Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 53 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by Isabel123 Wed Mar 12, 2014 1:46 am

stuckinsc wrote:They were shocked watching the finale, but that finale was edited to do that.  We get to see him play Clare the love song, but we don't get to see him play Nikki her love song.  They cut the MTPs both really short so they could take extra time to talk to the audience.  The day of the FRC we cut right to JPG at the FRC, nothing of him before hand.  I found the whole thing very unromantic, and I believe it was edited that way.  They wanted to highlight how the girls were not happy, not any of the possible happiness.  And I agree that all the stuff shown did happen, but I have a feeling a lot of happy and fun stuff happened too, but we got none of that.

If the AFTR was so uncomfortable it was because the finale was uncomfortable and TPTB edited it to be that way.  They wanted this to be the final torture of JPG and they got what they wanted.  They also avoided talking to anyone who might say anything positive about JPG or Nikki.  They only time they spoke to Sharleen was in reference to JPG being a jerk to Clare in the helicopter.  

It was an sad and harsh finale and AFTR because TPTB wanted it to be that way.

Just want to add in the lastest screencap Maddy just posted, look at Nikki giving CH the evil eye out the side of her eye.  I don't think she enjoyed being bombarded by CH and Sean and Cat.  I personally felt Nikki had the right to tell Cat to mind her own business when Cat told her that she shouldn't be happy without a proposal.  Why exactly was that Cat's business to say?

Great post and observations. It was uncomfortable and unromantic coz TBTP edited it that way ending the LCD with both women crying. The production is out for JP's blood that they don't even bother to make a montage of the couple's journey. They could have done something like the video tweeted by JP today and have the couple look back at the happy moments instead of unrelenting badgering of saying the ILY. If they did, JP might be more cooperative.

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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 53 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by notarose Wed Mar 12, 2014 1:56 am

stuckinsc wrote:They were shocked watching the finale, but that finale was edited to do that.  We get to see him play Clare the love song, but we don't get to see him play Nikki her love song.  They cut the MTPs both really short so they could take extra time to talk to the audience.  The day of the FRC we cut right to JPG at the FRC, nothing of him before hand.  I found the whole thing very unromantic, and I believe it was edited that way.  They wanted to highlight how the girls were not happy, not any of the possible happiness.  And I agree that all the stuff shown did happen, but I have a feeling a lot of happy and fun stuff happened too, but we got none of that.

If the AFTR was so uncomfortable it was because the finale was uncomfortable and TPTB edited it to be that way.  They wanted this to be the final torture of JPG and they got what they wanted.  They also avoided talking to anyone who might say anything positive about JPG or Nikki.  They only time they spoke to Sharleen was in reference to JPG being a jerk to Clare in the helicopter.  

It was an sad and harsh finale and AFTR because TPTB wanted it to be that way.

Just want to add in the lastest screencap Maddy just posted, look at Nikki giving CH the evil eye out the side of her eye.  I don't think she enjoyed being bombarded by CH and Sean and Cat.  I personally felt Nikki had the right to tell Cat to mind her own business when Cat told her that she shouldn't be happy without a proposal.  Why exactly was that Cat's business to say?

My thought exactly!  Catherine was my fav ever chosen one.  Guess I put her in an "adorable" unrealistic bubble in my mind which has now burst. She knows the full extend to her following and how what she says can move her followers to live off her words.  Not at all surprised by Sean who I've always viewed as an opportunist.  He has made a lot of money off this franchise and it's ties and taken his shirt off in a lot of public places.  No grudge, he wanted money and he made it.
Loved the sink eye!  You go girl.
I also noticed Des diplomatically undercut JP & Nikki in her blog and Chris (supposed friend of JP) has said nada.  To be honest, they have only known each other a brief while so a free wedding vs a new friendship .....

Isabel123 love JP's video and although TPTB showed its true colors by not doing as you mentioned, I LOVE the fact that JP created this for Nikki. Beautiful romantic gesture.

