Nick Viall & Vanessa Grimaldi - Bachelor 21 - Discussion - #3

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Vanessa ex - Nick Viall & Vanessa Grimaldi - Bachelor 21 - Discussion - #3 - Page 6 Empty Re: Nick Viall & Vanessa Grimaldi - Bachelor 21 - Discussion - #3

Post by happydays Fri Jul 14, 2017 11:12 pm

have to give it up for Vanessa who is doing a great job with her foundation as seen from sm

Also Nick still in LA as per this tweet:

Vanessa going to be in Montreal until at least 31st July as she is hosting that day for Just for Laughs festival. Nick said he'll be going to a few shows from that festival on his podcast with Juliet Litman. Not sure which dates.


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Post by Imp Sat Jul 15, 2017 4:11 am

Vanessa appears to have so many opportunities present themselves in Montreal, and she clearly loves the city. Can't imagine why she'd prefer to live in LA.. Hope it's not all about putting Nick first and herself second.


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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Jul 15, 2017 4:29 am

Regardless of her own interests and efforts, most of the opportunities likely presented themselves because Vanessa was F1 and Nick's fiancee. I highly doubt if she had been sent home early on that she would have the opportunities she has to afford her to even start her foundation, be verified, have nearly a million followers, be able to shill stuff so she doesn't have to work with shilling different clothes, sugar bear hair, hair iron, etc. It's why no matter what happens I don't/won't feel bad for her at all. Girl is just fine IMO.


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Vanessa ex - Nick Viall & Vanessa Grimaldi - Bachelor 21 - Discussion - #3 - Page 6 Empty Re: Nick Viall & Vanessa Grimaldi - Bachelor 21 - Discussion - #3

Post by happydays Sat Jul 15, 2017 5:01 am

I agree with above but just because she got chosen by Nick and got all these opportunities, doesn't mean she should put his interests above hers. Yes we as an audience don't know what happens behind closed doors. But from what is visible to us, there's more reason to be in a couple of other cities than to live in LA. The only possible reason presented to us is Nick pursuing acting.


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Post by Jane781 Sat Jul 15, 2017 7:25 am

Vanessa said in her insta live last week or on that radio show that she was going back to LA next week, so either that will change due to that offer or she will go back to LA and then come back to Montreal closer to the 31st.

I'm a little torn on the living situation. Whether you or I deem it worthy or not, Nick has a life in LA. He lived there before he was the Bachelor and has said before many times that he likes living there and misses it when he's gone. There really is no reason for him to move at this time except for Vanessa. So as you say you hope it's not all about putting Nick first and her second, wouldn't moving to Montreal be the opposite... all about Vanessa and putting Nick second. Could Nick even find a job there? Should they stay together, I think it's unlikely they will stay in LA forever. But now is the time to explore it if Nick/they are ever going to. Leaving now would likely be closing any doors that may open to him without having had time to explore them, which is not like Nick and quite honestly could cause some resentment at a later time in the relationship as is not uncommon in those types of scenarios. Whatever Vanessa has going on in Montreal is still available to her whether she's living there full time or not. Maybe they decided to do LA for a couple years and then move or at least reevaluate? We don't know. Personally, I think the show made a much bigger deal of Vanessa moving than it really was to her. It seems to me she very willingly moved. Does she miss home? Of course. But I don't think she is hating LA either.


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Post by stuckinsc Sat Jul 15, 2017 8:54 am

This is just my personal opinion. If Vanessa isn't happy she isn't going to stay with Nick. She seems to enjoy her time in LA too.

Again, these two get each other. I trust when/if it isn't good for her anymore that Vanessa will get out of the situation.

That said, yes, I do think it will be up to Vanessa to move. Nick loves LA, he isn't giving it up. But Vanessa knows this, so I think it is okay too.

All JMO.

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Vanessa ex - Nick Viall & Vanessa Grimaldi - Bachelor 21 - Discussion - #3 - Page 6 Empty Re: Nick Viall & Vanessa Grimaldi - Bachelor 21 - Discussion - #3

Post by Mgrissom Sat Jul 15, 2017 11:32 am

IA @stuckinsc Although she likes LA, I think she will go where there are opportunities for her. Does anyone know where she is staying this trip? It is beautiful!  Based on last night's IG, I wonder if she us staying with the event coordinator.


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Post by MonicaJM2001 Sat Jul 15, 2017 2:13 pm

AllAboutLove wrote:Regardless of her own interests and efforts, most of the opportunities likely presented themselves because Vanessa was F1 and Nick's fiancee. I highly doubt if she had been sent home early on that she would have the opportunities she has to afford her to even start her foundation, be verified, have nearly a million followers, be able to shill stuff so she doesn't have to work with shilling different clothes, sugar bear hair, hair iron, etc. It's why no matter what happens I don't/won't feel bad for her at all. Girl is just fine IMO.

