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Post by albean99 Wed Mar 11, 2015 12:57 am

They're grooming Britt for the gig so of course she knew. I'm really hoping this bites them in the butt, in ratings if nothing else. no

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Post by julychild Wed Mar 11, 2015 12:58 am

chasingpavements wrote:I'm watching Michelle Money's interview with some ex-contestants (Ashley I and S, Sammi, and Jillian) and she asked about the 2 Bachelorettes thing. Jillian said that Britt found out on Saturday, was told that one would be eliminated on the first night, and Britt feels VERY confident that she will get it. And...THAT is why I don't like her. She uses looks to manipulate people and holds them above much more important things, like personality. That just makes me want Kaitlyn to beat her more. Also, Sammi said she talked to Kaitlyn right after they made the announcement and she said it seemed like Kaitlyn had no idea it was going to happen.

This is so unfortunate! I feel so, so sorry for those girls. Britt was so happy about the whole thing, and it was equally obvious that Kaitlyn didn't like it. Too bad that my distaste for the situation won't stop me from watching Hugesmile

...except of course if whoever "wins" irritates the heck out of me, as much as Ben F did!


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Post by Sable Wed Mar 11, 2015 1:13 am

chasingpavements wrote:I'm watching Michelle Money's interview with some ex-contestants (Ashley I and S, Sammi, and Jillian) and she asked about the 2 Bachelorettes thing. Jillian said that Britt found out on Saturday, was told that one would be eliminated on the first night, and Britt feels VERY confident that she will get it. And...THAT is why I don't like her. She uses looks to manipulate people and holds them above much more important things, like personality. That just makes me want Kaitlyn to beat her more. Also, Sammi said she talked to Kaitlyn right after they made the announcement and she said it seemed like Kaitlyn had no idea it was going to happen.

Bolding by me...

I so agree with you. This is exactly why I don't like Britt as well. It's so obvious that TPTB wanted her from the start. I think Britt is VERY confident she will get it because TPTB probably already told her that she is basically guaranteed the gig. Poor Kaitlyn. Why did they not just given it outright to Britt then? Why manufacture this scenario just to create false drama? Oh, that's right, that's what TPTB do. I think that TPTB always do what they want to do, but I think with this decision they are really out of touch and off base with what the majority of their fans want. I know if it is Britt, I won't watch. I have skipped other seasons for various reasons, and I will have absolutely no trouble skipping this one either. I know I am only one viewer, but if others follow suit, it could hurt their ratings. Britt is a very polarizing figure. You either like her or you don't. If those that don't like her don't watch her season, it could hurt the ratings. I don't think Kaitlyn is as polarizing and if she is the lead, even those that don't like her or don't think she is exciting enough, would still watch her season for the men.

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Post by albean99 Wed Mar 11, 2015 1:15 am

Good Post

I usually watch for the guys even if I'm not a big fan of the lead but don't think I could stomach a season of Britt.

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Post by oishioishi Wed Mar 11, 2015 3:46 am

Comment from RS's website. I thought I'd repost it here. Hope that's ok.

"I think Britt has always been the producers’ choice for The Bachelorette. They loved her in the beginning and they love her now. Chris Harrison did a lot to try to derail the tensions during Britt’s appearance on WTA “Don’t you think the animosity has much to do with the target on her back because she received the first impression rose” and etc etc. And Chris H’s big “Britt was the star of WTA”.

It’s clear he loves her, it’s clear the producers love her – she’s beautiful, articulate and sweet.

The thing they didn’t count on was that whole Big & Rich concert and Chris S sweeping Britt away to see it, ditching the rest of the girls to sit for over an hour wondering where the heck Chris/Britt had moseyed off to. The blowback from that was incredible and I think that was the beginning of the end for the fellow bachelorettes’ camaraderie toward Britt. Not Britt’s fault but whoever came up with that idea to secrete Chris and Britt away and have them gone for over an hour AND have Britt come back with a rose wasn’t just putting a bigger target on Britt’s back but also sticking a knife into it. Maybe they thought that Britt could withstand the blowback? But ouple with Chris S’s horrible response to the big freeze back at the ranch and leaving Britt there high and dry (not to mention actually throwing Britt under the bus) was pretty awful.

The producers really put there foot in it with that date and the bachelorettes’ subsequent turn on Britt. They couldn’t escape good television by showing the drama, but they still wanted Britt as The Bachelorette.