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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 53 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by Guest Wed Mar 12, 2014 2:02 am

Isabel123 wrote:
stuckinsc wrote:They were shocked watching the finale, but that finale was edited to do that.  We get to see him play Clare the love song, but we don't get to see him play Nikki her love song.  They cut the MTPs both really short so they could take extra time to talk to the audience.  The day of the FRC we cut right to JPG at the FRC, nothing of him before hand.  I found the whole thing very unromantic, and I believe it was edited that way.  They wanted to highlight how the girls were not happy, not any of the possible happiness.  And I agree that all the stuff shown did happen, but I have a feeling a lot of happy and fun stuff happened too, but we got none of that.

If the AFTR was so uncomfortable it was because the finale was uncomfortable and TPTB edited it to be that way.  They wanted this to be the final torture of JPG and they got what they wanted.  They also avoided talking to anyone who might say anything positive about JPG or Nikki.  They only time they spoke to Sharleen was in reference to JPG being a jerk to Clare in the helicopter.  

It was an sad and harsh finale and AFTR because TPTB wanted it to be that way.

Just want to add in the lastest screencap Maddy just posted, look at Nikki giving CH the evil eye out the side of her eye.  I don't think she enjoyed being bombarded by CH and Sean and Cat.  I personally felt Nikki had the right to tell Cat to mind her own business when Cat told her that she shouldn't be happy without a proposal.  Why exactly was that Cat's business to say?

Great post and observations. It was uncomfortable and unromantic coz TBTP edited it that way ending the LCD with both women crying. The production is out for JP's blood that they don't even bother to make a montage of the couple's journey. They could have done something like the video tweeted by JP today and have the couple look back at the happy moments instead of unrelenting badgering of saying the ILY. If they did, JP might be more cooperative.

Great posts !    clapping!  clapping!


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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 53 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by Guest Wed Mar 12, 2014 3:10 am

Linds911 wrote:
FLChica wrote:
chloep wrote:^^ It is obvious that Cat and Sean never have.

You know, that's not true.
SC turned down an offer to their very own reality : 

Are you referring to a separate show to chronicle their wedding planning?  There wasn't time to do that because Sean was filming DWTS.  No need for an additional show as it was already being filmed for the wedding extravaganza.  

They're also pretty busy tweeting for the sponsors of their wedding gifts, etc.  Busy folks, bless their hearts!
No an actual reality show. They turned that down ASAP. They also aren't the only ones tweeting about sponsors. Molly does it all the time especially on her podcast! and they have real jobs that don't require them to be in an office every day.

Linds911, you just PWNED them.  Bless FLChica's heart!

I wasn't a big fan of Cat/Sean's comments but whatever, the show's done and JP/Nikki have moved on.


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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 53 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by tigertiz Wed Mar 12, 2014 10:05 am

Jillian has a lot of good insight and it's exactly  why Sean and Catherine were so irritating to me on the ATFR.
I also wanted to touch on Sean Lowe's comment of having no choice other than being in the public eye even once the show is done. I completely disagree! They have a very public life, because they have chosen to do so! After the show you can decide whether or not to keep your life public or private. A perfect example of this is Jason and Molly. They dealt with a lot of controversy after the show, and they decided to keep their lives private. They focused on their relationship and building a family. And I also disagreed with Catherine's comment about not "biting the hand that feeds you." People go on the show because they are hopeless romantics, because they're looking for an adventure and because a life partner is what's missing in their life. Everyone's experience and outcome is going to be different, and I think the reason Juan Pablo seemed annoyed by the end is because he didn't conform to what the show and the audience wanted him to be.

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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 53 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by docnash14 Wed Mar 12, 2014 11:16 am

umngirl wrote:
Cari wrote:
umngirl wrote:^Sean never had an issue with JuanPa not saying ILY. He didn't last night time when he addressed it, simply saying they were different in that regard, and not today is his tweets.

And we interpret Cat's comment different.

Haloo, Umngirl!

What then is Sean's issue? Haha wasn't it because Juanpa wasn't opening up despite chris egging him on and on? When chris was pushing and pushing JUanPa, "do you love her?" Didn't Sean say if it was him, he couldn't tell the whole world he loves Catherine. And yes, he did say eventually people do things differently. And when JuanPa still did't give in to ChrisH. Cat, looking disgusted made her infamous statement. Whatever her statement was I'm certain they are frustrated with JuanPa's way of ending his season. Again, different strokes for different folks. Plus they are one of a kind as my Jash is unique. Chres is too!

