Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 44 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by soccermom333 Tue Mar 11, 2014 11:48 am

Ariela wrote:
BACHRISTINE wrote:When Nikki said that JP's situation is different because he has a child, it made me think that maybe he did not propose or say ILY because he did not want it memorialized on film for his daughter to see. She may be 6 now but one day when she grows up she won't have to find out (or be teased about) her father proposing/saying ILY to a woman he met on a reality show and had only known for a few months (esp. since he hasn't married Camila's mother). He has probably told Nikki in private that he loves her and they had talked about what they were going to say at the ATFR. I admire the maturity of their decision.

Nikki said he didn't. Although, Nikki and JP looked like they were in cahoots, and sticking it to Fleiss, a part of me thinks that we saw the relationship between them just like it is. He's still controlling the situation and Nikki has helplessly fallen for him. This is all temporary. She'll wake up soon.

I felt sorry for her; it's not because I expected some lame professing of love from JP, but because I saw a woman IN PAIN, standing by her man (she cannot help herself right now because she is in a blind trance, UNTIL she wakes up from this stupid situation).
To me, this bordered on emotional abuse by JP. He thinks he's all that, while Nikki is playing a second fiddle to his whims. I despise weasels like JP. Man up. Either you love her or not. She is being fed little CRUMBS by the KING....of crap.

He's disguising his lack of respect/commitment using her dad as an excuse....if I'm not 100% sure... BS!

She can do much better.

I agree with most of what you said. I wish Juan would stop using other people, his daughter, Nikki's Dad, as excuses for doing or not doing things. Saying I love you, swimming in the ocean etc. Say what you feel, do what you want, and don't blame others or use them as an excuse to not do them. Very strange. Man up is right.

I get the feeling Juan went on the show for exposure and REALLY wanted DWTS. I don't fault him for that, most leads do it for exposure, but where I find fault is him picking Nikki because he "likes" her the best. Maybe the process didn't work, so pull a Brad. It's not like he needed more time, because clearly the past 4 months have not helped him with clarity. Nikki deserves so much more. I bet her parents were squirming watching last night.

Ariela, you are so right when you say Juan is using Nikki's Dad as an excuse to cover for his lack of respect/commitment. I pray and hope Nikki is following her heart. That is the advice I would give her.

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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 44 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by bleuberry Tue Mar 11, 2014 11:51 am

I guess I feel for Nikki the most. I don't think she's one to be a man's doormat, so I wonder how her feelings haven't changed over the last few months? I imagine she's still in the bubble a little.

I wonder what her family thinks.

Last edited by bleuberry on Tue Mar 11, 2014 11:54 am; edited 1 time in total

Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 44 6rj59l

In a little glass church built from the inspiration of dreams,  their vows danced through the air 
like smoke from a vigil candle, consummating a love now deeply matured. -Zak Waddell

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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 44 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by Sable Tue Mar 11, 2014 11:54 am

I don't even know what to think of the finale and the ATFR show. I get that Juan Pablo didn't want to play the game that TPTB wanted him to play any longer, but in the process he made himself look very bad and he humiliated Nikki in the process, IMO. Juan Pablo was so dead set on sticking it to TPTB during ATFR that he didn't even consider Nikki's feelings in the matter and how their relationship would appear to the general public.

I will admit that I didn't want Juan Pablo as the bachelor in the beginning, but then as the show aired I started to have some compassion for him because of the way he was being treated by TPTB with his edit. Now I sort of see why TPTB gave him the edit that they did. Yes, TPTB manipulate everything to the nth degree on this show, but that is what the show is all about. While Juan Pablo's season was shocking and entertaining (in a very weird way for me), I certainly don't want to see a show like this ever again. I know that most of the time this show is not real, but I watch for the potential of an ending like JP and Ashely or Sean and Catherine. The show is what it is. I think it is clear that Juan Pablo never should have been the bachelor. I think TPTB made a huge mistake in casting him, and Juan Pablo made a huge mistake in accepting. I don't hate any of the contestants and I wish all of them well, but I am left not really caring about Juan Pablo's and Nikki's relationship. I truly feel badly for Nikki because I think the way Juan Pablo acted on ATFR show was very disrespectful of her and their potential relationship. That is just my opinion, and many may not agree. I few times during the ATFR show, I thought Nikki had a look on her face of embarrassment and humiliation because of the things Juan Pablo was saying. I truly feel she was just playing along w/everything because she didn't want to make the whole situation even worse.

I really don't see what Nikki sees in Juan Pablo. A few times they panned the camera to Sharleen and she sort of had that look of embarrassment and humiliation as well because I think she was really feeling bad for Nikki and the way Juan Pablo was treating her and their relationship. I think that Nikki is too good for Juan Pablo, and I think she will wake up from the bizarre bachelor bubble that she's found herself in and walk away from the relationship. Usually the happy couple is paraded around in the media and they get to give their interviews, etc. It doesn't look like Nikki is going to get any of that. Nikki may have won the show, but IMO she turned out to be the biggest loser of all.

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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 44 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by Sable Tue Mar 11, 2014 11:58 am

bleuberry wrote:I guess I feel for Nikki the most. I don't think she's one to be a man's doormat, so I wonder how her feelings haven't changed over the last few months? I imagine she's still in the bubble a little.

I wonder what her family thinks.

Bolding by me....

