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Post by ironcat Wed Aug 10, 2016 11:16 am

nd4reality wrote:
grace8136 wrote:
umngirl wrote:

He's quite hilarious and witty on Twitter. It seems his cohost wasn't too fond of having a cohost based on things I've seen on Twitter from fans.

IA. If I didn't already love Wells enough, he made fun of Michelle on snapchat tonight. He said, does anyone else think this host is all coked up?!  :yes: Seriously, I hope this gets better because she was freaking awful tonight! Wells also pointed out the part about Michelle cutting off Sarah with "Let's not ruin a great moment" when Sarah tried to point out that Chad hadn't called her. It's not your moment Michelle!! Ugh.. so bad! I hope the producers inform her that she has a co-host before next week.


I hate it when hosts are totally biased. She was all over Chad and didn't want to hear logical reasoning from anyone else.

I was/am shocked at what Chad said to Sarah but lets be real here. He was obnoxious to a lot more people than just sarah while on camara both times around but they (interviewers, media, the genral public) glossed over everything else in the name of "funny" and "real" and made him out to be some sort of hero. But the minute he said something to sarah most got up in arms.
No - he was a douchbag to everyone on this series.

I agree, but the comment about Sarah crossed the line in that it was insulting/mocking based solely on a physical disability over which she has no control, which makes it unacceptable and not something anyone may "joke" about. And yeah, I wonder how many "fans" Chad would have drooling over him if he looked like Evan but continued to behave like Chad. I'm happy to be able to totally disagree with that idiot Spencer Pratt, who thinks that Chad is picked on because people are jealous of his good looks. On the contrary, I suspect he keeps getting a pass on his reprehensible behavior solely because he's incredibly hot (even as someone who can't stand him, I acknowledge that he's extremely good looking. What a waste, IMO).


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Post by Diana Wed Aug 10, 2016 11:18 am

I just find myself embarrassed for all these people. laugh out loud


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Post by Duke702 Wed Aug 10, 2016 12:23 pm

I don't know what Fleiss was talking about when he said guys were fighting for Carly? The only guy showing any interest in her is Evan. I guess next week guys will trying to get her rose, but that's hardly fighting for her.


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Post by Amethyst Wed Aug 10, 2016 12:43 pm

I enjoyed both shows last night. My thoughts:

Sarah -- It's nice to see two men vying for her attention. She deserved that after the Chad fiasco. I loved her date with Christian. He seemed very protective of her. Love that!
Josh & Amanda -- *So* junior high. Get a room, already. I like Amanda, but I think her picker is broken.
Daniel -- One of the best things about BiP3. Who knew?
The twins -- I was interested in seeing Haley getting some attention for a change. Then they pulled the rather juvenile switcheroo. *sigh*
Carly -- It will be interesting to see how she undergoes a change of heart regarding Evan.
Evan -- I really felt for him when Carly had the "lets be friends" chat. Then I wondered if he was delusional in going after Amanda. Props to him for bravery, though.
Best moment on BiP -- from a preview, the stunned look on Josh's face when Evan interrupts his make-out session. Pure TV gold. Josh would have gone into full offended righteous indignation mode if Nick had tried the same thing. But he had no idea what to do with Evan. laugh out loud
The producers -- seemed to have a heavy hand last night with both Evan and the twins. But I love how they will happily facilitate mini-dates with anyone who asks (Evan, Daniel.) I would have been more than happy to eat the lobster meal that Evan had planned, and Daniel's champagne and chocolate covered strawberries looked scrumptious.  

After Paradise -- I thought Michelle did a great job. She kept it fun and she kept it moving. Sean was rather an afterthought. I chuckled when Jubilee helped herself to the meat tray. I was interested to hear her take on her date with Jared. Everyone looked great. I love Lace's shorter hairstyle, and Leah looked much better than on BiP where she was trying too hard. She's very pretty and doesn't need to overdo it. I totally agreed with Michelle's decision to cut short the interaction between Chad and Sarah. The apology has been made, so it's not going to get any better than that.

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Post by Acrunch Wed Aug 10, 2016 12:58 pm

I'm just going to randomly throw out all that I've been thinking the last couple of episodes. I haven't kept up with the board so apologies if I'm a little late in my commentary, laugh out loud. I'm QUITE sure some of my views will be quite unpopular.

