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Post by umngirl Sat Jan 30, 2016 2:55 am

I only mildly followed along their season and since but I find your sleuthing fascinating Litta.

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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Jan 30, 2016 4:37 am

AmyB wrote:
One thing I will say is that banter and teasing with your partner is a very 'Australian' thing to do. My boyfriend and I have been together for nearly 3 years and have a very healthy relationship but we make fun of each other in public all the time, yet are very loving in private laugh out loud. It's just an Australian culture thing. Now, I don't know what Sam & Sasha are like in private so their banter might not be as harmless, and I do agree that Litta's sleuthing indicates there could be trouble between them. Great sleuthing, Litta!  yes

That's really interesting and definitely helpful and I can see it being healthy as long as the couple are both in on it and it is teasing. When it comes to specifically SM though for couples, is this a very common thing for couples to use sarcastic banter on SM? I haven't really seen many couples do so on SM (I have quite a lot of cousins who are Aussies and they can get super sarcastic in person but haven't really done so on their SM). Perhaps the sarcasm also gets lost in translation on SM (which is definitely possible).  

In regards to Sash and Sam and in light of the SM unfollowing etc (which I also have screenshots of and noticed), I guess I see more of Sash and Sam's banter on SM as being sarcastic and potentially passive-aggressive rather than just teasing and could be a negative thing potentially if it is done more when they are not feeling loving towards one another. I recall numerous times Sam saying that that is just how they are as a couple so I saw it as fine for them but not so sure now...

I will say though that it is interesting to me that none of the other couples from the Bach AU franchise have that type of sarcastic SM banter that Sam and Sasha have (from Tim, Blake, to Sam Wood) so it seems it is more their thing - again, which is totally fine but in light of what Litta sleuthed (and which I agree with) I am not so sure it is for them since un/re-following is a passive-aggressive thing to do, imo, and not sure if their SM sarcasm is a part of that or not...

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Post by Litta123 Sat Jan 30, 2016 5:34 am

Thanks guys for your comments. I was out all evening having my ears blown off at a Winter Jam concert. I think I'm deaf now.

umn, it kind of reminds me of our JED days. In some ways, I think I just want someone to tell me I'm wrong because I really don't want this to be true.

Anyway, AmyB, your comments about the teasing being a cultural thing is helpful to hear. I do know that in listening to Rove & Sam there are other comments made that would probably not fly well on American radio, so there definitely could be a different tolerance for certain behaviors in our cultures.

Since I've already put it out there, let me say a few other things that raised red flags for me. On Monday's show, Sam spoke of her time at the AU Open/roadtrip back. She shared that Saturday night she left the party early, but Sasha stayed with his "new bestie" -- I presume one of Sam's friends, but I'm not sure -- to continue on having fun. I really don't know if Sam was staying with family or friends, but I found that odd. First, they had been apart since returning from LA, so this trip would seem to be time for them to see each other, knowing it was back to work for the both of them once it was over. Secondly, Sam stated on the show that Sasha mostly slept on the way again, not quality time, imo.

Sometime since they returned from LA, Sam said on the show that she didn't want to have kids for a long time. That stood out to me as a potential sore spot as Sasha has indicated he's ready to start a family now. Maybe that isn't news to Sasha, but it was news to me. My interpretation of a long time is more than a couple of years. I always thought from their previous interviews that her timeline was a couple of years.

They spent AU day (a national holiday) apart. Sam explained when the issue was raised in the comments on IG that they both had to work on M and the three hour drive didn't make sense. That's a fair explanation and I agree with @last's post that Sam did refer to Sasha as her boyfriend even on Thursday. Her TH show ends at 4pm on Wednesday, Chicago time. I didn't notice the unfollows until my Wednesday night which would have been AFTER her Thursday show ended. Make sense? And why was I checking? I really can't say, but my intuition was telling me that something wasn't I stalked. One person unfollowing could easily be accidental, but both seemed suspect.

I saw the first refollow by Sasha when I checked around 7am Thursday morning. According to my screen shot he refollowed 4 hours earlier, so roughly 3am Thursday morning, my time. That would be about 8pm TH in Sydney (someone said there would be no math!). His next refollow I screencapped to be about 3pm TH my during the last hour of Sam's Friday show. This was the show where no mention of Sasha was made.

Stay with me this next part gets complicated and because it's getting very late here, I'm going to copy and paste from a PM I sent earlier today to GA.

