Bachelor 24 - Peter Weber - Mar 9th & 10th Finale - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

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Bachelor 24 - Peter Weber - Mar 9th & 10th Finale - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 12 Empty Re: Bachelor 24 - Peter Weber - Mar 9th & 10th Finale - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Hotmomma Thu Mar 05, 2020 8:26 pm

atem wrote:I still think the parents prefer HS over Madi.  Just a feeling and I don't believe Peter on anything he says.  He says the exact thing to each woman.  IMO.
I get this feeling too!

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Bachelor 24 - Peter Weber - Mar 9th & 10th Finale - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 12 Empty Re: Bachelor 24 - Peter Weber - Mar 9th & 10th Finale - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by cheriee Thu Mar 05, 2020 8:34 pm

Bachhh022 wrote:I think Peter and Madi are together... there's just too much that doesn't add up if he did pick the Auburn filming with Madi, Madi being at Burbank recently, Madi/Peter going quiet at similar times, Madi's twitter likes as of late and other SM activity. I think maybe just some of the HOW details are off or maybe TPTB is sending out people to throw RS off. I said in the SM thread too that I think its sus that all these "new sources" are coming to RS JUST NOW when they've had months

Madi's social media likes seem very telling to me. Of course they could also be a misdirect, but her liking the tweet about production delaying her going out for the F3 rose ceremony seems like it's just her wanting to speak up about what was obvious manipulation from the producers. Peter seems to view production as his friends, I don't think Madi would see it that way which is maybe why CH has been making digs. Madi not giving them the soundbite they wanted about her virginity, Madi not following their timeline. If Peter and Madi are actually together, their love story has been happening largely away from the cameras and control, and production would absolutely hate that.

My guess is that we'll see Peter still being indecisive even when he gets back to the US. I think I said in another comment that Madi is probably the person he had the strongest feelings for, but unlike HA she hadn't told him she loved him at hometowns (I think we'll see Madi say she loves him on the bench before the MTD). HA being so vocal about her love for Peter IMO was a combination of her knowing that's what Peter wanted to hear and production aiding in that. IMO HA's comment that Peter's love is what strengthens her every day just seemed odd and scripted (not to say she had no feelings for him, just IMO she was overstating her feelings). I think production wanted a HA and Peter engagement, and much of the FS week was in support of that IMO. I still am not 100% sure how this season is going to end up, and I honestly wouldn't be shocked by anything at this point. But if I was going by what I saw in their connection on the show and the SM clues, I'd lean towards Madi and Peter working on things.


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Post by HavaDrPepper Thu Mar 05, 2020 9:26 pm


I totally agree with you that TPTB were pushing for a Peter/Hannah Ann engagement. They knew that there wouldn't be one with Madison. 

Like you, I don't know if Peter/Madison are together and working on things or if they will even last if they are.  In the long run, I feel sorry for all 3 of these "kids" because of what I feel is massive producer manipulation this season.



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Bachelor 24 - Peter Weber - Mar 9th & 10th Finale - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 12 Empty Re: Bachelor 24 - Peter Weber - Mar 9th & 10th Finale - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by cheriee Thu Mar 05, 2020 9:43 pm

HavaDrPepper wrote:@cheriee

I totally agree with you that TPTB were pushing for a Peter/Hannah Ann engagement. They knew that there wouldn't be one with Madison. 

Like you, I don't know if Peter/Madison are together and working on things or if they will even last if they are.  In the long run, I feel sorry for all 3 of these "kids" because of what I feel is massive producer manipulation this season.


Yes, it seems really clear IMO that production were pushing for Peter and HA to be the final couple, and the way that CH has spoken about Madi recently is further evidence for me. IMO it was bizarre that CH said Madi set Peter up to fail, when it's obvious that if CH and production actually wanted Peter and Madi to have a better chance at working out they would've given them the first FS date. CH has said he thought they needed to deliberately force the F3 women to all room together because otherwise Madi wouldn't tell Peter and I am absolutely not convinced of that. It also wasn't his or production's decision to make for her or their relationship (and that's not to place it solely on production but they certainly did not help).

If Peter and Madi are working on things then I think it's great that they are following their own timeline. If Peter has actually put in the effort to spend time with Madi in Alabama with her family then I would guess they are now on the same page and working on a relationship. Again, I really don't know if they can overcome all of their obstacles but two things make me more hopeful. I think the voiceover of Madi talking about having the world against you but still going forward because it's all worth it was done recently. And I think Madi's father following the charity Peter is partnered with shows not only his approval, but is indicative of the life Peter and Madi would want to build together. Travel, adventure, family and service. There's a lot of growing they'd need to do, but IMO regarding some of the most important things they do have compatibility or at least a shot.

Also to add, I'm still not 100% sure about what happens and we probably won't know fully until the finale airs.

Last edited by cheriee on Thu Mar 05, 2020 10:02 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Post by Amethyst Thu Mar 05, 2020 9:55 pm

I'm starting to feel really sorry for Hannah Ann. I think she was ill-used by all of this. I can't imagine stringing her along for this amount of time. It looks like she is staring to have some fun now, and I hope that she rocks Paradise and whatever other opportunities that she gets. She deserves a lot better than what she has gotten so far.

