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Post by Seabear Wed Aug 09, 2017 1:28 am

I just listened to Robert Mills on the podcast he does with Julia Cunningham. I expected bashing or shade from him but none came.
He really likes Rachel and thinks she was a great Lead. He believes she plans to practice Law in CA. He said he has seen Rachel several times since filming ended and she is truly happy and in love  According to Millsy actually one of the happiest Leads post show in a long time. She and Bryan are a good match and in Love.  
He said he feels bad about the negativity being thrown at Rachel and Bryan since the finale last night AND said Please Bachelor Nation stop the negativity.
Julia C is a big Peter fan and Robert said Peter was just not into Rachel being the right one for HIM. AND that Rachel was very into Bryan and leaning toward him by Geneva. I am paraphrasing but this is the jest of his thoughts.Smiley

Also on a funny note IMO...Millsy said Peter told him last night that..Peter and Dean were going to spent the day at Disneyland today because Dean got some tickets from someone. So IMO the two besties got to spend today together at the happiest place on earth. laugh out loud laugh out loud

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Post by Rachelsseason Wed Aug 09, 2017 2:03 am

Check this link when you have a moment. Some new pictures from Rachel and Bryan's FSD (daytime).


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Post by TheWrongReasons Wed Aug 09, 2017 2:05 am

^^great to hear positive things said about R&B on a podcast for once Smiley
It seems like everyone in the podcast world has sht on them to such an extent where the only podcasters on their side seem to be Sharleen (who's always awesome, articulate and never mean IMO, no matter what her POV may be)... and RS (of all people) laugh out loud

Also interesting that Dean and Peter were at Disneyland today. Some members of the "squad" (Raven, Alexis, Jasmine and DLo) were there as well.

I wonder if they all met up?

Last edited by TheWrongReasons on Wed Aug 09, 2017 6:10 am; edited 1 time in total

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Post by Cocoasneeze Wed Aug 09, 2017 2:19 am

sdmom wrote:I don't think these interviews  are posted? 2 from Peter 1 Rachel

What does this part remind me of Josh's "we don't associate with that kind of people?

'Reality TV World: It seemed as if you didn't really like Bryan on the show, that you weren't his biggest fan. Could you elaborate on why? Did Bryan ever say anything in particular that rubbed you the wrong way or did you paint him in a certain light because of his background, just being from Miami, and such?

Peter Kraus: The relationship I had with Bryan was never one of friendship, you know, we never really talked directly to each other. But I watched how he interacted with other guys when we had our group chats amongst the guys. He just wasn't the kind of guy I would hang out with. ""

Reality TV World: I know this would be difficult to admit since Rachel seems very happy with Bryan, but had you told Rachel you were whole-heartedly ready and willing to propose to her, do you think you would have been the last man standing? Do you think you were her first choice?

Peter Kraus: That's a tough question. I felt throughout the entire process that I was the best fit with Rachel. She and I's connection was something very special from our very first date and unlike anything I've ever really experienced in my own life. And I felt like it was reciprocated.

So, I didn't really concern myself with the other guys' relationships as far as their inner-workings, but I did feel like ours was a bit above the rest. Had I been ready at the end, I don't think she would have gone in a different direction. So as far as how it ended, that's sort of where I was at, at that point. "

But Rachel said
"Reality TV World: Rachel, what is your reaction to all the viewer opinions out there that you allegedly cared more about an engagement than choosing the right guy and that you would have picked Peter had he been more willing to propose?

Rachel Lindsay: I Feel like people aren't watching what I was watching. Peter did say that he would propose at the end. He said he didn't want to lose me and he would do that for me, and I still said, "No." So at that point, I had already made up my mind when I walked into the room that I was sending him home. "

My dislike for Peter grows each time I read an interview or hear him speak. How egotistical can one be. He's feeding his own ego, and truly believes, that Rachel would have picked him had he wanted to propose. And he had no real reason for his Bryan hate, Bryan did or said nothing to cause it.

After interviews like this, people still question why Rachel replies like she does? Where are people telling Peter to let it go, move on, live your life with Dean and let Bryan and Rachel be happy? I mean the dude still keeps harping on how he really was the one, and Bryan is the default option.