And then along comes Kaitlyn who, maybe, they never considered. Goofy, funny, cute Kaitlyn who’s suddenly building quite a fan base. (Seriously, take a look at Kaitlyn’s Instagram page. It’s a promo piece. She suddenly started amassing (correction: buying) thousands of fans literally overnight – surpassing Britt’s fanbase. When people commented on this overnight explosion their comments were deleted and they were blocked from following her (hmmmm). I read this several times on other blogs so whether it’s true or not remains to be seen but Kaitlyn has phenomenally eclipsed Britt’s Instagram followers. And take a look at Britt’s Instagram – it’s the typical stuff you’ll see on regular Instagram pages – lots of candid photos and cute sayings. I don’t see Britt’s Instagram page as a promo piece to promote her for The Bachelorette as I see it in Kaitlyn’s case. And yes, you absolutely can buy ‘fans’ on Instagram, but I digress. I think this was Kaitlyn’s campaign and she did very well with it.)

So now we have a huge "following" for Kaitlyn getting in the way of Britt for The Bachelorette. What the heck are you going to do with that? The producers are savvy if nothing else – they take the decision out of their hands and give it to the competing bachelors. The producers are not going to get as much flack for having Britt as The Bachelorette if it’s… wait for it… someone *else* choosing her. Let’s face it, why even bother with Britt? The public SEEMS to love Kaitlyn more – her "fans" are very vocal. Why not just make Kaitlyn The Bachelorette and forget about Britt? Well, here’s the rub: the producers want Britt. And they’re pretty sure that the bachelors are going to want Britt and even the people that adore Kaitlyn are pretty much saying that Britt’s going to get the nod from the guys over Kaitlyn.

Kaitlyn is funny; she can be crude, rude and hilarious and she’s fun to watch. But she’s more like one of the guys. And I love her for it. But Britt? Simply put, Britt has “it” factor. Funny, smart, articulate, adorable, gorgeous. I think Britt will get the nod.

I’d love to see how the producers would have both girls stay for most of the season. I have no idea how that would work or if it would work, but it sure would be interesting."


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Post by Sprite Wed Mar 11, 2015 3:55 am

I have never before said I would not watch a season...even when I wasn't a big fan of the lead...however, after the JPab debacle, followed by the MeAndi debacle, I have had enough.

Their loyal viewers pretty clearly told them who they wanted...the applause for Britt last night was less than enthusiastic. If they still refuse to listen, they deserve their tanking ratings. I have never seen so many long time fans saying they will not watch if it turns out to be Britt. You would think they would think twice with ratings already on the skids.

The fact that Britt is already being just as cocky as she was during her time on the show...feeling that she is above Kaitlyn and she should be getting the guy(s)....on top of the fish face, over the top wailing, constant hair fixing and preening for the camera is just too much for me. Hopefully the spoilers will be out quickly and I can find out if I should be making other plans for my Monday nights.

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Post by oishioishi Wed Mar 11, 2015 4:21 am

Sprite wrote:I have never before said I would not watch a season...even when I wasn't a big fan of the lead...however, after the JPab debacle, followed by the MeAndi debacle, I have had enough.

Their loyal viewers pretty clearly told them who they wanted...the applause for Britt last night was less than enthusiastic. If they still refuse to listen, they deserve their tanking ratings. I have never seen so many long time fans saying they will not watch if it turns out to be Britt. You would think they would think twice with ratings already on the skids.

The fact that Britt is already being just as cocky as she was during her time on the show...feeling that she is above Kaitlyn and she should be getting the guy(s)....on top of the fish face, over the top wailing, constant hair fixing and preening for the camera is just too much for me. Hopefully the spoilers will be out quickly and I can find out if I should be making other plans for my Monday nights.

I have a feeling that Kaitlyn as a Bachelorette isn't going to boost the rating any higher than Britt. Of course,  I cannot be absolutely sure, but being summer, most people are out and about doing things, not staying indoor watching TV, in my experience. Also, a bunch of guys are a lot less "dramatic" than a bunch of girls. It's been in my experience that the lead doesn't affect the show viewings that much. Look at how many ppl vocally hate Juan P on SM, and his season was one of the most successful seasons ever.

