Bachelorette 15 - Hannah Brown - General Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2

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Post by LaineyG Tue Jul 02, 2019 1:50 pm

Alanna wrote:Steve just confirmed: Hannah and Jed are done.

I’m so fcking proud of Hannah.

Best news ever! Congrats to everyone who already figured it out!! Can’t wait for the ATFR!!!!


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Post by Tiggerlgh Tue Jul 02, 2019 1:50 pm

North wrote:
Alanna wrote:Steve just confirmed: Hannah and Jed are done.

I’m so fcking proud of Hannah.

Woohoo! Go Hannah, go!

While I think the People magazine was the nail on the coffin. Does anyone think there was trouble in "paradise" before the People release? Seems like Nashville is a super chatty town so whispers were just getting louder and louder. Were her friends hearing things? Was her family being sent gossip, etc...?

Just curious.

I think so as she never looked super happy post filming and the one SHV we know of seemed really short. Maybe nothing to do with rumors just real life vs bubble. All imo

Team Sluething :detective

Sorry for iPad likes to think it knows what I want to say.

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Post by dee Tue Jul 02, 2019 1:52 pm

What RS has to say. It's super long. Basically Hannah and Jed are dunzo for good. No news if Hannah and Tyler would reconcile.
One mistake that I made last night was the retweet I made of someone insinuating Hannah and Jed had sex in the Netherlands in the windmill. It was dumb of me because I wasn’t even watching the show at the time. I was still at the arena. But I’m getting all these tweets about “Who did Hannah have sex with twice in a windmill” sent at me and I had no idea what people were talking about. So I texted a friend and they told me. Anyway, the gist of it is, it didn’t happen in the Netherlands. BUT, I do still think it was with Jed and it happened in Greece. I mean, when we see the overnight dates, I don’t think it’ll be too hard to figure out who had a date where a windmill was involved. Surely they aren’t going to hide that. So we’ll know for sure in a couple weeks who that was, but I’m pretty sure it was Jed she was talking about.

Get your “Reader Emails” in for this week as I’m sure you’ll have a lot more to say after what you saw last night and what’s coming up no doubt. I think last week’s was the biggest “Reader Email” bag we had this season, and that was WITH me removing a lot of emails with repetitive questions asking who do I think the next “Bachelor” will be. That will be discussed in a bit going forward today. Mostly on page 2. There’s so much speculation right now since Hannah isn’t being quiet on social media. Sunday night something really must’ve gotten to her because she pretty much made her feelings known.

You know what else got tweeted and emailed to me more than anything since last Thursday’s tweets of Hannah breaking off her engagement to Jed? “I thought you said she picked Tyler.” Head slap. SMH. I mean, and that’s only 9 days after the spoiler had changed. So yeah, I get maybe some people hadn’t heard or read about the change yet even though it’s been brought up in every column, podcast, and numerous tweets since I changed it. Just wait til finale night and those are STILL coming in. Fun times, I tell ya’. Ahhhh, the life of a spoiler. Trust me, even though the change is to the right spoiler, I don’t enjoy being initially wrong and that’s the main reason why. Because no matter how many times I say it from June 18th til July 29th, there will be numerous people who don’t have a clue she didn’t pick Tyler in the end and will ask me what happened. Happy happy, joy joy.

