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Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion - Page 27 Empty Re: Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion

Post by Baseball Mom Sun Sep 01, 2013 3:01 pm

Whew!!!! I feel like I just went through a master class on body language and editing analysis. Way to go, Professor JBF  bowdown

You say that you love rain but you open your umbrella when it rains. You say that you love the sun, but you find a shadowy spot when the sun shines. You say that you love the wind, but you close your window when the wind blows. This is why I am afraid when you say that you love me too. -unknown
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Post by Guest Sun Sep 01, 2013 9:31 pm

Glad that we were and still are on the same train of Chris as the F1 early on, JBF!!high five .While i was going mostly by storyline analysis, speculating, and most importantly giggling silly gut feeling, you can always back your scoop based on a thorough analysis and comparison with other seasons. Mad props to you!..bowdown 

Hey reb! :WAVEY: . we`ve been missing you....great to c u around ! bestbud!

ETA. btw, thanks for sharing the article, JBF! :Smiley: 
IDK why reading Trista`s comment below triggered me to having a deja vu with Des`s season ...giggling 
Ms. Rehn, perhaps having snapped out of ''The Bachelorette'' trance, had a prosaic explanation for why she appeared so enamored of Charlie, the man she rejected for the poetry-writing fireman, Ryan, in the finale. ''They need to make the audience believe it is going to go a certain way,'' she told reporters on Thursday, ''so they can have a shocking ending.''


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Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion - Page 27 Empty Re: Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion

Post by soccermom333 Sun Sep 01, 2013 10:49 pm

Baseball Mom wrote:Whew!!!! I feel like I just went through a master class on body language and editing analysis. Way to go, Professor JBF  bowdown

Professor indeed! I love it and totally agree! :yes: 

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Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion - Page 27 Empty Re: Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion

Post by Guest Mon Sep 02, 2013 3:05 am

Hey JBF.. you got me watching it one frame at a time... I missed this.. but probably Brittany, BM, and mura caught it. giggling 

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Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion - Page 27 Empty Re: Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion

Post by Guest Mon Sep 02, 2013 5:36 am

grace8136 wrote:Hey JBF.. you got me watching it one frame at a time... I missed this.. but probably Brittany, BM, and mura caught it. giggling 

Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion - Page 27 ScreenShot2013-09-01at105842PM_zps4d84d02f
are you teasing us, Grace?..teheheee.......:giggle: 
i remember so well, Britt was going :hearts love: observing that darn perfect chest hair!...rotfl .:Flirty:


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Post by JBF Mon Sep 02, 2013 10:56 am

They sure got half naked together an awful lot. I'm sure you will have equal fun comparing and contrasting his hot-tub scene with Bryden's too. It is a darn shame that Bryden got "some" but poor Brooks had to play dress up on his date that same week. Like Sarah forced to scale a building but Desiree herself getting hot-tub time with Sean in his episode #2.

This is what made the other "love stories" (not just Brooks but also Drew The Perfect Abs Guy as well) really baffling despite all of her gushy talk on screen. Turn the sound off and you get a completely different storyline. At least Sean rolled over in the sand and frolicked in the surf with Lindsay and AshLee too, but Desie was pretty "cool" and distant with a cluster of guys in that department. Well... Zak stripped in the name of art and plucked grapefruit with her in his skimpies, so I guess that was competition enough. Without Des, he would have no trouble being au natural doing it anyway. Kasey's pool scene was during a storm and they were freezing. Hmmm... was it pre-planned? Hashtag unfair! I also... almost forgot how often she and Brooks spent so much time driving somewhere on their dates... and with her behind the wheel. Well not on hometown; they just rowed-rowed-rowed a boat gently down the duck pond. Poor Drew spent more time hacking at his pineapple on his fantasy date... and getting slivers for him and Des to munch separately, while Chris was feeding her and complimenting her nice level swing... when in Antigua, do as the Antiguans do.