I will be DVRing the show no matter who gets the lead. It's only TV/entertainment, so I don't get emotional about it like some fans. I find it quite comical that people are so over-reacting as if Kaitlyn or Britt is his/her BFF & family. 2 months down the road, ppl will forget all this and move on. If the story line is interesting, it doesn't matter who's leading ... People will tune in. Have a good day.


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Post by Sprite Wed Mar 11, 2015 6:16 am

oishioishi wrote:
Sprite wrote:I have never before said I would not watch a season...even when I wasn't a big fan of the lead...however, after the JPab debacle, followed by the MeAndi debacle, I have had enough.

Their loyal viewers pretty clearly told them who they wanted...the applause for Britt last night was less than enthusiastic. If they still refuse to listen, they deserve their tanking ratings. I have never seen so many long time fans saying they will not watch if it turns out to be Britt. You would think they would think twice with ratings already on the skids.

The fact that Britt is already being just as cocky as she was during her time on the show...feeling that she is above Kaitlyn and she should be getting the guy(s)....on top of the fish face, over the top wailing, constant hair fixing and preening for the camera is just too much for me. Hopefully the spoilers will be out quickly and I can find out if I should be making other plans for my Monday nights.

I have a feeling that Kaitlyn as a Bachelorette isn't going to boost the rating any higher than Britt. Of course,  I cannot be absolutely sure, but being summer, most people are out and about doing things, not staying indoor watching TV, in my experience. Also, a bunch of guys are a lot less "dramatic" than a bunch of girls. It's been in my experience that the lead doesn't affect the show viewings that much. Look at how many ppl vocally hate Juan P on SM, and his season was one of the most successful seasons ever.

I will be DVRing the show no matter who gets the lead. It's only TV/entertainment, so I don't get emotional about it like some fans. I find it quite comical that people are so over-reacting as if Kaitlyn or Britt is his/her BFF & family. 2 months down the road, ppl will forget all this and move on. If the story line is interesting, it doesn't matter who's leading ... People will tune in.  Have a good day.

You are totally correct in your assessment and I am well aware of your points. I guess what I see different this season...with Britt, if it indeed does end up being that many posters who, myself included, who are typically fairly well balanced in their assessments of the contestants and knowledgeable about how the show works, are just starting to turn off. Since Kaitlyn seems to have the bigger fan following and they pull the same stunts every matter the lead....why make someone who turns off viewers the lead when you are already losing viewers? It doesn't make sense to me.

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Post by Sprite Wed Mar 11, 2015 6:22 am

Sable wrote:
KB_Mom wrote:If it is Britt I will have to skip the season because I know that for any decent guy I liked, I would be rooting for him to be sent home, certainly not to be her F1 and that's just too weird for me. Plus, I could never stomach all her fake tears and "me,me, me" moments.

If it is Britt, I hope the guys pull antics on her just like she pulled on Chris's season.  I hope they question her on why certain people got roses (just like she questioned Chris for giving Kaitlyn a rose at the lake group date) and I hope one of them confronts her after she gives a group date rose to someone else (like she did when Chris gave Kaitlyn the group date rose before hometowns).

Oh you know that is going to happen. TPTB love the irony. They throw it back in their faces. Remember Andi giving it to JPab after their FD? She ended up getting it at the AFTR. Even the though of that...delicious as it may be...won't be enough to make me watch.

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Post by happygolucky Wed Mar 11, 2015 6:48 am

Sable wrote:***snipped*** Britt is a very polarizing figure.  You either like her or you don't.  If those that don't like her don't watch her season, it could hurt the ratings.  I don't think Kaitlyn is as polarizing and if she is the lead, even those that don't like her or don't think she is exciting enough, would still watch her season for the men.
About Kaitlyn I view it the same way, she isn't a polarizing figure, so in that regard I believe she has better chance to be the Bette.
As for Britt... I don't find her polarizing, but that's just me, I find her boring. (As boring as Chris Soules without Whitney or Becca by his side)
I like confident, stand-up people, those who dare (I've written my POV in Ashely S. thread) and don't hide behind some excuses or pretext.
I find Britt not to be the person I would gravitate towards. I don't dislike her, just simply she makes no effect on me. Kelsey was much more polarizing than her, Britt ... yesterday she was on TV, today I hardly remember her. No, in all honesty, I do remember her hair. Hugesmile And bobblehead. (I just find the term funny, not making fun of her)

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Post by Sable Wed Mar 11, 2015 10:31 am

Sprite wrote:I have never before said I would not watch a season...even when I wasn't a big fan of the lead...however, after the JPab debacle, followed by the MeAndi debacle, I have had enough.