I agree, no pity party for Vanessa from me either as from all accounts Vanessa is doing just fine. Obviously she loves Canada but I think she is thriving and happy as well with Nick in L.A. She is not some hostage victim or damsel in distress being forced to stay in L.A. with Nick. It was clear to me on the show that she is very stong willed and not afraid to voice her feelings/wishes and very open to communication and discussion so by no means do I think she just went to L.A. because Nick made her do it. She wanted to do it IMO. Through the whole DWTS duration while many speculated it would doom the relationship, Vanessa was having the time of her life via SM whether hanging out a bit with Peta/Nick at rehearsal or watching Nick in the audience and practically going through it emotionally with him step by step. I think she may have been even more sad than Nick when he was eliminated just because the whole process for them IMO was fun and positive. IMO Canada will always be home to Vanessa just like Wisconsin is home for Nick. There will always be sentimental feelings when in your home town vs other places but that doesn't mean you can't thrive and be happy elsewhere as well. And IMO that is so far what I've seen with Nissa in L.A. If a time comes where one or both are not feeling happy I have no doubt that these two will openly (to each other I mean not the world) communicate and work to see if a resolution can be made. If not then so be it I don't see EITHER one of them catering to the other if they truly aren't happy. I think a big reason Nick picked Vanessa is she fits those traits he listed about his ideal woman in numerous interviews particularly about her be able to have the "tough" conversations that inevitably surface in any and every real relationship. It's why this notion that Nick is just dragging Vanessa down and away from her friends and family is so off base to me.

I was going to (insert any productive activity) but then well...........Nick

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Vanessa ex - Nick Viall & Vanessa Grimaldi - Bachelor 21 - Discussion - #3 - Page 6 Empty Re: Nick Viall & Vanessa Grimaldi - Bachelor 21 - Discussion - #3

Post by MVMom39forever Sat Jul 15, 2017 8:52 pm

stuckinsc wrote:This is just my personal opinion.  If Vanessa isn't happy she isn't going to stay with Nick.  She seems to enjoy her time in LA too.  

Again, these two get each other.  I trust when/if it isn't good for her anymore that Vanessa will get out of the situation.

That said, yes, I do think it will be up to Vanessa to move.  Nick loves LA, he isn't giving it up.  But Vanessa knows this, so I think it is okay too.

All JMO.

IMO - there has been quite a bit of smoke about these two for a while and more often than not with franchise couples, there is some truth to the "sources." We've seen it happen over and over again. Some push through the issues of all first year couples from this franchise and others just can't make a go of it.

At least these two don't have to deal with anyone thinking Nick is hung up on his F2 or F3. IMO, Vanessa just needs to deal with Nick being hung up on Nick and his own LA aspirations. I do not fault him for wanting to make a go of it as an actor/model as everyone should pursue their dreams. I personally just found him a whole lot more appealing and authentic when he was Nick from

Anyhow, IMO, I would expect that they stay together just as long as they can (even if the love is gone) because they are worth more together than apart.


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Vanessa ex - Nick Viall & Vanessa Grimaldi - Bachelor 21 - Discussion - #3 - Page 6 Empty Re: Nick Viall & Vanessa Grimaldi - Bachelor 21 - Discussion - #3

Post by AllAboutLove Sat Jul 15, 2017 9:25 pm

When it comes "smoke", there's literally no tabloid, no so-called "source", no hearsay, and no SM interpretation that overshadows the smoke that is this show in and of itself, IMO. This show itself supersedes any other smoke when it comes to "predicting" these two may not last. I mean seriously, I am a fan and I would still give it very low odds of making it even with zero "smoke" (outside of the show itself). Because no doubt to me it will be a miracle if it does. I don't need any other so-called smoke signals other than the show itself and 19+ examples to convince me of that. It's why there will be no "I told you so" if they don't last since I myself can state the same thing just based on what the Bach show is and its stats and I'm a fan. So I'll enjoy them while they're together as I always do for those I like and if they last, great, and if they don't, it is what it is.


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Vanessa ex - Nick Viall & Vanessa Grimaldi - Bachelor 21 - Discussion - #3 - Page 6 Empty Re: Nick Viall & Vanessa Grimaldi - Bachelor 21 - Discussion - #3

Post by sdmom Sat Jul 15, 2017 9:35 pm

I am a fan of this couple but I am also realistic. They are adults and it's their life. I wish them well, but if they break up, I won't lose sleep over them. Meanwhile, I will just enjoy what they are willing to share now.

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Vanessa ex - Nick Viall & Vanessa Grimaldi - Bachelor 21 - Discussion - #3 - Page 6 Empty Re: Nick Viall & Vanessa Grimaldi - Bachelor 21 - Discussion - #3

Post by tealeafs Sun Jul 16, 2017 9:38 pm

What did everything think of ***IMO*** Nick's bummer attitude at Vanessa's event? From her stories, it showed that he even sat down on stage whilst everyone else was standing on stage and Vanessa was speaking. He was also working out with his hands in his pockets? Why is he so meh? You'd think that after finding someone he is supposedly in love with and happy to be engaged to, he'd be a happier man. IMO.

Disclaimer: All posts are JMO
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