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Ernesto Arguello - Ready For Love - Spoilers - Discussion - Page 24 Empty Re: Ernesto Arguello - Ready For Love - Spoilers - Discussion

Post by Laura Walsh Sun Aug 25, 2013 9:58 pm

Wait a minute:

I think I mentioned in a post to you a few days ago that there was an article in In Touch magazine in which they talked about Eva's new curvy figure. It said that she put on weight from all the wining and dining with Ernesto. It was asked what Ernesto thought of her new figure. The "source" said that Ernesto loved her any way she is, he thinks she's flawless. I think this article went to press before their breakup. I agree that she looks good for 38.

I also wanted to ask you what you thought about a tweet that I saw from Shandi. It was on Aug. 21, which is the day the press started coming out about the breakup. It said August was the best month ever. She said she just heard some incredible news and then after that she put (wish I could share.)

Do you think that's cryptic, coincidence or something else?

She is in Rome now and she put up a picture of her and her new guy. I'm going to hate myself for putting this out there but I just don't think he's for her. He is very handsome. But they look more like brother and sister. And I just don't see the happy smile that I saw when she was with Ernesto. She has said that he's the sweetest, caring, patient, humble man she's ever met. But you know when you see two people and you say, they really look like they "go together." I just don't think they "go together." Maybe it's the chemistry thing I don't see with them.

You know what a fan I am of Shandi so I so want her to be happy but I just hope that she really is. Besides a guy treating someone good and all that, that's a given, I think that chemistry is so important. I think I would rather be single than to not have over the moon chemistry with someone.

Curious to hear what you think.
Laura Walsh
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Ernesto Arguello - Ready For Love - Spoilers - Discussion - Page 24 Empty Re: Ernesto Arguello - Ready For Love - Spoilers - Discussion

Post by Wait-A-Minute Sun Aug 25, 2013 10:13 pm

Laura Walsh wrote:Wait a minute:

I think I mentioned in a post to you a few days ago that there was an article in In Touch magazine in which they talked about Eva's new curvy figure.  It said that she put on weight from all the wining and dining with Ernesto.  It was asked what Ernesto thought of her new figure.  The "source" said that Ernesto loved her any way she is, he thinks she's flawless.  I think this article went to press before their breakup.  I agree that she looks good for 38.  

I also wanted to ask you what you thought about a tweet that I saw from Shandi.  It was on Aug. 21, which is the day the press started coming out about the breakup.  It said August was the best month ever.  She said she just heard some incredible news and then after that she put (wish I could share.)  

Do you think that's cryptic, coincidence or something else?

She is in Rome now and she put up a picture of her and her new guy.  I'm going to hate myself for putting this out there but I just don't think he's for her.  He is very handsome.  But they look more like brother and sister.  And I just don't see the happy smile that I saw when she was with Ernesto.  She has said that he's the sweetest, caring, patient, humble man she's ever met.  But you know when you see two people and you say, they really look like they "go together."  I just don't think they "go together."  Maybe it's the chemistry thing I don't see with them.

You know what a fan I am of Shandi so I so want her to be happy but I just hope that she really is.  Besides a guy treating someone good and all that, that's a given, I think that chemistry is so important.  I think I would rather be single than to not have over the moon chemistry with someone.

Curious to hear what you think.
it think it was concidental. i don't see shandi as someone who would gloat over eva and ernesto breaking up - at least not publicly. as for shandi's new guy, who she refers to as "love", it's hard for me to say. i think they look nice together, but the pictures i have seen look a bit antiseptic, not much emotion in those pictures. i don't know who he is, but obviously he's not someone in the public eye, so maybe he doesn't want to put their relationship on display to any major degree.


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Post by Wait-A-Minute Tue Aug 27, 2013 12:08 am

a final note to this saga. i was looking back at the stories that came out when eva and mark sanchez broke up and noticed the striking similarity in the ending of the relationships, and also how the stories intertwine a bit. when eva dumped sanchez the following quotes/comments were given:

"Mark adores and respects Eva," Sanchez's rep tells Us. "It really was about scheduling more than anything else. They will remain close friends."

"There was no drama," one source tells Us of the split. "They just have completely different schedules and lifestyles."

“Mark says he is really upset about the breakup with Eva. He is telling friends he tried everything he could to make her happy, and to make things work between them.”

