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BachelorInParadiseAu - Bachelor In Paradise Australia - Season 3 - Episodes - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 35 Empty Re: Bachelor In Paradise Australia - Season 3 - Episodes - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by butterflylove Mon Jul 27, 2020 6:44 pm

Bobette wrote:
Genevieve Australia wrote:Today, I saw Glenn and Alisha on the background but not really close at all. I am not saying that they must be close all the time, but it was not just one shot but multiple shots and then came the rose ceremony.

IMO the complete opposite is true.  They are still hiding Glenn and Alisha in the edit to some extent to retain some mystery.  

Prime example was the conversation between Alisha and the girls before Keira came in.  They showed her sitting near Niranga in the long shots but in some of the tight shots she is clearly entwined in Glenn's legs - they just don't show his face.

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Source: Tenplay

IMO casual viewers and commenters on IG and FB tend not to be very observant at all, and are easily sucked in by scripted storylines and editing tricks - exactly what TPTB relies upon, IMO.  I also disagree about Glenn's smile but that's JMO.

I completely agree @Bobette. And when it's Ciarran in Paradise they don't leave much time for anyone else. They had a bigger episode on Sunday, so they were always going to be more quiet on Monday. We saw an hour of a 24-36-48 however many hour period. There was so much we didn't see of them having conversations and laughs and being all cute and falling in love. Greg posted a photo of them from the cocktail party that we didn't see, all we did see was them sitting on the swing together. You don't have to be attached at the hip 24/7.

@Genevieve Australia I saw in a previous comment that Greg wasn't smiling in the eyes, his whole face lit up when he gave Lish her rose.

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BachelorInParadiseAu - Bachelor In Paradise Australia - Season 3 - Episodes - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 35 Empty Re: Bachelor In Paradise Australia - Season 3 - Episodes - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Genevieve Australia Mon Jul 27, 2020 11:46 pm

butterflylove wrote:

@Genevieve Australia I saw in a previous comment that Greg wasn't smiling in the eyes, his whole face lit up when he gave Lish her rose.

Well, IMO Glenn's face did not lighten up during last night's rose ceremony and I just saw a preview and in that preview Cassandra, Mary and Alisha are talking and Alisha is saying that she wants to make up with him, and the other girl telling her that they think that she has to make the first move, and she says with her really strange way to talk ' I am a bit neeeeervous, he is like....very proper' she talks about Glenn as if she didn't really enough of him saying: 'Do you reckon he's got some spiciness to him?' -  duh  At this point she should now they have spent more than two days there. It wasn't 'love at first sight' at all.

Anyway, if many of you like Alisha, nothing I would say will impact your view of her, and I don't intend to convince you otherwise. I am not here to have arguments with other posters, I am merely expressing my opinion.  If this show has shown me something is that the villains tend to stay close to their villain personalities but BIP producers try to present a cleaner image of them if they end up as one of the 'successful couples'. They have done that in the past.

Thus far, the only couples that I saw making it long term are still together: Tim and Anna, Sam and Snezana, Matty and Laura, Georgia and Lee. They were also the ones that I liked and wanted to see together, so I guess I am lucky picking my couples  :yes:  :yes:  :yes: These couples IMO had more than just attraction they had many similarities and it seemed that it was a balanced relationship in which they mentally stimulate each other. @astrobach how many seasons of the Australian franchise have you watched?

'You are always with yourself, so you might as well enjoy the company.' - Diane Von Furstenberg BachelorInParadiseAu - Bachelor In Paradise Australia - Season 3 - Episodes - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 35 1176891977
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Post by Genevieve Australia Mon Jul 27, 2020 11:58 pm

ReneeM wrote:

Also, I know everyone’s feeling sympathy for Britney but I just need her to wake the heck up. Even if Jamie’s being wishy washy, his wishy washy-ness is confirmation that he doesn’t really like you girl. Please stop the madness.

All jmo.

I couldn't agree more, @ReneeM. IMO Jamie is not misleading her,he has expressed that so many times that he highly values her friendship, and he has no romantic connection with other girls so he keeps giving Brittney a rose because of that. There are no 'mixed signals', nor is there any manipulation, most people have given each other friendship roses. Brittney is obsessed with Jamie and other women are 'siding' with her, but I don't think women supporting other women's dysfunctional behaviours is helpful at all. Brittney is not a victim. Brittney is probably a lovely person but if it is true that she hasn't been on a date for a while or guys don't take her on a second date,then clearly, the issue is with her, which IMO it is not surprising given her behaviour. I remember she saying last year that she is even more full on in person and other contestants saying the same about her! Wow! I find that sadly, people who are in her situation rarely look at the issue within their selves, they do not pay attention to their patterns of behaviour, hence they don't change yet then they complain about their situation and the 'unfairness' of it hmmm

