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Post by Maddy Mon Jul 19, 2021 2:45 am

Sasha removed Ksju from his IG and closed comments...

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Post by natik Mon Jul 19, 2021 3:13 am

Yes, he changed his profile.

Old one:

Ksenia Mishina - Sasha Ellert - Bachelorette Ukraine -  Season 1 - Discussion  - Page 12 9DDi9iqKdVw

New one:

Ksenia Mishina - Sasha Ellert - Bachelorette Ukraine -  Season 1 - Discussion  - Page 12 NMe1RK1_5Cg

It is definitely over.


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Post by natik Mon Jul 19, 2021 3:50 am

So I translated for you Ksenia`s break up post:

"It happened suddenly and forever.

Understanding that a person should no longer have any relation to my life.

We are no longer a couple, this is my final decision.

If I were writing a book about this year of my life, a drama would be filmed on it.

I have been engaged in my spiritual life for a long time, working with my emotions, learning to love and accept love, learning radical forgiveness of this world, but today I realized that I can no longer betray myself and my son.

This is the end.

I have a big request to all my subscribers and everyone in general: please respect my personal space, do not ask questions and do not try to ask and find out anything. Give me the opportunity to live it eco-friendly and support me with your silence

I decided to translate for you some of the comments in our community. So you kinda have an impression about the whole thing.

she is in such a dramatic mood, she creates a drama herself, it seems, and therefore everything now seems different to her. Sasha has boundless patience for all her antics and reactions. I'm not sure if they should put up with it? She is a very complex and unbalanced person, it seems that it is difficult with her. And it always turns out that he is to blame.(((

and she never had such an image, she was not wise, understanding and constantly adequate. Rather, this was Sasha. She is impulsive and aggressive on emotions.
She was talking about an ex whom she loved very much, but when she realized that nothing would work out with him, she broke up with him. Maybe something brought her to the point of the same reaction. It seems that she can not really control herself in resentment and irritation, she is carried, she needs to be right. And she cuts back. It was not a deliberate decision, it is clear that this is some kind of crazy reaction to something. There is no adequacy in this. I see that Ksenia is subject to the so-called roller coaster, which is inherent in people with the problems that she spoke about on the show. So something swung her from love to hate. A sane person would never have written what she wrote, no matter what happened! It turns out that outsiders who read her insta are closer to her than the person she loved very much the day before, that she shares such a personal thing with them like this. I am very sorry for Sasha, he does not deserve this in any way!

the whole year is a drama?!? Why then have there been posts and stories about crazy love and happiness all year?

In general, some kind of childish position, I shifted the responsibility, I sent everyone and I'm sitting happy with myself.

well, yes, this is not the position of a person who takes responsibility for everyone in his life. People have different reactions in anger, they can say mountains of all the most offensive things. But, sorry, to write such a thing in insta, to whom does she report so much that she is so good, she understood everything and sent all the extra ones?! Does she not understand that this shows her in a bad light???

I think Ksenia is a girl prone to jealousy and vanity. Just when the season of "The Bachelor" with Misha was gaining ratings, Ksenia began to delete photos with Sasha and unsubscribed from him, creating a stir around their couple (and never directly dispelling numerous rumors). Now Dasha and Nikita had a child, Max and Dasha got married, the bachelor Ksenia was replaced by Zlata. Ksenia is in a panic, eager to regain popularity. Most likely, Ksenia is also jealous of Sasha's daughter. Elya is a smart girl and immediately understood the hu from the hu (when she noted that Ksenia is able to create a scandal because of the chicken in the salad and brings up Platon in the permissiveness mode). Sasha is a subtle and emotionally mature person (and not a despot and tyrant, as it may seem from her post). He would have taught Ksenia to look at things easily and philosophically, discarding the very Drama. I was generally amazed at how much time Sasha spent with Platon, and it was clear that the boy was getting high with Sasha to the fullest. While Ksenia was basking on the sun beds in the Dominican Republic, Sasha entertained Plato by rolling on a palm leaf. And it was Sasha who was the nanny for Ksenia's son when she starred in the Doctor's Oath and went abroad for filming...