Sean wanted him to share something about his feelings, anything. He tweeted today that's part of the Bachelor job description.

And yes, different strokes for different folks. I don't think Sean and Catherine think every couple will be like them and treat the process the same way. Catherine simply didn't seem to understand why he would be so ungrateful and difficult about his experience, which I can't blame her for thinking.

And I've now exceeded my 10 minutes on the board today. Back to vacation I go.

Umngirl, as you know, I am a big supporter of Sean and Catherine - in fact, Catherine was my favorite from the very beginning when the pictures of the women were first released. I continue to be impressed with Sean's faith and by the role model he provides for youth. However, I must say I was perplexed, if not disappointed, by their words and behavior the other night. What concerned me the most was their apparent blind loyalty to CH (who in actuality was not all that nice about Catherine during the airing of their season, in my opinion). Two of Sean's tweets:
• Sean Lowe ‏@SeanLowe09 Mar 10
There's only one rule on The Bachelor... Don't offend @chrisbharrison

Sean Lowe ‏@SeanLowe09 17h
Lastly, disrespecting the nicest guy in show business @chrisbharrison should be a crime. That's my take. Wish them nothing but happiness.

There is no doubt that JP was quite brash with CH. In my opinion, much of that brashness was in response to CH hammering - and what has been described as bullying - of JP. CH's comment about needing to take a shower was totally uncalled for. I found CH to be extremely disrespectful and have lost of a lot of respect for him because of it.

As far as JP being ungrateful, he said more than once he was grateful for and appreciated the experience. As I have said elsewhere, I can't blame a mistreated employee for appearing disgruntled, although, as I have said elsewhere also, there is no doubt that JP has culpability about his delivery.

Further, while Sean may not have overtly said that he didn't have a problem with JP not saying I love you but he certainly compared JP to himself when he was talking about that when he realized he (Sean) was in love, he wanted to shout it to the rooftops. That implies judgment to me (without much consideration for cultural diversity - as JP's sister tweeted the Latino culture treat the word love very differently than we do) as does, albeit in a seemingly humorous way:
• Ahh love is in the air! Or at last like. #TheBachelor


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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 53 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by Longhornfan Wed Mar 12, 2014 11:19 am

nd4reality wrote:
Bhaka wrote:
stuckinsc wrote:
Good for them.  Everyone keeps saying that JPG hasn't told Nikki he loved her.  He did it at the FRC.  Te quiero is I love you in Spanish.  It is the less formal, but it is I love you.  I grew up with Cuban, lived in Texas for a long time and for confirmation asked my new co-worker who just moved here from Puerto Rico if she says quiero or amo.  She said she and her family use quiero.  JPG also told Camila quiero.  I think that is how he say love.

I also think he has probably told her.  I believe RS when he said they offered him money to propose at the AFTR and I can see both Nikki and JPG being so disgusted by that, that together they decided to not admit he had said ILY and to basically give them nothing.  Nikki has already said it turning filming so she couldn't take it back, but my impression is that neither one of them want to give TPTB or CH anything last night.

This JPG was very angry and bitter when compared to the man on the WTA, it could be just losing DWTS, but it seemed like more than that to me.  

TPTB probably doesn't know how to act when a couple refuses money to do what they want.  It is obvious that Cat and Sean never have.

StuckinSC - Just wanted to let you know how often I agree with your posts.  Thanks!

Regarding the bolded, I thought JPG said something at the ATFR about a conversation he had with producers at the WTA.  I haven't gone back to listen to it again, but I thought he told CH that he and Nikki had a change of plans following whatever producers said to him at the WTA.  I had the impression JPG would have been more open at the ATFR if it hadn't been for that private conversation he'd had with the producers.  I remember thinking that whatever TPTB said to him, it was the last straw and he was done making any attempts to cooperate.  Was this when they offered him $$$ to propose?  I would have been very angry too, at anyone trying to "buy" something so priceless.

Agree with the bolded.

DITTO for the bolded!!!  And thank you, StuckinSC, for taking the time to come here and an attempt to clear some things up.  It does appear that from the perspective of JuanP's own family that he did say "I love you" to Nikki is Spanish, per his sister.  And that is good enough for me!!