Their loyal viewers pretty clearly told them who they wanted...the applause for Britt last night was less than enthusiastic. If they still refuse to listen, they deserve their tanking ratings. I have never seen so many long time fans saying they will not watch if it turns out to be Britt. You would think they would think twice with ratings already on the skids.

The fact that Britt is already being just as cocky as she was during her time on the show...feeling that she is above Kaitlyn and she should be getting the guy(s)....on top of the fish face, over the top wailing, constant hair fixing and preening for the camera is just too much for me. Hopefully the spoilers will be out quickly and I can find out if I should be making other plans for my Monday nights.

I so agree with your post.  I think this is a very risky move for TPTB.  If Britt is voted to be the Bachelorette, then they risk their ratings for the Bachelorette tanking even more than they did for Andi's season.  I read somewhere recently that Andi's season was the lowest rated ever.  I know they have gone with unpopular choices before (like Juan Pablo), but Juan Pablo did not really start to become unpopular until his season started airing and people saw how he put his foot in his mouth every time he opened it.  I don't think Juan Pablo was necessarily an unpopular choice at first, just an unexpected one.  I think Andi was a very polarizing figure (similar to Britt) in that you either loved her or hated her.  Perhaps her ratings suffered because those that didn't like her didn't watch?  Andi also had some awesome guys on her season.  Her F2 guys, Josh and Nick, had a lot of very loyal fans.  If this upcoming Bachelorette season does not have any interesting guys like that, where does that leave the ratings?

The way that TPTB set up this scenario (having the guys decide on the first night) leaves them with clean hands.  They can say it's not our fault, that's who the men chose.  What they are forgetting is that (especially with the Bachelorette) it's not the men that appear on the season that gives them the ratings, it's the fans that watch the show season after season.  I agree that I have never seen so many people say they won't watch if a certain person is cast as the lead.  Why they want to alienate their fan base is beyond me.

Part of me feels that if the men are stupid enough to pick Britt on the first night, then they will get what they deserve.  I think they would come to regret their choice once they see how fake and self-centered she really is.  Her over the top emoting and expressions would get old pretty quickly, imo.  I could see a lot of the men wanting to leave on their own as the season progresses once they realize that Britt is not the person they thought she was.  Britt was not well liked in the house by the majority of the women.  That speaks volumes to me.  And it's not jealousy, imo, it's how she behaved.  Her over confidence and her acting like she was the only one with feelings that mattered is what put the target on her back, not the fact that she got the first impression rose.  Whitney and Becca were the F2 and were loved by the majority of the women in the house.  If anything, the other women should be jealous of them because they were Chris's favorites.  But they weren't.  That speaks volumes as well.

I personally feel that TPTB have to be more careful with controversial choices for the Bachelorette than they are for the Bachelor.  The Bachelorette airs during the summer when viewership for all shows is typically very low.  I hope this decision comes back to bite them big time!

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Post by MiniDiva Wed Mar 11, 2015 10:45 am

chasingpavements wrote:I'm watching Michelle Money's interview with some ex-contestants (Ashley I and S, Sammi, and Jillian) and she asked about the 2 Bachelorettes thing. Jillian said that Britt found out on Saturday, was told that one would be eliminated on the first night, and Britt feels VERY confident that she will get it. And...THAT is why I don't like her. She uses looks to manipulate people and holds them above much more important things, like personality. That just makes me want Kaitlyn to beat her more. Also, Sammi said she talked to Kaitlyn right after they made the announcement and she said it seemed like Kaitlyn had no idea it was going to happen.

Re Bolded, this is so true of Britt, she has learned to manipulate people to get the results she wants and it works for her up to a point.  I watched Kailtyn and Britt on Jimmy Kimmel Monday, Kaitlyn was rather sedate compared to her usual personality.  Britt on the other hand was flipping her entire head of hair through out the interview as some sort of attention getter, IMO.  

I am disappointed that Kaitlyn is not the appointed lead and that they are going through this escapade of letting the men choose the next bachelorette. What happened to empowering woman and making this about one woman choosing a guy?   no

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