Sasha always has a segment on Rove and Sam on Friday's. In fact a week ago, he asked to do a sports segment for this week. It was talked about a this past Monday's (AU time) show something to look forward to. On Friday's show (AU time), there was not one mention of Sasha or his segment. Very weird! He's been on every week...but not this one...and no explanation why. Then to cap it off, Sam missed all but one minute of the introduction to the podcast. Rove started without her because she was no where to be found. (To explain, the show is live from 6am-9am. There is banter (and interviews) in between the songs. The podcast is different from the show. The podcast is only the banter/interviews - songs and commercials removed. When the show is over, Rove and Sam taped a short bit that actually gets put on the front end of the podcast. So the intro to the podcast is actually taped after the actual show. Hopefully that makes sense.)

That seems so unlike Sam to blow off that responsibility. My hunch is that she was talking to Sasha. She didn't sounds too apologetic when she made it to the taping with only a minute left.

The bottom line is that something seems off. In fact, Sasha has yet to comment of Sam's video with her niece. That seems so unlike him. I can't say with certainty that he hasn't "liked" this video as I don't want to wade through over 7000 names, but it didn't come up with his other likes in my following activity feed. It's in roughly the same time frame, so I believe it should. Sam's video is liked by other people I follow, so I know it does come up. Ah well, it is what it is. Because their relationship continues to be so public due to her radio show, I'm sure we'll find out more in the next few days. Either he'll be talked about like normal or it will be the elephant in the room.

Also, @last, I wanted to say welcomesign . Yes, it is terribly weird to write about people you don't know. Unfortunately it's part of the consequence of being on reality TV...and then doing your relationship in public. It adds a lot of extra pressure for sure.

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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Jan 30, 2016 5:40 am

Has Sasha said in interview that he wants kids soon?

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Post by Litta123 Sat Jan 30, 2016 6:02 am

AAL, in a recent Rove & Sam show in LA, there was discussion about a new male contraceptive (a button placed in the man's p*nis to control sperm flow -- a very weird story). The issue raised by Rove was could you, as a woman, trust your partner with this. Sam said no (much to Sasha's shock -- he was there). She explained that Sasha was ready to have children, but she wasn't...and then they tangented to how would you know whether it was pressed on or Sasha agreed, it wouldn't be a good idea. It would be in one of the podcasts from LA.

But to your point, that's the most recent mention that I can recall that indicates Sasha is ready for a family. My impression was that he has been willing to wait, but Sam's statement of not wanting kids for a long time struck me as being longer than his time frame. This is my opinion. Again just part of the red flags I've been seeing, but I could be completely wrong regarding this matter.

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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Jan 30, 2016 6:43 am

Hmmm... I am wondering if something has happened between them to make Sam not wanting kids straight away, etc. One never really knows what goes on with couples and sometimes the one that seems to be speaking out is the one that has been hurt. I do know that Sam herself has had a lot of issues with guys in the past all cheating on her and she struggled to have trust because of that so I hope that is not the case.

Going to post some of my thoughts and hope that is okay... still working through my thoughts so apologies for the length...

I will say that, imo, from a positive POV I can see Sasha being on Sam's show and going on a trip with her for work etc as something great but from a negative POV it could stem from trust issues and perhaps being possessive.

I dunno... all I know is that I had red flags with him and was told by two separate sources while the show was airing (I posted about it a long time ago) that they personally met Sasha and he was not acting like a guy who was with a girlfriend or F1 and they personally saw him flirting and Sasha flirted with one of them themselves and was all over her. This was long before I knew anyone knew who F1 was or even F3 so I was a bit displeased with what I had been told and the people in question had no reason to lie to me that I know of. However, once it became clear Sasha was going to be F1 and post-show filming, they seemed happy so I didn't pay it too much attention and just relegated that to "rumors".

Then when it came out that Sasha wanted to quit and leave the show and had a meltdown (Sash's own words and talked about on The Project too) it started to make me wonder if those issues he had then on the show that made him not able to handle dealing with her dating the other guys at the time (his words) may have caused an issue. Since the meltdown (and leaving and returning) wasn't shown on TV it is hard to say but I found it odd that Sasha would bring it up and talk about it - especially post-show. It didn't strike me as something that serves a good purpose for the F1 to say they wanted to quit the show (and this with no overnights and just some kissing which was mostly with him anyway).

