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Post by AllAboutLove Thu Aug 06, 2015 8:59 am

AEF wrote:AAL - wait until you watch the episode - I think he is also questioning the relationship in the ITM's. The dinner part of the date is so strong it just seems too obvious. Looking at facebook there are so many comments about game over. Heather will implode if he takes her to the end and she is not F1.
So you think he doesn't see it longterm with her? Or it is just a distraction editing to hide from the longterm?

I will have to watch. It could be because he has had two other dates already and may have expected too much from Heather out the gate? Set his sights too high? It must be weird to make a connection night one but spend 3 months filming and having to date more than one girl especially if one thinks the one was there night one.

So if he takes Heather to F4, that's a lot of time to have her around and maybe he went full-circle with her where it starts out super strong and fades and then comes back? That's what happened with Art and Matilda. Or perhaps took her all that way but no go? More like Jess?

Lana coming in makes me think Sam started to get confused or Lana is the one (new person). But that effects all the girls and so far I only see Heather, Sarah, Snezana and Lana as possible F4.

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Post by happygolucky Thu Aug 06, 2015 9:27 am

AAL ... in the media thread you mention the article where Heather talks about the haunted house, but I didn't see it.

Yeah, me too, right now the only possible F3 are Heather, Sarah and Snezana ... I also believe once Lana comes in, she will mix the cards quite a bit, maybe Heather will lose her "cool", maybe Sam will be more fascinated by someone who he "doesn't know" ... like a discovery catch ... so I believe Heather and Lana will be F2 ... and the question remains who "wins".
Also I find endearing, that Sam, when asked what's the most romantic thing he did for a date, stated that he likes to show the girl how much he knows her (it was in some interview I've read) ... and now reading that Heather said something to that extent why she didn't push with their date having the white rose ... to get to know him better before. (also, it's not like she waited really long time, I believe it's fitting that it is in this episode and not before)


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Post by dlewi Thu Aug 06, 2015 9:31 am

Although I like Heather I feel it's too good to be true.... Almost like Jess people were jealous of her and everybody thought it was her.... I believe the final girl is either Sarah*Snezana*Lana nobody else from the current pack really stand out Smiley Really looking forward to some more previews


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Post by AllAboutLove Thu Aug 06, 2015 9:41 am

HGL: I updated the link in my post in Media thread.

I feel Heather is either F4 or F1.

Looks like most of us think F4 = Sarah, Heather, Snezana, and Lana.

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Post by AllAboutLove Thu Aug 06, 2015 10:17 am

AEF wrote:It's really refreshing to watch Sam send girls home as soon as he knows there is no connection. Last night with Madeline then with Joni. He tries too find a connection when they have a date and if it's not there, no rose and they go home immediately next RC. Everyone seems to be given a fair go.
That's why I think he is like Art. He is a straight shooter and not there to play games. So if he keeps Heather around, I don't think he is playing games with her.

I also loved on Ep 3 when Heather said to Sam "Stop it, you're bringing out my girly side" and Sam says, "Good! She's gotta come out sometime".

I think Sam is completely smitten with Heather. He smiles so wide he can't stop smiling around her. Almost like his whole being is alive/light's up with her. Plus he is so honest with her. I love the conversations shown with Sam and Heather, they are so real and raw, asking real questions with each other. It makes me think Sam is thinking longterm strategy with Heather.

Wish I could watch Episode 4 already. Soo bummed if Heather is not F1 because they have an amazing connection with one another. It's just so much fun! I think I will be amazed if this is another Art&Matilda season. So refreshing.

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Post by happygolucky Thu Aug 06, 2015 10:28 am

I feel like if the format is similar to NZ and AU1, then Snezana is F4, receiving a HTD, so that we as the audience see her family, her daughter (they have to show how an amazing mother she is, since that's her "theme")... but it will eventually lead to Sam telling her that he doesn't see the future and that he prefers to spare her FSD. IMO
So that would leave Sarah, Heather and Lana - in F3.
I honestly don't feel the vibe between Sarah and Sam. She is nice, but maybe I miss more upbeat, corky/fun personality that I feel Sam is searching for. Maybe the boat wasn't the best place to have a 1st date on, because she wasn't most comfortable there, but she came across to me as Alyssa (F3 NZ), sitting sideways from the Bach, or showing him her back, also haven't seen much of the conversation, at least not interesting one, it's all about "what a beautiful place, what a wonderful date, what a perfect day", but nothing concrete about them. I get that she is lovely and beautiful and that appeals to Sam, she has similar values and seems ambitious and independent enough for him, but I miss the core that would sustain them 2 together. That "same language" is missing.

