Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 56 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by nd4reality Wed Mar 12, 2014 4:00 pm

Sable wrote:
nd4reality wrote:Just bringing across a POV from my husband.

He is of the opinion that it has ALL been planned for the sake of ratings. Including the non-proposal, non-declaration, the apparent tiff with the producers and CH at the ATFR ...everything.
He feels that is the new "script" for this season to inject life into the franchise. He also btw thinks that Brad 1.0 was not Brads doing but part of the "reality script". Again, to instigate cooler talk and excitement for future seasons. The second part seems to have worked because it is true, the franchise has never been the same since Brad 1.0. And Jason's season was another shakeup.

Thought I'd put it out there.

Interesting that you said this.  In one of Molly and Jason's recent podcasts, Jason said that his season of the bachelor was supposed to be the last, but because of all the controversy surrounding the ending, it sort of gave new life to the show.  If nothing else, the ending of this season of the bachelor sure has people talking!

Those are not my thoughts - they are my husbands. He can't stand the show and I get some flak for being so "into" it. But he has had this opinion and voiced them since Brad1.0. He would keep asking me, are you so gullible to believe that they would allow ___________ (insert Leads name here) to do what they did on their own ? I just roll my eyes at him but wanted to post his thoughts on the board.

And Yes - Jason did say that. Which while it surprised me makes completely sense.

The general public was so used to the usual 'show - proposal - breakup within a short period of time' that needed a no pick, switcheroo, contestants leaving, having lovers and now no ILY/proposal. All of which we have had in the last 6 years. Shake up social media and get everyone talking.

Team #:tinfoil
iPad mini typos Embarassed  . So sorry.

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Post by Isabel123 Wed Mar 12, 2014 4:17 pm

nd4reality wrote:
Sable wrote:
nd4reality wrote:Just bringing across a POV from my husband.

He is of the opinion that it has ALL been planned for the sake of ratings. Including the non-proposal, non-declaration, the apparent tiff with the producers and CH at the ATFR ...everything.
He feels that is the new "script" for this season to inject life into the franchise. He also btw thinks that Brad 1.0 was not Brads doing but part of the "reality script". Again, to instigate cooler talk and excitement for future seasons. The second part seems to have worked because it is true, the franchise has never been the same since Brad 1.0. And Jason's season was another shakeup.

Thought I'd put it out there.

Interesting that you said this.  In one of Molly and Jason's recent podcasts, Jason said that his season of the bachelor was supposed to be the last, but because of all the controversy surrounding the ending, it sort of gave new life to the show.  If nothing else, the ending of this season of the bachelor sure has people talking!

Those are not my thoughts - they are my husbands. He can't stand the show and I get some flak for being so "into" it. But he has had this opinion and voiced them since Brad1.0. He would keep asking me, are you so gullible to believe that they would allow ___________ (insert Leads name here) to do what they did on their own ? I just roll my eyes at him but wanted to post his thoughts on the board.

And Yes - Jason did say that. Which while it surprised me makes completely sense.

The general public was so used to the usual 'show - proposal - breakup within a short period of time' that needed a no pick, switcheroo, contestants leaving, having lovers and now no ILY/proposal. All of which we have had in the last 6 years. Shake up social media and get everyone talking.

At least the production got what they want ..... attention, debate, being talk about. They should thank JP for this.

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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 56 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by Kashathediva Wed Mar 12, 2014 4:18 pm

tigertiz wrote:
Iam4UGA wrote:
tigertiz wrote:Jillian has a lot of good insight and it's exactly  why Sean and Catherine were so irritating to me on the ATFR.
I also wanted to touch on Sean Lowe's comment of having no choice other than being in the public eye even once the show is done. I completely disagree! They have a very public life, because they have chosen to do so! After the show you can decide whether or not to keep your life public or private. A perfect example of this is Jason and Molly. They dealt with a lot of controversy after the show, and they decided to keep their lives private. They focused on their relationship and building a family. And I also disagreed with Catherine's comment about not "biting the hand that feeds you." People go on the show because they are hopeless romantics, because they're looking for an adventure and because a life partner is what's missing in their life. Everyone's experience and outcome is going to be different, and I think the reason Juan Pablo seemed annoyed by the end is because he didn't conform to what the show and the audience wanted him to be.

