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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Sep 26, 2015 12:46 pm

Lots of #TeamRichie on this forum. :Woah-hoo:

Yes, I will be #devo if Richie isn't F1 but have already prepared myself for him getting heartbroken. It's tough b/c I really like Sam and I really like Richie and I really, really like them together! It's always a rarity when I like a lead, have my fave, and they get together at the end. (Only happened once for me in the entire history of this show for all franchises on Bach NZ).

I will be happy for Sam no matter what but still heartbroken for Richie. I really think Sam is Richie's type of girl and he would be an amazing guy to Sam. He reminds me so much of Lisa's boyfriend, Tyson. They could all four have fun together if Sam chose Richie. :yes:

@aerina Yeah. I see so many signs that Sasha is F1. It's not the first rose, it's that he has a lot of s/caps and lots of SM support from the official accounts. I am trying really, really hard to like him but I honestly don't see him becoming a fave of mine.

I really hope Richie gets a shot for next lead if he is not F1. I don't want Michael as lead and it seems he is gunning for the gig and the SM accounts are supporting this. #bummer

I am currently compiling a list of pro-F1 for Sasha and for Richie.
Will post in the SM thread once I have finished with it and have s/shots evidence to support it.
All I can say is either Sam is misleading by hinting she picks Richie or she does.
Or the official SM accounts are hinting she picks Sasha but are misleading.


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Post by Guest Sat Sep 26, 2015 2:48 pm

@AllAboutLove Well, I hope for our sake, you're wrong hahaha! Can't beat the evidence though.

(Oh God, Art and Matilda are my all-time favourite couple in the history of the Bach/ette franchise and I still find hilarious that the NZ version--of all!--has my heart. Gosh, what even. Also the similarities of personalities of Sam and Matilda is uncanny. But I digress!)

Find it fascinating how the show is trying to promote conflict between Sam and Sasha in the promo where he's telling her he wants to kiss her. Surely producers would want a smooth-sailing love story if he is F1, and not, you know, try to paint him as sleazy (which I'm sure he's not)??? Maybe this is my shipping goggles talking--only seeing what I want to see!

Anyway, Richie has my heart. He and Sam would be great together. His selling point for me was when he was worried if she was cold--no other guys mentioned that (or they did and we didn't see, who knows laugh out loud). You're right AAL, he's observant!

Last edited by aerina on Sat Sep 26, 2015 3:11 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Sep 26, 2015 3:01 pm

@aerina. Haha. I hope for my sake I am wrong too - although, to be honest, I don't know who the F1 is. It's either Sasha or Richie, imo.
But Richie is my definitely my fave and I can see the love story with him.  

I am trying not to get my hopes up b/c I would really love to have Richie be the one but I do still feel it is between Sasha and Richie and am trying not to be biased so looking for evidence is hard since I may put it through the lens of me liking him.

And yes, Art and Matty are the best ever.
If I could see a love story like Art and Matty's happen again it will be a dream come true.  cloud nine

I would love to see an Art and Matty love story with Sam and Richie but am trying to not get my hopes up.
That s/cap of him in the season promo though of how he looks at Sam? Richie was totally in love and adored her so I hope it ended well.

Funny thing is, before the show started I liked Richie but didn't see him as my "type" and he proved me wrong - he is my type.
Because my "type", when it comes to this show and people in general, is if a person is genuine/authentic.  :yes:

#TeamRichie beatingheart

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Post by etsluu Sat Sep 26, 2015 3:19 pm

see2love wrote:
AllAboutLove wrote:I love Dave the plumber too! Richie is my fave but Michael... even with the stories coming out now about him... I don't believe he is as sincere as he claims - at least not about Sam. I don't think Sam is his type at all. Sasha I also haven't warmed up to. Something a bit off there... will see...

Ehat stories about Michael?
 Just saw the first two episodes. I like Dave too. :-) I'm so surprised that for so many of you Richie is favorite. I really like him. For me he is the most handsome of them all. but it's not only that... I like the guys that are "warm" and genuine. Like Dave and Richie. I also like Alex a bit. there's something about Sasha I don't like just can't put my finger on it what it is.

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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Sep 26, 2015 3:37 pm

etsluu wrote:
AllAboutLove wrote:I love Dave the plumber too! Richie is my fave but Michael... even with the stories coming out now about him... I don't believe he is as sincere as he claims - at least not about Sam. I don't think Sam is his type at all. Sasha I also haven't warmed up to. Something a bit off there... will see...
 Just saw the first two episodes. I like Dave too. :-) I'm so surprised that for so many of you Richie is favorite. I really like him. For me he is the most handsome of them all. but it's not only that... I like the guys that are "warm" and genuine. Like Dave and Richie. I also like Alex a bit. there's something about Sasha I don't like just can't put my finger on it what it is.
starwelcome @etsluu

It is surprising even to me how much I like Richie now and IA it is b/c he is warm and genuine. I think Richie will win viewers over by the end of this show (hopefully to be F1 or next lead).
Dave is sweetheart too but his daily IG likes of scantily-clad/naked women on IG make me think he is out the running for F1 (still see it as between Richie and Sasha).
Yeah, something off a bit about Sasha. Will see. I think he is Sam's physical type though.

