Juan Pablo Galavis - Bachelorette 9 Contestant - Spoilers - Discussion

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Juan Pablo Galavis - Bachelorette 9 Contestant - Spoilers - Discussion - Page 38 Empty Re: Juan Pablo Galavis - Bachelorette 9 Contestant - Spoilers - Discussion

Post by Chacharo Sat Mar 01, 2014 11:36 am

jlccaz wrote:eonline has the story that he had too much baggage (gay comment mostly) to get the DWTS gig ... I bet he was all but promised that on the front end, and he is sad.  ) :  

Sean and Cat have made a nice living at being a couple in the ABC -- Warner family, and it is too bad for JP he probably won't get as much of a "tail" on his gig.

No DWTS gives me the sadz too.  He would have been great.   :Frown:

"In the end this show is like life more than it's not really....  Sometimes you get Jash and sometimes you get Courtney/Vienna.  The stinky ones squirt out 15 minutes of fame and the good ones make lemonade from their lemons.  It's all what you make of it." - auntie

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Post by George1218 Sat Mar 01, 2014 12:38 pm

Chacharo wrote:Mirzam, thanks for posting that letter.  Fairly enlightening.  In nursing school we had lectures and portions of each semester discussing cultural differences and how to recognize and respect them.  I think the letter writer made some very good points.  I've never dated anyone from another culture but I see differences all the time at work or in the public when shopping, etc.  It only makes sense that those would be evident when in a dating relationship too.

iamreal2u, thanks for posting the link about his family.  Very interesting.

I keep thinking that living a life sans drama with a guy who doesn't want to argue, has a good time and laughs a lot, and is very touchy-feely wouldn't be all that bad at all.

Me too! Where can I find one?????

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Post by SafronSahara Sat Mar 01, 2014 12:43 pm

Mirzam wrote:An interesting perspective from an email to RS which he posted on his blog today:

Something I forgot yesterday in the column that probably didn’t make sense to people. When talking about the whole Andi/Juan Pablo confrontation at the end, I referred to an email from “earlier in the column.” Well, I forgot to include that email. It gave a perspective on the differences between the two that I thought was interesting, yet, I forgot to include it. Here it is:

Hi, Steve.

I’m no fan of Juan Pablo but I think he is being unfairly criticized due to cultural differences.

From an American perspective, he came across as the biggest douche after Andi left and he said that once she started arguing with him, he would not have wanted her to stay. To us, that seems like a minor argument and a total disregard for the reality that couples argue. But South American cultures hold harmony in relationships to be more important than expressing feelings/thoughts in the direct way that Andi did. From his perspective, she was rude.

I know this because I dated a man from Argentina. It’s not Venezuela but I definitely identify some of the same cultural attitudes in Juan Pablo. The guy I dated was given a full ride to Cal-Tech where he got his PhD in physics, works in the field of quantum computing, and is a pilot. I’m sure I don’t have to explain to you the mental giant my ex is compared to Juan Pablo (not hard to manage) but yet I experienced some of the same sort of obliviousness and insistence on repressing feelings in order to maintain harmony.

He prized honesty the same way Juan Pablo does but was more chivalrous in dealing with me than JP is with the girls (i.e. telling Andi she “barely made it.” Not cool in any culture). But if I raised my voice even a little or expressed any kind of insecurity or doubt about our relationship, he immediately withdrew.

You’d also think that being as intelligent as my ex is, he’d be interested in intellectual debate but he abhorred it. He didn’t like being wrong or questioning his beliefs.

Even though I think my ex is a nice guy, I felt completely neglected by him and I see the same kind of pain the in the girls on the show. They don’t understand that their individual feelings are not important in JP’s culture. He’s from a collectivist culture where the focus is on the group harmony over the individual experience. America is an individualist culture where we’re all precious snowflakes whose feelings matter and personal fulfillment is priority number one.

