Ben Higgins - Lauren Bushnell - Bachelor 20 - Discussion - #7

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Ben Higgins - Lauren Bushnell - Bachelor 20 - Discussion - #7 - Page 59 Empty Re: Ben Higgins - Lauren Bushnell - Bachelor 20 - Discussion - #7

Post by Lennoxcolinrolland Thu Apr 20, 2017 5:22 pm

I personally think Lauren gets it pretty bad. It's been an ongoing thing for over a year already. Negative comments about her looks, personality, relationship with Ben. A lot of the other girls get it pretty bad too, but mostly in quality (the same ole same ole trolls with multiple accounts.) For Lauren, it's the quantity (a lot of ppl. None with troll accounts.) IMO.


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Post by Ash2214 Thu Apr 20, 2017 5:30 pm

Truthfully, I think a big part of it stems back to their stupid show. I didn't watch all of it, but I did see a lot of clips posted here as well as on IG. Per usual, Ben came off good to a lot of people with small minds when in reality I thought he was being really crappy.

He just has some weird following of people that think he's perfect. I remember when he called off the wedding on the show, Lauren looked devastated, and people were going after her and not Ben. She got a lot of "you're not good enough for Ben and that's why he doesn't want to marry you" sort of comment. It's just very odd how that worked out. All JMO


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Post by mindless Thu Apr 20, 2017 6:44 pm

Lennoxcolinrolland wrote:I personally think Lauren gets it pretty bad. It's been an ongoing thing for over a year already. Negative comments about her looks, personality, relationship with Ben. A lot of the other girls get it pretty bad too, but mostly in quality (the same ole same ole trolls with multiple accounts.) For Lauren, it's the quantity (a lot of ppl. None with troll accounts.) IMO.

I agree. I think all of them get "mixed reviews" so to speak after their season, but the trolls usually lose interest over time with new victims popping up every few months. Lauren never seems to get a break and obviously HEA didn't help with that, since it revealed their issues and Lauren got most of the blame thanks to the edit and female viewers being up Ben's behind. And people truly pick apart everything when it comes to her, from looks to personality to what she does or doesn't do. I can understand the more controversial and outspoken contestants getting negative feedback, but Lauren's actually a nice person who never says anything bad about anyone (except Josh), so it's just baffling to me how strongly some people feel about her. JMO.

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Post by Boshem Thu Apr 20, 2017 6:52 pm

I've never ever commented on Lauren's pictures and her rabid fans message me on IG telling me to kill myself, calling me every name in the book like c*nt, ugly etc which turns me off Lauren completely.. No offence but she sees these people calling other posters names and won't take that into account but will get upset if said person says something about her. Her comment section is literally cancerous. She needs to keep it blocked. It's bullying all around. If she has enough effort to call people out who bully her, why not call her rabid fans out who literally BULLY on her comment section. Just my opinion. Not saying this is what she should do, but bullying is bullying whether it's her or me being called names.


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Post by sosleepy Thu Apr 20, 2017 7:12 pm

Boshem wrote:I've never ever commented on Lauren's pictures and her rabid fans message me on IG telling me to kill myself, calling me every name in the book like c*nt, ugly etc which turns me off Lauren completely.. No offence but she sees these people calling other posters names and won't take that into account but will get upset if said person says something about her. Her comment section is literally cancerous. She needs to keep it blocked. It's bullying all around. If she has enough effort to call people out who bully her, why not call her rabid fans out who literally BULLY on her comment section. Just my opinion. Not saying this is what she should do, but bullying is bullying whether it's her or me being called names.

How do Lauren's fans even know to message you or call you out if you don't comment? That seems strange. Regardless, not cool. I'm sorry you deal with that. I get it though. I've seen bullying and horrific behavior from many super fans of various people/couples from this franchise. Not to like start a huge thing... but some OTT nastiness I've seen from fans of other people/couples turns me off to those people as well, so I totally get it.

Last edited by sosleepy on Thu Apr 20, 2017 7:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post by mindless Thu Apr 20, 2017 7:15 pm

Everyone should remember good manners, fans and those who are not fans alike. No doubt about that.

