JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

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bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 29 Empty Re: JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by bluwavz Fri Jan 29, 2016 4:50 am

I don't see why he feels it's necessary to insult the women on this show. What did Jubilee, Emily and Hayley ever do to him? And the fact that he's still taking jabs at Kaitlyn after all this time is just sad. Move on you frickin' loser. If he goes on this show again then he needs to take back what he tweeted about Becca.

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Post by AllAboutLove Fri Jan 29, 2016 4:50 am

nothatgirl wrote:Oh, yes. That part was definite shade. He just has this habit of speaking out of both sides of his mouth. I've seen him do it now with Ben, Nick, his ex-girlfriend, Kaitlyn, etc. Depending on the audience, he'll slightly change what he says. He comes off completely untrustworthy to me. IMO.
Yup that's how I see him too. I guess him being someone who worked on Wall Street or whatever makes for someone who is not exactly trustworthy. That and breaking the trust of his pregnant wife having an affair. He just comes across judgmental and like he thinks his opinion is the only opinion that matters because of course it is! cheeky


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bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 29 Empty Re: JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by AllAboutLove Fri Jan 29, 2016 5:00 am

bluwavz wrote:I don't see why he feels it's necessary to insult the women on this show. What did Jubilee, Emily and Hayley ever do to him? And the fact that he's still taking jabs at Kaitlyn after all this time is just sad. Move on you frickin' loser. If he goes on this show again then he needs to take back what he tweeted about Becca.

I don't see why JJ should say anything negative about ANY of the women! None of these women have done anything to him! And that's the issue I have with JJ because he hasn't even met these girls in person and is using his mouth/Twitter to throw shade their way and judge them - something he said he hated that happened to him on Bette. Now he's throwing shade at women who have never tweeted or said anything negative about JJ, ever! no

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bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 29 Empty Re: JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by bluwavz Fri Jan 29, 2016 5:23 am

I initially thought his tweet about Becca was just him being a guy sticking up for his friend who may have been stood up but now it's clear to me she didn't even have to do anything for him to throw shade at her and he's just an a$$hole period. Don't tweet about someone else being a fame seeker and an opportunist and then say you would consider going on the show again. Does he think none of that applies to him? I hope the woman who's the next B'ette has a thick skin. He'll probably tweet a bunch of misogynistic insults towards her and if she's one of the WOC he'll probably throw in some racism too. What a disgusting bottom-feeder. Get a job JJ and stop leeching off your parents!

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bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 29 Empty Re: JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by AllAboutLove Fri Jan 29, 2016 5:39 am

JJ's tweets/behavior is all on him! Bottom line is that he is a father and as such should be a role model to his daughter on how to treat women!

Because it may be all great and dandy to do fun things with her (easy to do when living with his parents and no job) and take snapchats of her... but IMO the greatest thing a father can do for his daughter is treat women right!!

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bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 29 Empty Re: JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by AllAboutLove Fri Jan 29, 2016 6:02 am

Ugh... it's just getting worse and JJ is a douche.

I just looked at his Twitter and there's a girl who has disabilities whom many Bach alum follow, including Ben who follows her too, and she has been tweeting if JJ will follow her and JJ tweeted back so rudely! I mean, Ben himself follows this girl!


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bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 29 Empty Re: JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by mysthelma Fri Jan 29, 2016 6:04 am

nothatgirl wrote:I listened to it, so you all don't have to! I'm honestly so grossed out by him and my crush on Ben has even diminished a bit just because he's friends with JJ. I know that this isn't a spoiler thread, so I didn't include any.

He said:
- Ben's never going to bring a girl like Jubilee home because she's "exotic" and has a tattoo on her boob
- he would maybe go back to BIP for Amanda
- he talks all of the top 9 guys regularly, except for Shawn Booth
- Ben handled himself better than JJ on the Bachelorette, because he didn't know whether he might be the Bachelor or not
- they drank all day in the mansion, but once they started traveling, they only drank at RCs and cocktail parties
- he and Tanner had an agreement, pleasuring themselves
- he recited the speech he gave on BIP to the the girl he had left the show for; she went "oh, that's cute but I've had to move on with my life", which he thought was ridiculous
- was nominated for the show by his ex-girlfriend. Said he did it partly because "the girls at the gym who didn't give him the time of day would after he was on the show"
- he probably spent 3 hours cumulative with Kaitlyn
- thought about hitting on a girl in a bar when they were in Ireland, because she was so much hotter than Kaitlyn
- the twins are only attractive when they are together. If he saw one by themselves at the bar, he wouldn't even buy her a water
- said that they were told that the bachelorette was going to be either Jade, Becca, Britt, or Kaitlyn. He was hoping it was Kaitlyn because he had heard she was into hockey guys and thought he would at least be able to get through the first day. Said he probably wouldn't have lasted a week if it was Britt.

edit: forgot to include the source!

