Market and the brewery were good places to go on this hometown date and wonder-- how much did TPTB have to pay to get the “Nick and Andi” brew?!? SHUT UP! Andi, you’re telling me you have never heard of the POLKA?!?! The date was very good and I could definitely tell that Nick was comfortable and in his element. HUGE family! First off—wow, to have kids ranging in age from 35 (I am assuming that a couple of his sisters are older than he is)-11!! I noticed that when his dad asked what Andi’s first impression of Nick was, he lacked eye contact even with his family. I think the main thing this points out is that Nick is very shy/ reserved and perhaps struggles to be the center of attention. Nick’s sister’s question, do you think you can be you, unapologetically?—is she maybe referring to the fact that socially, Nick sometimes struggles (ex: the guys, being very blunt to the point others see it as arrogance, etc… And before someone jumps on this, I am NOT saying I think Nick is on the spectrum)? Also the question, does she make you laugh? Perhaps signals that in the past others may not have gotten his sense of humor or have taken him too seriously. I heard a few things that make me know that Andi and Nick have had some important and serious conversations (not that I doubted it). I thought Andi’s conversation with Bella was cute but could see TPTB’s hands written all over those questions!! If only for the fact that she certainly would have been able to remember them (when speaking with Nick) if she had come up with them! And really--- the personality vs looks question?!? I felt like this hometown gave me a lot more insight into Nick and who he is as a person. I understand (and like him) much more than I did going into the date. I also think that Andi got exactly what she needed to see from Nick and his family. (always, ITA with everything you said about his HTD)

Chris-- I was glad that we got to see a little of the conversation with Andi and Chris re: life in Iowa. I think that Chris is prepared for her not to be ready to up and move to Iowa and knows that he is a longshot because of it. Why was Andi so surprised that Chris had a house; I think she was expecting a little shanty! Chris is obviously very successful and happy with his life. What a sweet family, although I could have done without the fart joke (always really, your favorite moment?!? :giggle: ) and underwear story. I didn’t, however, feel there was anything to move their relationship forward. I still don’t think that he will be Andi’s final 1 though. Cari, again, I’m not following SM so not sure of the clues there but from the show, I just don’t see Andi as Lisa Douglas (alright, Mr. Douglas since he was a lawyer and gave it all up for the farm…sorry, showing my age; Green Acres shout out for all those too young to know my reference!) If this does happen—I’ll be very curious in their post-show media tour!

Josh-- I was most excited to see Josh’s family and how Andi’s interaction with them would be. I definitely think that Andi is scared of her feelings for Josh; at least the edit keeps hitting us over the head with this fact.  I think it was interesting that they kept in her joke—“what if I don’t like them…” I think this kind of foreshadows that Andi feels that Josh is 2nd fiddle to Aaron in his family and she doesn’t like it too much. However, on the other hand it shows her just how devoted he is to family. In her ITM with the teal top on, it looked like Andi was either sunburned or had been crying (around her eyes were reddened) when she was talking about wanting Josh’s family to be excited for Josh, too. Good that his mom pointed out that she could tell Josh was in love. I’m glad that she said that Josh needs to put himself first and that if/when they get married his wife will be his priority. Aaron also pointed out that he is ready to be on his own and that it is Josh’s turn. I think this is put in to show that either it will be a new chapter with Andi and Josh OR they are setting him up to be TB! (  Smiley  )  Laura Walsh, I agree, it did seem we were a little shortchanged; so much we didn’t get to see! Cari, I think I’m confused--- who do you think is F1? I must say if he isn’t F1 he surely will have the option to be TB! That would just be too much for TPTB to pass on. (I must say I am curious about what all is going on in SM!!) One of the things that I have struggled with Josh’s edit has been that he is always so giddy with Andi, grinning, saying he likes/is falling in love with her so much but when Andi asks for examples, we aren’t shown the answers. I think that he does have examples but we aren’t being shown them but, if not—this could be Andi’s reason for thinking “it’s just too good to be true” maybe he says the words but she questions the substance behind them? Agreed Cari—we will watch episode 9 like hawks!!