I was also incredibly bored talking to my ex. Actually, he didn’t have much to say most of the time, much like Juan Pablo. This was completely counter-intuitive to me. I’m very well-educated and am constantly engaged in intellectual pursuits. I’m particularly interested in the physical sciences (physics, cosmology, chemistry), so it was completely baffling to me that I could barely carry on a conversation for more than five minutes with a man with a PhD in physics.

And it’s not like he was smarter than me so I was beneath him intellectually. He certainly knew more about his field than I did but seemed to have very little curiosity about the world or the nature of existence which is very common among American intellectuals.

I can also confirm the meeting of the family is not a big deal. It also happens to not be a big deal for me so we meshed on that level at least. He met my family on our second date.

The way JP is constantly “okay” with everything was the same. Everything was always “okay” with my ex. He was okay, he seemed to think the whole world was “okay” and I just needed to stop thinking about it and enjoy it.

After 3 months of dating, I was a neurotic basket case. This was a huge turn off to him which made me even more of a basket case. He finally had a breakthrough after I ended our relationship (4 months was my limit) when he had a mental breakdown at work (not related to our breakup) and realized that not everything in the world was “okay” and apologized to me for judging me so harshly.

I don’t see JP having any kind of breakthrough any time soon but here are some other things that are cultural that are going wrong between him and the girls (and the viewers):

- Not picking up on body language – culturally learned and almost entirely subconscious. JP does not speak our body “language” any better than he speaks English.

- Speaking at inappropriate times or not speaking when he should – also culturally learned and entirely subconscious. We learn to regulate taking turns in conversations through our culture and language.

- Not understanding American phrases like “I can see your wheels spinning”. There may be an equivalent phrase in his native culture/language but that makes no sense to him as a direct translation. For example, in our culture we say “comparing apples to oranges” but in Ukraine they say “comparing frogs to grandmothers”.

I know you think that Nikki is a bitch and JP is an imbecile but, honestly, she is probably the best fit for him BECAUSE she is what many Americans would view as a bitch. She is arrogant and brutally honest. To a Venezuelan man, this probably comes across as confidence and emotional maturity. Vulnerability in the way many American women express it is not prized in South American cultures. I don’t think they’ll last but if he had to pick someone, Nikki is the best fit. I predict they’ll have a huge culture clash at some point in the next couple of months and break up.

The producers made a huge mistake in not fully vetting Juan Pablo AND his culture before casting him. I don’t like JP but I don’t hate him either. I think an American audience just can’t fully relate to him and I am disgusted that the producers are now throwing him under the bus to try an cover their asses for making a poorly though out decision.

I’m not saying that ALL of JP’s behavior can be written off as cultural differences but A LOT of it can.

On a side note, Andi totally won me over the way she dealt with Juan Pablo tonight (as did her father last night). I was thinking I would be bored watching her as the bachelorette but she turned it around for me and I’m looking forward to her season.

You can say that again!

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Post by Catdwoman50 Sat Mar 01, 2014 1:51 pm

Mirzam wrote:An interesting perspective from an email to RS which he posted on his blog today:

Something I forgot yesterday in the column that probably didn’t make sense to people. When talking about the whole Andi/Juan Pablo confrontation at the end, I referred to an email from “earlier in the column.” Well, I forgot to include that email. It gave a perspective on the differences between the two that I thought was interesting, yet, I forgot to include it. Here it is:

Hi, Steve.

I’m no fan of Juan Pablo but I think he is being unfairly criticized due to cultural differences.

From an American perspective, he came across as the biggest douche after Andi left and he said that once she started arguing with him, he would not have wanted her to stay. To us, that seems like a minor argument and a total disregard for the reality that couples argue. But South American cultures hold harmony in relationships to be more important than expressing feelings/thoughts in the direct way that Andi did. From his perspective, she was rude.

