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Post by happygolucky Fri Aug 07, 2015 4:27 pm

ITA AAL, exactly ... I've noticed his looks ... or maybe they edited so perfectly that it seems like something is on his mind ...Heather's energy was so different that I also believe he picked on it.

I wrote yesterday regarding one scene in the 1st preview ... and it seems that's coming next week, at the CP, he kisses her when they are alone in one room with blue walls, but Heather doesn't really go for the kiss ... the promo for ep.5 makes it sound so dramatic... like she won't be dealing well with all these new relationships around... and you might be onto something AAL, she might be putting the walls up... which may result in less "fun Heather"?

What do you think about physical attraction between them ... from Sam's side?


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Post by AllAboutLove Fri Aug 07, 2015 4:44 pm

I think Sam realized he messed up by giving Heather the rose. He said he should have pursued her, had the ball in his court. Now that she pursued him and used the white rose it is back to him needing to pursue her. Their dynamic has shifted.

I think the show was beginning to mess his head up... I think he gave Heather the white rose because he is a straight shooter. He gave it to the person he had the strongest connection with but it backfired a bit.

He was telling her that he felt like he "couldn't" do anything with her because she had that white rose. He also said to her "This is my way of saying can you do it quickly?" Like he was worried that he hadn't been able to build on his instant chemistry with Heather (it is nearly 3 weeks already when they date).

When they did have the date, he was worried about the physical. I think that is because his physical with Snezana was the main focus of their date while fun, talking about personal things was the focus of his date with Heather. His date with Heather was more "real" and they had real conversations.

Lust/physical attraction is all I see with Sam and Snezana. I see him vulnerable with Heather. Especially on this last episode... he looked vulnerable and so did Heather. I think Sam realized he can't "play the game" with Heather and he is not smooth with her. At all. And she is not able to play the game either with Sam, try as she might.

On their date, even his kiss he was leaning way into her. With other kisses, he is like a man who knows what he is doing. With Heather, he looks like he is scared. His concerns on the friendzone were mostly him thinking she thought of him as a mate/dude. I think his fear of it being real is what scares him. Things only scare one when they are real.

I see this like Art and Matilda. They had so much fun, but once they got past the fun it was more awkward between them. Matilda was no longer confident as much and always worried. She even said that Dani was so confident that she never thought she would win. (The confidence is gone with Heather in this Ep 4 and the realness and vulnerability is there). One could almost tell Maitilda was struggling with the whole concept of the show and that she was struggling... and the fun and laughing was no more the focus, the feelings were. This may be the same case here.


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Post by happygolucky Fri Aug 07, 2015 5:13 pm

I'm there with you AAL... oh, the looks he gave her ... while she was explaining how she feels about him - her expectations - at the dinner ... he was all seeing hearts cloud nine giggling yeap... he even said it, that he is afraid that "you" can fall into the friend-zone with Heather ... he wasn't saying she would fall, because he doesn't feel it... but that he could, because she may not be feeling it ... he was insecure ... oh boy, was he insecure ... and I think now he is gaining more assurance, while Heather is losing hers, because like some girls were talking in their PIs, the white rose was her leverage, now she will be among all the rest ... I do think the attention will still be on her ... but she might not really see it, because of all the noise surrounding others.


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Post by AllAboutLove Fri Aug 07, 2015 5:30 pm

And in the car on their date he was like, "I was giving you a hard time" when she had the date planned.

He knew he was giving her a hard time and pushing her.
She was the one holding things closer to her chest.
He even told her she holds the power.
She really does have him in the palm of his hand so no wonder he is scared.
The other girls are "safe" imo. He can make out with them and get close to them but they will never know "all parts of me" like he said Heather does.
I think these two just "get each other" (Sam's words). beatingheart

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Post by Norcalgal Fri Aug 07, 2015 7:46 pm

Figured out how to watch on Firefox after downloading Hola. Thank you guys!

That date with Heather and Sam was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G
Sam is so smitten, he's all in. It was fun to see how much ear-to-ear smiling Sam did.
He could not stop!
Can't wait to see what happens. Feel the other girls are by-standers at this point.

Been watching this crap show like forever

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Post by AllAboutLove Fri Aug 07, 2015 7:55 pm

So glad, Norcalgal!

That date really was something special. My favorite date ever from any franchise. Talk about an adventure Smiley

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Post by realityjunky Fri Aug 07, 2015 8:53 pm


Last edited by realityjunky on Fri Aug 07, 2015 9:06 pm; edited 2 times in total


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Post by realityjunky Fri Aug 07, 2015 9:01 pm

I'm so glad a lot of you mentioned this because I also felt as if there was a shift in mood between Sam and heather at the cocktail party. Even at the beggining of the cocktail party when heather asked Sam about showing him something later, heathers behaviour was just strange to me because it didn't seem like her usual self. So even before she discovered that he had kissed sneeze, things between them were a bit strange because I think this was a significant point were they both realised the emotional investment this type of show needs. Like someone said here I feel like on their date things became very real and now things a bit awkward because both of them allowed themselves to let their guard down and become vulnerable as someone already mentioned. I truly hope heather is f1 but if not I wonder what happened. For me the point when all the sarcasm stopped and my heart even stopped a little was during that super hero photoshoot when they had that intense eye contact. That for me was just something else


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Post by Katiebelle Fri Aug 07, 2015 9:57 pm

realityjunky wrote:

I'm so glad a lot of you mentioned this because I also felt as if there was a shift in mood between Sam and heather at the cocktail party. Even at the beggining of the cocktail party when heather asked Sam about showing him something later, heathers behaviour was just strange to me because it didn't seem like her usual self. So even before she discovered that he had kissed sneeze, things between them were a bit strange because I think this was a significant point were they both realised the emotional investment this type of show needs. Like someone said here I feel like on their date things became very real and now things a bit awkward because both of them allowed themselves to let their guard down and become vulnerable as someone already mentioned. I truly hope heather is f1 but if not I wonder what happened. For me the point when all the sarcasm stopped and my heart even stopped a little was during that super hero photoshoot when they had that intense eye contact. That for me was just something else

Yes I agree. I noticed the intense eye contact at the photo shoot. You could read the emotions on her face when she realises that she's standing super close and that she's attracted to him. She was almost breathless. I also thought she looked a bit stunned after he kissed her.

Imagine what it feels like when you realise that you have made this amazing unique connection with a man but you have to share him with 15 other girls. I bet she wishes she met him in the real world. I bet she's thinking - "whoa..... I could really get my heart ripped open."  It's a big risk for even the most confident woman.

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Post by mercieme Sat Aug 08, 2015 2:27 am

I am just catching up. I am going to be cautious and not zone in on an F1 yet. Thanks to all for the media postings. Something is off with Heather being allowed to do all these press so early in the season. Neither Sam (Blake's original F1) or Matilda (Art's F1) were in the media this early on in the season IIRC. I do think if Heather is not F1, she is next bachelorette for sure, she is spunky enough to carry her own season IMO.  Also, I am a bit suspicious of Snevana's guitar rift that she is getting, very F1 themed music as already mentioned. Overall I like that Sam is very decisive and hopefully the long time spent on filming the season will not affect him and whoever ended up as his F1.


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Post by Katiebelle Sat Aug 08, 2015 3:20 am

mercieme wrote:I am just catching up. I am going to be cautious and not zone in on an F1 yet. Thanks to all for the media postings. Something is off with Heather being allowed to do all these press so early in the season. Neither Sam (Blake's original F1) or Matilda (Art's F1) were in the media this early on in the season IIRC. I do think if Heather is not F1, she is next bachelorette for sure, she is spunky enough to carry her own season IMO.  Also, I am a bit suspicious of Snevana's guitar rift that she is getting, very F1 themed music as already mentioned. Overall I like that Sam is very decisive and hopefully the long time spent on filming the season will not affect him and whoever ended up as his F1.

Yes I also agree that it's strange that Heather is doing press early. It implied in the last preview at the end of Ep 4 that Heather wasn't happy about him kissing other girls and that something happens. It looks like she pulls him aside. I had wondered at the time if she is telling him that she can't handle the situation and wants to bow out. This theory is a little out there but might explain why they are letting her do press.

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Post by AllAboutLove Sat Aug 08, 2015 3:44 am

Katiebelle wrote:
mercieme wrote:I am just catching up. I am going to be cautious and not zone in on an F1 yet. Thanks to all for the media postings. Something is off with Heather being allowed to do all these press so early in the season. Neither Sam (Blake's original F1) or Matilda (Art's F1) were in the media this early on in the season IIRC. I do think if Heather is not F1, she is next bachelorette for sure, she is spunky enough to carry her own season IMO.  Also, I am a bit suspicious of Snevana's guitar rift that she is getting, very F1 themed music as already mentioned. Overall I like that Sam is very decisive and hopefully the long time spent on filming the season will not affect him and whoever ended up as his F1.

Yes I also agree that it's strange that Heather is doing press early. It implied in the last preview at the end of Ep 4 that Heather wasn't happy about him kissing other girls and that something happens. It looks like she pulls him aside. I had wondered at the time if she is telling him that she can't handle the situation and wants to bow out. This theory is a little out there but might explain why they are letting her do press.
Based on s/caps (one posted in sc sleuthing thread) Sam kisses Heather at the Cocktail Party in Ep 5 when he takes her aside.
This is the "Game changer" that is stated in the Ep5 preview.
He has yet to fully kiss someone at a CP (he only pecked Snezana).
So will have to see.

Also, based on early season promo, there is a date with Sam and Heather that has not yet happened so not sure when it happens.
Heather also talked about the mansion being haunted and Sam in an interview said that the final girls (F5) said that the mansion was haunted.
Both Sarah and Heather talk about this in a DM article.

IA about the music for Snezana. I noticed it out the limo (it's the same music Sam Frost had).
But not sure what it means for this season and Snezana doesn't have an intro video which is somewhat odd for a F1 unless it is because Lana and her are F2.
And it is Lana coming into the picture that makes it hard to make a solid case right now, for me.
I also need to go back because I think Heather has her own theme type music but it's not SF music.

One other thing is that in Blake's season, Sam Frost who was the F1 at the end of the season was narrating and she had the most airtime from the very minute she stepped out the limo.
Sam Frost also had an intro video and Sam Frost's dates were also the longest shown as well as her CP time with Blake.
This is happening with Heather.
She is being shown the most out of all the girls and in every episode as well as narrating. That's exactly like Sam.

The early press is odd. But then, Blake's season was still a month away from filming finished when the first ep aired.
This season they aired first ep nearly 2 months after filming finished.
I either think Heather is F1 or F4 and let go sooner than later. I don't see Sam dragging her unless he is sure of her.

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