Also, I am happy for Sean and Catherine, but I think that it is time for them to cut the cord with Fleiss and to go live as private a life as is possible for them to have.  If all of these appearances are because they still have a contract to fulfill, then that is one thing, but if it is just for the money, then that is a totally different thing.  There is no doubt that they are the "it couple" right now for the franchise, but when does the exposure for them become too much? Perhaps it is time for them to step back a little bit and to seek out their own privacy as a newly married couple.


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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 53 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by Newto Wed Mar 12, 2014 11:37 am

JMHO but SeanCat will not step back until the money stops flowing.

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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 53 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by bleuberry Wed Mar 12, 2014 11:40 am

docnash14 wrote:
Umngirl, as you know, I am a big supporter of Sean and Catherine - in fact, Catherine was my favorite from the very beginning when the pictures of the women were first released.  I continue to be impressed with Sean's faith and by the role model he provides for youth.  However, I must say I was perplexed, if not disappointed, by their words and behavior the other night.  What concerned me the most was their apparent blind loyalty to CH (who in actuality was not all that nice about Catherine during the airing of their season, in my opinion).  Two of Sean's tweets:
•   Sean Lowe ‏@SeanLowe09 Mar 10
There's only one rule on The Bachelor... Don't offend @chrisbharrison

Sean Lowe ‏@SeanLowe09 17h
Lastly, disrespecting the nicest guy in show business @chrisbharrison should be a crime. That's my take. Wish them nothing but happiness.

There is no doubt that JP was quite brash with CH.  In my opinion, much of that brashness was in response to CH hammering - and what has been described as bullying  - of JP.   CH's comment about needing to take a shower was totally uncalled for.  I found CH to be extremely disrespectful and have lost of a lot of respect for him because of it.  

As far as JP being ungrateful, he said more than once he was grateful for and appreciated the experience.  As I have said elsewhere, I can't blame a mistreated employee for appearing disgruntled, although, as I have said elsewhere also, there is no doubt that JP has culpability about his delivery.

Further, while Sean may not have overtly said that he didn't have a problem with JP not saying I love you but he certainly compared JP to himself when he was talking about that when he realized he (Sean) was in love, he wanted to shout it to the rooftops.  That implies judgment to me (without much consideration for cultural diversity - as JP's sister tweeted the Latino culture treat the word love very differently than we do) as does, albeit in a seemingly humorous way:
•  Ahh love is in the air! Or at last like. #TheBachelor

Spot on. Agree completely. The twitter mocking turned me off too. It felt preachy, sanctimonious and self-righteous.

Last edited by bleuberry on Wed Mar 12, 2014 11:44 am; edited 1 time in total

Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 53 6rj59l

In a little glass church built from the inspiration of dreams,  their vows danced through the air 
like smoke from a vigil candle, consummating a love now deeply matured. -Zak Waddell

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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 53 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by Alanna Wed Mar 12, 2014 11:43 am

Columbia, MD wrote:JMHO but SeanCat will not step back until the money stops flowing.
Yes, I agree, as long as tptb treat them like Bachelor World chosen people, they're going to be filming lingerie shopping trips come hell or high water. They're famehos, it's not that complicated to decipher. Are they adorable? Definitely. In love? Definitely. Famehos? Also definitely. It's their choice, they just need to own it.

It'll be hilarious of JPG and Nikki will make it and get married and JPabs will then have to shell out for his own ring, or better yet, go kiss tptb butt and apologize for the free Neil Lane ring LOL. Btw, these two need a couple name already, Junik? Nikpa? NPabs? Possibilities are endless!!

Big: You know, Manhattan has a lot of beautiful women.
Carrie: What an amazing observation!
Big: But the thing is, after awhile, you just wanna be with the one who makes you laugh.
~ Sex and the City


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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 53 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by tigertiz Wed Mar 12, 2014 11:45 am

bleuberry wrote:
docnash14 wrote:
Umngirl, as you know, I am a big supporter of Sean and Catherine - in fact, Catherine was my favorite from the very beginning when the pictures of the women were first released.  I continue to be impressed with Sean's faith and by the role model he provides for youth.  However, I must say I was perplexed, if not disappointed, by their words and behavior the other night.  What concerned me the most was their apparent blind loyalty to CH (who in actuality was not all that nice about Catherine during the airing of their season, in my opinion).  Two of Sean's tweets:
•   Sean Lowe ‏@SeanLowe09 Mar 10
There's only one rule on The Bachelor... Don't offend @chrisbharrison

Sean Lowe ‏@SeanLowe09 17h
Lastly, disrespecting the nicest guy in show business @chrisbharrison should be a crime. That's my take. Wish them nothing but happiness.

