JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

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bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 31 Empty Re: JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by AllAboutLove Fri Jan 29, 2016 8:57 am

@traveler90 I totally think it is locker room talk but that doesn't excuse it for me... not when he is trolling a girl with Cerebral Palsy on Twitter currently so it's not just isolated nor is it in a "locker room" but on a podcast and it is not the first time he has talked shade on a podcast either.

I find it telling that other Bach Alums who do podcasts are able to not do what JJ does and also not troll girls with Cerebral Palsy on Twitter yet JJ does. To do so on a public platform that to me is a character issue. He is a father to a daughter who is healthy and hopefully one whom will never be trolled on Twitter like he is doing to someone else.


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Post by Cocoasneeze Fri Jan 29, 2016 9:21 am

The excuse that it's just guy talk is no good for me. They're grown up men in their thirties putting down and degrading women.

Referring to Jubilee being 'exotic' is absolutely racist when saying that as the reason Ben wouldn't take her home to meet his parents. He talked about her like she's beneath his level.

He gets the payment for taking selfies 'in girls'?!

I had to stop listening with 13 minutes left, too ugh for me.

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bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 31 Empty Re: JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by AllAboutLove Fri Jan 29, 2016 9:28 am

Exactly! I couldn't care less how many men out there talk like that - to me they are not real men if they do so (JMHO) and certainly not the kind of man I would want anything to do with!

Also agree that using the term "exotic" in that manner is racist.

And girls being payment is misogynistic and is disgusting IMO considering JJ is the father of a daughter who will grow up one day.

Hopefully JJ's daughter won't be one of those girls who are considered "payment" for a Reality TV "star".

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bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 31 Empty Re: JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by AllAboutLove Fri Jan 29, 2016 9:41 am

Just to add:

JJ was kissing Chris Harrison's azz in that podcast and singing his praises. Anyone that goes on and on about how amazing CH is shows me JJ is someone who is not for real and just full of it. no

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bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 31 Empty Re: JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by Guest Fri Jan 29, 2016 10:00 am

Sorry, but I absolutely loathe the "Oh, it's just a joke, get a sense of humour!" excuse. You can have a sense of humour and make jokes that aren't racist and sexist the way JJ was in that podcast. In fact, relying on racist and misogynistic jokes is a sign of not actually being funny at all because it shows that you can't come up with anything that isn't dependent on overused stereotypes. And he's a man in his thirties, so I think the "boys will be boys" excuse is wearing thin at this point. Not to mention that "boys will be boys" is a ridiculous way of acting as though males shouldn't be held responsible for their actions like everyone else, but that's a whole other can of worms.

There was definitely some racial subtext in the whole "Ben wouldn't take an exotic girl like Jubilee to meet his parents," comment, and I just had to roll my eyes when he was talking about the twins as if their entire worth lies in his opinion of how physically attractive they are. JJ is a classic example of someone who got away with being an ***hole growing up and now can't handle people calling him out on his behaviour and not coddling him and letting him get away with it anymore, so he belittles them on how they look or acts as though he exists on some superior level of humour and that anyone who "doesn't get it" isn't as intelligent as him. I just can't stand people like him at all.


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bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 31 Empty Re: JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by traveler90 Fri Jan 29, 2016 10:23 am

I'm not saying that he shouldn't be held responsible for saying the things he says because he is joking about it. I was just trying to explain why I didn't think he was being offensive. I also didn't see him being racist when talking about Jubilee but that is my opinion. I respect different opinions and I'm not trying to persuade anyone to see it my way. Maybe it is wrong for me to be so lenient but I have no problem with him. I don't like other people that you guys may like but it would be boring if everyone would agree on everything.

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bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 31 Empty Re: JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by umngirl Fri Jan 29, 2016 10:46 am

While I don't approve of any attacking on that Sarah girl, I do think their constant tweets to Bachelor peeps and asking for follows is highly annoying and attention seeking. I think I've seen some Bachelor people have muted or blocked them to stop the constant barrage of tweets from them. Same goes for Anna.

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bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 31 Empty Re: JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by nd4reality Fri Jan 29, 2016 12:58 pm

The only thing I found really creeping during that interview was him talking about getting paid in girls.

I like to keep the context in mind and he was talking on a locker room type radio channel. He is going to talk guy talk and say it as it is.
I agreed with most of his assessments too. duh

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bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 31 Empty Re: JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by KB_Mom Fri Jan 29, 2016 1:13 pm

Do we know why JJ is and has been unemployed for a while? Did he quit his job to go on Kaitlyn's season or was he already unemployed? Might be something "shady" about his exit from his last employment-JMO. He has a child to support and needs to get real and get a job. If he wants to live in Mom and Dad's basement, it's his life, but how does he expect to contribute his share to support the child, much less attract a woman for a relationship, when he seems to just drift around on SM and dip in the Bach alum pool?

And he seems to me to already be setting up his next BIP appearance (and a paycheck!) by letting it be known what Ben castoffs would and would not interest him on BIP

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bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 31 Empty Re: JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by nd4reality Fri Jan 29, 2016 1:38 pm

^^^ He was working very long hours (double a standard work week) and quit to better manager his divorce and baby child. From what I understand of hearing him on social media is he made a lot of very good money prior and is paying his ex child support and living off what he made then. Living at his parents prob means those costs are down.

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bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 31 Empty Re: JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by KB_Mom Fri Jan 29, 2016 1:40 pm

Thanks nd. I did not know the story behind his employment\unemployment.

"Learning is a gift. Even when pain is your teacher." Maya Watson

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bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 31 Empty Re: JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by Seabear Fri Jan 29, 2016 2:33 pm

My assessment of JJ from my sleuthing in the past and reaffirmed by his most recent podcast is he is a complete jerk.

I believe he quit his job to screw his ex wife out of financial support for both her and his daughter and probably looked to her for money toward financial support for him as she stayed employed.  He has used the excuse in the past it was to spend time with his daughter but as he stated in the podcast it is now about having loads of time to go on reality TV and talk trash on friends and foes.

JJ's derogatory comments were completely rude.  JJ is the type of person who throws shade on others to elevate himself all done under the guise of humor.  I am amazed that his "friends" stay friends when he so clearly does not respect boundaries in friendship.

JJ was very rude toward Jubilee in his comments about Ben would never take her home to Indiana to meet his parents,  He commented rudely about her tattoo on her boob.  This coming from a guy who has a horrible tattoo.....and zero class.

JJ being rude about the twins looks and that he would not buy them a glass of water at the bar.  I doubt he can afford to buy drinks at the bar if he is not at a "free" event.  Remember he has not worked for years.

JJ's litany of insults were many and varied and touched many former and current cast as well as others.

JJ's reason for going on the show to prove something to the women who would not give him the time of day at his gym just shows me his insecurity and immaturity.

Saying the payment for being on reality tv is free women is pathetic and yet so telling of who JJ is.

I think JJ is an appallingly terrible example of humanity for his daughter.

JJ is like the childhood play yard bully who has found a voice again as an adult through reality TV and SM.  
I would be very happy to never have to see this lowlife on my TV ever again.


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