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Post by happygolucky Sat Sep 26, 2015 4:21 pm

So I copy just the boys-part of my commentary after 2 episodes (the rest is in Sam's thread):
Michael ... as explained here is a car-seller IMO ... perfect in what he does and says, so basically I have nothing against, he is doing what he is supposedly there for ... and considering that Sam's feelings for him are on an equal level, I see no foul and nobody's going to get hurt at the end ... Michael is like Sarah on TB.s3 (with no offense to Sarah).

David ... oh David, I agree with Michael (his recent statement), he didn't do himself any favor by speaking that way, but I actually believe this guy is more intelligent and less superficial than what the edit intentionally showed ... and i kinda get the feeling that it was the perfect set-up for Sam to make her "statement" ... state her ground ... be a decisive woman and showcase her value ... and David was just a perfect fit for her performance ... but not an innocent victim (so I hope i don't hear him complain like Emily).

Sasha is ... well, kinda in a role of Heather, but nothing like her ... he is a default front-runner ... or at least with my faulty presumption of the edit, he is the winner until he's not. I don't find him funny or characteristically appealing so I don't see the attraction, but I do acknowledge that he has some manly presence, which kinda associates with a decisiveness and a responsibility ... so maybe that's something appealing to Sam after the last fiasco ... but maybe looks can be deceiving, IDK.

Alex is another manly man ... but with those side-looks... I honestly don't know, is he trying to bat his eyelashes and woo a woman with some highly-induced romance? ... I wonder then if it's real at all.

Davey ... he is a joker ... he is the Emily&Nina of this season, but without the villain edit ... too genuine/naive a.k.a. ignorant and putting the foot in his mouth too often ... but at least he's aware that he is doing that, so maybe he isn't so naive like Emily, who only after the airing of the show figured out that talking BS about others might turn out to not be a good image. But for a guy who isn't afraid to bear his butt, I'm sure that's all fun ... since being classy was never an issue... he finally made it on TV!

Will, Drew, Kieren, Tony ... yeah, not buying they are really into Sam, but a nice experience should never be turned down ... so good for them... not much to say from me.

Dave ... not sure, he's nice ... I think that says a lot ... since that's all I've got. For some reason I get that feeling of the edited version of Chris Soules (without the farm story). I'm curious (not that much really) what will come out on him after the show... where we gonna see him... time will tell.

Kayne ... the only real, genuine, authentic guy I see... completely out of the others' league ... he's the only one that I sincerely believe he's there for "the right reason" - exclusively for Sam without secret agenda (or at least I buy the BS) ... and usually those contestants never end up with the lead ... so yeah, he's out of the game (sorry buddy, honesty is not appreciated and the chemistry counts).

The last but not the least ... Richie, he has his reasons to be there ... the good thing is, that he actually really likes Sam, so once this boy starts falling, as it happens with most contestants who go in with the "fun exposure" intention and get out as F1 with some serious "heart-bliss" motive, that the genuine feelings prevail and the game drops ...
so i believe him and i find him real and honest in this bubble ... for some reason very hidden... I think some people might be onto something ... and he is indeed F1, the slow burner ...
he's the laid back cool dude ... only that luckily for him, he isn't in the friend-zone at all and maybe he hasn't been noticed (fully) yet ... or the edit is playing tricks on us again ... but his chances are high.

Last edited by happygolucky on Sat Sep 26, 2015 4:42 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Sep 26, 2015 4:35 pm

^ I think David is as superficial as he came across. Probably more so. And he wasn't interested in Sam at all but more about himself and self-centered. And it is not his exit or fake-villain type-cast that makes me think this, it was his whining about never being in a wet-suit before, etc, etc. Having watched last season when Sam was F1, that was not staged at all with how she reacted to David (he may have been playing it up but that is how she is). Last season of Bach Aussie, Sam stood her ground on that show too, and called Blake "dude" when he was trying to pull a fast one with her. That's just how she is. Doesn't put up with the games (but still sadly falls for the games that are more subtle - Michael, imo and Blake towards the end of his show). Sam was a lot like Heather on Blake's season. Just as fragile emotionally and has the same hard upbringing and dysfunctional family, was poor, had to raise her younger brothers, abuse from a young age, loss of father figure who died, mother whom she had to care for due to mental illness and other issues. Her HTD also was a sore point for her and was just her siblings (as noted in her intro, only her siblings there).

With Kayne, I admit I liked him more before the show than now, but that's due to him "bargaining" for a rose from Sam instead of just getting to know her and talk about her. That to me didn't spell "right reasons" at all. So I do think Kayne is a nice guy but I don't think he was in it for the "right reasons" any more than any of the other guys and in some ways, his bargaining made me think he wasn't - because he made it more about himself -- getting a rose/winning than about Sam.  

