Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #2

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Post by sosleepy Fri Mar 23, 2018 12:32 pm

@stuckinsc nailed it. Abt. Lauren.


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Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #2 - Page 55 Empty Re: Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #2

Post by Mommyof2 Fri Mar 23, 2018 12:33 pm

stuckinsc wrote:
Aunties_Love wrote:
stuckinsc wrote:Just me personally, I did not invest in any of Arie’s couplings. My dislike of #Liars is from each of their individual actions and then strengthened by how they have acted as a couple. IMO.

I hope they stay together, it protects other people from dating them. IMO.
Can I ask.....what is it that Lauren done that is so unforgivable.  I just fail to see it.  Thanks.

Because you asked.

1. I dislike her politics.
2. When asked about having a second engagement, she said it was Fake News. I hate that phrase and people who use it bug me.
3. When she broke her previous engagement she tried to keep the ring. If you leave the man, you leave the ring. JMO.
4. Having a "Not Your Bride" party after ending the engagement is tacky, again IMO.
5. From her SM posting she seems vapid, but this is quiet true for many in BN, not just her.
6. When Arie called she talked to him and had discussion before he broke up with his girlfriend. IMO, saying anything more than call me when and if you are single is shady and disrespectful.
7. Her SM postings during the season to me were rubbing salt in the wound of the breakup to me.
8. Saying Arie handled everything perfectly, when she didn't bother to actually watch what he did or even talk to Becca herself. She has no idea how Arie handled it.
9. Getting engaged at the AFTR in front of Becca was tacky.
10. I find her shallow, the post of their vacation back up my thinking on this.
11. Recording a stranger and posting it on the internet is not okay.

All this is JMO.

Which SM posts are you referring to that were rubbing salt in the wound of the breakup?

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Post by Aria Fri Mar 23, 2018 12:42 pm

I actually related to and defended Lauren a lot in the beginning (fellow introvert who also gets easily overwhelmed and shuts down), but there were just a few things she did afterwards that left a really bad taste in my mouth, particularly begging for a ring 4 days after Arie broke up with fiancé #1, saying that Arie handled everything respectfully when she admitted to not having watched the breakup video, that "check out these girls wearing slippers" comment, and the biggest, most damaging, #gymgate. She just comes off like a mean girl to me, someone who thinks she's better than everyone else and is selfish to the point that she has zero consideration or empathy for anyone else. I like seeing introverts go far (yeah, I know she says she's an extrovert but...I don't believe her) and have loved many of the past introverts in the show. I really wanted to like her, but she's just made that really hard to do. IMO.

And, like I've repeatedly said, I do think that Lauren and Arie are a perfect match and Arie/Becca made absolutely no sense whatsoever. IMO.


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Post by sdmom Fri Mar 23, 2018 12:42 pm

Kashathediva wrote:JMO, but opinions are going to like something, not like something or be in that vast grey area. 
Unless it's a new topic of discussion on the couple, it's doubtful opinions are going to change and will simply be rehashed. And rehashed. And rehashed. JMO
TGIF all.

Honestly, every time when I see new posts in the thread, I expected something new, something like they break up or they get married or Lauren is pregnant or Courtney is pregnant, but lots of it is just deadhorse

But I accept the fact people want to see/hear what they see/hear. Nobody is going to change anybody. And, IMO, most of us have double standard when it comes to people we like/dislike. That’s ok, because it’s human nature and I will be the first one to admit yes, I am guilty of that.

Also, I know tons of people who have different political views and vote differently than I, heck, even in my family, but most are very nice, kind people of different races and backgrounds.

TGIF all, indeed!

"Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree"~ Martin Luther

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Post by SarahD Fri Mar 23, 2018 1:19 pm

Mommyof2 wrote:They are back in Iceland today.  Are they ever coming home?  laugh out loud  

I hope they never! giggling

It goes without saying...everything I say is IMO.

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Post by Sprite Fri Mar 23, 2018 1:22 pm

Kashathediva wrote:My mindset having studied MF&CO for many years, no low is low enough. 
One of the things I sleuth a lot is the people behind the curtain. The mechanics of the show etc. It uses the cast with their strengths and weaknesses to their advantage. It never excuses cast, of course, it simply make it easier to meet goals.

I get you Kasha. I'm not talking about MF&Co and their using the strengths and weaknesses of the cast to their advantage. I've been around long enough to expect that. I'm more specifically referring to Arie and Lauren themselves. Things that only they are responsible for. 

I was disappointed by his season...and that was before all the stupidity at the end. Up till then I was just mind numbingly bored. It's pretty much everything after that that IMO displayed their character. I get that obviously it is an edited show and they can't show everything and they highlight some not so flattering things, but it is that way other seasons and I have still managed to somewhat enjoy the lead and some of the cast. It is their own behaviour at the end of the season and post show that for me is just highlighting their own shallowness and stupidity. I am getting a similar vibe about them that I got about MeAndi and Josh....without the rage.  no idea

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Post by Lucas15 Fri Mar 23, 2018 1:25 pm

Mommyof2 wrote:They are back in Iceland today.  Are they ever coming home?  laugh out loud  

Makes sense. Buy a round trip from "home" to Iceland (and back) and then a round trip from Iceland to Barcelona and back to Iceland.


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Post by stuckinsc Fri Mar 23, 2018 1:40 pm

@sdmom I too have many friends and family of many political persuasions. The board requests we not discuss politics, so expanding on the whys of my statement are not allowed.

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Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #2 - Page 55 Empty Re: Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #2

Post by Sprite Fri Mar 23, 2018 1:45 pm

stuckinsc wrote:Just me personally, I did not invest in any of Arie’s couplings. My dislike of #Liars is from each of their individual actions and then strengthened by how they have acted as a couple. IMO.