I know this because I dated a man from Argentina. It’s not Venezuela but I definitely identify some of the same cultural attitudes in Juan Pablo. The guy I dated was given a full ride to Cal-Tech where he got his PhD in physics, works in the field of quantum computing, and is a pilot. I’m sure I don’t have to explain to you the mental giant my ex is compared to Juan Pablo (not hard to manage) but yet I experienced some of the same sort of obliviousness and insistence on repressing feelings in order to maintain harmony.

He prized honesty the same way Juan Pablo does but was more chivalrous in dealing with me than JP is with the girls (i.e. telling Andi she “barely made it.” Not cool in any culture). But if I raised my voice even a little or expressed any kind of insecurity or doubt about our relationship, he immediately withdrew.

You’d also think that being as intelligent as my ex is, he’d be interested in intellectual debate but he abhorred it. He didn’t like being wrong or questioning his beliefs.

Even though I think my ex is a nice guy, I felt completely neglected by him and I see the same kind of pain the in the girls on the show. They don’t understand that their individual feelings are not important in JP’s culture. He’s from a collectivist culture where the focus is on the group harmony over the individual experience. America is an individualist culture where we’re all precious snowflakes whose feelings matter and personal fulfillment is priority number one.

I was also incredibly bored talking to my ex. Actually, he didn’t have much to say most of the time, much like Juan Pablo. This was completely counter-intuitive to me. I’m very well-educated and am constantly engaged in intellectual pursuits. I’m particularly interested in the physical sciences (physics, cosmology, chemistry), so it was completely baffling to me that I could barely carry on a conversation for more than five minutes with a man with a PhD in physics.

And it’s not like he was smarter than me so I was beneath him intellectually. He certainly knew more about his field than I did but seemed to have very little curiosity about the world or the nature of existence which is very common among American intellectuals.

I can also confirm the meeting of the family is not a big deal. It also happens to not be a big deal for me so we meshed on that level at least. He met my family on our second date.

The way JP is constantly “okay” with everything was the same. Everything was always “okay” with my ex. He was okay, he seemed to think the whole world was “okay” and I just needed to stop thinking about it and enjoy it.

After 3 months of dating, I was a neurotic basket case. This was a huge turn off to him which made me even more of a basket case. He finally had a breakthrough after I ended our relationship (4 months was my limit) when he had a mental breakdown at work (not related to our breakup) and realized that not everything in the world was “okay” and apologized to me for judging me so harshly.

I don’t see JP having any kind of breakthrough any time soon but here are some other things that are cultural that are going wrong between him and the girls (and the viewers):

- Not picking up on body language – culturally learned and almost entirely subconscious. JP does not speak our body “language” any better than he speaks English.

- Speaking at inappropriate times or not speaking when he should – also culturally learned and entirely subconscious. We learn to regulate taking turns in conversations through our culture and language.

- Not understanding American phrases like “I can see your wheels spinning”. There may be an equivalent phrase in his native culture/language but that makes no sense to him as a direct translation. For example, in our culture we say “comparing apples to oranges” but in Ukraine they say “comparing frogs to grandmothers”.

I know you think that Nikki is a bitch and JP is an imbecile but, honestly, she is probably the best fit for him BECAUSE she is what many Americans would view as a bitch. She is arrogant and brutally honest. To a Venezuelan man, this probably comes across as confidence and emotional maturity. Vulnerability in the way many American women express it is not prized in South American cultures. I don’t think they’ll last but if he had to pick someone, Nikki is the best fit. I predict they’ll have a huge culture clash at some point in the next couple of months and break up.

The producers made a huge mistake in not fully vetting Juan Pablo AND his culture before casting him. I don’t like JP but I don’t hate him either. I think an American audience just can’t fully relate to him and I am disgusted that the producers are now throwing him under the bus to try an cover their asses for making a poorly though out decision.

I’m not saying that ALL of JP’s behavior can be written off as cultural differences but A LOT of it can.