'You are always with yourself, so you might as well enjoy the company.' - Diane Von Furstenberg BachelorInParadiseAu - Bachelor In Paradise Australia - Season 3 - Episodes - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 35 1176891977
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Post by Vjeff Tue Jul 28, 2020 12:28 am

Genevieve Australia wrote:
leavers wrote:
Astrobach wrote:

I also agree, and mentioned that too, that SO FAR, Alisha and Glenn have a strong chemistry, lust / physical attraction, but it’s way too early to know what else is compatible in their lives and characters and therefore predict the potential success of their relationship.

This x1000. Re: bolded: I thought Sam and Tara were going to be true love, and look what happened there... and then Matt and Chelsie seemed ~so suited~ (though I didn't ship them as seriously as others because I was an Abbie fan during the season itself) ... I no longer make any predictions about the success of couples laugh out loud

Yes @leavers, and you know what? I like to go online, to Instagram and Facebook and to read comments, I never write I just read them. Some viewers said that they liked Glenn and they liked his smile but that somehow his smile did not show in his eyes (meaning that only his lips smiled).  I found that interesting, so today I paid special attention and IMO, what this people noticed  is true. In previous years when a couple were really into each other we usually saw them in the background sitting next to each other or at least doing activities with each other, not just in group. Even on the first day, for instance, we say Helena and Glenn talking together and doing activities together, not just in group. The cameramen always made sure we see these types of interactions Today, I saw Glenn and Alisha on the background but not really close at all. I am not saying that they must be close all the time, but it was not just one shot but multiple shots and then came the rose ceremony. I expected to see a very bright 'falling in love' Glenn, yet, this time, IMO he showed less emotion when he offered his rose to Alisha, his lips smile but his eyes do not, so the users who posted those comments  on Facebook were very observant, I am glad I read those comments, otherwise I would have thought it was just my imagination @astrobach when you watch this episode, take a look at that . Clearly this is just IMO

Perhaps I am being cynical but could this be a producers's ruse? IMO the producers want to see successful couples this year and they may have 'pushed' Glenn and Alisha. It may have coincided that, due to work Alisha, had to move to WA so it was good to couple her with someone living in that part of the country. Alisha  is not a high executive and her living standards do not suggest a high paid job, she seems to live modestly and when she goes on holidays she stays with backpackers not at nice hotels (I may be biased because I love staying at nice hotels, I have never been in backpackers except in Dhankhar, India, but it was a Tibetan monastery not really a backpacker place and that was the only choice in that tiny village). Accordingly, Alish is not someone  who can decide where and when to move for work, she doesn't have that power, especially not during COVID-19, so IMO, she was going to move to WA even if she did not meet Glenn.

Overall, this is a very trashy season. I really don't care for any of the remaining contestants but I know I will keep watching just in case. Connor seems to be a nice guy, I don't like Mary but I would like to see how they go Smiley

This is a trashy season, I agree with you there! Not sure I agree about Alisha though. Given Australia has such separate state politics to the US I can't see any scenario where someone in politics is moved for work from one state to the other. I agree with you she does not have the power to move with work, she would have had to quit and reapply there I believe. She had to have been moving for something in her personal life. But I don't think staying at backpackers suggests a low salary - I always stay at hostels because I love to meet and hang out with new people and they are always q lot of fun. Plus I find living modestly to be a bigger sign of wealth than being flashy and staying at fancy hotels - our CEO is the highest paid in Australia and she has never owned a house or ever spends much money at all and this is the same as a lot of our wealthier clients. Living modestly indicates you are prudent and responsible with money, not that you don't earn a lot. I find in finance a lot people look at Warren Buffett as an example who always preaches living as modestly as possible. My father always says - take care of the cents and the dollars take care of themselves!

I think we will not agree her as I find them very adorable and very genuine. They don't have that Matt/Chelsie or Angie/Carlin vibe where it all just seems so artificial and cold. There is real warmth with Alisha and Glenn. But we will see! For me Mary and Conor are the cutest couple so far. Timm and Britt seem pretty set up and we already know he is back with his ex and doesn't go the distance on the show so I think that sighting of them in Melbourne was completely fabricated.

I am looking forward to seeing Jackson and Britt's date tonight, I used to find her annoying but she really comes off now as the nicest and most genuine on the show.