I hope they stay together, it protects other people from dating them. IMO.

sosleepy wrote:Also chiming in to say I never invested in Arie and Becca. I never cared much for Arie to begin with, and I thought Arie and Becca’s first date was dull as dishwater. At the time I was spoiled she was F1, too.

I don’t care for Lauren and Arie primarily because of who they are showing me they are, their post filming actions with each other. The running around, the changing stories, the lying. The self important delusional behavior they display at times, IMO. It has seriously nothing to do with Becca at this point. JMO. Can only speak for myself.

I was also never invested in Arie and Becca. Since I was unspoiled I didn't even know she was F1. It was speculated before I finally got accidentally spoiled, but even then it was more because everyone else was eliminated for one reason or another and she was the only one left standing by process of elimination. Hardly a ringing endorsement. Even when I did get spoiled towards the end of the season, I still didn't really care. Becca wasn't that interesting to me. It was only at the AFTR that more of her personality came out. As for Liars...well, their behaviour at the end and post show kept showing their own character. @stuckinsc summed it up quite well although I would add the caption on one of Lauren's Instagrams about being "too cool to care" to that list. They just keep showing who they are and I am liking them less and less.

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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Post by eirekay Fri Mar 23, 2018 3:21 pm

rosefever wrote:
Aunties_Love wrote:
I am answering both down here.  IMO, when it was announced that Becca was the F1, the board addoration grew for both Becca and Arie.  Then from the moment it was spoiled that there was a switch, the board itself drastically switched to being like another poster said, about 90% against Arie.  I just have a really hard time trying to figure out why....yes, I know that he switch, BUT he did it to follow his heart.  I don't think that anyone, especially me can say 100% that we know EXACTLY why and what happened.  Because of that, I choose to NOT be negative which is IMO a HUGE waste of time and energy.  I think that Lauren and Arie are getting so many negative comments bordering on bullying on SM and other areas.  It so sad that this couple has to deal with that crap and negativity where ever they go.  IMO, it's their lives....they don't live in my back pocket so I am not thinking that their choices are affecting me much.  Therefore, I am not going to waste my time and energy being so negative and brutal to people that are in love and living their lives.  Some of the comments on SM are absolutely redicilous and definately stretching the bullying boundaries IMO.  It's really too bad that a couple that has found love needs to be berated and treated like crap.  I know they signed up on the show, but seriously.....why the constant negative bombardment on SM and other boards and comment areas.....ALL IMO
I read back some of the older topics, and it appears people got heavily invested in the wrong relationship. Becca getting that first 1 on 1 and very strong proof of the F1 probably helped with that process. I personally didn't know the F1 until the very end, and I barely noticed Becca until the hometown date. What I found endearing is that Lauren really fell head over heels in love with Arie, and that it was mutual. So a lot of the hardcore negativity seems to stem from people who had their heart broken because they fell in love with a relationship that simply wasn't meant to be. ALL IMO.

There was also a shift in attitudes right before things went south, so I suspect Arie did something that triggered a certain group of very unforgiving people. ALL IMO.

For me it boils down to one thing: If you rewatch the unedited break-up, Arie never once says he is sorry to Becca. Not once. The behavior I've seen from Arie and Lauren since then is just more of the same IMO. I hope they are very happy, I don't mind them making $$ while they can, and SM is an investment in their future that I can cut them some slack for. I just wish they would both learn to express a little compassion and empathy.

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Post by alwaystulips Fri Mar 23, 2018 3:30 pm

Just thinking out loud ...

I could see Arie and Lauren getting married in August/September in the Netherlands.  His brother, Alec, was married there last July at Kasteel Maurick near Arie Sr’s hometown of Hertogenbosch.  The historic buildings and beautiful countryside would make a great setting.

Arie’s Dutch roots are very important to him, IMO.  I think he has, at least, one grandparent still living there.  I don’t know if Lauren has travelled to the Netherlands, but if they are interested in a destination wedding, this would be very special.  

Whether ABC wants to pay for that, I don’t know.  Personally, I hope not.  I think it should be completely their day, not subject to the manipulations of MF&CO.

Last edited by alwaystulips on Fri Mar 23, 2018 3:32 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #2 - Page 55 Empty Re: Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion #2

Post by Guest Fri Mar 23, 2018 3:31 pm

Sprite wrote:
stuckinsc wrote:Just me personally, I did not invest in any of Arie’s couplings. My dislike of #Liars is from each of their individual actions and then strengthened by how they have acted as a couple. IMO.

I hope they stay together, it protects other people from dating them. IMO.

sosleepy wrote:Also chiming in to say I never invested in Arie and Becca. I never cared much for Arie to begin with, and I thought Arie and Becca’s first date was dull as dishwater. At the time I was spoiled she was F1, too.

I don’t care for Lauren and Arie primarily because of who they are showing me they are, their post filming actions with each other. The running around, the changing stories, the lying. The self important delusional behavior they display at times, IMO. It has seriously nothing to do with Becca at this point. JMO. Can only speak for myself.

I was also never invested in Arie and Becca. Since I was unspoiled I didn't even know she was F1. It was speculated before I finally got accidentally spoiled, but even then it was more because everyone else was eliminated for one reason or another and she was the only one left standing by process of elimination. Hardly a ringing endorsement. Even when I did get spoiled towards the end of the season, I still didn't really care. Becca wasn't that interesting to me. It was only at the AFTR that more of her personality came out. As for Liars...well, their behaviour at the end and post show kept showing their own character. @stuckinsc summed it up quite well although I would add the caption on one of Lauren's Instagrams about being "too cool to care" to that list. They just keep showing who they are and I am liking them less and less.

Yup to the above!
Whole heartedly behind the bolded imo.


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