Bachelor Australia - Season 3 - Sam Wood - (Male) - SM - IG - Media - *Sleuthing* - *Spoilers* #2

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Post by emusha Sat Sep 05, 2015 9:47 pm

AEF wrote:It could have been edited out but I did not think body language and communication were aligned. That was an intense conversation.

I def think sam is very interested in lana and can see their connection building but I think she's pretty guarded still and they're still needing to do a lot of catch up to move to the intimacy level of the other girls

i'm curious to see the next interaction between lana and sam and also snezana and sam particularly cos the chat during the GD was very sliced and diced and lana's date was the very first one...

I also thought he downplayed lana's date to snezana way too easily compared to some of the things he was saying about lana during his ITMs which means he wanted to go an extra mile to reassure snezana i.e. he was still quite invested in her at that point. that chat also had a lot of really intense eye contact imho and it was a convo where both of them were not obviously but inadvertently admitting they're getting deeper in the relationship -- sam by asking about relocation and snezana sharing how upset she got i.e. how much she's started caring.


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Post by ElonM Sat Sep 05, 2015 9:53 pm

Yes the conversation was intense but Sam was distant. She knew this hence the flirting.

These two were hot and heavy on her SD and the next time they meet no kiss was shown. Strange right? Maybe it was the editing.

Although Lana was guarded he still discussed her moving to Melbourne before Snez!

This next two episodes will be interesting to watch. Will Lana let her guard down? Will Snez and Sam build on their connection?


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Post by emusha Sat Sep 05, 2015 11:01 pm

i agree Elon -- Sam was distant more so than previous times with snezana. he was taking a very comfortable seat back and waiting for her than being the one making the effort. it was very evident that lana had started to capture his imagination and attention.

I do think though his relationship with her needs to progress quite rapidly. The interesting epis will be coming up but I do think he's a very easy bach to read and we can see how he's feeling based on his behavior with the ladies.

Lana will need to really open up in the next episode and try to show him what she's really like. snezana I think will have to see how he acts with her. I feel like sam's description to rachel about the woman he's looking for speaks more about snezana than lana so it might be that he's going through self-reflection as well. when snezana told him about turning his head with a new girl coming in ....his face looked pretty guilty to me so he might have realized that about himself. I also thought the rose order with the two intruders left at the end was very interesting
def looking forward to the interactions next epi

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Post by Guest Sun Sep 06, 2015 12:20 am

natik wrote:
AEF wrote:
I thought the body language of their chat was off but then I didn't think Lana's date was as strong as I thought it would be. I always thought it was Lana until her SD. I've put myself on hold until HT's.

I didn`t expected a lot for their first SD. Because Lana is this type of woman who thinks a lot before she acts. It´s just her character. She is not someone who is going with the flow. She is guarded at first and observes the things. You need to pay attention how she is looking at him. As if she tries to understand, ok do I like him or not. So she needs time to adapt. I think with the next two episodes she`ll gonna lose it and feelings will grow and her affection for him too. You can see it already in the previews. Her body language softens and she is leaning more into him. You can also see it in the scene with the kiss on the boat. The affection for each other grows instantly.

Hi natik,
Just curious. You seems to know Lana very well. Are you related to her or you are one of her friends? I remember in S1, Anna's sister has been very vocal in the media about her winning. They created a FB account for her and you could see that the sister was always giving hints and defending Anna. I am wondering if you are also doing the same thing. You seem to know very detail of her personality and her character, which I believe a person not close to her especially sleuthers like us who just saw her for a couple of episodes would not know, especially when she seems aloof on TV. JMHO.

Having said that, I think you are a very good sleuther especially, if you are not related to her or you are not any of her friends. She has friends in Europe so that is why I am curious. Thanks.


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Post by natik Sun Sep 06, 2015 1:53 am

Quane wrote:

Hi natik,
Just curious. You seems to know Lana very well. Are you related to her or you are one of her friends? I remember in S1, Anna's sister has been very vocal in the media about her winning. They created a FB account for her and you could see that the sister was always giving hints and defending Anna. I am wondering if you are also doing the same thing. You seem to know very detail of her personality and her character, which I believe a person not close to her especially sleuthers like us who just saw her for a couple of episodes would not know, especially when she seems aloof on TV. JMHO.

Having said that, I think you are a very good sleuther especially, if you are not related to her or you are not any of her friends. She has friends in Europe so that is why I am curious. Thanks.

Hi Quane,
I have never met or spoken to her before.

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Post by AEF Sun Sep 06, 2015 2:08 am

I think Sam's description of his ideal woman could apply to a number of his f4. I don't think we know enough about Lana yet and her communications background may very well point to her being a writer which would align with creativity.


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Post by ellmack Sun Sep 06, 2015 2:31 am

AllAboutLove wrote:
see2love wrote:The story just blew up.
Oh wow. Snez's daughter looks just like her ex.

Doesn't look good when the ex is coming out saying he won't allow Snez to move his child to Melbourne? I mean, I can understand since he is a paraplegic. But if that is something he is coming out and saying maybe he has gotten wind Snez wins or? It could be just a response to what she said on the last episode about moving to Melbourne?