On a side note, Andi totally won me over the way she dealt with Juan Pablo tonight (as did her father last night). I was thinking I would be bored watching her as the bachelorette but she turned it around for me and I’m looking forward to her season.

Mirzam, Having had the same experience, this is very true - thanks for sharing. After over 20 years of living in the US, I have acculturated myself to the American culture but it took me a while to transition from my cultural beliefs and actions to something a little more mainstream. For several years a lot of messages to me and from me were lost in translation both in body and verbal languages. To this day, I still learn something new everyday but it is not as hard to read context anymore. However, I learned to be more attuned to the differences in language and non-verabla context that I always pause before I react to anything. The hardest thing to transition from is the "individual" vs. the "collective" priorities. Whereas, Americans are self-reliant, self-assured and value individualism, most other cultures value the collective mentality like power of the nuclear family, social circles, and reverence to older members of the family (matriarchs and patriarchs).

Suffice it to say, as I can straddle the middle I see both Andi's and JP's points of views. Andi was just trying to get closure and hoping that JP had some feelings for her so as not to feel she deluded herself. Andi needed to be validated (as most American women would) whereas JP just needed to walk away from the confrontation (as most men would). JMO. Thanks

Need to do something productive and stop hanging out in this forum (after Nick's season)

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Juan Pablo Galavis - Bachelorette 9 Contestant - Spoilers - Discussion - Page 38 Empty Re: Juan Pablo Galavis - Bachelorette 9 Contestant - Spoilers - Discussion

Post by Mirzam Tue Mar 04, 2014 1:15 pm

Juan Pablo Galavis™ ‏@JuanPaGalavis 5m
I HATE writing, but ENJOY doing the @peoplemag BLOGS cause are not EDITED...

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Post by Mirzam Tue Mar 04, 2014 1:58 pm

Here is his WTA blog

How do I start writing this after watching the Women Tell All episode, and seeing them complain about things that happened so long ago? Do I like talking badly about people? No, especially not about women. So let's see how I can write this without hurting anyone's feelings.

I think to understand the women I have to take a step back and remember that it's not easy facing rejection. Since I was on the other side, I perfectly understand their frustration, and after watching the show back, they probably feel like they wasted their time because it didn't work out with me.

Before I talk about specifics, I want to write about how it can be difficult when you're the Bachelor. Have any of the women thought about how hard it is to speak to so many people in such a short amount of time? It's very easy to speak when you only have to focus on one guy, but it's much harder when the guy has to get to know 27 women. It isn't easy to remember all of the conversations or the questions that I ask, but I always tried my best and I wish the women recognized that.

I wish I could ask them if they could see how nervous they were every time they tried to talk to me. I let the majority of the women go because I knew that the process was too hard for them and that they weren't able to open up to me. I understand it's a very hard situation, but I always tried to find ways to make the women feel as comfortable as possible. The women I had a better connection and attraction with are the ones that I felt fit more into what I was looking for.

I Knew What to Expect

I knew what to expect from Cassandra and Renee because we are all parents. I knew that their biggest concern was also my biggest concern. We all had to figure out how to handle this situation away from our children. However, Renee and Cassandra's situations were totally different. Cassandra's son is only 2 years old, and he didn't understand what his mom was doing. Renee's son is older, and I learned how much Ben suffered when Renee broke up with her last boyfriend.

I understood why Kelly wanted an explanation about my gay comments because during my adventure we had talked openly about her father. I told Kelly that I would love to have an hourlong chat with her so that she can better understand what was misinterpreted and what my views are. I also want to understand her views and her experiences, just like when I listened to her tell me about her father. More than anything, I want to make sure Kelly knows how sorry I am that her feelings were hurt. I hate hurting people.

During my talk with Kelly, Victoria really surprised me. Why did Victoria jump in the conversation? I believe she should have worried more about being sober on the show so she could get to know me rather than say something negative about me when she was there for only four days. Does she know me? Does she know when and where I learned English? Does she know about all of the times my producer and I would change words because what I was saying wasn't what I was trying to express? I let her be herself and talk. I respect her opinion, but everyone is not the same.

