JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

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bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 30 Empty Re: JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by AllAboutLove Fri Jan 29, 2016 6:57 am

JJ's tweeting behavior to that girl is appalling to me. And he was tweeting her back a LOT! What's the big deal in following her anyway? Ben who is the actual Bachelor and touted as the best one ever is following her and Ben doesn't think he is too special to follow her!! What makes JJ so amazing that following her will lower himself? He can follow her and mute if he wants or just not respond at all (ignore/block) not troll her and be beyond rude to someone that those who are a MUCH bigger deal than JJ are following her!

Just disgusting behavior, imo.

I can tolerate a lot and make excuses but men who are like this with women and girls (and one who has a disability too) is inexcusable behavior to me! It's crossing a major line and shows me that JJ's way of treating women is not just limited to him cheating on his pregnant wife! He seems to only treat those well when he wants something from them or, IMHO, when they can make HIM look good!


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bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 30 Empty Re: JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by rhondam Fri Jan 29, 2016 7:04 am

AllAboutLove wrote:I listened to it myself and JJ was definitely stroking his own ego throughout the podcast and throwing shade at women that he doesn't even know! It's gross. He said that Ben would never take a girl like Jubilee home (and about tattoos? JJ has one himself as does Ben so women who have them are low class and not worthy taking home?!!) and that if he saw the twins in real life he wouldn't even bye them a glass of water let alone a drink!!! That's disgusting, imo and not insightful at all but misogynistic, stereotypical, and prejudiced/racist, IMO.

And just based on yesterday on his Twitter... reading his twitter responses to a girl who has Cerebral Palsy and he has been trolling her and been rude to her and this is someone who MANY Bach Alums follow including Ben himself and it is absolutely disgusting that JJ has tweeted to her! He doesn't have to follow her but good grief, to troll her and get her hopes up and then be rude to her and make her sound like she is creepy is disturbing to me that a guy - ANY guy - would treat someone that way.

If shade is:
• Jubilee - he said she wasn't conservative (what I heard him to mean in comparison with how he described Ben as vanilla) someone he couldn't take home. He mentioned her tattoo on her chest. I get it and it's not racist. 
• Twins - he said their draw, their attraction was the fact that there are two of them and if only one of them was sitting up at the bar, she wouldn't be as standout impressive. I get what he means here too and didn't take it to mean based on looks alone. 
• Kaitlyn - yes shade thrown her way but he also said not awful things about her too.

Are you referring to Anna? Who always says *tweet* at the end of her tweets that all of BachFam follows? What did he say to her?

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bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 30 Empty Re: JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by AllAboutLove Fri Jan 29, 2016 7:13 am

That is not what he said... he said much more and even about the twins and never even buying them a glass of water if he saw them let alone a drink. As for the girl on Twitter, I am referring to Sarah. Ben follows Sarah. Many, many Bach alums follow her. If you go to JJ's twitter and scroll to yesterday (and days earlier and a week ago) you can see his tweets to her and how JJ's followers started attacking her!! (which is something I detest when Kaitlyn tweets and gets her followers to attack). Personally I cannot and will never justify a man (and a father of a daughter!) who talks about or treats women badly - which JJ has a history of with him having an affair on his pregnant wife and now with this girl who has a disability. And he is a father to a daughter? Just no.

Last edited by AllAboutLove on Fri Jan 29, 2016 7:29 am; edited 1 time in total

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bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 30 Empty Re: JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by Guest Fri Jan 29, 2016 7:29 am

I'm sorry, I still think that jubilee comment was pretty horrible. It made my skin crawl, TBH. No reason to include the word "exotic" if it was just about trashy tattoos. And, the girl plays the cello and is a war veteran. She seems to be more accomplished and talented than 90% of the contestants there. What exactly about that says "no way in h*ll is Ben going to take that girl back home to meet his parents"? JMO.


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bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 30 Empty Re: JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by AllAboutLove Fri Jan 29, 2016 7:35 am

nothatgirl wrote:I'm sorry, I still think that jubilee comment was pretty horrible. It made my skin crawl, TBH. No reason to include the word "exotic" if it was just about trashy tattoos. And, the girl plays the cello and is a war veteran. She seems to be more accomplished and talented than 90% of the contestants there. What exactly about that says "no way in h*ll is Ben going to take that girl back home to meet his parents"? JMO.
Exactly! I think it is appalling and cruel and his use of the word "exotic" to me was prejudiced/racist, IMHO.