I feel that yesterday all the bachelors in the first season crossed themselves with their left heel that Ksenia did not choose them. If she is really so emotionally immature, then there is no future for this relationship (((It turns out that all the qualities that she attributed to Sasha and that frightened her are in her. Psychologists have such a thing. If a person cannot see himself from the outside, for example, to identify his advantages/disadvantages, he is asked to describe the people around him, as a result, a self-description without compromise is obtained.

and it seems to me that someone just needs to be less engaged in spiritual life, but just live a real life

The behavior of a spoiled child. So categorical things can be left her alone forever. I understand that Sasha may not be an ideal and not an angel, but not a monster for sure. Yesterday she fills a tattoo and today she writes that for a whole year she endured and sacrificed

I've been thinking about it since last night: who was lucky? 😇 😇 😇
And, probably, it is Ellert.... Ksyusha is too complicated for HIS perception of the world: yoga, spiritual growth, retreats, standing on nails, vegetarianism, a sober lifestyle.... To be honest, for 99% of my male acquaintances, it would also be difficult, incomprehensible (1% don't care!). 😃
At the same time, without any drama FOR HER SAKE, he radically changed his lifestyle: he began to spend much less time with friends, stopped eating meat, drinking alcohol, retrained from a talented screenwriter to a nanny for the woman he loved, became an absolutely non - media personality-a media, Instagram person. And all this FOR HER SAKE, without trying to change her, remake her, arrange a scene of jealousy about her round-the-clock filming!. 😍 😍 😍
On the contrary, what did Ksyu do for Ellert? Remembering all the events, I can answer: NO-TH-ING!!! She is persistently engaged in self-development, self-love, self-promotion, selflove and spoils HER child. Ellert is near her at this time, she allows him to be near, while reshaping him to her taste, according to her template, instilling her habits in him....
And this is extremely sad! Because in the end, Sasha still remained the guilty one in her post! The creator of the DRAMA in the life of Mishina!!! rofl  rofl  rofl Made me laugh - so made me laugh! It is difficult to find a more balanced and philosophical thinking than Ellert's! The drama is created by Ksenia herself: she is unbalanced, she likes emotional swings, passions in her life...
Whatever happens to them, Sasha is still lucky!!!!

As for the facts...
everything in their life was good, even, they got a tattoo in the form of paired hearts....
Two weeks ago I saw Ksenia in the story that she went to her mother in the Crimea, bought her a car. At the same time, the idea slipped through to gather the parents of the Ksenia and Sasha together, like, to get to know each other better.
The result: Ksenia and Ellert are going to the Crimea. His mother and stepfather also come there (judging by the stories of both). Mom is a simple teacher who does not climb into her pocket for a word, straight and without the subtleties inherent in Ksyu....
Next, the question is: WHAT could have happened in a day to draw such a post of Ksyu?
As for me, Ksenia could be offended for some words of Ellert's mother, who does not choose expressions. Either on Sasha himself (like, he puts the interests of his parents and his own above her and her child (although this is obviously NOT so for me personally!!!)... Or an extraneous event happened, which we do not know about, and which dramatically affected their relationship.... All these are guesses, but even in them, Sasha seems to me to be a more sensitive, thinking and understanding person, which almost every woman dreams of! And Ksenia, in fact (and this is a huge disappointment for me!!!) she turned out to be a flighty, narcissistic and self-righteous lady, very similar to many of her heroines....
Probably, it is not for nothing that she is offered exactly SUCH roles and they see her in THIS role!

that's right, she was engaged in practices in order to fix something in herself. Only now it seems that she needs too many repairs and it is unknown how long it will take everything that needs to be fixed. And until that happens, it seems that her relationship will continue to fail.(((She had a chance with Sasha, he is an absolutely peaceful and non-confrontational person. But, she destroyed everything, burned bridges. Probably it's better for the sake of Sasha, because how long can you put up with everything and fix it?
I wonder what kind of relationship Ksyu had the longest?