Yet Jillian is still writing about the show how many years later?  And, she has a TV decorating show or something, so she is still in the public eye.  

Juan Pablo is being called out because he is Narcissistic and Egotistical and treated the women like he is God's gift to them, not like they may ever be his equal.

I like Clare, I do not dislike Nikki, but I thought I would like Juan Pablo, and boy was I wrong!!
  What difference does it make that Jillian is in the public eye ?  Her point was that contrary to Sean's opinion,  couples CAN have a private life after the show IF they choose to.

Sean Lowe ‏@SeanLowe09 17h
Lastly, disrespecting the nicest guy in show business @chrisbharrison should be a crime. That's my take. Wish them nothing but happiness
 A crime?  Sean's a hoot - isn't he- Kasha?    

Eh...hoot is not the term I would choose.   :pout 
But I don't have to choose--- thankfully. I can ignore that entire soapbox with my sarcastic Melissa McCarthy humor.(I would choose to throw a toaster his way.) I adore MM.

No good deed goes unpunished.  
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, bye Felicia! 

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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 56 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by LibbyBell Wed Mar 12, 2014 4:30 pm

nd4reality wrote:Just bringing across a POV from my husband.

He is of the opinion that it has ALL been planned for the sake of ratings. Including the non-proposal, non-declaration, the apparent tiff with the producers and CH at the ATFR ...everything.
He feels that is the new "script" for this season to inject life into the franchise. He also btw thinks that Brad 1.0 was not Brads doing but part of the "reality script". Again, to instigate cooler talk and excitement for future seasons. The second part seems to have worked because it is true, the franchise has never been the same since Brad 1.0. And Jason's season was another shakeup.

Thought I'd put it out there.

Your husband makes a very interesting point nd-- 

I think that people's opinion about Juan Pablo will soften as time goes on...much like the opinion about Brad 1.0.  Only time will tell if he and Nikki will develop a life together. I hope they do and if they do, I'm sure it will influence the edits used in the show.

How can you help it when the music starts to play, And your ability to reason is swept away
Oh-oh-oh, heaven on earth is all you see, You're out of touch with reality
And now you cry but when you do-- Next time around someone cries for you

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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 56 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by Longhornfan Wed Mar 12, 2014 4:53 pm

Thank you, Isabel123, for bringing that article over and posting it.  I, too, thought that that was one of the best written articles that I have ever read about the Bachelor/Bachelorette franchise.  

Like she said in that article, that franchise has made an awful lot of money off of those shows, and I personally think that social media has changed things in ways that did not exist many years ago.  The producers saw social media as a new way to "reboot" the show, so to speak, by allowing the participants to tweet and post pictures in real time. I think that that alone has helped to create more buzz for the Bachelor/Bachelorette shows than anything that they have done in the past.

But, I guess that the downside for the participants is the negativity and ugly comments that they have to endure, because with interaction like that, the fans start to feel like they know these people.


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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 56 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by bleuberry Wed Mar 12, 2014 5:00 pm

That was such a good article, brought up stuff I hadn't thought of or read before. Thank you!

Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 56 6rj59l

In a little glass church built from the inspiration of dreams,  their vows danced through the air 
like smoke from a vigil candle, consummating a love now deeply matured. -Zak Waddell

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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 56 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by 2observe Wed Mar 12, 2014 5:13 pm

nd4reality wrote:Just bringing across a POV from my husband.