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Post by Boshem Thu Apr 20, 2017 7:35 pm

I liked a comment. Literally, liked one comment. And it wasn't even that nasty. It was something about how Lauren could do better without Ben as I don't think they're matched well. IMO. I would never bully on someone's pages because someone close to me was a victim of bullying.


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Ben Higgins - Lauren Bushnell - Bachelor 20 - Discussion - #7 - Page 59 Empty Re: Ben Higgins - Lauren Bushnell - Bachelor 20 - Discussion - #7

Post by Lennoxcolinrolland Thu Apr 20, 2017 8:37 pm

Boshem wrote:I've never ever commented on Lauren's pictures and her rabid fans message me on IG telling me to kill myself, calling me every name in the book like c*nt, ugly etc which turns me off Lauren completely.. No offence but she sees these people calling other posters names and won't take that into account but will get upset if said person says something about her. Her comment section is literally cancerous. She needs to keep it blocked. It's bullying all around. If she has enough effort to call people out who bully her, why not call her rabid fans out who literally BULLY on her comment section. Just my opinion. Not saying this is what she should do, but bullying is bullying whether it's her or me being called names.
Yup. As Boshem and I have noticed for over a year now, there's one or two really nasty Ben and Lauren trolls that goes after any/everybody in Lauren's comments and ppl who mention Lauren on other pages (not necessarily even in a negative way either.) These trolls also comment nasty things on other ppl's accounts, that have nothing to do with Lauren. They have multiple accounts, and are legit crazy. One of them was telling ppl they were fat, ugly, and to kill themselves in the comments section of the work out video yesterday.


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Post by simon1781 Thu Apr 20, 2017 10:32 pm

Boshem wrote:I've never ever commented on Lauren's pictures and her rabid fans message me on IG telling me to kill myself, calling me every name in the book like c*nt, ugly etc which turns me off Lauren completely.. No offence but she sees these people calling other posters names and won't take that into account but will get upset if said person says something about her. Her comment section is literally cancerous. She needs to keep it blocked. It's bullying all around. If she has enough effort to call people out who bully her, why not call her rabid fans out who literally BULLY on her comment section. Just my opinion. Not saying this is what she should do, but bullying is bullying whether it's her or me being called names.

Lauren is someone who rarely replies back to bullies, that too she started doing recently.Its not her fault if these fans go to other people pages and write nasty things . SAD it happened to you ,but how is she suppose to know that person messaged you or her fans are going to these trolls insta and trolling them back ??

Some messages she gets are so harsh/deragotary/mean,just reading them gives me chills. In those cases,it may sound harsh,but I don't mind the fans trolling back the trolls . Sometimes these people need the taste of their own medicine to see how it feels . I lost someone very close because of Bullying and saw firsthand how hard that person suffered . Bullying is not ok but IMO ,always trying to take a high road in these matters is not easy . IMO , sometimes bullies need to be bullied too. JMO


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Post by Ladybug82 Thu Apr 20, 2017 10:37 pm

IMO, trolling back or bullying back is no better than the ones trolling and bullying to begin with.  It's all bullying regardless of who does it first.  


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Ben Higgins - Lauren Bushnell - Bachelor 20 - Discussion - #7 - Page 59 Empty Re: Ben Higgins - Lauren Bushnell - Bachelor 20 - Discussion - #7

Post by sosleepy Thu Apr 20, 2017 10:48 pm

Good Lord. I'm glad I just use my IG for cute baby pictures (my kids are cute!) haha. I follow some Bach people, but I never even like stuff, let alone comment. I think I'll keep it that way. cantstopl It takes a special kind of crazy to create fake accounts and troll/bully reality stars. This is not just a Lauren's fans problem. I've seen some terrible behavior from other contestant's fans as well. Perhaps it's a "fanning" problem in general, and not specific to the individual.

SM, man. Just like road rage. People can be real d-bags when they aren't staring and looking at people tangibly in real life.

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Post by nikikass Thu Apr 20, 2017 10:52 pm

Bullying the Bully is not the answer. Ignoring is the best response and a little giggle to yourself instead knowing how silly these people are.

The arguments on SM just reminds me of the saying "if you seek revenge you may as well dig two graves"

Nobody is the winner in these things. It's better to vent to a friend then a stranger. You can hug your friend after. Not so much a stranger.

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