Jubilee lost her entire family - they died! She served her country for people like JJ and he should be thanking her! She is also very accomplished! And the thing is that Jubilee has never said anything negative about JJ and this is a guy who lives with his parents, doesn't have a job, cheated on his pregnant wife, and now is trolling and being cruel to a disabled girl whom Bachelor Ben even follows!!

Just no!

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bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 30 Empty Re: JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by rhondam Fri Jan 29, 2016 7:49 am

AllAboutLove wrote:That is not what he said... he said much more and even about the twins and never even buying them a glass of water if he saw them let alone a drink. As for the girl on Twitter, I am referring to Sarah. Ben follows Sarah. Many, many Bach alums follow her. If you go to JJ's twitter and scroll to yesterday (and days earlier and a week ago) you can see his tweets to her and how JJ's followers started attacking her!! (which is something I detest when Kaitlyn tweets and gets her followers to attack). Personally I cannot and will never justify a man (and a father of a daughter!) who talks about or treats women badly - which JJ has a history of with him having an affair on his pregnant wife and now with this girl who has a disability. And he is a father to a daughter? Just no.
The tone when I heard him say wouldn't buy her a water wasn't mean imo, it was just an expression. These are 3 GUYS talking. I get his dry sarcastic sense of humour. But he does take it too far sometimes and can be arrogant especially on Twitter but in that podcast I didn't hear much arrogance at all which is fine that people hear things differently. He did say Jubilee was a war vet and that was great. I didn't know that exotic was a racist comment. Is this widely known? He didn't hear any mean tone from most everything he said.

Ok I read the Sarah tweets. Some people thought he should just follow her and some thought why should he follow a stranger just because they ask. I get that personally because I cannot stand when randoms ask to follow me that I don't know. In this particular case he replied to someone that there was a backstory to it and then re-tweeted an article about teens being addicted to Twitter. I assume from him not just easily following her and him mentioning the backstory, that something happened the last time he followed her to deem it worth it not to. Also I believe that just because someone has a disability doesn't automatically mean that someone should follow. 

Dif perceptions, which makes it all so interesting.

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bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 30 Empty Re: JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by AllAboutLove Fri Jan 29, 2016 8:04 am

I don't think he should follow just to follow but this has been going on with him replying and getting people to tweet to her and it was not a one time thing he has done it more than once and then liking tweets about her having cerebral palsy and so what b/c "Not JJ Lane" responded that he has hemorrhoids so so what if she has Cerebral Palsy (JJ liked this and many other tweets similar).

Anyway... Ben followed her and had no issues doing so... but JJ, instead of just blocking her or not responding decided to respond and then get other people on his side against a girl who clearly does not understand what JJ was saying a week ago about he would follow her the day Kobe Bryant follows him and also tweeted her more multiple times for her to tweet him reasons why he should follow her so she tweeted him reasons. Then those reasons weren't good enough so he said more reasons.

For a father of a daughter to troll a girl like that in the best scenario is unnecessary and in the worst scenario is cruel and cyber bullying, imo.

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bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 30 Empty Re: JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by AllAboutLove Fri Jan 29, 2016 8:23 am

Just to add:

1) When people tweeted JJ that he was cyber bullying this girl who has Cerebral Palsy JJ liked tweets one of which was that people should be more creative and rather try the race card with him instead of cyber bullying since it is "more now".

2) JJ also liked tweets about not ignoring or blocking this girl because it is entertainment for his followers.

There are plenty other examples.

All I can say is JJ gives Kaitlyn a run for her money and that's not a compliment.

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bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 30 Empty Re: JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by bluwavz Fri Jan 29, 2016 8:23 am

I guess I'm just another one who doesn't get his sense of humor either. I mean I'm not as intelligent and educated as he is after all! cheeky

I wasn't the least bit surprised he humiliated that girl on Twitter like he did. He did that to Joe and Joshua last year too while BiP was airing. He really relishes in the attention and pats on the back from his fangirls for trashing the people he deems beneath him. It's insane to me how big a deal these people think they are just because they went on a cheesy reality dating show. Please who hasn't been on reality TV these days? He better be careful who he subjects to his "sense of humor" next because there's quite a bit of dirty laundry about him that hasn't been aired yet. This lowly worm should be the last person feeling superior to anyone.  

Also I think JJ is that type of guy who pretends to be your friend to your face and then insults you behind your back (ex: Nick).

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bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 30 Empty Re: JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by AllAboutLove Fri Jan 29, 2016 8:36 am

I don't see how it can be funny at all for any type of sense of humor to troll a girl with Cerebral Palsy.

