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Post by Guest Fri Dec 06, 2019 4:27 pm

@heart I posted it in the S/C thread originally but there's a Youtube video of Madison talking about her church and she has a REALLY strong Southern accent. Like Raven/Tia/Hannah B levels. The girl in the promo doesn't.

Edit: I was gonna bring it over here to compare but she's made the video private now. I still think the accents were completely different but that's JMO.


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Post by lionheart318 Fri Dec 06, 2019 9:52 pm

leavers wrote:RS is being very petty about VF. I love what RS does, I love  his spoilers, but I think he should at least try and be objective. She's obviously controversial without editorialising anything she's done.

I agree with this. No matter how RS likes to portray himself, he is a drama queen and is as petty as the contestants. No one wants their reputation tarnished regardless of whether it was true or not, so obviously Victoria doesn't like him for publishing what she did to the world. Was it her fault? Yes, but people don't see that without extreme self awareness that most people don't have. It's quite possible to be friends with someone who has done bad things, we all have friends whose actions we wouldn't approve of. RS painting this "Nobody likes Victoria everyone being nice to her is just being fake" seems so petty and childish and just isn't how the world really works.


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Post by Guest Sat Dec 07, 2019 10:18 am

@lionheart318 I appreciate your post and that truth. We all have made mistakes and RS’s cruelty is just making us want to defend Victoria.


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Post by Sprite Sat Dec 07, 2019 1:05 pm

lionheart318 wrote:
leavers wrote:RS is being very petty about VF. I love what RS does, I love  his spoilers, but I think he should at least try and be objective. She's obviously controversial without editorialising anything she's done.

I agree with this. No matter how RS likes to portray himself, he is a drama queen and is as petty as the contestants. No one wants their reputation tarnished regardless of whether it was true or not, so obviously Victoria doesn't like him for publishing what she did to the world. Was it her fault? Yes, but people don't see that without extreme self awareness that most people don't have. It's quite possible to be friends with someone who has done bad things, we all have friends whose actions we wouldn't approve of. RS painting this "Nobody likes Victoria everyone being nice to her is just being fake" seems so petty and childish and just isn't how the world really works.

I differ from some of you. I know RS is not the most popular guy here and I will admit that sometime he acts like a whiny teenager, but if he was really out to get VF he would have released all the stuff he has on her and the stuff he says he continues to get. He is choosing not to. As for the other bit, every year he says the same thing. That just because people are following each other on SM, doesn't mean that they like one another. That despite being friendly on SM, some of the people bitch about one another privately (and apparently to him) and don't really like one another in real life. VF is no different. I don't remember him saying that nobody liked fact I'm pretty sure that in some previous posts he named a few that she was friendly with in the house.

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Post by heart Sat Dec 07, 2019 2:05 pm

Hawaii Girl wrote:@heart I posted it in the S/C thread originally but there's a Youtube video of Madison talking about her church and she has a REALLY strong Southern accent. Like Raven/Tia/Hannah B levels. The girl in the promo doesn't.

Edit: I was gonna bring it over here to compare but she's made the video private now. I still think the accents were completely different but that's JMO.

Ohhh okay. I was watching her saved instagram stories and she talks in some of them. I didn’t hear a southern accent at all. That’s why I was just wondering.


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Post by suzq Sat Dec 07, 2019 2:10 pm

I feel no need to want to defend VF at all -- regardless of RS or not. She chose to come on a very public show without regard for anyone else's feelings. She is now having a hard time because she is getting some feedback that she doesn't appreciate. Did she really think that nothing would come out about her behavior prior to the show? This situation could actually be something that she learns some life lessons from -- if she chooses to do so. It doesn't sound like she is doing that at this moment.

RS could have said a whole lot more than he did concerning her -- if he is protecting the women divorcing their husbands who cheated on them with Victoria F. --Good! It must be hard for them having her on the show -- knowing that it will bring the situation up for them again. I feel for them a lot more than I do for VF -- they didn't ask for this. All JMO.


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Post by Guest Sat Dec 07, 2019 2:22 pm

suzq wrote:I feel no need to want to defend VF at all -- regardless of RS or not.  She chose to come on a very public show without regard for anyone else's feelings.  She is now having a hard time because she is getting some feedback that she doesn't appreciate.  Did she really think that nothing would come out about her behavior prior to the show?  This situation could actually be something that she learns some life lessons from -- if she chooses to do so.  It doesn't sound like she is doing that at this moment.

RS could have said a whole lot more than he did concerning her -- if he is protecting the women divorcing their husbands who cheated on them with Victoria F. --Good!  It must be hard for them having her on the show -- knowing that it will bring the situation up for them again. I feel for them a lot more than I do for VF -- they didn't ask for this.  All JMO.

I complete agree with you; well written post.  I feel bad for the women affected by Victoria’s actions.  She and the guys she cheated with are both at fault.  But, the women already have been through enough.  And, now they’ll have to see it brought up on national television.