Anyway, before we get to that, a couple things to get to. Due to the nature of this season’s ending and everything that’s happened post-show, ABC hasn’t officially announced it but there’s going to be a 2-night finale on July 29th & 30th. How it breaks down, we won’t know til later, but I expect it to play out a lot like how Arie & Becca’s did. There’s a lot of footage from out in Greece to cover, we have the engagement to Jed, then there will be more footage as well. I can also tell you that the “Men Tell All” films next Friday in LA. As for who will be there, I would expect everyone outside of Jed and Tyler, and maybe Peter. It all depends on how they’re editing that 2 night finale. It’s possible we won’t see Peter get eliminated at the overnight date rose ceremony until the beginning of part 1 of the finale on the 29th. That would mean that he probably wouldn’t be at MTA. We’ll know next week who’s there for sure, but I’m just speculating now knowing there’s a 2-night finale..
   Lets get right into your Hannah news since a lot has happened since we last spoke. On Thursday, you heard the podcast that I did with Haley Stevens, the exp-girlfriend of Jed. Well, at least I hope you heard it because it was very insightful. Haley told me on the podcast this was the last of media she was gonna do for a while and she’s stuck to her word so far. Later on Thursday, I was given exclusive information that I tweeted out in a 6 tweet thread:
There is an even further update to that tweet: Hannah and Jed are done completely. She’s broken off the relationship altogether. She’s not trying or hoping for it to work out. They are done. And I can also report, their breakup was filmed in LA on camera and we will see that during part 2 of the ATFR airing on July 30th. I’m sure this is good news to many of you since as soon as Haley’s story broke, many of you were excited to hear that she ended the engagement when I reported it, but also wanted her to not even try and give this a chance. And she did the right thing. Lets be honest, I don’t think she had much of a choice here. She would’ve been crucified for keeping him around after taking such a firm stance this season on women empowerment. So good on her. She did the right thing and I don’t think a single one of us is upset it’s over with Jed. It should be. For whatever reason, Hannah went to town Sunday night on Twitter, and in a span of 90 minutes, sent out these 5 tweets. Yeah, I’d say this is someone that’s not thrilled with everything that went down.
Lets get right into your Hannah news since a lot has happened since we last spoke. On Thursday, you heard the podcast that I did with Haley Stevens, the exp-girlfriend of Jed. Well, at least I hope you heard it because it was very insightful. Haley told me on the podcast this was the last of media she was gonna do for a while and she’s stuck to her word so far. Later on Thursday, I was given exclusive information that I tweeted out in a 6 tweet thread:

There is an even further update to that tweet: Hannah and Jed are done completely. She’s broken off the relationship altogether. She’s not trying or hoping for it to work out. They are done. And I can also report, their breakup was filmed in LA on camera and we will see that during part 2 of the ATFR airing on July 30th. I’m sure this is good news to many of you since as soon as Haley’s story broke, many of you were excited to hear that she ended the engagement when I reported it, but also wanted her to not even try and give this a chance. And she did the right thing. Lets be honest, I don’t think she had much of a choice here. She would’ve been crucified for keeping him around after taking such a firm stance this season on women empowerment. So good on her. She did the right thing and I don’t think a single one of us is upset it’s over with Jed. It should be. For whatever reason, Hannah went to town Sunday night on Twitter, and in a span of 90 minutes, sent out these 5 tweets. Yeah, I’d say this is someone that’s not thrilled with everything that went down.

Not to mention, she was watching “The Notebook” on her IG story Sunday night and made it known to everyone “she’s a sucker for love stories.” Maybe ABC isn’t thrilled with Hannah’s sudden openness on social media, but hey, we’re here for it. Maybe Hannah just doesn’t give a f**k anymore, which to me, is what it seems like. You never want to take anything you see on social media as 100% fact, but, knowing what the behind-the-scenes spoiler is, then seeing Hannah spout off on Twitter Sunday night (something she hasn’t done all season), I think we can put 2 and 2 together here. So the next question is, how’d we get to this point? Here’s what I’ve been told…