Marcus-- STRANGE OBSERVATION HERE:  sorry, I have to point this out—it looks like Marcus “manscapes” under his arms and his legs…why then doesn’t he do his chest? Sorry, had to ask the question! I did notice as they were sitting having lunch—Marcus is definitely handsome and has the most beautiful blue eyes!

Loved seeing the Dallas skyline! It was interesting that Marcus’ sister asked about Marcus’ confidence and if it bothered Andi. I thought this was added in to contrast with how Nick is “confident” and how it bothers the other guys. I love how genuine Marcus is. I see the edit of him falling in love so quickly and whether or not Andi can “catch up” with that; obviously, he is not going to be Andi’s final 1—I knew this and will touch on it more later*. When Andi and Marcus are sitting down and he is professing his love for Andi, I could see her holding back and putting on that “poker face” that Eric mentioned.  GG—congrats for seeing it ahead of time and calling it!

Eric ‘s situation Lost, I so agree! I had mixed emotions on this. I do realize TPTB were between a rock and a hard place—damned if they did and damned if they didn’t. I guess they handled it as good as they could. I was surprised that the guys didn’t have questions—it seemed strange that there were no exclamation:  oh my, gosh—what happened, etc, to try to get more information. You could tell that CH almost “broke the 4th wall” and said this is supposed to be a happy, TV show, but then he didn’t. With all the #$%@ we sometimes pile on him, I do think CH tries-for the most part- to be sincere (I was/am very mad at him last year with the JPG debacle though) and to be there for everyone. I think he was genuine in telling Andi that she didn’t have to act a certain way or be strong for anyone—just be herself. That was the best advice he could have given her. My main question is—why on earth didn’t they move the location of the RC to somewhere else? In not doing so, I did feel there was a little manipulation to stir up memories and that was unfair. I know at the beginning of the season that TPTB said they were in communication with the Hill’s and got their permission to continue to discuss Eric in the show and I am hoping this was the case. Legally, I’m sure that the contract Eric signed would be enough for TPTB to have continued as they wanted but just on a humanitarian level, I hope TPTB would have done it differently if the Hill’s had requested it.

RC*-- I could NOT believe that Andi let Marcus go here! Again, I could see that Andi wasn’t at the same level of emotion that Marcus was but, I THOUGHT that, knowing full well that she was not truly open to moving to Iowa, she would have let Chris go at this time. Could it be that because of the Eric situation, she thought that it was better to let Marcus go here since he was definitely head over heels in love with her? I don’t know. I do think that she and Chris had a fairly frank conversation about what her options would really be if she were to move to Arlington and that maybe he is expecting not to be the final one. OR Cari, you may win the prize at seeing this—I could have been totally hoodwinked by the edit this season!  I felt so bad for Marcus!

Previews--Wow, there are a TON of voice overs and cutting back and forth from scenes! TPTB truly wanted to keep us guessing! GG, I see the spot you are talking about and I agree—there is no way to tell if the 2 scenes go together which usually means they don’t! Nick also says something about I glorified the relationship and I was lying to myself – could it be that is when she is letting F3 go and its Nick not Chris? GG, what points you in the direction of Chris going home as opposed to Nick? As far as the FS dates go, even though we only see Josh with a card, I think Chris at least has dinner and the FS card is what he is speaking of when he asks her “where is your gut, right now”? Regarding the voice overs with Josh: “it’s just too good to be true” and then, “every part of me feels like an idiot” I think have come from back in Italy in the ITM where she was crying and talking about not getting her fairytale.  I don’t believe ANY of the voice overs are indicative of the conversation that Josh and Andi actually had on their FS date.  I also think all the shots of Andi crying are from previous times in the season—I’d love to know if these have been compared to other crying shots of her earlier in the season and if any of them match up!

Sorry---I’m about to let my imagination run wild—could it be that she lets BOTH Chris and Nick go at this point so that she can focus on Josh and make sure that it isn’t too good to be true? Is that why everything is riding on tonight? The coral dress and Andi walking onto the balcony remind me of a “morning of the FRC” scene and prior to F3 RC—before getting dressed and when the bachelorette contemplates her coming day.

Sorry, again for the long post!