Should Victoria be punished the rest of her life?  No.  However, she didn’t have to go on this show; that was her choice and I honestly have no idea how she thought this would all be hidden.  Unless, she didn’t care at the time but does now as she faces backlash.

RS has so much on her; he could make it so much worse by releasing everything he has received including her friends’ nasty emails to him.  

Also, why aren’t the producers being criticized?  They had Pamela Burnham and a friend of Lauren’s at Victoria’s HTD to confront her.  They cast her and could have cut her before the show started.  Instead, they just cared about the ratings.


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Post by Sprite Sat Dec 07, 2019 3:58 pm

@suzq @sportsgirl94 Thank you both for putting my thoughts together so succinctly.

There are times where I do feel sorry for contestants despite the fact that they willingly put themselves in this situation. Seeing how long this show has been on the air and all the information out there about how the show works/manipulates/twist things, you would think they would know better, but the lure of SM fame, shilling $$$ and plain notoriety seems to be too hard to resist.

On the rare occasions that I actually do feel sorry for contestants or defend them, it is usually because I feel that the level of hate is totally out of proportion to their actions...on the show or off. Olivia Caridi is a prime example. Victoria on the other hand, not so much. What she did, she did in real life. Apparently several different times, with several different husbands...of her friends. She seems to have taken no responsibility for her actions, nor does she appear to have learned anything. In fact, she seems to be trying to defend herself by blaming the husbands. Don't get me wrong, they are scum and hold plenty of responsibility about what happened between them, but they are not solely to blame. Her friends defending her by stating how hard it is being so beautiful that she apparently has to fight the men off is incredibly ignorant and self aggrandizing. So, while some of the other contestants are victims of the show and their machinations, VF is not anyone's victim. She did what she did and seems to think that she is above being held responsible for her actions. She is not a victim, if anything, she appears to be a predator and as such, will get zero sympathy from me. no

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Post by Guest Sat Dec 07, 2019 5:26 pm

Ok, I stand corrected. I’m not following any of it very closely so didn’t realize how bad her actions have been.


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Post by Sprite Sat Dec 07, 2019 5:34 pm

@BlueTone Not to worry. As much as RS is full of it sometimes, he does get a lot of dirt on contestants...much of which he apparently doesn't share. He has said that he has never gotten so much stuff on anyone as he has Victoria and he is sick of talking about her. Apparently he figures what is out there is damning enough, so he will not be releasing any of the newer stuff...for now at least. He is expecting even more dirt to come out once the show starts airing. Good times. I am already sick of her and the show hasn't even started.

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Post by Astrobach Sat Dec 07, 2019 7:23 pm

@suzq @sportsgirl94 @Sprite Thank you all for the comments regarding VF which I am also agreeing with completely. RS has a lot of private information that is very damaging and has chosen to keep it private for now. The example ( confronting Merissa in a bar) of her post show behavior further demonstrates her level of immaturity and delusional conduct. Same with her many legal infractions ( DUI and failure to show in court to go on the Bachelor) that she seems to be thinking she is immune to any consequences.
Using her ‘beauty ‘ as an excuse for immoral conduct is rich, she has mastered the art of manipulation to get what she wants and it may have worked for a while with many in her past, but as they say, you can’t fool everyone all the time. Mark my word, she is going to play the poor victim, bullied card, to try and avoid responsibility for her actions and saving face while garnering sympathy as long as she can.
RS has his flaws, but he has worked closely with Ashley S. and has learned to weigh in the contestants issues in a more informed way and has no room for bullcrap. He is more mellow than he used to be and has matured enough to know when to broadcast which personal information. He became a trusted person that people go to for getting info that benefit the lead or the public in knowing the full story. It must be hard sometimes to be flooded with all kinds of stuff and evaluating and checking how valid these claims are. When he does get upset as much as he does now, that tells me that he knows A LOT of very messed up stuff
and is sitting on it as much as he can.
As mentioned above, TPTB are increasingly guilty for not only their questionable casting, but in walking a very fine line in selecting people that are in no way mentally or emotionally able to appear on the show. They use all the dirt and personal past mistakes or even legal issues they can for the sake of drama and ratings.
I’m afraid it’s impossible to put the toothpaste back in the tube now.

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Post by ReneeM Sat Dec 07, 2019 7:33 pm

Someone on reddit posted some unverified tea. According to the poster, their roommate was at the same bar last night with Tyler & Peter & according to roommate Tyler & Peter were both really drunk and Peter was all over some girl. I saw a video from last night, a bunch of guys from Hannah’s season were out and drinking and Peter was talking to a girl. Nothing scandalous in the video but obviously the video doesn’t show the entire night. I’m leaning towards believing the unverified tea because since Peter & his F3 have gotten back to SM I’ve gotten the vibe that everyone ended up single. Jmo.


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