He said he would propose. He wanted to see Rachel after the break up, she closed that door. She has said, that this was his game of push and pull, and it truly Imo looks like she was right. Jmo

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Post by Seabear Wed Aug 09, 2017 2:33 am

In the first realitytvworld article linked above ^^: Peter says he is not comfortable in front of the cameras. And talks about how the time spent together on the show is so limited it is not possible to be ready for engagement.
All this and a million other reason is exactly why Peter should NOT be the Bachelor IMO.
Peters Ego knows no bounds nor does his Narcissism IMO.

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Post by likeashipblown Wed Aug 09, 2017 2:43 am

Cocoasneeze wrote:

My dislike for Peter grows each time I read an interview or hear him speak. How egotistical can one be. He's feeding his own ego, and truly believes, that Rachel would have picked him had he wanted to propose. And he had no real reason for his Bryan hate, Bryan did or said nothing to cause it.

After interviews like this, people still question why Rachel replies like she does? Where are people telling Peter to let it go, move on, live your life with Dean and let Bryan and Rachel be happy? I mean the dude still keeps harping on how he really was the one, and Bryan is the default option.

He said he would propose. He wanted to see Rachel after the break up, she closed that door. She has said, that this was his game of push and pull, and it truly Imo looks like she was right. Jmo
Double standards and hypocrisy are real. Pretty much sums up what we're dealing with. For a slew of reasons. But, at this point, it's almost comedy hour.

You know I agree with your sentiment and... Real talk, Peter and Rachel seem more and more like they would have been a toxic dumpster fire together. Omg. They both are sensitive, have certain insecurities, need validation, struggle to let things go and make decisions... I enjoyed this season even with the vitriol and insanity, because Rachel walked away from this not only with the man she was clearly obsessed with from first impression, but she walked away with the man she needed, the man who best complements and suits her, a balance, and as she says, someone who makes her better and stronger and pushes her to be her best self.

I truly cannot imagine the truly insecure spiral Rachel would have landed in had she ended up with Peter. You could already see the push/pull tripping her out and she already says point blank she thought he was playing mind games and she was struggling with that... Lawdy that had the potential to get so bad long-term.

So beautiful to see people break bad habits. I was always rooting for Bryan and Rachel after the first few weeks of the show, but today solidified that even more for me. Their interviews together... Wow. Especially in the face of delusions from Peter and his fans. Bryan's still so steady, so calm, so chill, most concerned about Rachel and just... He is everything he said he was and he is everything she needs in a man and he gets her and loves her unconditionally. I don't know how anyone who is a fan of either Rachel or Peter roots for them together, tbh. They just do not seem to be good for each other. Peter's been petty and ridiculous since he returned from filming and Rachel truly is not at her happiest/best when she has to relive a lot of moments with him. Like, humanity, tag yourself in!

Thanks so much for that recap @Seabear.


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Post by summerdayze Wed Aug 09, 2017 2:50 am

Thanks for the links.

I really want to stop what I feel like is Peter-bashing, but he does not make it easy when he continues with this type of dialogue. And this is coming from someone who was actually a fan of his at the very beginning of this.  

I also find it interesting that the only two people in the house who had/have real problems with Bryan happen to be BFFs and the ones that carry the most baggage.


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Post by likeashipblown Wed Aug 09, 2017 3:24 am

summerdayze wrote:

I also find it interesting that the only two people in the house who had/have real problems with Bryan happen to be BFFs and the ones that carry the most baggage.

I was just thinking the same exact same thing. It's truly jarring to note. And by "real" problems, we really mean, insane jealous and insecurity about him. Bryan diagnosed it properly today. He didn't need to break Rachel down to get her to validate him or her feelings for him. That's not the type of man he is and he had real problems watching that. You know when you're dealing with someone on that level, welp.

Oh, and just one thing because the shilling has started in earnest. I'm rarely going to say a bad word about any of the people from the franchise shilling. Good for them if they get the opportunities, tbh.

