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Post by MiaHawk Thu Jul 21, 2016 2:47 pm

A lot of good thoughts. The one thing that struck me was when Jojo comments on the hay bales that she didnt get a lot of time with him that day, she missed him, and that she wishes they had had more time. This is said teary eyed, after Luke asks if those are happy tears. I think that the structure of his HTD with so many people hindered her in getting enough time with him alone and in a smaller, more intimate setting with his immediate family. She may have not been able to get answers to some questions or just allow the day to unfold with his immediate family in such a way that it uncovered little gems about Luke. She may have needed more time like at the picnic bench with Grandpa. How cute is he!!!

I never really know what to make of those blogs. How they are written or what she says. Some of it is producer driven. I like to read them, but I try not to read too much into them. I am not sure how much comes from Jojo and how much is edited in or out by producers.


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Post by Guest Thu Jul 21, 2016 4:20 pm

Yes, agree Mia, I felt that wasn't the greatest move on Luke's part, way to many people for a first meet up with family. You NEED that precious time together, you can't do that having to meet everyone, everyone wanting your attention...that quality time was a bit lost. And I imagine she was frustrated and maybe a little hurt by it??

LOVED grandpa, makes me miss mine! And his dad also, great convo between them and you see he has no reservation telling his dad he loves him. Sweet moment.

As to the blog, I'll KNOW going into next season what looks real, and what might not be. I know past leads have talked in first person and that person was the F1. Ben even confused me to no end last year with his! Loving two women, I def. thought THAT was producer driven...nope!


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Post by Maggenzm Thu Jul 21, 2016 11:24 pm

Lost17 wrote:Yes, agree Mia, I felt that wasn't the greatest move on Luke's part, way to many people for a first meet up with family. You NEED that precious time together, you can't do that having to meet everyone, everyone wanting your attention...that quality time was a bit lost. And I imagine she was frustrated and maybe a little hurt by it??  

LOVED grandpa, makes me miss mine! And his dad also, great convo between them and you see he has no reservation telling his dad he loves him. Sweet moment.

As to the blog, I'll KNOW going into next season what looks real, and what might not be. I know past leads have talked in first person and that person was the F1. Ben even confused me to no end last year with his! Loving two women, I def. thought THAT was producer driven...nope!

IA with the bold, that's why I think, even with the "ILY, she sends him home anyway.
We shall see!

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Post by officeRules Sat Jul 23, 2016 7:36 pm

I am actually thinking something a little different.

From Luke's perspective, he may pull her aside and say his I Love You's. I am actually wondering if her reaction during (or just before) the ceremony makes Luke decide to leave. Perhaps she says something that makes him realize he was about to be booted. This could completely shut him down, and he may just leave. I am starting to think this, and JoJo's vague description of what happens in her blog may support that idea. Maybe he is hurt when he realizes she was about to not give him a rose. He says, "thanks for nothing. I'm outta here."

I don't want to see him hurt- but would totally love to watch him lead a new season!

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Post by Guest Sun Jul 24, 2016 6:24 pm

office, we shall see tomorrow! It's going to be hard to watch, especially if she lets him go after he said it. Still not totally convinced he's gone, gone.


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Post by MiaHawk Tue Jul 26, 2016 5:39 pm

I started off this season for the first few episodes not caring for Luke at all, but with each passing week I grew to like him more and more. With the input and commentary from some of you in particular, I was able to see all of Luke's great qualities. The editors were also very kind to him. I saw his good character, sex appeal, humorous side, and poetic expressions. I grew to see him as a great catch for some lucky lady.

When Jojo eliminated him last night, he was absolutely shocked. The look on his face was haunting. It was the look of shock when you find out that somebody you love has suddenly died. In a way, that is exactly what was happening to him. You could hear regret in his words, saying he squandered his time and he thought she knew how he felt. He thought that they were expressing everything through affections and actions, but I think it is purely the fact that Jojo is a 'words of affirmation' person that was the problem with her fully feeling connected to him. I just think that on a personality basis, they didn't mesh as well as she needed. He is more the strong, silent type who has moments of poetic expression and passionate kisses. I think it was his tendency to 'think inside his own head' versus 'talk out what he was feelings and thinking' that made all of the difference. Hopefully, after watching this season back and talking with the other contestants, he is able to process all of this and move on knowing he has nothing to be sorry about.

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Post by Guest Tue Jul 26, 2016 6:24 pm

Thanks Mia, here's to you and always having a kind word to say! :sending flowers


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Post by MiaHawk Tue Jul 26, 2016 7:05 pm

console It was hard to watch Luke last night, and I think it's going to be hard to watch again tonight. I hope to see him healed a bit on tonight's show. Fingers crossed. Smiley Same for Chase. Hope to see him in a good state of mind. Smiley


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Post by Litta123 Tue Jul 26, 2016 11:24 pm

Finished watching the MTA. Everything said and done with Luke was a perfect set up for the next Bachelor. I hope you can take some comfort in that, Lost. Both Luke and Chase ended well with JoJo tonight.

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Post by Guest Wed Jul 27, 2016 1:41 am

Thanks Litta, she missed out on a couple of great guys, her loss for sure, and somebody else's gain, can imagine all the women lined up wanting to be cast. Watch out Luke!! Please, please let there be some MATURE/older women on this season, especially ones that can SEE when love is being poured out in front of you...crazy she didn't see it, or maybe WANT to because of a certain person. Rolling Eyes Ok, my sleuthing days are over, I obviously got this one way wrong, kudo's to all of you that had it right for so long! yes


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Post by MiaHawk Wed Jul 27, 2016 1:57 am

Luke looked well tonight. Sad. But well. I do think that Luke, Chase, and all of the men seemed to want Jojo to have found her true love. I think it was Luke who said that that's what love is - wanting what is best for the other person (even if it isn't you she chose). The way CH pokes and prods during these interviews is so transparent. Hopefully, Luke can heal his broken heart and move forward to find his unicorn - with or without this show.

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Post by Guest Wed Jul 27, 2016 2:27 am

He did look well, but still a bit into Jojo, hopefully a bunch of new ladies will cure that fast. And please, NO unicorns mentioned on his season!!

Not sure why we're still hearing SO much about Ben, tonight...and her blog and still on the episodes, crazy.


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