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Post by Lucas15 Thu Jul 23, 2015 10:48 am

Kashathediva wrote:IDK.
Obviously, they do not hold the lead at knifepoint to get a double proposal.
They do not hold the lead's future children hostage ala Rumplestiltskin.
But are they able to hold them hostage over their edit? Future promos pulled out from under them?  Ok...let's remove all the selfish reasons from the decision, remove all the monetary reasons.
What's left is all the mumbo jumbo manipulation and psychological games used as all out ammo to get what is desired: 2 proposals.
I think you would have to be a very strong person to stick to your true values. How strong is a person under these conditions? Often boredom, fatigue, emotional stress, loneliness are all added factors.
Could she have told him to get up--get up!!! Yeah, I guess. But what the hell else was expected?  He either shows up to propose or he turns the limo around.
I simply don't have the answers.
I do know IMO it should be no more unfair for the lead to expect a proposal from both as it is for the F1-2 to propose and suit up/show up. The choice is two-fold.
Seldom does any--any lead come out of this unscathed. I am always amazed that anyone wants to be involved with this show.

I couldn't agree more with this and would only add that they lie (they certainly did to Ashley from what I heard) so to a lead in this situation actually believes they are doing a favor for the F2 by letting them propose (future lead audition footage) and they believe that F2 knows they are going to be rejected; they were lied to - but believed the lie. Perhaps if the lead was not physically exhausted and emotionally drained they would have been skeptical and suspected they were being lied to - which is why they were put in a situation where they were vulnerable and just wanted it to end - so they wouldn't question the lie.

Last edited by Lucas15 on Thu Jul 23, 2015 10:51 am; edited 1 time in total


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Post by Alanna Thu Jul 23, 2015 10:50 am

I wonder if they told K Nick would be the lead? I can't imagine she'd believe them but who knows.

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Post by albean99 Thu Jul 23, 2015 10:58 am

GuardianAngel wrote:
Nibbles22 wrote:Kaitlyn has been raked over the coals, because of her conduct this season.  She's been a manipulative, insensitive, lying, tramp for lack of a better word.  She has the audacity to tell Shawn he is 'the one' and who knows what else, off camera when she snuck off to his room after hours, only to invite Nick to her room for sex a couple of days later.  She worked overtime to get many of the bachelors to profess love to her, only to turn around and humiliate, and dump them immediately following.  I say good luck to Shawn because he's gonna need it.  She's a real piece of work.

IA good post. This isn't speculation, this is exactly what happened.

Also, we've heard many times during filming that it's the Kaitlyn's show. She does what she wants to do. If that's the case I have a hard time putting the blame on TPTB for making her propose. If she was able to do what she wanted all season long, then letting Nick propose is an indication of her true character. IA we don't know that anyone forced her to, but we do know they tried to force JPG and Brad 1.

I don't agree with a lot of the things K has done but IMO being considerate to all the guys would have made it a whole lot better for me to like her.

The description of Kaitlyn isn't a fact, it's subjective and I disagree. I'll need to see how the proposal plays out. If she lets him proceed then I'll be down on her as much as I have in previous seasons. I do think they threaten, cajole, and try to bribe to get the Bachelorette to let the f2 guy propose and it makes me mad. Do people really want to see that? Maybe but I'm not one of them.

I think there's a group that think Kaitlyn's been a horrible lead, person, etc and those who still like her and probably a lot in between. I still like her although don't think she's been a good lead in a lot of ways. I pretty much have problems with the drama every season so I tend to find my enjoyment on watching people I like. This season that was Jared & Cupcake mostly. Neither of the f2 are my type but it appears that Shawn is Kaitlyn's so I'm looking forward to the end of the FRC and not the f2 part. That's the part I always cringe through. Unfortunately the last part is always the shortest.

ETA: Just saw your post and ITA, Kasha.