I actually think people better buckle up, because I think this cast will have more shilling than we've ever seen. Truly. Because whether people are facing backlash or being petty or whatever people's personal takes are on individual members of this cast? Rachel, Dean, Peter, and Bryan, have large followings. Bryan started slower, but I think he's finally closing in on 300,000, right? That makes the four of them one of the most successful Bachelorette casts. Period. Not counting JoJo, etc. I'm not saying the most successful, just as a unit, one of the most successful as a whole followings-wise.

Rachel's over 800,000, Dean's over 500, right? Peter over 400, right? Bryan about to hit 300? Close to those numbers, anyway. And not only do they have followings, they have high engagement rates. Rachel, Dean, and Peter for instance, all can post things and get way more views and likes, than say, Sean and Catherine Lowe, who are wildly loved and successful, and who have more followers than all of the four from this season. Rachel posts one pic with her and Bryan today and gets over 115,000ish plus likes in five hours. Her ad of her and Bryan that's been up seven hours already has over 600,000 views. High-water marks for Catherine, who has more followers than Rachel, posting a pic of similar adorable nature things are around 75,000-ish likes. I don't even recall any view count where she's hit half a million, let alone gone over that. Bryan has over 800,000 views on one of his posts from last night. Bryan has over 75,000 likes on a pic of him and Rachel and he's got WAY fewer followers than Catherine. And she and Sean are again, beloved and established for years. None of that is shade to Catherine or Sean, just a comparison of how real this shilling ish about to get for this season of cast.

They have so much more engagement in a way that is almost scary. That will be monetized. Especially given Rachel and Bryan have the same management as Catherine and Sean. You know Matt is ready to strike.

And like, these numbers.... Rachel is just getting started and she and Bryan are just at the beginning. So much upward potential. And Dean? And Peter? So much upward potential. They're just getting started. Like... Nah. This cast is going to get that money and I honestly can't take any complaints about them doing so seriously. Cash in, y'all. It's not just a little bit of money they generate with those sponsorship/ad/partner things. Busy Phillips, the actress, disclosed that she made more money off her Instagram ads/sponsor/partner stuff last year than she made from acting. Or the year before. Whichever, point remains, it pays a ton to be able to use your platform for this stuff. Good on anyone who finds a way to capitalize if they can, seriously. I might tease them about some of the things they promote, but I will never begrudge any of them their coins. Get that money, honey(s)!


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Post by Linds911 Wed Aug 09, 2017 3:31 am

HEA wrote:so when is the DWTS cast announcement again?

Usually it's around the end of this month so if she and Bryan stick around LA for awhile then it's a possibility she could be on.

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Post by Cocoasneeze Wed Aug 09, 2017 3:37 am

I'm hoping she'll do DWTS. I'm thinking that's why their options are open to LA, Miami and Dallas atm. Keeping that dwts possibility open.

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Post by sfrank Wed Aug 09, 2017 5:34 am

Diana wrote:I don't undetstand Peter's OTT dislike of Bryan. It's so funny because Bryan is acting like the only sane one of the three JMO laugh out loud

What's crazy is that Peter fans kept saying that Peter knows Bryan very well and that they talked so all his shade is justified with Dean. And Peter basically admits that he did not know him and never talked to him the house. Wow! So it was just jealousy in IMO. Peter's a nut.

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Post by TheWrongReasons Wed Aug 09, 2017 6:20 am

sfrank wrote:
Diana wrote:I don't undetstand Peter's OTT dislike of Bryan. It's so funny because Bryan is acting like the only sane one of the three JMO laugh out loud

What's crazy is that Peter fans kept saying that Peter knows Bryan very well and that they talked so all his shade is justified with Dean. And Peter basically admits that he did not know him and never talked to him the house. Wow! So it was just jealousy in IMO. Peter's a nut.
Yeah, it seems quite bizarre. All this animosity and no real fight/confrontation in the house?
I'm honestly confused by Peter and Dean's behaviour.

Also...some Peter fans have even migrated to DLo's IG and have interpreted this caption (on a Disneyland group shot) as shade:
daniellellombard Living our best life  Bachelorette 13 - Rachel Lindsay - SM Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* Discussion - #14 - Page 57 1f495  #disneyland #squad #zerochill
What the heck? laugh out loud I've heard/read these girls using this phrase many times on SM. It seems to be a thing to toast to and such and a very popular caption. Not everything is about Peter  Rolling Eyes

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