So when Sasha tweeted that article (posted on page 26 of this thread) I couldn't help but think why would Sasha still (because that was about the 5th article about him wanting to leave the show) want to talk about that again and again when they were 5 months post filming? Again it just struck me as odd for him to even go on about it since it wasn't even something viewers saw. In some ways, I wonder if that had been shown on Sasha having a meltdown as he has said he had, if that would have had a similar tone like Shawn had with Kaitlyn. I guess I found it, if nothing else, unnecessary for Sasha to talk about his meltdown and wanting to leave because it was the past and they were happy so made no sense for him to want that to be known to the public.

I don't know... TBH I won't be surprised if they don't last but then I was always more fond of Sam than of Sash and just want her to be happy. I hope it does work out for them though and if not that it doesn't have any an escalation of immaturity/passive-aggressiveness more than just the following/unfollowing on IG. Because Sasha himself was doing the unfollow/follow thing (I screenshot it also) so he is not exempt.

TWT. It could just be a passing issue but from following Sam closely now for nearly 2 years whenever she is hurting she always goes to be with her sister. I noticed that she is with her now. Sam is not a perfect girl, she is very flawed and has had some major hardships and doesn't handle things well (although she will own up to that at least) but even with that being said and  with her past relationships with guys who hurt her (cheated on her, etc) I hope that Sasha can be stable and mature (not that Sam is exempt from that either) but Sasha following/unfollowing/refollowing Sam (again, not exempting her from that either) is not doing that as a boyfriend, imo.

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Post by AEF Sat Jan 30, 2016 10:08 am

Agree with all everyone is saying. I first saw the 'matey' banter on their radio appearances after the season end and I was a bit taken aback- I think it's just part of their communication regime and it has worked well on Sash's radio segments.

They weren't together Tuesday on Australia Day or on Thursday night and Sam as AAL has said is now at her sister's - there is a pattern. She also was holding her niece in that photo she tweeted when she had just broken up or about to break up with Blake and it had a caption along the lines of "at the end of the day this is all that matters...." The season nearly over and was when we started to suspect something was not right.

Sam really does not need the rollercoaster at the moment as she tries to build her radio skills and audience. If it's a relationship that is fundamentally good, hope they can get past all their issues to work things out.


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Post by Litta123 Sat Jan 30, 2016 1:04 pm

I was going through my screencaps from this past Thursday and noticed one more thing. My screencaps from Thursday morning Chicago time, from right after I noticed Sasha had refollowed Sam on IG for the first time, Sasha had 89 followings. When he refollowed her for the second time during my Thursday afternoon, he had 88 followings...which is the level it has stayed at.

There's no proof to this as I don't know for a fact that Sasha ever followed Rove&Sam's IG, but I notice now that he is not currently following the show. That doesn't seem right considering how involved he has been with the show to this point.

The evidence seems to be piling up that this spat was a big one, imo.

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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Jan 30, 2016 7:25 pm

AEF wrote:

They weren't together Tuesday on Australia Day or on Thursday night and Sam as AAL has said is now at her sister's - there is a pattern. She also was holding her niece in that photo she tweeted when she had just broken up or about to break up with Blake and it had a caption along the lines of  "at the end of the day this is all that matters...." The season nearly over and was when we started to suspect something was not right.

Sam really does not need the rollercoaster at the moment
as she tries to build her radio skills and audience. If it's a relationship that is fundamentally good, hope they can get past all their issues to work things out.  
yup there is the pattern. We definitely saw that 2 years ago. And the thing is... even in Sam's FRC speech she was THANKING  Sash because IMO he left and came back and all the other guys would just cheat and hurt her and leave.

If what was reported was true at how devastated Sam was at the time that Sash left and had his meltdown (his words) it would make for an imbalanced foundation where Sam would have to 'work' for him (and maybe why she had him on the radio show and on her work trip). And I never got really why he wanted to leave by meltdown anyway at such an extreme that even Sam herself had a Second Date for Sasha that was ALL about Sasha and the things HE liked like she had to work for him to stay! Yes real feelings etc but those are more about oneself than anyone else and I can excuse it but not re-bringing it up again in media.

Thing is, Sash came back and FRC was picked and post-show they seemed happy so no need to bring it back up and talk to the press again how he wanted to leave. To me that's weird and a bit emotionally manipulative because it keeps the past in the present.  

ITA also about Sam not needing a roller coaster and guy who follows/refollowing etc. That's immature and not stable for a man to me and sounds like the follow/refollowing is similar to the leave/return that happened on the show. More of that and it becomes a pattern... and not a good one IMO.

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Post by last Sun Jan 31, 2016 12:22 am

"They weren't together Tuesday on Australia Day or on Thursday night "

Somebody asked her about Australia Day and she said they both had to work the Monday and Wednesday. As for Thursday it was for the new season of Witchery which is a girlfriend date it wouldn't be something you would take your boyfriend to.