At first, it is important to learn to love and support yourself, which, I thought, she also learned. And what, would she love herself or Plato like this? Love is first of all support and care, it does not disappear in one minute when you want to cross out everything. For more than 22 years of relations with my husband, I have never said a single nasty thing to him during quarrels, because this person is dear to me. I understand that she is different, she is blown away either from love or from hatred. Young people often believe that their problems are caused by the lack of something they love, for example, you are lonely and unhappy. But when something so necessary appears, the internal, deep problems do not disappear anywhere, they remain. And if a person has destroyed his life with something before, then he will continue to do it. I see that Sasha has learned a lot in his relationship with Ksenia, he already knows all her psychos well and it seems that they no longer frighten him. He stood on the nails for 45 minutes, now he doesn't care about anything! He's just a good fellow, he showed himself a responsible, worthy man! She could learn a lot from him! I'm starting to get tired of her verbiage about her spiritual development, they don't talk about it, THEY DO IT! I have also been developing spiritually for many years, but the result of this should be felt by you and others, this is not to talk about it!
Good luck to both Sasha and Ksenia! Sasha well done!

She is her own enemy. This is all fixable in principle, but for this she needs professional help. And we are not talking about pseudo-coaches, meditations, retreats. She needs a therapist. To work out all her injuries. Sasha is really worthy of respect. A real man with a strong spirit and iron patience. She always puts him about spiritual development below herself, but in fact, Sasha is much more developed in spirit than she is. It all happens superficially with her. I even often think that for her it's just some kind of fashionable but fleeting hobby. Which you can brag about in your insta. And yes, she really could learn a lot from Sasha.

she is definitely her own enemy, just like each of us in some situations. We build our own happiness and then destroy it ourselves by making the wrong choice. Another thing is that people who have been subjected to abuse are prone to roller coasters, they are emotionally thrown when something or someone reminds them of an abuser from the past. And one more thing happens, in situations when such a person feels that he is being abused (and such a person is called a potential source of trouble (PIN), which we see from Ksenia), his subconscious includes the behavior of the abuser, because he has always won in the past and the subconscious has adopted this, that you need to be like this to win. If Ksju had studied everything about this, she would have understood better what was happening to her. There are different directions of spiritual development that work with this and many other things and help people get rid of all this. This is the kind of specialist she needs, who would pull out all these traumas and all these dramas from her subconscious. Yes, such people with such problems dramatize their past traumas. And I know specialists who would definitely help her, they are also in Kiev. What she writes in insta is a product of consciousness, but it is controlled in stressful situations by the subconscious, all people's reactions come from there! From what is written there!



Last edited by natik on Mon Jul 19, 2021 7:13 am; edited 1 time in total

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Post by GuardianAngel Mon Jul 19, 2021 6:14 am

@natik thank you so much for all the translations.

Whatever her issue's are you would think she would suddenly realize how special Sasha was as a person and how he treated her. You would think she would embrace the idea of having someone in her life like that.

IA with the one poster who said if you love someone dearly it doesn't disappear in one minute. I also agree that Sasha probably had enough and his patience ran out. Maybe by him removing her and not running to her and begging, she'll realize what she lost.


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Post by natik Mon Jul 19, 2021 7:15 am

GuardianAngel wrote:@natik thank you so much for all the translations.

Whatever her issue's are you would think she would suddenly realize how special Sasha was as a person and how he treated her. You would think she would embrace the idea of having someone in her life like that.

IA with the one poster who said if you love someone dearly it doesn't disappear in one minute. I also agree that Sasha probably had enough and his patience ran out. Maybe by him removing her and not running to her and begging, she'll realize what she lost.

I think he decided to respect her decision. Because she wrote that she made a final decision. And as a loving person he accepted it and decided to let her go.

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Post by Sprite Mon Jul 19, 2021 10:43 am

Thanks everyone for the info. This is really sad. I feel bad for Sasha and both the kids, but particularly her son who can't escape her crazy drama. Poor kid.

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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Post by natik Mon Jul 19, 2021 5:52 pm

Sprite wrote: This is really sad. I feel bad for Sasha and both the kids, but particularly her son who can't escape her crazy drama. Poor kid.

I feel bad for him as well. She blindsided him completely. Yes, there was a conflict but he had no idea of her intention. She posted that post and practically everyone knew of the break up before him. That is back stabing.

And what did Sasha on the other side?! No comments. Not a single word. Instead he asked the followers to be polite and not write nasty comments in her direction.