There is no doubt that JP was quite brash with CH.  In my opinion, much of that brashness was in response to CH hammering - and what has been described as bullying  - of JP.   CH's comment about needing to take a shower was totally uncalled for.  I found CH to be extremely disrespectful and have lost of a lot of respect for him because of it.  

As far as JP being ungrateful, he said more than once he was grateful for and appreciated the experience.  As I have said elsewhere, I can't blame a mistreated employee for appearing disgruntled, although, as I have said elsewhere also, there is no doubt that JP has culpability about his delivery.

Further, while Sean may not have overtly said that he didn't have a problem with JP not saying I love you but he certainly compared JP to himself when he was talking about that when he realized he (Sean) was in love, he wanted to shout it to the rooftops.  That implies judgment to me (without much consideration for cultural diversity - as JP's sister tweeted the Latino culture treat the word love very differently than we do) as does, albeit in a seemingly humorous way:
•  Ahh love is in the air! Or at last like. #TheBachelor

Spot on. Agree completely. The twitter mocking turned me off too. It felt preachy, sanctimonious and self-righteous.
Thanks so much for your insight and comments, docnash. I didnt even know about the twitter mocking. wow.

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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 53 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by nd4reality Wed Mar 12, 2014 11:57 am

tigertiz wrote:
bleuberry wrote:
docnash14 wrote:
Umngirl, as you know, I am a big supporter of Sean and Catherine - in fact, Catherine was my favorite from the very beginning when the pictures of the women were first released.  I continue to be impressed with Sean's faith and by the role model he provides for youth.  However, I must say I was perplexed, if not disappointed, by their words and behavior the other night.  What concerned me the most was their apparent blind loyalty to CH (who in actuality was not all that nice about Catherine during the airing of their season, in my opinion).  Two of Sean's tweets:
•   Sean Lowe ‏@SeanLowe09 Mar 10
There's only one rule on The Bachelor... Don't offend @chrisbharrison

Sean Lowe ‏@SeanLowe09 17h
Lastly, disrespecting the nicest guy in show business @chrisbharrison should be a crime. That's my take. Wish them nothing but happiness.

There is no doubt that JP was quite brash with CH.  In my opinion, much of that brashness was in response to CH hammering - and what has been described as bullying  - of JP.   CH's comment about needing to take a shower was totally uncalled for.  I found CH to be extremely disrespectful and have lost of a lot of respect for him because of it.  

As far as JP being ungrateful, he said more than once he was grateful for and appreciated the experience.  As I have said elsewhere, I can't blame a mistreated employee for appearing disgruntled, although, as I have said elsewhere also, there is no doubt that JP has culpability about his delivery.

Further, while Sean may not have overtly said that he didn't have a problem with JP not saying I love you but he certainly compared JP to himself when he was talking about that when he realized he (Sean) was in love, he wanted to shout it to the rooftops.  That implies judgment to me (without much consideration for cultural diversity - as JP's sister tweeted the Latino culture treat the word love very differently than we do) as does, albeit in a seemingly humorous way:
•  Ahh love is in the air! Or at last like. #TheBachelor

Spot on. Agree completely. The twitter mocking turned me off too. It felt preachy, sanctimonious and self-righteous.
Thanks so much for your insight and comments, docnash.  I didnt even know about the twitter mocking. wow.

Good post Docnash.

And Jillian Harris did point out that the social media bullying is shocking. But that Bachelor royalty is participating in it is sad as well.

Newsflash to Sean - Chris Harrison is not God. Oh wait, Sean is too much up their collective &%$^ to see that.

If he (CH) can dole it out he should be able to take it.

It reminds me of when he was hounding that girl on Jakes season and she turned the tables on him and his indiscretions. He did not like that one bit !
Those possibly came back to bit him in the ass.

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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

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