On the radio Sam said that if you wanted your boyfriend to realise what he has and how much he misses you then go away for a weekend. She explained that the weekend after LA they were texting each other non stop and Sasha was being very loving which she likes - absence makes the heart grow fonder and all that. She might be teaching him a lesson as it looks like whatever they are upset about is his fault.

It's interesting that she posted the video of her niece after she has said in interviews that Sasha and her niece are close. She could have posted one of her and her sister which she normally does.

"The evidence seems to be piling up that this spat was a big one, imo."

Have they unfollowed each others family and friends?

At the Witchery event Thursday night she was smiling and posing for photos hardly the girl which was upset by a fight with her BF?

Saturday and Friday Sasha, Dave and David were hanging out in Bondi. There was another picture of him taking Rocky to the parlour. He was making funny comments on the two D's pages. Hardly the behaviour of a guy who is going through a big fight with his GF?

IDK it seems odd. I could be completely off base.

BTW it wouldn't help that there is another story out about how the radio station are trying to get the former hosts back with large offers of money. Even if it's not true this is the 3rd story and it must make you feel insecure.


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Post by Litta123 Sun Jan 31, 2016 2:17 am

@last, thanks for your perspective. I had no idea what a Witchery date is, so that's helpful. I cannot state it strongly enough that I hope these guys work it out and stay together. Perhaps I've blown this way out of proportion. From what I can see from my limited perspective, I think each of them is a pretty good person and deserving of happiness. And for me, hopefully, that's together. If not, I hope they are able to make a clean break and not create unnecessary distress for one another. I've seen that with too many former Bachelor couples. It's sad and hard to watch.

I recall that conversation with Rove regarding Sasha's constant texting during their first weekend apart after LA, checking in and letting her know he missed her. Rove was trying to get Sam to admit that it was clingy behavior (he was saying it in a jestful manner -- Rove seems to like Sasha, imo), but Sam insisted she liked it. She thought it was cute and thoughtful on Sasha's part. I interpreted it as Sasha wanting her to always know she is loved back rather than it being controlling or smothering behavior. That, though, is what's odd. IIRC, that conversation took place the week before the AU open why spend their next Saturday late evening apart? It's so odd to me. Also, I recall in Sasha's Friday segment, that same week, Sasha said that Sam got mad, thinking he had hung up on her, when he was talking on his cell taking the train into Sydney the night before. Sasha was warning to let your partner know before you enter a tunnel in case your service disconnects. Why would Sam even think he had hung up?...unless it's common behavior and/or their conversation was heated at that moment. It's just so confusing to me. Btw, I believe his segment was about tips for taking the train...or something like that.

Regarding the niece thing. That, too, is so odd to me. I've noticed in my following activity feed on IG that Sasha almost always likes and/or comments on Sam's sister's pics of Bridie, even more than Sam why wouldn't he this time if all were well?

You are correct. There has been no unfollowing of family and friends. That is what gives me hope that the situation is still salvageable. They haven't gone the nuclear option...which includes not deleting any photos of one another.

I also saw on her snapchat that Sam appears to be wearing a necklace this weekend with her niece, possibly the necklace that Sasha gave her. If so, I take that as a positive sign.

I also agree that the pressure on her right now seems to be immense regarding her radio career. I've seen regular tabloid articles critical of her (one example) Perhaps Sam needed a weekend away, to remove herself from all the pressures...and to get perspective from her sister.

As I stated previously, I think it will be interesting to see if Sasha gets any mentions on Monday's show (which will be my Sunday afternoon). TWT


As a complete aside, I know it probably sounds like I am obsessed with these guys. Perhaps there's some truth to that, but honestly, the Rove&Sam show has been a perfect blend of music and silly banter to workout to. I've been spending between 1-2 hours weekdays at the fitness center for cardio and strengthening of my quads...hoping to keep away a knee replacement. It's provided both a distraction from the mundane, but also an interesting insight into a bachelor couple's relationship. Both Sam and Sasha come across so differently than the people I saw on the show. It's been nice because it's also given me a completely different way to sleuth -- listen to their stories and try to pick up on any inconsistencies or changes.

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Post by AllAboutLove Sun Jan 31, 2016 2:23 am

I think if Sasha hadn't had his meltdown and wanted to quit the show (and didn't bring it back up months post-show) I think I would view things more optimistically but I think that him leaving/returning and the now unfollowing/refollowing on Sasha's part makes me think he has some issues.

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