JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

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bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 33 Empty Re: JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by AllAboutLove Fri Jan 29, 2016 7:42 pm

Ladybug82 wrote:Not trying to making excuses for him or his behavior, but does he realize she has CP?

I don't follow any of these people on SM, so was curious if her profile and all makes it apparent or the tweets do or anything.

Yes he does. He even liked tweets making fun of her and CP. JJ knows 100% she has CP.

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bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 33 Empty Re: JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by AllAboutLove Fri Jan 29, 2016 7:53 pm

Just to add, and speaking solely for and about myself, I will give someone with CP the benefit of the doubt before I give a reality star the same.


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bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 33 Empty Re: JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by rhondam Fri Jan 29, 2016 8:41 pm

A lot of trivial things said that I'm not going to bother addressing but I did want to share my take on the incident last night on JJ's Twitter with Sarah (the girl with cerebral palsy that JJ didn't want to follow) because it was discussed as cruel and disgusting. I personally do not believe that he was being cruel intentionally or otherwise and definitely do not think choosing not to follow someone with or without CP is disgusting.

I don't follow JJ or anyone from the franchise on Twitter because I don't use it but I did look at his and went back to Jan 1st. I was going to go through her's too but quickly changed my mind after I scrolled and scrolled and scrolled and scrolled and hadn't even gotten through the current day yet. 

Anyway what I gathered was apparently he used to follow her on Instagram but her account got hacked and she wanted him to follow her new account. He didn't want to judging from his comment to someone of "there's a long back story there" and her asking him to "help her and Anna with something" on Jan 10 and his reply of "nope" and from comments by his followers of her just not accepting his no to follow her and kept on begging and begging and another that said, "She is bombarding people, it's more than an idol, it's an obsession".

One of his followers said something I think this girl needs to learn is, "You know I don't take sides--when we ask for something, we should always be prepared not everyone will" She added, "Or can say yes. We shouldn't feel entitled for it too" and she hash tagged it LiveAndLetLive.

He did not troll IMO or else I don't know the meaning of the word. His followers were generally nice but telling her to back off, or telling him to just follower her and a couple others were helping her. I do not believe he encouraged it and more likely just wanted it to all go away. 

He shouldn't have said "I'll follow you if Kobe Bryant follows him" but I can understand his frustration with someone unwilling to take no for an answer. After reading her: "whatever you do don't mess with a girl with cerebral palsy", "you're playing jokes on me and making me really upset", "wish you could just follow me on Instagram", "sorry for bugging the crap out of you", "I have more people than you that follow me, just so you know you have hurt me" and "I hope he realizes that he has hurt me and knowing I am laying here crying after all that happens" and his, "Please stop asking. It's getting weird", I completely agree with his follower (who wasn't a troller either and I only saw that one was, fauxJJ), when she said in response to someone who thought he should just follower her already, "Actually I saw differently and it's not going to be liked--borderlining (?) on emotional hostage and manipulation". She is right and this girl just wasn't getting it.

Unfortunately this girl likely feels publicly shamed but she brought that on herself when she publicly asked him to follower her and did not accept his answer, no. I want to add that just because someone has CP or anything else that puts them at a disadvantage, does not mean they automatically should receive a pass. I'm pretty sure if she didn't have annoying SM etiquette, JJ would've likely followed her without question. He didn't seem arrogant or gloating to me, he just seemed tired of it. He may wish he just followed her and then blocked her or he may just be relieved to nip it in the bud once and for all. As for Ben following Sarah so JJ should too doesn't make sense to me because they are two different people. I'm sure Ben does what feels right to him and JJ shouldn't have to defend or bend what to feels right for him.

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bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 33 Empty Re: JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by rhondam Fri Jan 29, 2016 9:00 pm

AllAboutLove wrote:Just to add, and speaking solely for and about myself, I will give someone with CP the benefit of the doubt before I give a reality star the same.

My three year old grandson has bilateral Schizencephaly in which CP is major symptom and neither me, his mom or his dad would expect someone to "follow him" (when he's old enough to go on SM or if he'll even be able to) just because he isn't "typical" (despise the word normal). That said, I cannot imagine him begging and hounding someone to please follow him.

As is always the case, no two people will always see things the same way. Have a great evening!