After Hannah and Jed got engaged in Greece, shortly thereafter, Jed told Hannah about Haley. So Haley doing the media rounds two weeks ago is not the first time Hannah had heard about her or knew who she was. As for how soon after the engagement Jed told her, I don’t know the exact day. But I’m pretty sure it was while they were still in Greece. Bottom line is, Jed did tell Hannah about Haley – but after they’d already gotten engaged. However, up until last week, Hannah and Jed were still engaged. So whatever Jed told her, like I said to Haley and told all of you, was clearly not the full story. I’m sure he just gave her some generic, “Hey, there’s this girl I was dating before the show…we broke up…she doesn’t mean anything anymore…don’t worry about it” BS that we’ve pretty much come to expect with him. In fact one specific I did hear is that Jed told Hannah they were broken up. But whatever he told her, it wasn’t strong enough for her to break it off with him. Then Haley’s story comes out with the receipts and basically a week later she ends it? Yeah, I’d say Haley did the right thing by coming forward and providing receipts and Hannah did the right thing by ending it. And I’m sorry Jed, whatever you wanted to label your relationship with Haley, someone that you text “I love you. Don’t forget that” as you’re about to board the plane heading to LA to film the show is something much more than someone you broke up with, or someone you may claim was a platonic relationship. Please.
   Which brings me to something I’ve been debating for the last week, and that’s whether to post the texts from the woman Jed cheated on Haley with at the beginning of February that was revealed on the podcast last week. After thinking about it all weekend and even up until this morning, I’ve decided not to post them. I asked the woman in question yesterday if I could post them, and she said she had no problem with that as long as I left her name out. I asked Haley and, even though she had nothing to do with the texts and didn’t know about them until last week, if she had a problem with me posting them and she said she didn’t either. But my decision came down to this: Hannah and Jed are done, and to me, it’d just be piling on the guy at this point. I think he’s scum for what he did. I think he deserved getting dumped by Hannah. And I think the guy needs to re-evaluate his life as a f**k boy, because that’s what he is. But these texts are bad. If I were him, I’d be embarrassed these got out. If Hannah and Jed weren’t already over, absolutely I would post them. Because it’s something she needs to see. But they’re done, so I don’t feel I need to pile on the guy. It’s not that I’m feeling sorry for him, because I’m most certainly not, but as a guy, he doesn’t need this added on to his misery. But I will tell you the gist of what the texts said and the timeline of it…

On the morning of Feb 3rd (Super Bowl Sunday) at 1:37am, Jed sent *Barbie (her name’s not Barbie, but I don’t wanna keep calling her “woman,” nor does Barbie have any connotation or hidden meaning to it. First name that popped into my head that was silly) a text that started with the infamous “Wanna makeout y/n.” Barbie obliged, asked where he was, he told her, and then at the end of working out logistics, he said “are you prepared to be with me the rest of the night” to which *Barbie replied “yes.”

The next text was from Jed at 11:42am on the 3rd (so roughly 10 hrs after his initial contact that night) saying “I had fun! Thanks for assisting in me not having anxiety (crying laughing emoji). From that point forward is where I’ll stop transcribing the texts. The texts continued on between Jed and Barbie all day on Feb. 3rd, 4th and 5th. On the 3rd, 2:43pm, 6:32pm, 11:43pm. On the 4th, 12:57am, 8:14pm. And on the 5th, 3:50pm. It is absolutely 100% clear on these texts following their night together they had sex. Trust me. However, something I just found out last week as I shared these with Haley with *Barbie’s permission, and that’s that Haley was with Jed on Super Bowl Sunday. So in summary, Jed has sex with *Barbie in the morning of Feb. 3rd at her place, he’s gone by 11:42am that morning since his text suggests he was, the rest of the day (or most of it), he’s with Haley and friends watching the Super Bowl, all while still texting *Barbie about their night together. Look, Jed isn’t the first guy to play two women at one time, I’m aware of that, but in this particular instance, I just wanna show you how creepy this was.

As for *Barbie, a little background on her. This was not someone that Jed had just met that night. This is not someone that Jed was dating. Nor did *Barbie ever think they were dating. They had met in July of 2018 and had hooked up then, casually kept in touch through texts after that, and then Jed was just horny the night of the 3rd so he hit her up. At no point did *Barbie ever think this was anything more than what it was: a hookup. They enjoyed each other’s company. However, she also told me Jed never mentioned anything about Haley or the show in the time they were together either in person or in text. Because of course he didn’t. But the fact that Jed had sex with her the morning of Super Bowl Sunday, and was with Haley hours later (presumably they hooked up that night as well), then yeah, you can see how sh***y it is all around.

The first contact I had with *Barbie was at 3:01pm on June 18th, a few hours after I released the changed spoiler to Jed. She emailed me on IG showing me her texts with Jed immediately. Then like an hour later is when Haley’s story hit the web. *Barbie didn’t even know about it until I sent her the link. In *Barbie’s initial email to me, all she wanted to know was when filming started. When I told her March 16th, she actually thought it was closer to the night they were together. Her response was, “I wasn’t sure the timeline on when they started filming because I thought it was pretty messed up to come over to my place then shortly afterwards go on the show. But I guess it was a month after we slept together he went on the show.” So yeah, if there was no Haley, then the *Barbie hookup is just whatever. I’m sure plenty of guys from this show have slept with someone 6 weeks before going on the show. Hell, they’ve done a day before going on from stories I’ve heard from past contestants. But the second Haley told her story, that’s when *Barbie realized what a chitty  guy he was and we started diving more into what she had sent me.