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Bachelor 24 - Peter Weber - Mar 9th & 10th Finale - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 12 Empty Re: Bachelor 24 - Peter Weber - Mar 9th & 10th Finale - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by cheriee Thu Mar 05, 2020 10:20 pm

If the spoilers are true then I think HA is going to do great on BIP and from her recent SM activity, she's moving forward with her life. I think she was spotted with the YouTuber David Dobrik in Kentucky yesterday so she's already making more connections and I would expect her to be very active on SM. IMO I didn't see a real love story develop between her and Peter, despite her being one of the most vocal about her feelings. HA was very much fitting the image of the perfect girl, and after that first 1 on 1 with Peter where she said she'd never been in love with her ex (and Peter's resulting doubts about her) she made sure to be more active in showing Peter what he wanted. I certainly think she wanted to be chosen as his F1, I'm not so sure she wanted to spend her life with Peter. All JMO.


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Bachelor 24 - Peter Weber - Mar 9th & 10th Finale - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 12 Empty Re: Bachelor 24 - Peter Weber - Mar 9th & 10th Finale - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Guest Thu Mar 05, 2020 11:14 pm

I like Peter but in all honesty he would be a terrible match for Madi. I can’t imagine that anyone from her family, friends or church would choose a guy like Peter for her. He isn’t a bad guy at all but in no way what Madi says she’s looking for. We know from HB’s season he keeps a condom in his car, ostensibly so he is always prepared. And he keeps his prayer card in the same place which I find pretty humorous.  

Peter and Madi do have some things in common but that doesn’t really change how far apart they are in other areas. The fact that Peter is going on a mission trip this year is great. On my first mission trip there were 3 nonchristians. At the end of the trip when we were all debriefing they said they loved the volunteering part but really struggled with the nightly worship services we had. Lots of people love to serve but you really can’t fake your faith nor can it be for someone else. It doesn’t work that way in evangelical Christianity. Peter using the name of Jesus as a swear word in two different recent interviews is one small example that shows me he just doesn’t have any real understanding of Madi’s sort of faith.

Could he get there? Sure, if it were authentically his. But, to be the type of spiritual leader Madi wants would likely take at least a few years. It requires a lot of just immersing himself in that lifestyle and community, studying the Bible, serving and seeking God on his own. All of that could happen but I just don’t see any Christian from that church world, nor Madi, someone who wants to work full time in ministry, to want a guy that is so far behind her in maturity in the faith. She wants her husband to lead her in the faith and Peter is in no way able to do that currently. For her to chose Peter as her fiancé is the exact opposite of what she is looking for. At best he is a babe in the faith—not a spiritual leader. All of this is why I don’t buy RS’s current spoiler. jmo


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Bachelor 24 - Peter Weber - Mar 9th & 10th Finale - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 12 Empty Re: Bachelor 24 - Peter Weber - Mar 9th & 10th Finale - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by jen689 Thu Mar 05, 2020 11:32 pm

If Madi ends her relationship with Pete and decides to date I think she will eventually find someone who emulates the man of faith she is looking for and also embodies the qualities she's attracted to in Pete JMO


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Bachelor 24 - Peter Weber - Mar 9th & 10th Finale - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 12 Empty Re: Bachelor 24 - Peter Weber - Mar 9th & 10th Finale - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by cheriee Thu Mar 05, 2020 11:38 pm

I agree that Peter doesn't fit that "spiritual leader" archetype that Madi described. But IMO I also don't actually think that's ultimately what Madi wants completely. And it might've been part of why she struggled so much later on. Peter isn't her father, and maybe she realized that there were other attributes that were important to her other than just the qualities she thought she was meant to want. I think it's very likely they don't end up working out in the end, but I honestly think they are more compatible then I would've first thought. As I said, adventure, travel, family and service are things that do align for them. It's just whether that's ultimately enough. Time will tell.

It would be one thing if Peter was just going on a mission trip and volunteering, it's another thing that he's chosen to closely partner with this charity and ministries and promote it. It seems that it's his high-school friend who runs it, and she's married with children. I think it'd mean something to Madi's father to see that Peter has some dedication to a faith based charity and IMO would be part of why her father possibly would approve of their relationship. If RS's spoiler is correct then there were many difficult conversations between them all in the family and it's all been discussed. No doubt there's obstacles and maybe they are just too big, but in many respects I think there's quite significant common ground there. Or at least enough love there that they're wanting to date and see. All JMO.


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Bachelor 24 - Peter Weber - Mar 9th & 10th Finale - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 12 Empty Re: Bachelor 24 - Peter Weber - Mar 9th & 10th Finale - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by atem Thu Mar 05, 2020 11:43 pm

Well, her sister Mal now has a story saver (I don't know what it's called for stories that are saved) called Special Moments. So far, it's just Madi being the celeb letter holder for the Auburn basketball game. So, it looks like her sister is looking forward to what is coming?

Anyone else thought it was pathetic that they had HS get the rose from the KY basketball team mascot? She still comes off as 3rd wheel with that to me. I highly doubt she watches college basketball.

Anything I post means it's Just My Opinion.  Don't feel like posting it every time I post. So, I thought I'd get that out of the way.


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Bachelor 24 - Peter Weber - Mar 9th & 10th Finale - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 12 Empty Re: Bachelor 24 - Peter Weber - Mar 9th & 10th Finale - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Guest Fri Mar 06, 2020 12:07 am

@cheriee being involved in a charity and promoting it is great but it’s not about outward actions. It’s about what is in Peter’s heart. jmo


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Bachelor 24 - Peter Weber - Mar 9th & 10th Finale - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 12 Empty Re: Bachelor 24 - Peter Weber - Mar 9th & 10th Finale - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by cheriee Fri Mar 06, 2020 12:18 am

@gabriele Which of course only Peter really knows. But IMO people's outward actions are a reflection of their heart and the things they choose to prioritize. As I said, IMO this charity work would likely be part of Madi's father possibly approving of Peter if the spoilers are correct. Whether that's enough is for them to decide, and indeed it might not be in the end. All JMO.


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