He is of the opinion that it has ALL been planned for the sake of ratings. Including the non-proposal, non-declaration, the apparent tiff with the producers and CH at the ATFR ...everything.
He feels that is the new "script" for this season to inject life into the franchise. He also btw thinks that Brad 1.0 was not Brads doing but part of the "reality script". Again, to instigate cooler talk and excitement for future seasons. The second part seems to have worked because it is true, the franchise has never been the same since Brad 1.0. And Jason's season was another shakeup.

Thought I'd put it out there.
Great analysis.   deleted

Last edited by 2observe on Wed Mar 12, 2014 5:19 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 56 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by stuckinsc Wed Mar 12, 2014 5:16 pm

nd4reality wrote:Just bringing across a POV from my husband.

He is of the opinion that it has ALL been planned for the sake of ratings. Including the non-proposal, non-declaration, the apparent tiff with the producers and CH at the ATFR ...everything.
He feels that is the new "script" for this season to inject life into the franchise. He also btw thinks that Brad 1.0 was not Brads doing but part of the "reality script". Again, to instigate cooler talk and excitement for future seasons. The second part seems to have worked because it is true, the franchise has never been the same since Brad 1.0. And Jason's season was another shakeup.

Thought I'd put it out there.

Brad 1.0 also restarted the bachelorette too after Jen S's season tried so very hard to kill it. It was getting old and viewership was down. But the DeAnna going from talk show to talk show lamenting why Brad wouldn't try to date her. Then the setup of Jason as single dad looking for love who they turned into the buffoon who picked the wrong girl gave this franchise a new spark. Last summer even though Des got dumped and then found love the ratings were the lowest ever, so maybe this was all conceived to pick up ratings. If that is true, then to all the evil geniuses involved I give you a big  High clap , you got me congrats!

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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 56 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by nd4reality Wed Mar 12, 2014 5:27 pm

2observe wrote:
nd4reality wrote:Just bringing across a POV from my husband.

He is of the opinion that it has ALL been planned for the sake of ratings. Including the non-proposal, non-declaration, the apparent tiff with the producers and CH at the ATFR ...everything.
He feels that is the new "script" for this season to inject life into the franchise. He also btw thinks that Brad 1.0 was not Brads doing but part of the "reality script". Again, to instigate cooler talk and excitement for future seasons. The second part seems to have worked because it is true, the franchise has never been the same since Brad 1.0. And Jason's season was another shakeup.

Thought I'd put it out there.
Great analysis.   deleted

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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 56 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by dw_a_mom Wed Mar 12, 2014 5:48 pm

LibbyBell wrote: 

I think that people's opinion about Juan Pablo will soften as time goes on...much like the opinion about Brad 1.0.  

But it can also go the other way. Think Jake Pavelka.

Just give me something that looks like a real love story to help me escape into my own version of fantasy for a while. And maybe against the odds one of those stories will actually survive real life. Nothing wrong with a little hope, right?

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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 56 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by dw_a_mom Wed Mar 12, 2014 5:50 pm

stuckinsc wrote:Then the setup of Jason as single dad looking for love who they turned into the buffoon who picked the wrong girl gave this franchise a new spark.

I am so glad Jason can laugh about it all now.

Just give me something that looks like a real love story to help me escape into my own version of fantasy for a while. And maybe against the odds one of those stories will actually survive real life. Nothing wrong with a little hope, right?

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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 56 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by LibbyBell Wed Mar 12, 2014 5:52 pm

dw_a_mom wrote:
LibbyBell wrote: 

I think that people's opinion about Juan Pablo will soften as time goes on...much like the opinion about Brad 1.0.  

But it can also go the other way.  Think Jake Pavelka.

Jake was an @#$ but, he towed the company line. I was speaking more about making a choice that wasn't accepted at first but was later thought to be practical and common sense.

How can you help it when the music starts to play, And your ability to reason is swept away
Oh-oh-oh, heaven on earth is all you see, You're out of touch with reality
And now you cry but when you do-- Next time around someone cries for you

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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

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