I think the editing monkeys are working hard in much of the Josh stuff. I'm not making excuses for him at all. He's definitely not done himself any favors. I think I'm most disappointed in the fact that he knew Andi's book was out there, knew what she said about him, knew that many people took Andi's words as gold & that Andi has lots and lots of support from Bachelor nation (as does Nick who seems to always be hanging with one of the castmembers), knew that the producers would be salivating at the thought of exploiting all that for ratings and yet went to BIP and gave them exactly what they wanted. Sigh!

I wouldn't be surprised IF the producers handed out excerpts from Andi's book to all the castmembers and if that didn't happen, I'm sure Nick took care to fill everyone in (which we already saw on the first episode while Josh/Amanda were on their date).

Back to my editing comment I made above. I don't believe for a minute that Josh/Amanda were that close to Nick when they were making out. It may look that way, but don't buy it. I know nobody wants to believe anything out of Josh's mouth but he did say as much on Twitter. I also don't think that Josh/Amanda spent ALL their time making out but you wouldn't know that from the edit. I think the sound editors have also been busy. While there may have been moaning (ick); I'm betting much of what we've heard has been put on a loop and edited in. Also, alot of folks online have been ripping on Amanda for not giving Nick a heads up before going out with Josh. From what both Amanda/Josh have mentioned on twitter, after the rose ceremony, Nick & Amanda had a conversation and both agreed that they would continue to date others, if the opportunity presented itself. They didn't show that on purpose so that they could fan the perception that Josh swooped in and stole Amanda from Nick and Amanda disrespected Nick and poor Nick would continue being the "runner up". Blech. I also found it ridiculous that after 1 date, after which they agreed to date others, Nick felt that Josh should ask his permission before asking Amanda out. Say what? And then Nick feels the need to inform Josh about his date with Amanda and the “connection” he and Amanda had which prompted Josh to tell Nick about his own connection with Amanda. So much scripted, chopped up, spliced together nonsense.

I honestly feel that BOTH Josh and the other guy need to grow up and get the hell over themselves and each other. Both are acting like boobs but one is just being less obvious about it.

About other castmembers...

Daniel has been surprisingly enjoyable to watch. He's odd duck but weirdly engaging.

Carly is a mean girl! The things she said about Evan in interviews...OUCH. I guess she doesn't care that at some point Evan would see what she had to say and it would be hurtful.

Evan, Evan, Evan...ICK and such a phony. Previews show him filling Amanda in about the claims in Andi's book but he pretends that his motivation to tell her is because he's concerned about her. The only thing he cares about is getting a rose from Amanda and being able to extend his vacation in Paradise.

Still meh on Sarah.

Weird but I'm kind of OK about Lace and Grant.

Love Vinnie and Izzy...good match.


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Post by Lennoxcolinrolland Wed Aug 10, 2016 1:11 pm

So is it official? No Jenny Mollen this year? Yayyyyy! I love Michelle. She's awesome IMO.


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Post by Cocoasneeze Wed Aug 10, 2016 1:56 pm

I just caught up with the third episode.

I never thought I'd enjoy Daniel as much as I do. He's different, unique, and personable. I liked his chat with Sarah. I don't think he's romantically interested in her though. If she's looking for a romantic connection, she should pick Christian, Daniel likes her the most in there, but only as a friend.

Leah was pitiful. So ott confident and not funny about it.

I do like how both Nick and Carly were straight up with Leah and Evan, better that than leading them on.

I'm going to say, that Amanda is a bit too trusting in Josh. She doesn't know the guy, really, and Andi's book should be a huge red flag, Amanda has to think about her kids, and if she's planning on getting serious with Josh...

Can't wait for Caila!!! She looked amazing in the preview!

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Post by Beagle Wed Aug 10, 2016 2:05 pm

ElonM wrote:Well RS has Mama M facebook post about the editing.

Just what I thought. I didn't think Nick was that interested in Amanda and frankly neither was Amanda about Nick. According to that FB posting Nick went on the show for Jen and he told Amanda. I feel very strongly that Amanda went on the show for Josh and would bet anything that they were already involved through social media before the show. Like most of them are. The rivalry triangle IMO was  all a setup by TPTB. Having said all that, taking Amanda out of this equation, IMO it's pretty clear to me that Josh still has a chip on his shoulder when it comes to Nick, and he wants to prove that he's top dog, and he always will be top dog over Nick, but instead he's coming off like some cartoon  character in a comedy show. I'm actually feeling bad for him.The Village People "Macho Man" always comes to mind when I see Josh.