All in all, if you’re Hannah at this point, and not even knowing the details behind the *Barbie hookup until last Thursday at the earliest, I think Haley’s story was enough in itself to end the thing. Jed clearly lied about his relationship with Haley and now this man was her fiancé. How is she supposed to believe anything he tells her from that point forward? He could’ve begged and pleaded for another chance, and telling her he’d change, and apologized for not being 100% honest about his relationship with Haley, but as a woman, seeing what Haley put out there, there’s NO WAY Hannah would’ve ever been able to forgive that type of betrayal. Seeing what he’s texting a woman hours before arriving in LA? I don’t care what happened during filming and how hard he claims to have fallen for her, how could she trust him enough after he basically started off their engagement with one big lie? She couldn’t, and I’m assuming that’s why the relationship is over. As it should be.
 Of course since the tweet last week that Hannah ended the engagement (and now the whole relationship) immediately everyone wants Hannah and Tyler to give it a try. Look, I don’t think there’s any doubt that Hannah would certainly be interested in Tyler, but we don’t know where Tyler is at. This isn’t a situation like Arie where he just had a change of heart. Hannah would only be interested in Tyler now because Jed is f**kstick. If Jed doesn’t pull what he does, seemingly they are still together. So because Jed is a moron and now Hannah is single, Tyler should immediately go back to her? Hell, maybe he will. But just because he’s supportive of her on social media doesn’t mean they are 100% gonna get back together. We will see and I’m sure we won’t know anything until the ATFR.

The show does not allow the lead to connect with past contestants. Hannah can’t just try and meet up with Tyler whenever she feels like it. If that’s what she wants, she would have to make it known to producers that’s what she wants and THEY will decide how it will proceed. Like with Arie, they made sure they filmed his breakup with Becca, then filmed him going to Virginia to get with Lauren. That’s what would have to happen if Hannah and Tyler are to reconcile. Maybe they will, maybe they won’t, but the response I’ve seen in Twitter mentions and emails is that people are already making this a done deal. It’s far from that. It might eventually get to that point, but I don’t think we’re there yet and I don’t know if we’ll ever be.

Tyler is obviously a major contender to be the “Bachelor” if they offered it to him. Lets just say with this latest change of events, Tyler has the option of being with Hannah (assuming that’s what she wants) or being the “Bachelor.” I don’t think any of us know 100% where his head is at right now. And is it wrong to think that maybe Hannah should take a break from jumping into a relationship considering she just had an engagement end in a heartbreaking fashion? Maybe she should take some time to herself? There’s a whole lot we don’t know right now between them other than Hannah is single and so is Tyler. I know it’s easy to immediately throw these two back together, but c’mon, lets tap the brakes a bit. I know everyone right now has zero patience and wants to know everything immediately, but it’ll all play itself out. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised with either outcome. If they end up together they wouldn’t surprise me, or if Tyler became the “Bachelor” it wouldn’t surprise me. If I hear anything, you’ll know.

Source: RS

Last edited by dee on Tue Jul 02, 2019 1:56 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post by bluwavz Tue Jul 02, 2019 1:55 pm

@dee Thank you for posting! Smiley

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Post by LaineyG Tue Jul 02, 2019 1:55 pm

sosleepy wrote:
North wrote:
Alanna wrote:Steve just confirmed: Hannah and Jed are done.

I’m so fcking proud of Hannah.

Woohoo! Go Hannah, go!

While I think the People magazine was the nail on the coffin. Does anyone think there was trouble in "paradise" before the People release? Seems like Nashville is a super chatty town so whispers were just getting louder and louder. Were her friends hearing things? Was her family being sent gossip, etc...?

Just curious.