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Post by isittrue Thu Jul 23, 2015 11:16 am

Sometimes I think K is getting more heat because her F2 was Nick. I think people might see that she owes Nick more because of their pre-show relationship and friendship. Plus, I think it's hard to watch the same guy wind up F2. I think if she had taken Ben H. or someone else, the outcry would not be as harsh here. I agree it sucks she let him propose but I still maintain TPTB was part of the equation. Also, I remember before the article came out, a lot of people were all for K letting N propose since they saw it as letting him get his chance to articulate his feelings in a beautiful proposal. Now that the article is out and appears Nick left unhappy, people are angry.. jmho


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Post by mindless Thu Jul 23, 2015 11:24 am

I can't feel too bad for Nick, since he was crazy enough to go on this silly show again, but I do think it's an incredibly sucky situation and somehow worse than if he was just another guy who signed up and made it to the end. Kaitlyn was friends with him before filming and asked him to come on the show for her (no, I don't believe it was just joke at all) despite knowing he's been through one TV humiliation already. Then she lets him join, has sex with him several times, tell him she loves him (?), so he's 100% sure that this time is different, and then proceeds to humiliate him even worse than Andi. I think "WTF?" is the only suitable reaction to that. It's one thing blindsiding someone you've spent a few days with because TPTB tell you to, but when it's someone you've been talking to for hours everyday for weeks on end before you even met, then you should really have a bit more empathy. You really should.

I truly hope she was in love with both of them, because that's her only excuse. Then again she seems like the type who's in love with a new guy every other week, so not sure how seriously her love is to be taken.

And I'm sorry, but she's the one who created this whole sucky situation to begin with. If Twitter is any indication then she reached out to Nick after he paid her some compliments while live tweeting the show. She thought it was OK to form some intense online relationship while in the running to be the next lead. She asked him to come on the show, "said hi" to him during Jimmy Kimmel, let him join the season mid-way through, even though it would surely lead to questions about their relationship and would be considered breaking the rules, asked him to her room on their first real date, initiated the sex that kind of ruined the season (for the viewer anyway)... I could go on. Most of this while she'd pretty much already decided who her F1 was going to be. She's made so many bad decisions it's unreal. ALL of this could've been avoided if she'd just kept her eyes on the Bachelorette gig and took it seriously once she got it. At the very least she could've let Nick go at F3 to spare him some humiliation. Sorry, but it's clear she enjoys being the "bad girl", who does what she wants and gets a thrill out of people's disapproval. So no, I'm not gonna feel sorry for her and pet her head once her thrill-seeking comes back to bite her. She made her bed and now she has to lie in it. At least she has poor simple Shawn to do it with.

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Post by bleuberry Thu Jul 23, 2015 11:29 am

albean99 wrote:
GuardianAngel wrote:
Nibbles22 wrote:Kaitlyn has been raked over the coals, because of her conduct this season.  She's been a manipulative, insensitive, lying, tramp for lack of a better word.  She has the audacity to tell Shawn he is 'the one' and who knows what else, off camera when she snuck off to his room after hours, only to invite Nick to her room for sex a couple of days later.  She worked overtime to get many of the bachelors to profess love to her, only to turn around and humiliate, and dump them immediately following.  I say good luck to Shawn because he's gonna need it.  She's a real piece of work.

IA good post. This isn't speculation, this is exactly what happened.

Also, we've heard many times during filming that it's the Kaitlyn's show. She does what she wants to do. If that's the case I have a hard time putting the blame on TPTB for making her propose. If she was able to do what she wanted all season long, then letting Nick propose is an indication of her true character. IA we don't know that anyone forced her to, but we do know they tried to force JPG and Brad 1.

I don't agree with a lot of the things K has done but IMO being considerate to all the guys would have made it a whole lot better for me to like her.

The description of Kaitlyn isn't a fact, it's subjective and I disagree. I'll need to see how the proposal plays out. If she lets him proceed then I'll be down on her as much as I have in previous seasons. I do think they threaten, cajole, and try to bribe to get the Bachelorette to let the f2 guy propose and it makes me mad. Do people really want to see that? Maybe but I'm not one of them.