Numerous reports claim that Mark is under immense pressure as the QB of the Jets, especially with backup QB Tim Tebow right behind him and gaining more momentum. Meanwhile, Eva is in the midst of developing numerous TV shows including the NBC dating series Ready for Love.

Eva and Mark split amicably and remain friends," a source tells us. "There is no drama."

A rep for Sanchez tells E! News, "Mark and Eva continue to be friends and are both focusing on their careers."


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Ernesto Arguello - Ready For Love - Spoilers - Discussion - Page 24 Empty Re: Ernesto Arguello - Ready For Love - Spoilers - Discussion

Post by Laura Walsh Tue Aug 27, 2013 12:59 am

Wait a Minute:

I agree with you. With Ernesto and Eva it's being said that this might not be the end, they're on hold. I guess that's her way of not losing face. I doubt if they will get back together. But who knows, life is stranger than fiction.

Saw a couple more pictures of Shandi and her Love and there did seem to be a little more happiness in these pictures, but still have this nagging feeling that Shandi likes a little bit of a bad boy and this guy doesn't seem like that.

But, in the end, if she's happy then I'm happy.

I have so enjoyed this going and forth with you. I am going to miss it. If you happen to see anything of interest in the future I hope you will come back and post.

Laura Walsh
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Ernesto Arguello - Ready For Love - Spoilers - Discussion - Page 24 Empty Re: Ernesto Arguello - Ready For Love - Spoilers - Discussion

Post by Laura Walsh Wed Aug 28, 2013 11:34 pm

Wait a Minute: I know you've posted your final post but I thought you would find it interesting that US Weekly is quoting, of course, (a source) that said her relationship with Ernesto wasn't that serious, it was just for fun.

Imagine that. Shaking my head.

Another thing I see is that every single time there is an article about Eva they describe what she's wearing right down to the shoes. I read several of these magazines and I can't think of a single other celebrity that has their attire described every time they're in an article.

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Ernesto Arguello - Ready For Love - Spoilers - Discussion - Page 24 Empty Re: Ernesto Arguello - Ready For Love - Spoilers - Discussion

Post by Wait-A-Minute Thu Aug 29, 2013 8:19 pm

laura - my guess is that when you see a source like that, it's either eva, her publicist or a friend (which whom she or her publicist planted that comment). as for the stuff she's wearing, i guess some of it must come from her publicist, who i would imagine gets asked about it. the paparazzi might even be asking eva when they take the pictures, and eva tells them what she's wearing.

i noticed that ernesto was traveling back to panama to his model town project this week and he's been doing bit more tweeting. but the tweet that caught my eye was from his sister, who tweeted:

Silvia Argüello @RosaClandestino 28 Aug
Sometime's God blessings are not in what He gives, but in what He takes away..

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was she talking about eva dumping ernesto? or maybe about losing eva as one of her key sponsors/supporters because of the break up, or both?


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Ernesto Arguello - Ready For Love - Spoilers - Discussion - Page 24 Empty Re: Ernesto Arguello - Ready For Love - Spoilers - Discussion

Post by Laura Walsh Thu Aug 29, 2013 11:11 pm

Wait a minute:

I agree with you that Eva or her publicist probably planted that comment. But can anyone take Eva seriously when she was gushing about him just a little over a month ago and now she's saying it wasn't all that serious, it was just for fun.

About the little quote from Sylvia. I know that Eva was buddy buddy with Silvia and I think Silvia did take advantage of Eva for all that Eva could do for her in her design business, but blood is thicker than water. I've always had a gut feeling that Ernesto's family, especially his mom and dad, was not as taken with Eva as was put out there. I'm sure that they would say she is a wonderful person for all she does for the Latinos and all the charity work she does. But I think they also would be smart enough to catch on to Eva's personal life being a train wreck. I'm sure when they were "so in love and talking marriage and all that" Ernesto's parents were holding their breath. Therefore, I think that quote from Sylvia is saying pretty much their breaking up was a blessing.
Laura Walsh
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Ernesto Arguello - Ready For Love - Spoilers - Discussion - Page 24 Empty Re: Ernesto Arguello - Ready For Love - Spoilers - Discussion

Post by Wait-A-Minute Thu Aug 29, 2013 11:26 pm

laura - here's one more take on the breakup that we missed before:

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it looks at various possibilities but ends with this:

"You don’t go from smokin’ hot to Arctic blast without something big transpiring. Did Ernesto get caught with his pants down elsewhere? Did he decide that Eva is way too high maintenance to be stuck with for more than a few months? Was it all just physical and once the initial heat wore off both Ernesto and Eva both realized that they had precious little in common?"

just some more food for thought.