As for intelligence/education? When I see someone like JJ (who thinks he is so intelligent/educated) troll someone whom he clearly knows has disabilities? That is intentional cruelty and cyber-bullying, IMO.


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bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 30 Empty Re: JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by traveler90 Fri Jan 29, 2016 8:39 am

rhondam wrote:
AllAboutLove wrote:I listened to it myself and JJ was definitely stroking his own ego throughout the podcast and throwing shade at women that he doesn't even know! It's gross. He said that Ben would never take a girl like Jubilee home (and about tattoos? JJ has one himself as does Ben so women who have them are low class and not worthy taking home?!!) and that if he saw the twins in real life he wouldn't even bye them a glass of water let alone a drink!!! That's disgusting, imo and not insightful at all but misogynistic, stereotypical, and prejudiced/racist, IMO.

And just based on yesterday on his Twitter... reading his twitter responses to a girl who has Cerebral Palsy and he has been trolling her and been rude to her and this is someone who MANY Bach Alums follow including Ben himself and it is absolutely disgusting that JJ has tweeted to her! He doesn't have to follow her but good grief, to troll her and get her hopes up and then be rude to her and make her sound like she is creepy is disturbing to me that a guy - ANY guy - would treat someone that way.

If shade is:
• Jubilee - he said she wasn't conservative (what I heard him to mean in comparison with how he described Ben as vanilla) someone he couldn't take home. He mentioned her tattoo on her chest. I get it and it's not racist. 
• Twins - he said their draw, their attraction was the fact that there are two of them and if only one of them was sitting up at the bar, she wouldn't be as standout impressive. I get what he means here too and didn't take it to mean based on looks alone. 
• Kaitlyn - yes shade thrown her way but he also said not awful things about her too.

Are you referring to Anna? Who always says *tweet* at the end of her tweets that all of BachFam follows? What did he say to her?

After reading all these comments, I listened to the podcast and I agree with rhondam. IMO, JJ is being blunt and honest. He is talking like guys talk in the locker room, with no filter and many people find that behavior offensive. I don't know if I only "get" his humor because I studied Electrical Engineering and I know how guys talk when no girls are around (or you are one of the guys bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 30 3806527698 ). They were pretty blunt, too, and even being offensive sometimes (I won't say what exactly they said because I'm not sure it would be in accordance with the board rules). I found it offensive, I didn't agree with what they were saying but that still doesn't make them bad people.
We also had a pair of female twins and all the guys were going crazy about them (they were attractive) but they only had the attention of every guy in the room because they were twins bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 30 3806527698 The way I understood JJ is that dating/seeing twins is the dream of many guys but if he were to see only one of them at the bar he wouldn't look twice because she is not his type. He could have used other words but that is what he basically said.
On the matter of Jubilee: I don't think he was being racist. If he had left out the "exotic" comment maybe people would find it less offensive. He said that Jubilee is not Ben's type because ben is too vanilla (as in too soft, too perfect, too nice, NOT based on skin color). Jubilee is very sarcastic and cynical (a girl of my own taste Hugesmile ) and people don't get her. The girls got offended by her comments when she was clearly joking and even Ben said in his blog (when he talks about his date with Jubilee) that at first he was taken aback by her comments before he realized that is the way she copes with her nerves. I don't know if she would have been comfortable enough not to be sarcastic if she were to meet Ben's parents.
I won't comment on Kaitlyn because I never could stand her (even on CS season) and I stopped watching her season after episode 4 because I found her so obnoxious.
About twitter: I don't know the details of it so I can't really say anything but if this is what happened then I definitely don't approve this behavior.
I know my opinion won't be a popular one (*hiding under a chair) but I think JJ would be a fun guy to be friends with (even though I wouldn't agree with everything he says and does but that is normal) and it seems I'm always defending the underdog (Andi, Nick, JJ  bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 30 3806527698 )

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bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 30 Empty Re: JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by AllAboutLove Fri Jan 29, 2016 8:44 am

ITA, @bluwavz about your comment re: Nick (and even what he said about Ben and even Jared) I find JJ is two-faced. I think he just uses people for his own gain. I doubt he would even be in Ben's circle at all if they didn't live in the same city. I think JJ knew Ben was likely to be the Bachelor and so wanted to suck up to him so he could benefit from that and make him look better. I think JJ is like that with a lot of the Bach Alum just so he can use them to gain attention for himself.

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