I was thinking the same thing as I was watching the show last night. I absolutely do not think her family can be happy at this point. I find it interesting that neither her family or Juan Pablo's family was in the audience last night. Aren't the families of the final couple usually at the taping of the ATFR show? I find it very telling that they weren't there. I mean seriously, would Juan Pablo want a man to treat his daughter the way he treated Nikki at the ATFR show last night? I think all Juan Pablo wanted to do last night was to stick it to TPTB last night, and he didn't care about anything else. Nikki's feelings for starters.

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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 44 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by Chacharo Tue Mar 11, 2014 12:01 pm

Sable wrote:
bleuberry wrote:I guess I feel for Nikki the most. I don't think she's one to be a man's doormat, so I wonder how her feelings haven't changed over the last few months? I imagine she's still in the bubble a little.

I wonder what her family thinks.

Bolding by me....

I was thinking the same thing as I was watching the show last night.  I absolutely do not think her family can be happy at this point.  I find it interesting that neither her family or Juan Pablo's family was in the audience last night.  Aren't the families of the final couple usually at the taping of the ATFR show?  I find it very telling that they weren't there.  I mean seriously, would Juan Pablo want a man to treat his daughter the way he treated Nikki at the ATFR show last night?  I think all Juan Pablo wanted to do last night was to stick it to TPTB last night, and he didn't care about anything else.  Nikki's feelings for starters.

Docnash posted some tweets from her family in another thread. My take was they think that TPTB threw JPa under the proverbial bus.

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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 44 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by quietpal Tue Mar 11, 2014 12:05 pm

I just watched the part where Nikki & JP were at the FRC. I think he was honest with her and told her there were so many things he liked about her. From day one, IMO, he has treated her differently, with respect. What the edit chose to show about their relationship was always positive. I do think he cares about her or he would have let her go. People can say what they think she should or shouldn't do, but they're not inside their relationship. If she's truly happy, then I'm happy for her. Only time will tell if this relationship can stand the test of time.


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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 44 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by quietpal Tue Mar 11, 2014 12:06 pm

I have to add that even with all the crap that was shown, and yes some of that was JP's doing, I've always liked what I've seen as far as how he treated her on the show.


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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 44 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by Guest Tue Mar 11, 2014 12:08 pm

quietpal wrote:I just watched the part where Nikki & JP were at the FRC. I think he was honest with her and told her there were so many things he liked about her. From day one, IMO, he has treated her differently, with respect. What the edit chose to show about their relationship was always positive. I do think he cares about her or he would have let her go. People can say what they think she should or shouldn't do, but they're not inside their relationship. If she's truly happy, then I'm happy for her. Only time will tell if this relationship can stand the test of time.

Excellent post. My sentiments exactly and it is their life not mine. We only see an nth of what went on during the filming process and then only what tptb choose to show us.


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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 44 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by George1218 Tue Mar 11, 2014 12:16 pm

quietpal wrote:I just watched the part where Nikki & JP were at the FRC. I think he was honest with her and told her there were so many things he liked about her. From day one, IMO, he has treated her differently, with respect. What the edit chose to show about their relationship was always positive. I do think he cares about her or he would have let her go. People can say what they think she should or shouldn't do, but they're not inside their relationship. If she's truly happy, then I'm happy for her. Only time will tell if this relationship can stand the test of time.

ITA!!!! High clap High clap 

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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 44 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by tigertiz Tue Mar 11, 2014 12:19 pm

I was also disappointed with SeanCat, jeez, say what you really feel without worrying about the hand that "feeds" you. That was the worst line of the ATFR.
Yes it was just cringeworthy .   Neither of them made much sense to me.  Sean was boasting about how much he needed to tell Cat that he loved her.  Well - OK - but that was because he apparently fell in love with her during their filming.  Can he not accept that it just didnt happen that way for JP?   "I fell in love in 7 weeks so you should have too"?  Huh?   Get off of your high and mighty horse , Sean.

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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10 - Page 44 Empty Re: Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

Post by George1218 Tue Mar 11, 2014 12:21 pm

Chacharo wrote:
Sable wrote:
bleuberry wrote:I guess I feel for Nikki the most. I don't think she's one to be a man's doormat, so I wonder how her feelings haven't changed over the last few months? I imagine she's still in the bubble a little.

I wonder what her family thinks.

Bolding by me....

I was thinking the same thing as I was watching the show last night.  I absolutely do not think her family can be happy at this point.  I find it interesting that neither her family or Juan Pablo's family was in the audience last night.  Aren't the families of the final couple usually at the taping of the ATFR show?  I find it very telling that they weren't there.  I mean seriously, would Juan Pablo want a man to treat his daughter the way he treated Nikki at the ATFR show last night?  I think all Juan Pablo wanted to do last night was to stick it to TPTB last night, and he didn't care about anything else.  Nikki's feelings for starters.

Docnash posted some tweets from her family in another thread. My take was they think that TPTB threw JPa under the proverbial bus.

Can anyone tell me where I can read these?

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Post by Mommyof2 Tue Mar 11, 2014 12:22 pm

No peep from Juan Pablo today.  no no  Nikki went off on the haters last night on twitter:

Nikki Ferrell ‏@Nikki_Ferrell · 10h
Being in the public eye does NOT give you the right to say what you want to me. Your words hurt no matter what. Be ashamed of yourselves.


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Finale/After the Final Rose March 10

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