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Ernesto Arguello - Ready For Love - Spoilers - Discussion - Page 24 Empty Re: Ernesto Arguello - Ready For Love - Spoilers - Discussion

Post by Laura Walsh Fri Aug 30, 2013 12:49 am

Wait a Minute:

It's refreshing that finally someone does an article that questions the break up. As I've said the pictures in Marabella didn't show either of them with much of a happy face on. And I agree the traveling is ridiculous as a reason. They both do so much traveling and for them it's just a ride to the airport and off to wherever they want to go. All the other articles seemed to have just written what was probably given to them and didn't bother to put 2 and 2 together.

You did put up the tweet soon after they split that Ernesto had congratulated Eva on Devious Maids. And she didn't reply to it. And if they just broke up because of the distance why didn't they see each other when she was just in Miami. And if it was a mutual break up I would think they would still be friends. It doesn't seem like Eva wants to be friends with Ernesto.

We'll never know the real reason but it's my opinion that Ernesto got the cold feet. I know you disagree with that but it seems to me that Eva is the least happy of the two even though she's putting on a good front.
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Ernesto Arguello - Ready For Love - Spoilers - Discussion - Page 24 Empty Re: Ernesto Arguello - Ready For Love - Spoilers - Discussion

Post by Laura Walsh Fri Aug 30, 2013 2:25 pm

Wait a Minute:

Just got my People mag today and they had an article on "Why Eva and Ernesto broke up." Most of what we've already heard, that they live literally countries apart, she in LA and he in South America. Said it was amicable, no drama. The line that got me was at the end and it said, "Ernesto was nice but didn't blow me away." Guess it wasn't meant to be.

I don't know why people do that when they break up. It doesn't matter who does the bashing, but when people bash the other, like saying Ernesto was nice but didn't blow me away. I would think the same if Ernesto had said something along those lines about Eva.

That's why while the show was going on sure, Shandi put up a couple cryptic tweets but never said he treated her badly or anything, quite the opposite, she said many times that she had found love, had fallen hard, was 100% real to her but didn't work. On the other hand, I didn't like the way Ernesto and Alba were tweeting back and forth about "the troublemaker." To me it shows a person's class when they keep the bitterness to themselves.

Speaking of Shandi, in OK magazine there's a picture of her and the other four correspondents for the new TV show that starts September 9. It sounds like something like E Entertainment. I've already checked and I don't get that channel so I'm hoping that they will put it up on their website.
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Ernesto Arguello - Ready For Love - Spoilers - Discussion - Page 24 Empty Re: Ernesto Arguello - Ready For Love - Spoilers - Discussion

Post by Laura Walsh Fri Aug 30, 2013 2:26 pm

Darn: I'm sorry. Every time I hit send I think of something else.

I read the article from dirty laundry and did you notice in one of the pictures Eva and Ernesto are sitting at the table and Eva is completely turned around with her back to him. Hmmm.
Laura Walsh
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Ernesto Arguello - Ready For Love - Spoilers - Discussion - Page 24 Empty Re: Ernesto Arguello - Ready For Love - Spoilers - Discussion

Post by Wait-A-Minute Fri Aug 30, 2013 5:39 pm

Laura Walsh wrote:Darn:  I'm sorry.  Every time I hit send I think of something else.

I read the article from dirty laundry and did you notice in one of the pictures Eva and Ernesto are sitting at the table and Eva is completely turned around with her back to him.   Hmmm.
consider this possibility - eva was just about done with ernesto after the bankruptcy stories started to fly. so she concocted the clooney rumor to try to push him away and when that spun out of control she beckoned him to come home from spain and then concocted those house hunting, dinner with mama and dinner date pictures to counter the rumor she started. but, she couldn't just dump him before marbella, especially as he was going to be her escort (and arm candy) so more paparazzi pics in marbella. but by the time her flight landed home in los angeles, they were done, as she didn't need him anymore. not saying this is fact, but consider the possibility. oh, and remember her tweet about "the worst battle you have to fight is between what you know and what you feel." my interpretation is still that she knew he was not the right guy, but he was a hottie and had some feelings for him.


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Ernesto Arguello - Ready For Love - Spoilers - Discussion

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