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Post by natik Tue Aug 17, 2021 8:02 pm

Something is going on…

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Post by Sprite Tue Aug 17, 2021 9:39 pm

@natik Honestly, I hope not for Sasha's sake. I hate game players. I doubt this will be the last time she pulls a stunt like this.

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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Post by natik Tue Aug 17, 2021 10:35 pm

@Sprite That is the reason why I wrote previously, it is over when Sasha says it is over.

So here is what we know.

Ksenia was invited to the International Film Festival in Odessa. She represented a movie. The opening was on

Ksenia Mishina - Sasha Ellert - Bachelorette Ukraine -  Season 1 - Discussion  - Page 12 YSk3iLwXb4s

Sasha was from Friday till early Monday morning with his best friend not in Kiev, not in Odessa, he was in the city named Charkiw. The city is far away from Kiev and Odessa.

He was posting a lot of stories from the trip he did with his friend. They were boating and camping with another people.

Ksenia Mishina - Sasha Ellert - Bachelorette Ukraine -  Season 1 - Discussion  - Page 12 TZmPjxzdAso

So on Monday in the morning he posted two insta stories. One from the Charkow airport and the other from Kiev airport. After that he went radio silent.

Ksenia was radio silent until 10 pm on Monday. She posted a glass of non alcoholic drink. Like she is celebrating something but she didn't posted with whom she is.

Ksenia Mishina - Sasha Ellert - Bachelorette Ukraine -  Season 1 - Discussion  - Page 12 AVOOygMt3UU

Today in the morning Sasha posted an insta story from a hotel. And someone bombed his insta story with a plate of water melon, Sasha didn't shown who it is and you can't see the hand. But we know that Ksenia is obsessed with water melon plus it is so her thing to bomb his stories like that.

Ksenia Mishina - Sasha Ellert - Bachelorette Ukraine -  Season 1 - Discussion  - Page 12 ZSIwcgLtKHM

Ksenia Mishina - Sasha Ellert - Bachelorette Ukraine -  Season 1 - Discussion  - Page 12 U3WR1oVTheM

But the more obvious thing is that his IG Story is from the Hotel Ksenia is staying in Odessa.

Here are some screens from her IG story from Saturday.

Ksenia Mishina - Sasha Ellert - Bachelorette Ukraine -  Season 1 - Discussion  - Page 12 UumZqVUAUKU

Ksenia Mishina - Sasha Ellert - Bachelorette Ukraine -  Season 1 - Discussion  - Page 12 VrzPOa3cB58

That is the Radisson Hotel City Centre Odessa.

As you can see on that pics. The same mirrors, the same carpet.

Ksenia Mishina - Sasha Ellert - Bachelorette Ukraine -  Season 1 - Discussion  - Page 12 16334064_z

And now let us compare the other pictures from the Radisson Hotel in Odessa.

Ksenia Mishina - Sasha Ellert - Bachelorette Ukraine -  Season 1 - Discussion  - Page 12 ZSIwcgLtKHM

Ksenia Mishina - Sasha Ellert - Bachelorette Ukraine -  Season 1 - Discussion  - Page 12 AAG6OtkU_bA

Ksenia Mishina - Sasha Ellert - Bachelorette Ukraine -  Season 1 - Discussion  - Page 12 305809585

The same lights and the same background like in Sasha´s insta story of today. So it is pretty clear he flew yesterday from Charkiw to Kiev than from Kiev to Odessa. He arrived in Kiev at 12:20 in the morning and took the flight to Odessa at 3:20 pm. He was in Odessa yesterday around 6pm. They spent the night together and it is pretty clear she was with him in the restaurant.
Some people saw them yesterday together in Odessa and wrote about it in the social media. And of course it was her with the plate in his IG story while they were having their breakfast. He also said in his IG story that he is going to be one the road the whole day today. That is because Ksenia drove to Odessa with her car. So they are going to drive together in her car back to Kiev today. And she needs to be in Kiev today because she is filming tomorrow for "Ukraine have talent". And as I wrote before she is in the jury.


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Post by Maddy Wed Aug 18, 2021 12:18 am

Interesting! :gotcha:

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Post by Sprite Wed Aug 18, 2021 1:30 am

This makes me sad.

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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