Of all the women at WTA, Sharleen and Renee are by far the women who got to know me the most, and I spent the most time learning about their lives. Did you get to see that with Sharleen? Clearly you didn't, and that's a shame because she is a spectacular woman. She was not feeling it and was always honest. I wanted to thank her for always being who she is. Renee is clase aparte (in another category). She's a sweet, loving, caring, smart and affectionate person, but unfortunately my feelings were not there for her, and that's something I cannot force. At the end of it all, I'm very happy that Renee found someone, and I want to send her my congratulations. I hope to be invited to the wedding someday.

Andi's situation – it's okay and will always be okay. Like I said, she was at the top of my list since week 2, but at that point in St. Lucia, her leaving did me a favor. I wasn't sure if she was going to make it through that rose ceremony, and she made my decision so much easier. I signed up to meet 25 women, not to marry, kiss and play with 25 women. So I was straightforward and honest, and like she said, I don't have a filter. When you are trying to figure out what you want in a short amount of time, you have to be straightforward. To me, that's definitely the best way to handle it.

I have a completely different opinion about what happened on our overnight date. I respect her decision, but in my opinion she should have told me in private, when we had no cameras, but I guess some people would rather do things in public.

I also wanted to say congratulations to Sean and Catherine and that they have my best wishes for their new life together as husband and wife.

Next week, my adventure comes to an end. I can't wait for you to see how it all turns out.

Remember to Tweet me any questions and I will try to answer them.

Thanks for reading,
Juan Pablo,,20793293,00.html

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Post by Mommyof2 Tue Mar 04, 2014 2:07 pm

Juan Pablo Galavis™ ‏@JuanPaGalavis · 55s
The @peoplemag BLOG is out but some things were EDITED... So the final VERSION will come SOON...


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Juan Pablo Galavis - Bachelorette 9 Contestant - Spoilers - Discussion - Page 38 Empty Re: Juan Pablo Galavis - Bachelorette 9 Contestant - Spoilers - Discussion

Post by Mirzam Tue Mar 04, 2014 2:08 pm

Mommyof1 wrote:Juan Pablo Galavis™ ‏@JuanPaGalavis  · 55s  
The @peoplemag BLOG is out but some things were EDITED... So the final VERSION will come SOON...

Wow, he is not being shoved around by the producers.

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Juan Pablo Galavis - Bachelorette 9 Contestant - Spoilers - Discussion - Page 38 Empty Re: Juan Pablo Galavis - Bachelorette 9 Contestant - Spoilers - Discussion

Post by Mommyof2 Tue Mar 04, 2014 2:14 pm

Mirzam wrote:
Mommyof1 wrote:Juan Pablo Galavis™️ ‏@JuanPaGalavis  · 55s  
The @peoplemag BLOG is out but some things were EDITED... So the final VERSION will come SOON...

Wow, he is not being shoved around by the producers.

Good for him!  :claphands 

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Juan Pablo Galavis - Bachelorette 9 Contestant - Spoilers - Discussion - Page 38 Empty Re: Juan Pablo Galavis - Bachelorette 9 Contestant - Spoilers - Discussion

Post by notarose Tue Mar 04, 2014 2:16 pm

Mirzam wrote:
Mommyof1 wrote:Juan Pablo Galavis™ ‏@JuanPaGalavis  · 55s  
The @peoplemag BLOG is out but some things were EDITED... So the final VERSION will come SOON...

Wow, he is not being shoved around by the producers.

Kelly tweeted she accepts his apology.

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Post by Guest Tue Mar 04, 2014 2:21 pm

He took a stab at Andi on the other hand. ouch


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Post by Guest Tue Mar 04, 2014 3:00 pm

Good Blog, and good for him!


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