It looks like no matter what happens this season is going to end messily. :/

ITA, this would likely get messy for Snez if she tried to move herself and Eve to Melb. If her ex opposes it then she will have to go to court to prove its in Eve's best interests, but even then, if this guy is active in Eve's life then I don't see it happening. The court will usually deny this sort of thing if it's going to make it harder for the non-custodial parent to visit (financially as well as physically) and him being a paraplegic I could see them deciding that it would... Then again, maybe Sam could move to Perth and expand his business over there! I still don't see Snez as the winner, but I've come to the conclusion that none of them are right for him because I don't actually believe that it's love he's looking for, more just exposure to grow his business... ho-hum.. sad

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Post by Katiebelle Sun Sep 06, 2015 2:37 am

natik wrote:
AEF wrote:
I thought the body language of their chat was off but then I didn't think Lana's date was as strong as I thought it would be. I always thought it was Lana until her SD. I've put myself on hold until HT's.

I didn`t expected a lot for their first SD. Because Lana is this type of woman who thinks a lot before she acts. It´s just her character. She is not someone who is going with the flow. She is guarded at first and observes the things. You need to pay attention how she is looking at him. As if she tries to understand, ok do I like him or not. So she needs time to adapt. I think with the next two episodes she`ll gonna lose it and feelings will grow and her affection for him too. You can see it already in the previews. Her body language softens and she is leaning more into him. You can also see it in the scene with the kiss on the boat. The affection for each other grows instantly. 

Natik - I'm not one to pull people up - hopefully most posters here will attest to the fact that I'm pretty easy going - but I am a little perplexed that someone who says they have never met or spoken to Lana is making some very big assumptions about her character. Unless you are a psychologist or have a degree in human behaviour - then I profusely apologise! 

IMO we all see different things in different people. Someone you might find loud and obnoxious I might find spirited and lively. 

BUT I really don't believe we can talk about someone's character and what they're personally thinking as you have done until we really know them. We can discuss their behaviour and how they are acting, we can discuss what they say and their conservations with others but we have no idea what she is thinking unless she tells us. 

I don't believe that we know her well enough to say she is introspective, inflexible and guarded as you have done.

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Post by AllAboutLove Sun Sep 06, 2015 2:39 am

ellmack wrote:snipped....

I've come to the conclusion that none of them are right for him because I don't actually believe that it's love he's looking for, more just exposure to grow his business... ho-hum.. sad
:yes: I agree
Any guy that can actually enjoy watching himself on TV making out with multiple women and leading them on, imo, is full of it. To hear Sam say he is enjoying watching, is recapping episodes with his mates and all excited about all different grils, and even have that video of him just enjoying watching himself? Meh. He's no Art Green, imo.

I'm over this Sam already and sleuthing the other Sam (Bachelorette).

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Post by natik Sun Sep 06, 2015 2:45 am

Katiebelle wrote:
natik wrote:
AEF wrote:
I thought the body language of their chat was off but then I didn't think Lana's date was as strong as I thought it would be. I always thought it was Lana until her SD. I've put myself on hold until HT's.

I didn`t expected a lot for their first SD. Because Lana is this type of woman who thinks a lot before she acts. It´s just her character. She is not someone who is going with the flow. She is guarded at first and observes the things. You need to pay attention how she is looking at him. As if she tries to understand, ok do I like him or not. So she needs time to adapt. I think with the next two episodes she`ll gonna lose it and feelings will grow and her affection for him too. You can see it already in the previews. Her body language softens and she is leaning more into him. You can also see it in the scene with the kiss on the boat. The affection for each other grows instantly. 

Natik - I'm not one to pull people up - hopefully most posters here will attest to the fact that I'm pretty easy going - but I am a little perplexed that someone who says they have never met or spoken to Lana is making some very big assumptions about her character. Unless you are a psychologist or have a degree in human behaviour - then I profusely apologise! 

I studied politics, sociology and psychology here in Germany.

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Post by ellmack Sun Sep 06, 2015 2:48 am

Actually, if Snez wins, could this 'move' be the backlash that TPTB might want to avoid, by launching straight into TB'ette?

If Snez's ex is all over the media the following day after she's declared F1, and publicly declaring to stop the move from happening, then there could be a major backlash against the producers for even thinking of trying to match a single mum from WA with a bachelor from Vic, knowing that this could happen. Maybe not even turn out to be relevant but something else to ponder..

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Post by Katiebelle Sun Sep 06, 2015 3:25 am

natik wrote:
Katiebelle wrote:
natik wrote:

I didn`t expected a lot for their first SD. Because Lana is this type of woman who thinks a lot before she acts. It´s just her character. She is not someone who is going with the flow. She is guarded at first and observes the things. You need to pay attention how she is looking at him. As if she tries to understand, ok do I like him or not. So she needs time to adapt. I think with the next two episodes she`ll gonna lose it and feelings will grow and her affection for him too. You can see it already in the previews. Her body language softens and she is leaning more into him. You can also see it in the scene with the kiss on the boat. The affection for each other grows instantly. 

Natik - I'm not one to pull people up - hopefully most posters here will attest to the fact that I'm pretty easy going - but I am a little perplexed that someone who says they have never met or spoken to Lana is making some very big assumptions about her character. Unless you are a psychologist or have a degree in human behaviour - then I profusely apologise! 

I studied politics, sociology and psychology here in Germany.

Well Natik that's excellent! We seem to have a plethora of talent on this forum.

I have also studied psychology and sociology at university but my undergrad major was anthropology which I continued into postgrad with journalism........with honours.  Hugesmile

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