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Post by notarose Wed Aug 10, 2016 2:13 pm

Enjoyed reading your summaries/thoughts Amethyst and Acrunch.

Thoughts on pairings
Josh-Nick: I think Josh scooping up Amanda is in keeping with how BIP functions. Framing it as a "steal" is just a way to engage viewers. Nick and Amanda went on 1 date, kissed a bit, and may have continued but it was fairly borderline.  The issue is more in how Josh speaks.  It's not about what but how that gave the edit gold.  I actually enjoyed Daniel's attempt to poke the Nick bear in his convo with him and how Daniel then says, in an ITM, that people like drama or some such. Very transparent.
Josh-Amanda: there were scenes of Amanda hanging out with groups of people so obviously she and Josh aren't always joined at the lip however the kissing edit is so "in your face" that if you blink you miss the fact that they aren't together 24/7.  The sound loop is ridiculous but then so is the show. I've never been a Josh fan but even so I think the excessive kissing edit is unwarranted.
Andi's book: It's almost become its own character on the show. I'd like to see the ghost of Andi put to rest.  She and Josh broke up because they were toxic together.  Amanda is not Andi so Josh and Amanda has the potential to be completely different. People move on from their mistakes.  I imagine Amanda is empathetic to that given she is divorced.
Carly-Evan: maybe she's trying to be funny in her ITM's however I agree that she is coming across as a mean girl.  As to Evan, his plan to approach Amanda diminishes him.  He provoked Chad on the Bette and now he's back at it with Josh.  Lunacy. I find them both "least likeable" at this point.
Lacey-Grant: he is like a lioness tamer.  I say that because her behavior with Chad was over the line.  Grant seems to have personality traits she benefits from.
Daniel-Sarah: I really enjoyed their weird yet flirty convo. I think he was accurate in saying she gets him.
Izzy-Vinny: no clue because not much has been shown

Last edited by notarose on Wed Aug 10, 2016 2:50 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post by Lennoxcolinrolland Wed Aug 10, 2016 2:19 pm

When does BIP finish airing? This is important info!


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Post by Duke702 Wed Aug 10, 2016 2:23 pm

Basically the way BIP is set up, most people just try their best to stick around hoping the one they wanted will show up soon. Nick with jen. Amanda with Josh. Izzy with Carl. Jared with Caila. so on. I think with Sarah, she just wanted to stay on as long as possible. She prob thought Daniel was a safer bet to keep her around than Christian, even though I bet she liked Chiristian more. Too bad it back fired and he ends up picking a twin over her. LOL. It's really so dumb and obvious when people are begging someone for a rose, just to stay longer. (ie: Leah with Daniel)


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Post by Guest Wed Aug 10, 2016 2:44 pm

Loving the show, it's silly and fun but I feel pretty embarrassed for several of the 3 timers who seem really out of place here and should be way past this stuff IMO.  Now a bit of a negative rant, sorry ...

Mean girl Carly has been around since Chris' season IMO.  First it was Britt, then everyone she was mean to on paradise last summer when she decided it was more important to her to be on tv than go to her brother's wedding and now her mean-girl ITMs are about a guy she supposedly ends up with.  IMO it's just TPTB doing their normal thing of "karma- 3rd time on our show you should know better than to give us stuff to work with".  They are totally throwing her under the bus by showing all her comments re Evan IMO. Maybe she'll finally realize her snarky comments aren't really very cute or funny and are just mean and unattractive. What makes her think she's so much better than anyone else? I am SOO not a fan of Carly.

And re Josh, I realize editing plays a huge part in this franchise and how we see people's characters and stories, but IMO you can't edit smug, over-the-top over confidence and arrogance in almost every single scene I've ever seen Josh in on this show (both of his seasons JMO).  IMO he's just a cocky entitled jerk. No editing required.  JMO.

And lastly Michelle has been great on the after shows in other seasons so I think she'll be a great host for AP.  Sean on the other hand ... scratch headscratcher to me.  If they want a cast member they need to find someone fun and witty. JMO again.


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