I think there's a group that think Kaitlyn's been a horrible lead, person, etc and those who still like her and probably a lot in between. I still like her although don't think she's been a good lead in a lot of ways. I pretty much have problems with the drama every season so I tend to find my enjoyment on watching people I like. This season that was Jared & Cupcake mostly. Neither of the f2 are my type but it appears that Shawn is Kaitlyn's so I'm looking forward to the end of the FRC and not the f2 part. That's the part I always cringe through. Unfortunately the last part is always the shortest.

ETA: Just saw your post and ITA, Kasha.

:yes: Totally agree!

kaitboo - The Bachelorette 11 - Kaitlyn Bristowe - #9 - Media - Tweets - IG - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* - Discussion - Page 28 6rj59l

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Post by Alanna Thu Jul 23, 2015 11:29 am

Regarding Kait's flippancy with starting a relationship with Nick- I think that's just her style. I'm sure Nick was one of many boys she was talking and flirting with when she was single. We even know of another one- that firefighter.

I don't think she was KIDDING about Nick coming on the show but I don't think she was SERIOUS either. Like the deadbeat dad who tells his kid he'll take them to Disney- intentions are good in the moment, follow through is non-existent.

Seeing her with Shawn though, her behavior is totally different imo, but I can see why/how Nick or any other man would get confused.

Big: You know, Manhattan has a lot of beautiful women.
Carrie: What an amazing observation!
Big: But the thing is, after awhile, you just wanna be with the one who makes you laugh.
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Post by Lucas15 Thu Jul 23, 2015 11:31 am

Alanna wrote:I wonder if they told K Nick would be the lead? I can't imagine she'd believe them but who knows.

IMO it's certainly a possibility - it's something I believe they have done in past seasons. I think that's what they told DeAnna about Jason and I think it's what they told Ashley about Ben. It's believable to the lead because there are two seasons of The Bachelorette where the F2 has proposed, been rejected, and gone on to be the lead - so I can't think of a reason why a Kaitlyn would question it if she were told that.


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Post by soccermom333 Thu Jul 23, 2015 11:38 am

^^^^ I just finally watched the whole MTA all the way through. I don't think she was kidding when she let Nick on the show. In fact she put a lot of thought into it and I was glad she "explored" that relationship. I believe it was Cupcake who said it best.... you would not want to be the last guy and then have her (or you) wondering about Nick. At least now she knows.

I bet Nick is doing fine post show because he did see a different Kait with Shawn. Smiley She tweeted a heart this morning and I bet they will be together this weekend before the finale. ;)

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Post by Longhornfan Thu Jul 23, 2015 11:42 am

umngirl wrote:I finally figured out who Nick reminds me of thanks to an assist from a friend: Randall from Monsters INC. If he was made into an animated character of course.

I had to go look up a picture of Randall. So, does that mean that the F2 consists of Randall vs Alf?


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Post by Kashathediva Thu Jul 23, 2015 11:45 am

Alanna wrote:Regarding Kait's flippancy with starting a relationship with Nick- I think that's just her style. I'm sure Nick was one of many boys she was talking and flirting with when she was single. We even know of another one- that firefighter.

I don't think she was KIDDING about Nick coming on the show but I don't think she was SERIOUS either. Like the deadbeat dad who tells his kid he'll take them to Disney- intentions are good in the moment, follow through is non-existent.

Seeing her with Shawn though, her behavior is totally different imo, but I can see why/how Nick or any other man would get confused.

I agree. :Nod: I don't have a problem with it and certainly don't think twice about it. I was probably equally as bad or worse with my own style. Fortunately, I outgrew it chronologically at a much earlier age. Hopefully, she will also or morph into something a bit less.
As far as the second part, uh not so much. Own what you do. What you do might not be so--whatever(not going subjective), but own it. Don't excuse it, don't play it down.

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Post by Rosepetal Thu Jul 23, 2015 12:12 pm

Alanna wrote:I wonder if they told K Nick would be the lead? I can't imagine she'd believe them but who knows.

That is what I believe. I can see TPTB telling Kaitlyn that he was being considered as the next bachelor and because of what happen with Nick last year he would need the general public to feel sorry for him. He needed to propose to her to garner that support so that he could secure the lead.

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