Some may think I am anti-Brooks. I never was. I always liked him... in fact, he is among the most entertaining to watch on screen. Had this season been aired BEFORE the Ashley/Bentley saga, I would have bought the storyline hook, line and sinker. Yet I was really struggling to take all of that break-up business and her declarations of L-U-V seriously this time around. Is it because I am jaded and cynical after so many seasons? Probably. Maybe all of it was "genuine and legit" (i.e Brooks was always F1 and Chris always the "default") but Mike Fleiss cried "wolf" with Frank, Bentley and Arie before and I am too tired to be suckered again no matter what is flung in my face. I mean... if she was THAT divided between the two guys, I don't understand why she was so quick to move to Seattle so soon... or why she was writing gushy poems on postcards that hardly suggest Chris being a future dumpee... or getting him naked as frequently as possible and expecting the other guys to keep their clothes on at all times... or why it was necessary to hide all of their scenes in episodes #1 and #2... and lop and chop so much of their dance in episode #3. Don't get me started on all of the whispering going on as if they know something the viewers don't.

I still speculate... I know it is wrong! wrong! wrong!... that Nate was against the idea of her marrying somebody off a TV show so they had to make it look like Chris wasn't her initial choice and was taking their relationship sssssllllllooooooowwwwww... even if he may very well have been her frontrunner since the beginning... in reality.  (Again, the only rose ceremony I remember her actually starting to cry at was Atlantic City when she cut the first Zack. It was as if production forced her choose which frontrunner to take for a 1 on 1 in Munich and keep the required number of other guys for dramatic purposes.) I know all of this isn't the best speculation since none of us were there to know the real truth, but it all makes sense to me... along with the fact that this couple may be so confident in their relationship that they were willing to put up with false spoilers and The Show (by just focusing on their scenes together). Common sense tells you that, if Chris was THAT worried about Brooks during the show, he wouldn't have tolerated so much of this regardless how binding that "almighty contract" is.

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Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion - Page 27 Empty Re: Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion

Post by Tubinar Mon Sep 02, 2013 11:30 am

JBF - really enjoying your thoughts on this season. I TIVOED the season so I am lucky enough to watch it anytime and have been since show ended. As mentioned before, for the first time ever, I did not read spoilers and so with that said, as I watched this season as a "virgin" viewer, I always thought Chris was a front runner from episode 3. Now, because of your points, I did re-watch the Germany date and the "ball dance scene". Your right on. With Des and Chris there is ALOT of chopping/editing!!!!! A key thing you mentioned ( I think) was "foreshadowing". The ball dance was with Matt White, and mentioned FAIRYTALE......hmmmmm, sooooo fitting to the ending. One thing that was perplexing to me was how Chris was so CONFIDENT. Why? How can you be so confident? What did we not see with him and Des for him to be there at the end? One thing I notice with most seasons is the edit shows passionate kissing with the non-winners, mostly not with F1. My goodness, the kiss with Drew against the wall was HOT - love her "go for it" attitude - we did not see the HOT kissing with Chris, but of course they were there because he mentioned several times on the show "their passion". Really? I think I saw in an interview that they did not really show their chemistry. Let me tell you, the Bachelor show edit team does a great job with showing a story and shocking us. Loved the find you had with the Trista commentary. Again, the chop and edit with Des/Chris is off the chain. Consider the question the Dad asked Chris! He asked why should she choose you and I think the edit cut it out because he answered something else!!!!!!! Did anyone catch the Molly/Jason comment on their podcast? Don't quote me but they said they were the coolest people ever and then Molly said they were so in love with eachother that when she left them she cracked up and thought "jeez, Jason, do we love eachother that much????" Love this board and so rooting for Des and Chris. I hope their wedding is televised but respect if it is not. It's their day:)


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Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion - Page 27 Empty Re: Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion

Post by Guest Mon Sep 02, 2013 11:55 am

thanks again for that insightful post JBF!..and love your post, tubinar!..t4 sharing...bestbud! 
as for Chris`s confidence, you are so spot on tubinar!. me and my buddies with our #ProtectiveMommasBear mode giggling , were so anxious that folks may think Chris as delusional and wishful when he kept saying that he knew that Des reciprocated his feeling, bc we didnt get to see any of that. Not in sufficient amount, i guess. but i have always think: must be bc that little devil MF and his sneaky editors who chose to show us what they only need us to know. Redfacemad :angryemotion . Why? because he is a "relationship guy" (his own words), and most importantly he is NOT that dumb...:winkie: :strings1 

anyway, i realize 100% that i may be called delusional again for thinking about this matter. oh be it...i`d take rotten tomatoes any day when it comes to Chris!..LOL....🍅   #ALoveToDieFor :halo:


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Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion - Page 27 Empty Re: Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion

Post by JBF Mon Sep 02, 2013 12:34 pm

Hey Tubinar, you reminded me of something else about the Meet The Hartsocks segment...