And I think that is what surprised me about Richie. He's the one who makes me think he is actually there for the right reasons -- there for Sam more than anything else. He doesn't bargain or make it about him. Even when he met Sam he was correcting her that his job is not impressive so he actually downplayed himself rather than selling himself. All Richie's ITMs/PIs and even conversations with the other guys are mostly reflective and about Sam. His focus is on her and even from out the limo he was focusing on how she was and if she was cold, etc. So making it about Sam and not himself as much and not "game plan" which Sasha even talked about to Davey this past episode.

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Post by GuardianAngel Sat Sep 26, 2015 4:47 pm

I have not watched yet, but I appreciate all the opinions! yes


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Post by happygolucky Sat Sep 26, 2015 4:50 pm

AAL .. regarding Kayne ... you're probably, actually, undoubtedly right, he is there like all the rest ... for his own reasons ... and honestly I didn't see him being really into Sam either, like really having feelings for her, I didn't see much of them together either, so his "right reasons", are more my gut-feelings telling me that this guy doesn't have it figured out, that he is one of those who doesn't have a plan out of this, how he's gonna cash in this experience ... maybe I'm completely wrong and he actually is more "aware" of the opportunity, maybe it's his personality that doesn't spike out of the average ... so yeah, probably I'm buying the BS ... and he's not even my favorite, neither the guy i have any particular liking for.

As for Richie, definitely "right reasons" come forward more prominently because the feelings kicked in ... I guess I shouldn't made the distinction with Kayne ... so they are in the same boat ... only that Kayne's sinking, because there's absolutely no chemistry there.

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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Sep 26, 2015 5:04 pm

I think with Kayne I was a bit disappointed he made the "bargain" with Sam to get a rose if he did a headstand rather than to get to know her and spend that time other than trying to "win" the rose. And yeah, IA, there are no feelings there. I do think he is a nice guy but his rose tattoo after the show was probably just to have something to tell people that he was on "The Bachelorette" show.

I think for me, as mentioned before, as long as one is genuine that is what matters most to me. It doesn't matter physically looks, passion, pursuits, career, etc... being authentic/genuine is my "type" and what I care for most in a person.

I guess that is why with Sam Wood I felt early on he was not the real deal he was being portrayed to be. I think that is what I look for most in a contestant/lead. Are they able to fulfill Rudyard Kipling's "If" poem when navigating the bubble and media, etc.

HGL, forgot to post in earlier thread, still loving your insights even if not agreed on all. bestbud!

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Post by happygolucky Sat Sep 26, 2015 5:41 pm

AAL The Bachelorette Australia - Sam Frost - Season 1 - Episode Discussions -*Spoilers - Sleuthing* - Page 15 1377737533 kisses as always the same Hugesmile

I understand you "read" Sam differently, because you also know more about her, so it feels like you are reasoning her actions accordingly to her whole life-story, her personality and character that I clearly don't know much about. I do find her genuine and very nice gal, but till the last episodes, when the defining moments will be shown, I can't really put "my trust" in the words and the "performance" (I've done it before and I was wrong) ... maybe if I would watch the previous season with her my feelings would be different, but I try not to get attached this time and I'll rather go back to understand it all if I come to like the end of this chapter.

As for David, it's not him that I care about, but I do see the edit really playing with the information they show us, even the whole "international-model" conversation thing so cleverly cut, so I don't think he is so one-dimensional, he made some more thoughtful comments during the day for me to consider that he is a smart guy, but definitely not clever enough to walk out with a clean face and sell himself better (and talk differently to Sam regarding Michael) ... but the whole speech Sam gave him (and in her ITM) ... well, they are undoubtedly her words/opinions, but I saw it as a performance ... also because i don't really believe she cares as much for Michael and his "genuine, right reasons", because she comes across as Kaitlyn was with Ben (and vice versa) ... like they are both on the secret (of Michael's chances for TB role).

Regarding Kayne, I really did fast-forward the episodes, so from what i detected, he isn't into Sam so much for me to actually care about him and Sam is so not into him, I didn't see much of him other than his M&G scenes and some mansion-guys-hanging-around moments ... he comes across as someone with the lack of "character", his personality doesn't create the interest, so maybe i read him as one simple man, a bit of a pushover, naive, who doesn't really strike me as a "player" or a guy who is eager to capitalize this participation ... but it he turns out to be opposite of that, only good for him.

I like Richie among all, he seems to have the "strong character", some well-rounded personality, I find him attractive because he doesn't let the insecurities worry him and is confident and cheeky with his humor without pushing it ... and it's going to be interesting to see in the future when the feelings rise if that changes and the vulnerability creates some obstacles ... he appears to be living his life to the fullest ... with the attitude of "I don't bother with other people's opinions" .. but shows being attentive of Sam, so that is always nice of a man. So far I see the potential, because it feels like he's the only one with genuine, real feelings for Sam.
She on the other hand is still an enigma to me.

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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Sep 26, 2015 5:44 pm

@happygolucky bestbud!

Posted here and Sam's blog may give you insight into who she is as a person.

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