Also, just wanted to say that it was an hour long so I didn't transcribe it word-for-word but I tried to be as accurate and impartial as I could. If anyone else listens to it and feels like I misunderstood something, just let me know!

Way to throw his friends under the bus. Is he implying Ben acted well on the Bette because he knew he could be the bachelor?

He is such an arrogant prick, any woman who gets with him is pretty much dumb imo

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bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 29 Empty Re: JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by rhondam Fri Jan 29, 2016 6:24 am

Ok so I can't sleep again (nothing new) and just listened to the Barstools podcast and I didn't hear it the way it was described here. No offence meant as we all interpret information in our own way.

There are two male sportscaster-y type guys and JJ is there guest. They were asking him questions they have and also questions that their followers, so he wasn't going out of his way to throw shade on anyone at least I didn't think so. I found him to be mostly self-deprecating but approx 3 or 4 comments I considered to be arrogant. He gave a LOT of inside info without going completely behind the curtain which I found EXTREMELY interesting. As for the Kaitlyn Shawn shade, he obvi doesn't care for them much and he's far from being alone in that regard.

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bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 29 Empty Re: JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by rhondam Fri Jan 29, 2016 6:32 am

mysthelma wrote:
Way to throw his friends under the bus. Is he implying Ben acted well on the Bette because he knew he could be the bachelor?

He is such an arrogant prick, any woman who gets with him is pretty much dumb imo
No! He said he knew that he himself wouldn't be up for Bach but they walk a thin line in regards to what they say or do because of the obvious risk of it being aired. (Paraphrasing bc do not want to listen again trying to find actual quote). This was in answer to a question about the guys including Ben and cameras and stuff.

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bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 29 Empty Re: JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by AllAboutLove Fri Jan 29, 2016 6:45 am

I listened to it myself and JJ was definitely stroking his own ego throughout the podcast and throwing shade at women that he doesn't even know! It's gross. He said that Ben would never take a girl like Jubilee home (and about tattoos? JJ has them himself as does Ben so women who have them are low class and not worthy taking home?!!) and that if he saw the twins in real life he wouldn't even buy them a glass of water let alone a drink!!! That's disgusting, imo and not insightful at all but misogynistic, stereotypical, and prejudiced/racist, IMO.

And just based on yesterday on his Twitter... reading his twitter responses to a girl who has Cerebral Palsy and he has been trolling her and been rude to her and this is someone who MANY Bach Alums follow including Ben himself and it is absolutely disgusting that JJ has tweeted to her! He doesn't have to follow her but good grief, to troll her and get her hopes up and then be rude to her and make her sound like she is creepy is disturbing to me that a guy - ANY guy - would treat someone that way.


Last edited by AllAboutLove on Fri Jan 29, 2016 6:53 am; edited 2 times in total

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bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 29 Empty Re: JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by Cocoasneeze Fri Jan 29, 2016 6:50 am

Yeah, I was smh at his twitter exchange with the girl. Just don't follow and ignore her tweets. It's that simple. No need to stroke his own ego at her expense.

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bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 29 Empty Re: JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by Guest Fri Jan 29, 2016 6:56 am

I honestly didn't see too much self-depreciation there. Maybe a bit with the Brad Pitt comparison, how he's a bad kisser, and how Jared, someone he made fun of, went way further than he did. For the most part, however, i felt like he was telling us how he's smarter than everyone else and gets laid a lot.

And, honestly, even if they did ask him about jubilee or the twins, he didn't have to answer like that. There's a way to snark on people without being cruel and I don't think he achieved that. And, like AAL said, the way he treated that girl on Twitter just shows his true colors. Maybe I just don't get his sophisticated humor, but I'm not a fan. JMO.


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