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Post by pander3575 Tue Jul 08, 2014 7:11 pm

Loved it.

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Post by Peppermom Tue Jul 08, 2014 7:45 pm

Good observations! GG you did definitely call Marcus as F4. Until I heard Andi say that she didn't know if she could "catch up" to Marcus' feelings, I was sure he would be F3. When she said that, I knew she would let him go. I saw more of a connection with Chris last night than I had all season. I still don't see him being F1. No passion. I'm still leaning towards Josh as F1. I need to watch it again before I post any more thoughts. I took a muscle relaxer last night for a sore back and kept dozing off! Sad I won't get to watch Marcus on the beach. giggling 

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*NO SPOILERS* The Bachelorette 10 - Episode Discussion - Page 44 Empty Re: *NO SPOILERS* The Bachelorette 10 - Episode Discussion

Post by GrahamGal Tue Jul 08, 2014 7:56 pm

Cari my friend, I love you!  Even your wishwashiness (new word!)

I do agree that Josh is getting a TB edit, BUT I think that was in case things didn't work out for Andi/Josh post show.  Whether it's this coming season or the next TPTB would want him BAD.  I'm sure they really wanted Andi to fall for someone else.  As you put it they were salivating over having Josh as TB, but Andi got him first.

I definitely see them setting Chris up as TB in this episode, but that makes sense since the only Bachelors I have really loved were Brad 2.0 and Andrew Firestone.  I like Chris a lot and he is a great guy, but he does nothing for me as a lead. He would probably make it in my top 5 Bachelors of all time.

I do agree that if Chris was F2 he would have a better chance of being the F1, than Nick as the F2.  However I still see him as F3 as I just don't see that "forever" chemistry.

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*NO SPOILERS* The Bachelorette 10 - Episode Discussion - Page 44 Empty Re: *NO SPOILERS* The Bachelorette 10 - Episode Discussion

Post by LibbyBell Tue Jul 08, 2014 8:29 pm

GG, is there anything specifically that points to Chris as F3 or just your gut? before yesterday's episode, I would have agreed with you but because of the preview I'm really wondering if Nick goes F idea

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*NO SPOILERS* The Bachelorette 10 - Episode Discussion - Page 44 Empty Re: *NO SPOILERS* The Bachelorette 10 - Episode Discussion

Post by marriedtoabaritone Tue Jul 08, 2014 9:09 pm

Any chance the Nick previews are him explaining why his engagement didn't work out? I only watched it once, but I assumed it to be a red herring like the Chris quote about being a homemaker.

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*NO SPOILERS* The Bachelorette 10 - Episode Discussion - Page 44 Empty Re: *NO SPOILERS* The Bachelorette 10 - Episode Discussion

Post by pander3575 Tue Jul 08, 2014 9:34 pm

Can/Would you like to see some deleted scenes? There's no comments for spoilers.

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*NO SPOILERS* The Bachelorette 10 - Episode Discussion - Page 44 Empty Re: *NO SPOILERS* The Bachelorette 10 - Episode Discussion

Post by marriedtoabaritone Tue Jul 08, 2014 9:46 pm

I'd love 'em!

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*NO SPOILERS* The Bachelorette 10 - Episode Discussion - Page 44 Empty Re: *NO SPOILERS* The Bachelorette 10 - Episode Discussion

Post by pander3575 Tue Jul 08, 2014 9:49 pm
There's three Josh family, Chris and Andi and Josh giving Andi the roses. Enjoy

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*NO SPOILERS* The Bachelorette 10 - Episode Discussion - Page 44 Empty Re: *NO SPOILERS* The Bachelorette 10 - Episode Discussion

Post by LibbyBell Tue Jul 08, 2014 9:59 pm


How can you help it when the music starts to play, And your ability to reason is swept away
Oh-oh-oh, heaven on earth is all you see, You're out of touch with reality
And now you cry but when you do-- Next time around someone cries for you

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Post by pander3575 Tue Jul 08, 2014 10:03 pm

You're welcome. When I saw them I was dying to share with you all.  giggling 

Did you notice she called him Babe? That is the second time she's done that.

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