Note that Tony is shaking his head "yes" before Chris finishes asking permission, but the editors still had to squeeze in a "pause moment" of him not giving approval right away. Makes you wonder if more than one take was done here.

Desiree had NO problem with her parents. This may be why Roxanne got no screentime. (Didn't look "stern" enough.) I think it was strictly Nate who was the concern... and I don't think he ever had anything against Chris, just the IDEA of her hitching to somebody in a short span of time... and on TV.

I think ONE reason many viewers are less "sold" on Des/Chris while Des/Brooks seem more up-front and believable is because there are more moments when you sense that Chris and Des have rehearsed a little or did more than one take.

For example... was it with the poetry book that this was confirmed?... they discussed his job in Seattle in Madeira but waited until Antigua to show a conversation about it on screen. Maybe Des had mixed reactions at first in their earlier conversation, but then (after hometowns) was more confident with her answer. We saw her confidently answer that she was willing to move there on screen.

Also you hear them discuss their relationship For The Viewers (like "how we are in group dates and you give me this look", etc.) and these scenes seem a trifle awkward. I think they did that so certain questions that CERTAIN viewers had (Nate or other family members perhaps?) were answered. Yet the casual viewers sense something not quite "natural" about these scenes. Again... like in the Madeira date, you see Chris look off screen during one PI session as if he is trying to remember a specific word he needs to state on screen. It even looks like he may be reading some cue card.

During the episode #3 dance, they dubbed in voice-overs from Chris that I am pretty certain were recorded much later in time (possibly in May post-Antigua?) regarding the "fairytale" and their chemistry that early being exciting. Yet he sounds rather bland like Daddy George discussing patients' back trouble. That may be the reason they included those lines... because viewers might even take his commentary as less genuine than what they were seeing on screen. (When you watch it carefully, she is pretty "all over" Chris in that dance. She literally escorts him away from the group with that "don't wait up for us guys" look and is all wide-eyed with him... so, no, he was definitely not a "dumpee" on her mind then.)

One of the best examples from the past to compare to some of this is Phuket episode #4 with Ashley and JP under the umbrella. Now Chrystie accused JP late in the game that Ash is "too much" for him and that he is too "demure". This may be why we saw so much "heat" on screen between the two, which normally would have been edited out to make JP less obvious as F1. Also BOTH Ashley and JP have to comment on their scene in order to make it even more obvious to CERTAIN viewers: she says her kisses with JP are "magical" and considered "that shaved head" a turn-on, while JP really emphasizes their "chemistry" being amazing. Obviously Chrystie and Nate were "thorns" on Ashley and Des' sides and I still speculate the editing was at least partly done to curb their skepticism. Even on the Wedding show, Chrystie said some oddball stuff on camera (can't remember off hand), making me think she was still "adjusting" to her sister marrying JP on TV. She was so much better in December 2012 than May 2011, but still a work-in-progress.

They did downsize the heat between Chris and Des this season. Well... apart from them being in various states of undress together. She did tell Jonathan that "I'm not that kind of girl", but something seemed "off" when, before breaking up with Brooks, she is talking about the little things Chris does for her as she rolls up her shorts over her bikini bottom. She is fully clothed before we hear any commentary on Drew and Brooks, who is "set apart" from the other relationships.

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Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion - Page 27 Empty Re: Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion

Post by Baseball Mom Mon Sep 02, 2013 12:58 pm

murasaki1393 wrote:thanks again for that insightful post JBF!..and love your post, tubinar!..t4 sharing...bestbud! 
as for Chris`s confidence, you are so spot on tubinar!. me and my buddies with our #ProtectiveMommasBear mode giggling , were so anxious that folks may think Chris as delusional and wishful when he kept saying that he knew that Des reciprocated his feeling, bc we didnt get to see any of that. Not in sufficient amount, i guess. but i have always think: must be bc that little devil MF and his sneaky editors who chose to show us what they only need us to know. Redfacemad :angryemotion . Why? because he is a "relationship guy" (his own words), and most importantly he is NOT that dumb...:winkie: :strings1 

anyway, i realize 100% that i may be called delusional again for thinking about this matter. oh be it...i`d take rotten tomatoes any day when it comes to Chris!..LOL....🍅   #ALoveToDieFor :halo:
mura, I fondly remember all the PMs we exchanged after that Munich date and how perplexed we were about Chris' "confidence" in his relationship with Des. With the spoilers firmly in the back of our minds, we couldn't reconcile how sure he was that Des returned his feelings. Ha! If only we knew then what we know now giggling  Remember just how bad we felt at one point that we thought of quitting the board and needed Britt to pull us out of the hole....bestbud!
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Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion - Page 27 Empty Re: Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion

Post by Guest Mon Sep 02, 2013 2:01 pm

murasaki1393 wrote:
grace8136 wrote:Hey JBF.. you got me watching it one frame at a time... I missed this.. but probably Brittany, BM, and mura caught it. giggling 

Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion - Page 27 ScreenShot2013-09-01at105842PM_zps4d84d02f
are you teasing us, Grace?..teheheee.......:giggle: 
i remember so well, Britt was going :hearts love: observing that darn perfect chest hair!...rotfl .:Flirty:
There's a little photo shopping here. I'll let you find it. giggling :shocked!: :trampoline: :girlfan rotfl 


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Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion - Page 27 Empty Re: Des & Chris Siegfried - Fan Forum - General Discussion

Post by Guest Mon Sep 02, 2013 2:10 pm

Baseball Mom wrote:
murasaki1393 wrote:thanks again for that insightful post JBF!..and love your post, tubinar!..t4 sharing...bestbud! 
as for Chris`s confidence, you are so spot on tubinar!. me and my buddies with our #ProtectiveMommasBear mode giggling , were so anxious that folks may think Chris as delusional and wishful when he kept saying that he knew that Des reciprocated his feeling, bc we didnt get to see any of that. Not in sufficient amount, i guess. but i have always think: must be bc that little devil MF and his sneaky editors who chose to show us what they only need us to know. Redfacemad :angryemotion . Why? because he is a "relationship guy" (his own words), and most importantly he is NOT that dumb...:winkie: :strings1 

anyway, i realize 100% that i may be called delusional again for thinking about this matter. oh be it...i`d take rotten tomatoes any day when it comes to Chris!..LOL....🍅   #ALoveToDieFor :halo:
mura, I fondly remember all the PMs we exchanged after that Munich date and how perplexed we were about Chris' "confidence" in his relationship with Des. With the spoilers firmly in the back of our minds, we couldn't reconcile how sure he was that Des returned his feelings. Ha! If only we knew then what we know now giggling  Remember just how bad we felt at one point that we thought of quitting the board and needed Britt to pull us out of the hole....bestbud!
true buddy! bestbud! was a hard times for us being on Chris train. and it gets harder and harder up to the finale part 1. besides, i have this silly tendency to have faith and believe wholeheartedly he is the F1, from episode 3 forward giggling. So i always kept thinking what the heck am i doing here?...throwing out silly theory he is the F1 only for being called delusional, and hanging on for the dear life of me as i always feel chased to be eaten alive...Welp! :hidingchair . This silly show had literally gotten me going nuts!. so i always been in this  :pullouthair:  mode, while OTOH you with your gentle heart always been in this "ready for :tissuebox:on the finale" mode giggling :arrowlove: . And then, we have Britt, on the other edge, who always in this :hearts love: :Flirty:  mode over Chris!..laugh out loud..hehehe . so TY Britt, we love ya!!..:thismuch:. Seriously, i am glad we have e.o, otherwise i am sure one of us has long gone off this board before we even knew the amusing outcome!. :bigsmile: .not to mention before we redeem our pity-self with that awesome celebration! partytime .

I also think i must thank Prof. JBF who also confident Chris is the F1, esp. after epis.5. He is one of my partners in crime in the secret alliance against the spoilers..and he never failed to convince me to keep the faith, by sharing his awesome expertise. (he literally will kill me for calling him Prof. once again, but .....hey!! i can tell him bbmom who made me do this!..sneakyl )

No days gone by without me being grateful that i was on Chrisville :cheeseyy . My only left item on bucket list as a Chrisville girl that he will pop up here someday to say :Hi!!:  to all of us!.Praying . I guess im not asking too much, am i?...giggling

Last edited by murasaki1393 on Tue Sep 03, 2013 3:47 am; edited 1 time in total


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