For 100%. I think they’ve been on the rocks since basically the week after Memorial Day. You could just tell. Her whole vibe was off, she wasn’t posting about the show, barely promoting. A weird 48 hour safe house visit, “you’re shady,” MANY people speculating she was single just based on her vibe. I think this was probably a really rough 6 weeks for her.

This is also why I’m personally fine with her just moving on to Tyler, if she wants. It was six stupid weeks, and it sounds like it sucked almost the whole time. It was literally built on a foundation of lies. Why should she sit around single to “reflect” and let this joke of a man rob her further? Just go be happy, Hannah. That’s imo of course. This show is built on people moving on FAST and quickly to the next best thing. Hannah wouldn’t be the first, certainly not the last.

Yes!! Forgot about the “you’re shady!” She was done awhile ago. I agree Hannah just go and do you!!! Be happy!! Be single , get back with Tyler whatever you want!!!


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Post by Julie81 Tue Jul 02, 2019 1:55 pm

I think it’s been rocky since the jump. According to RS, Jed told her a version of the Hayley story. I’m sure it was a watered down version so even still, I’m sure Hannah was pissed to know that this guy who she really didn’t even know anyways wasn’t who she thought he was.

Good for Hannah for knowing her worth and knowing she doesn’t have to put up with a douche hat like Jed Wyatt.

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Post by mercieme Tue Jul 02, 2019 1:56 pm

Thanks @dee.
Quoting RS “Look, I don’t think there’s any doubt that Hannah would certainly be interested in Tyler, but we don’t know where Tyler is at. This isn’t a situation like Arie where he just had a change of heart.”

It seems RS is confident Hannah is interested in reconciliation with Tyler, is he projecting or does he have insider information?


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Post by bleuberry Tue Jul 02, 2019 1:56 pm

Now her pre season press behaviour 100% makes sense. She never did look fully happy.

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Post by Julie81 Tue Jul 02, 2019 1:59 pm

mercieme wrote:Thanks @dee.
Quoting RS “Look, I don’t think there’s any doubt that Hannah would certainly be interested in Tyler, but we don’t know where Tyler is at. This isn’t a situation like Arie where he just had a change of heart.”

It seems RS is confident Hannah is interested in reconciliation with Tyler, is he projecting or does he have insider information?

I’m wondering too. Is he projecting because he too is a fan girl of Tyler’s like we are, or does he have info that isn’t comfortable sharing yet? I mean, i can’t see how she can watch back and see their scenes and see how he is in real life and NOT want to just get to know him better. There doesn’t have to be some major commitment or declaration of love...just see where it goes kinda thing. I’m just sayin, that’s what I’d do. Lol

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Post by ilovepuggles Tue Jul 02, 2019 2:01 pm

I had a feeling they were done done by this weekend but didn’t want to jinx it. She went on liking sprees, interacted with fans, made jokes with Demi on Twitter and her IG stories were much lighter and fun. Almost like a weight has been lifted off her shoulders. We need to watch the feet now for this upcoming July 4th weekend. She did tweet that patience isn’t her virtue.


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Post by North Tue Jul 02, 2019 2:02 pm

Julie81 wrote:
mercieme wrote:Thanks @dee.
Quoting RS “Look, I don’t think there’s any doubt that Hannah would certainly be interested in Tyler, but we don’t know where Tyler is at. This isn’t a situation like Arie where he just had a change of heart.”

It seems RS is confident Hannah is interested in reconciliation with Tyler, is he projecting or does he have insider information?

I’m wondering too. Is he projecting because he too is a fan girl of Tyler’s like we are, or does he have info that isn’t comfortable sharing yet? I mean, i can’t see how she can watch back and see their scenes and see how he is in real life and NOT want to just get to know him better. There doesn’t have to be some major commitment or declaration of love...just see where it goes kinda thing. I’m just sayin, that’s what I’d do. Lol

The break-up was filmed in LA!!! Los Angeles? When did that happen? I thought the rumor running around was that tv crews were in Nashville. What the what?


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Post by BlackHalo Tue Jul 02, 2019 2:07 pm

Figured Jed told Hannah nothing about this girl during filming. He made sure he had her locked down first. He is so calculated. Slime ball. JMO.


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