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Post by Guest Mon May 08, 2017 8:20 am

Reading all this says Lily is pushing him away = F3, Claudia is clingy = F2 and Viarni is his F1.


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Post by Bobette Mon May 08, 2017 8:30 am

HEA wrote:
iamreal2u wrote:It feels to me that Lily is sabotaging herself imo.  Each time they are together she is giving him a way out.  The last episode she told him to pick someone safer and now this getting smash comment.  Umm.

first thank you all for the live update!!

i agree about sabotaging herself. it is a defense protection mode someone scared to be rejected imo... been there done that burnt the tee shirt..... she is pushing his buttons like "see the worse of her to test him

i like lily a lot but 2 segments were cut and those give me pause.

1.  she played with her spoon at her fancy diner implying sex
2.  she wrote this note and zac said it was infamous (?)

so if he is still ok with her non ladylike attitude that means a lot to me.

claudia has IMO the F2 edit from the start a la Dani... lot of PI, clingy, bubbly, sweet but misunderstood, special bond with lead, lust attraction (aka the wow reaction when zac saw her in the stairs at the dance SD). diamonds could be a sorry gift? he has a soft spot for her since out of the limo. the only one i saw him acting like a kid jumping up and down... not much acting as a mature man. me thinks being with young adults keep him young that way

which lead me to think he is not as mature as we think he is or should for 28. i agree with @Bobette it is like catching up what he missed and why he is comfortable with younger women. imo he is in the middle of crossed roads... still want fun but also a steady girlfriend...

viarni is 24. a good compromise. i cannot stop thinking prods cut too much parts and at almost the end i cannot connect the dots. I think she has the perfect F3 edit aka next bachelorette NZ like @Bobette said. at times i almosr think zac changed his mind in the middle from viarni to lily going back and forth until the flamme got too hot for him to resist lily...

right now i still stand by my F1 Lily F2 Claudia F3 Viarni

But I do not see long term relationship with Lily like @Katybelle said. maybe a year or two max. time also for zac to truly grow up and move on to maturity.

i think lily had adrenaline junkies BF, surfers like.... but got tired of them. i think she thinks she wants to try steady. i think she needs both and not sure long term zac can fill in her needs. her bio says she is an adrenaline junkie....

but for now i think both lily and zac are mutually feeding their today needs.

i predict claudia to meet very soon a BF like fleur.

but yet again viarni can be his "emily" ...

... all my opinion

Good Post I agree

Yes, we are on the same page @HEA - I have the same top 3, in the same order, for similar reasons.  If we are wrong we will be wrong together!

I particularly agree with your "right for now" reasoning.  I've been in relationships that I knew weren't going to last forever but they were what I wanted/needed at the time and I came out wiser and at the end of the day I wouldn't change a thing.  

Besides, there's nothing to say their relationship wouldn't last! I've seen more unlikely couples flourish, and supposedly perfect couples fall apart.


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Post by Guest Mon May 08, 2017 8:52 am

Bobette wrote:

Good Post I agree

Yes, we are on the same page @HEA - I have the same top 3, in the same order, for similar reasons.  If we are wrong we will be wrong together!

I particularly agree with your "right for now" reasoning.  I've been in relationships that I knew weren't going to last forever but they were what I wanted/needed at the time and I came out wiser and at the end of the day I wouldn't change a thing.  

Besides, there's nothing to say their relationship wouldn't last!  I've seen more unlikely couples flourish, and supposedly perfect couples fall apart.


that is okay. I am quit used to pick the F2 giggling

it is also true that I have seen some "strange»" couple such a chatty woman with a very introvert man... or a very pretty girl with somehow very ordinary guy or reverse....

it is not what we think is best for them.... it is what they think at the right now, in the bachelor bubble. The head say something while the heart may say something else.



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Post by emusha Mon May 08, 2017 9:14 am

hmm sounds like lily is contradicting what zac said about himself to Claudia - done with the going out lifestyle. imo they're a bad fit longer term


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Post by Guest Mon May 08, 2017 9:21 am

No matter how much I like Lily as a person, she isnt ready for a realtionship right now imo. From what she does, to what she says....she should take this for what it is....a great experience to travel and make friends. I doubt she would be heartbroken, because she has not been that invested in Zac. Likes him and all, but nowhere near falling or even starting to fall for him.


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Post by Guest Mon May 08, 2017 1:28 pm

@see2love how do we know that again?

because it seams that lily never hide who she is. she even made a dude joke at the M&G CP... her taking his beer. Nothing is new or out of the blue. he understand her and has no questions to what she wants and looking for. Yet he still find her amazing and gave her a rose at F5 so I am sure her pub comment was not such a surprise?