I can only predict Lana will be like a fresh air to all. I'm already intrigued and I've read a bit about her, seen a few pics (but not much of a good quality, so I still don't know how she really looks, but she is a brunette) and she is an interesting character. I would assume she will be right up the alley with Heather when it comes to having fun (if not more) and not wasting any moments (especially since she's arriving late).

So that could position her as Dani (F2 NZ) or simply undermine Heather. Heather started with a good "game" (friends first) ... but it's still a long journey... so something needs to happen.
I believe if it is meant to be, Sam doesn't get distracted, but prefers to use the "rules" to play cat and mouse game with Heather. I think it will be emotionally challenging journey for Heather if she makes it all the way till the end and she'll might say or do things that won't be viewed positively. So by the end viewers will be undecided ... but since she already won many hearts, she might still have the biggest support.

Wow, I just looked at the list of episodes of TB season 2 AU (didn't watch)... so 20 episodes? ... 20! ... don't tell me this season is as long. No wonder the new girls don't need to come yet ... there's time ... now I'm curious how Sam and heather will be capable to maintain the spark or will it fizzle or will she leave on her own? ... nah, i still think she might be F1... but I'm impatient to know.


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Post by AllAboutLove Thu Aug 06, 2015 10:32 am

HGL, this season for Sam they filmed for 3 months (13 weeks)!!!!

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Post by AEF Thu Aug 06, 2015 10:39 am

There were so many mixed messages on the heather date. They talk about his mother, her father, he says something like she has turned his world upside down but questions whether they are just going to be friends. I think he is questioning his physical attraction to her after the date was snez. I don't think I heard him say anything about heathers physical appearance tonight.


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Post by happygolucky Thu Aug 06, 2015 10:41 am

Yeah, I didn't do the math before. I thought, ah, 13, maybe few more episodes than NZ ... but 20! How much story is there to tell? Those of you who watched TB AU season 2, did you like it? Did all those extra episodes bring anything more and better understanding? I'm scared they will bring drama to the whole new level. It's good that they have "no sex" policy, because it would go over the top.


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Post by AEF Thu Aug 06, 2015 10:46 am

I think the length of the season meant Blake was fatigued and contributed to the outcome.


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Post by AllAboutLove Thu Aug 06, 2015 10:50 am

I think Sam's physical chemistry is probably more with Snezana and that is what makes Sam questioning. But I think at the end of the day, the connection Sam has with Heather is more than what he has with Snezana.

Art also told his sister that what he had with Dani physically was more than with Matilda. With Sam and Snezana, Sam doesn't laugh as much and doesn't say the word "Fun" like he does with Heather.
Sam kept saying he wants a girl who is fun in his post-show interviews - I don't see that with Snezana. The "fun" element is missing, IMO.

With Heather, Sam just acts like a schoolboy. Only hesitancy is that Snezana is getting Blake's F1 music. Exact same music. I like Snezana but I think I prefer who Sam is with Heather.

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Post by happygolucky Thu Aug 06, 2015 11:29 am

AAL ... you mean Blake's F1 (who he later dumped) or his actual "girlfriend" now?

I don't see Snezana as a threat to any F1. But I do find her very feminine, sexy, mature and stable, gorgeous on the eye (not sure if there is all "al natural") and probably not a bad person to hang out with, but there's not shown much about her personality aside from her being a Woman and a Mother. I guess just because she moves and acts differently than Sarah and Heather (both show less confidence than Snezana) doesn't mean she is more interesting in Sam's eyes. But I understand it's intriguing to him and she has an allure.

I'm wondering if there is anyone else that we might miss for the top contenders ... but I just don't see it.
Jacinda, I assume, will go far to F6, because she's the entertainment. Sandra will be there for few more episodes, because she helps with the drama and snarky ITMs (by others).
I don't know how far will Nina go, she doesn't strike me as someone who Sam would be really interested in... but then she is in the anti-Heather team together with Emily, so she might stay for few more episodes, to make Heather's time "commentated".
I wonder then when does Emily leave... if the scoop/spoiler is correct - and she probably left when Heather was the last to receive the rose ... which makes me wonder what happens in that weak that Heather ends "at the bottom 2"?

So anyone of you already has a clue when the new girl(s) arrive ... or even how are we with the number of girls and weeks left? How do eliminations go?


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