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bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 33 Empty Re: JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by AllAboutLove Fri Jan 29, 2016 9:02 pm

I definitely don't think JJ should follow anyone he doesn't want to and certainly don't think it is disgusting if he doesn't.

I do however, find it disgusting behavior in a father of a young daughter to troll someone else's daughter and someone whom Ben and many others on Bach Nation also follow - so it's NOT like it is just some "random" - it is someone that JJ's own friend, Ben, follows.

Ignore, block and move on. Don't tweet the girl that Ben himself follows asking her to give him reasons why he should follow her and then complain when she keeps tweeting him! That's ridiculous and absurd, imo, since that is what he asked for and she clearly took him literally.

Anyway, JJ is just someone who lives with his parents and went on 2 reality TV shows on which no one wanted to date him and he could afford to do better things with his time than using his Twitter in such a negative manner, imo.

He could learn a lot from his friend Ben. A lot.


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bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 33 Empty Re: JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by AllAboutLove Fri Jan 29, 2016 9:06 pm

rhondam wrote:
AllAboutLove wrote:Just to add, and speaking solely for and about myself, I will give someone with CP the benefit of the doubt before I give a reality star the same.

My three year old grandson has bilateral Schizencephaly in which CP is major symptom and neither me, his mom or his dad would expect someone to "follow him" (when he's old enough to go on SM or if he'll even be able to) just because he isn't "typical" (despise the word normal). That said, I cannot imagine him begging and hounding someone to please follow him.

As is always the case, no two people will always see things the same way. Have a great evening!
I don't think JJ should follow her.
JJ tweeted her to give him reasons to do so and so she did so he was only egging her on to tweet him even more.
That's completely counteractive to stopping someone from hounding them.
The best way for JJ to stop something like that is not to troll them but to block and ignore.
That a grown man is incapable of simply blocking and ignoring someone says something about his character - not anyone else's.
And he chose not to block her because he (as his Twitter like indicates) wanted to provide "entertainment" to his followers.


Last edited by AllAboutLove on Fri Jan 29, 2016 9:08 pm; edited 1 time in total

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bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 33 Empty Re: JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by bluwavz Fri Jan 29, 2016 9:06 pm

I don't think anyone should feel entitled to a follow and I don't think badly of him for not following her. I think it's poor etiquette to ask for a follow and especially rude to keep asking for it. My problem is that he made a huge spectacle of it like he does with absolutely everything because he's so desperate for constant attention. He could've just blocked or muted her but no. Like I said a few pages back, he did this same thing with trolling Joe and Joshua while BiP was airing and whether you think they deserved it or not, it's immature and childish for a guy his age. He needs to quit acting like a teenage girl desperate for validation. Is he so insecure that he needs his fangirls to tell him how awesome and right he is?

I still think it's funny that some on SM actually wanted Tenley to date this guy. Gee I wonder why she hasn't yet? cheeky

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bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 33 Empty Re: JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by rhondam Fri Jan 29, 2016 9:14 pm

Quickly, my understanding is that she had been hounding him for a while and this exchange was just the latest. He wanted her to go away and I believe he hoped these 2 or 3 "hoops" he asked her to jump through would put an end to it.

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bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 33 Empty Re: JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by AllAboutLove Fri Jan 29, 2016 9:16 pm

There's one way JJ could have immediately put an end to it: use the block feature
He chose not to.
That's on him.

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bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 33 Empty Re: JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by Guest Fri Jan 29, 2016 9:39 pm

The guy just loves attention, plain and simple. He doesn't care who he hurts or mocks as long as he can get a laugh out of it. JMO. 

Let's just hope that Amanda stays far, far away.


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bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 33 Empty Re: JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by bluwavz Fri Jan 29, 2016 9:45 pm

I have no doubt Amanda has standards so I'm not the least bit worried about her though I'm sure he thinks he has an edge because he's a single parent like she is. I'm sure when he goes on BiP it'll be because he's honestly looking for twu wuv with her and not because he's a fame seeker and opportunistic like he claims that sneaky Becca is. cheeky

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bachelorfam - JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion - Page 33 Empty Re: JJ Lane - BIP Season 2 - Discussion

Post by AllAboutLove Fri Jan 29, 2016 10:08 pm

If JJ goes on BIP again it will definitely be for twu twu wuv - and because there was no way he could get in touch with Amanda before then via Twitter or through Ben and his F1 since Amanda is Lauren's BFF cheeky

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