Because someone looks fine, does not mean this person is inside. It is IMO a lot to assume, yes not heartbroken but upset, disappointed, probably sad...... this of course if she is not F1 eh? laugh out loud

Funny how it can be a double entendre..... poor poor sweet Viarni, claudia will recover quickly and need to learn to be less clingy and Lily will probably not care because she is a free spirit. IMO each girl have feelings for him at this stage and each will recover quickly OUTSIDE the bachelor bubble, no matter who they are.

... jmo


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Post by Guest Mon May 08, 2017 1:36 pm

see2love wrote:No matter how much I like Lily as a person, she isnt ready for a realtionship right now imo. From what she does, to what she says....she should take this for what it is....a great experience to travel and make friends. I doubt she would be heartbroken, because she has not been that invested in Zac. Likes him and all, but nowhere near falling or even starting to fall for him.

It is my opinion as stated. she is not ready and everything she has said or how she has behaved on the show hasnt told me otherwise. I am not saying she behaved badly, just not like someone ready to commit. she is very noncommittal which may be a shield against getting hurt as someone rightly pointed out, but until that shield comes down..its not happening with Zac. IMO


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Post by Guest Mon May 08, 2017 1:38 pm

HEA wrote:@see2love how do we know that again?

because it seams that lily never hide who she is. she even made a dude joke at the M&G CP... her taking his beer. Nothing is new or out of the blue. he understand her and has no questions to what she wants and looking for. Yet he still find her amazing and gave her a rose at F5 so I am sure her pub comment was not such a surprise?

Because someone looks fine, does not mean this person is inside. It is IMO a lot to assume, yes not heartbroken but upset, disappointed, probably sad...... this of course if she is not F1 eh? laugh out loud

Funny how it can be a double entendre..... poor poor sweet Viarni, claudia will recover quickly and need to learn to be less clingy and Lily will probably not care because she is a free spirit. IMO each girl have feelings for him at this stage and each will recover quickly OUTSIDE the bachelor bubble, no matter who they are.

... jmo

I guess we will see how each of them takes it if and when they are let go.


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Post by Guest Mon May 08, 2017 1:53 pm


i just saw a segment and zac seems annoyed with the same questions. I also think claudia was a bit tipsy imo. not cool to exclude claudia like this. The 3 amigos should have been more gracious and this includes lily. yep. not cool.

why the heck claudia did not bring 2 packs of die hair for peter?s sake?????


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Post by Sprite Mon May 08, 2017 2:29 pm

HEA wrote:true.

i just saw a segment and zac seems annoyed with the same questions. I also think claudia was a bit tipsy imo. not cool to exclude claudia like this. The 3 amigos should have been more gracious and this includes lily. yep. not cool.

why the heck claudia did not bring 2 packs of die hair for peter?s sake?????

I don't think it works like that. Her hair is dark. To get it to that almost platinum colour she needs to have her own colour stripped before the colour can be added back. It would have to be done by a hair dresser since they bleach it out. That's what they do with my hair when I want to add colour streaks.

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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Post by 4health Mon May 08, 2017 3:43 pm

I haven't seen the episode yet but we now know that the three week preview was only through episode 15 with the exception of Viarni hug. The hug is significant place in that extended preview. IMO It is significant because it really moves things along with their relationship and his PI in the polka dot shirt about concerns is either he really really cares for her or she did or said something that things changed for her and it effected him.
There are no screencaps of the finale. I have read others stating how this is like Georgia Love's season. Love at first sight and hidden F1 with the edit and narration points that she is telling the story. Re watching that season I don't see the similarities. The person that narrated Georgia's season was Matty and guess what he is the current bachelor going through his own season. Lee had very few PI's IMO and during that season Lee was the only bachelor with a 2nd 1:1 also "Notebook" reference. Jake had the instant attraction first date sexual attraction and love letter etc. She was all about that attraction with Jake. The age difference was with Lee. Jake and Georgia had the mother's with cancer and that was their hurtle to get over. The instant atttraction and knowing that Jake would never leave the family etc. was their downfall. It will be interesting to see if Viarni's illness concerns him and how that will all play out. Right now I could see viarni out at F3 or F1 and that is usually how it happens. The toughest goodbye IMO is usually the F3.


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Post by LynnTa Mon May 08, 2017 4:11 pm

To me the hug seems like HTD,--- I hate to say goodbye for now , I will miss you . --It reminds me of Ashley & JP also Des & Chris HTD goodbyes imo.
Of course I could be wrong but how about that facial expression on Zac ?


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