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BachelorInParadiseAu - Bachelor In Paradise Australia - Season 3 - Episodes - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 35 Empty Re: Bachelor In Paradise Australia - Season 3 - Episodes - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Genevieve Australia Tue Jul 28, 2020 12:31 am

Bobette wrote:@ReneeM Yes we knew about Mary's daughter from before she was on Matt's season.   :yes:  She's super cute!

Genevieve Australia wrote:Today, I saw Glenn and Alisha on the background but not really close at all. I am not saying that they must be close all the time, but it was not just one shot but multiple shots and then came the rose ceremony.

IMO the complete opposite is true.  They are still hiding Glenn and Alisha in the edit to some extent to retain some mystery.  

Prime example was the conversation between Alisha and the girls before Keira came in.  They showed her sitting near Niranga in the long shots but in some of the tight shots she is clearly entwined in Glenn's legs - they just don't show his face.

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Source: Tenplay

IMO casual viewers and commenters on IG and FB tend not to be very observant at all, and are easily sucked in by scripted storylines and editing tricks - exactly what TPTB relies upon, IMO.  I also disagree about Glenn's smile but that's JMO.

That is okay, @bobette we can disagree, I am fine with that yes Just a question, in your opinion will Alisha and Glenn end up being another successful couple and last for years? My point, as you know is not that Glenn and Alisha are not in love now (clearly, they have been together for longer than 6 months and we don't have evidence of any contract so they are probably in love or care for each other enough to be in a relationship), but my question to you is: in your opinion, will Alisha and Glenn get engaged and eventually marry? This has been my point: I don't think so. I think the spark will fade, I cannot see them together long-term.

'You are always with yourself, so you might as well enjoy the company.' - Diane Von Furstenberg BachelorInParadiseAu - Bachelor In Paradise Australia - Season 3 - Episodes - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 35 1176891977
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Post by Agent99 Tue Jul 28, 2020 12:47 am

Genevieve Australia wrote:
butterflylove wrote:

@Genevieve Australia I saw in a previous comment that Greg wasn't smiling in the eyes, his whole face lit up when he gave Lish her rose.

Well, IMO Glenn's face did not lighten up during last night's rose ceremony and I just saw a preview and in that preview Cassandra, Mary and Alisha are talking and Alisha is saying that she wants to make up with him, and the other girl telling her that they think that she has to make the first move, and she says with her really strange way to talk ' I am a bit neeeeervous, he is like....very proper' she talks about Glenn as if she didn't really enough of him saying: 'Do you reckon he's got some spiciness to him?' -  duh  At this point she should now they have spent more than two days there. It wasn't 'love at first sight' at all.

Anyway, if many of you like Alisha, nothing I would say will impact your view of her, and I don't intend to convince you otherwise. I am not here to have arguments with other posters, I am merely expressing my opinion.  If this show has shown me something is that the villains tend to stay close to their villain personalities but BIP producers try to present a cleaner image of them if they end up as one of the 'successful couples'. They have done that in the past.

Thus far, the only couples that I saw making it long term are still together: Tim and Anna, Sam and Snezana, Matty and Laura, Georgia and Lee. They were also the ones that I liked and wanted to see together, so I guess I am lucky picking my couples  :yes:  :yes:  :yes: These couples IMO had more than just attraction they had many similarities and it seemed that it was a balanced relationship in which they mentally stimulate each other. @astrobach how many seasons of the Australian franchise have you watched?

I will just say @Genevieve Australia that that clip is just before Glenn and Alisha's first date. I really don't think they knew much about each other except they had a nice conversation and made an impression on each other.


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Post by Bobette Tue Jul 28, 2020 1:01 am

Genevieve Australia wrote:That is okay, @bobette we can disagree, I am fine with that   yes  Just a question, in your opinion will Alisha and Glenn end up being another successful couple and last for years? My point, as you know is not that Glenn and Alisha are not in love now (clearly, they have been together for longer than 6 months and we don't have evidence of any contract so they are probably in love or care for each other enough to be in a relationship), but my question to you is: in your opinion, will Alisha and Glenn get engaged and eventually marry? This has been my point: I don't think so. I think the spark will fade, I cannot see them together long-term.

Absolutely no idea.  BachelorInParadiseAu - Bachelor In Paradise Australia - Season 3 - Episodes - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 35 3806527698

And TBH I don't care - for me the romantic side of this show comes a very distant second to the sleuthing. :detective

With Glenn & Alisha I see enough evidence to convince me they're genuinely into each other and still together post-show, so they're already doing better than some of the "couples" to have come out of this franchise, IMO.

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BachelorInParadiseAu - Bachelor In Paradise Australia - Season 3 - Episodes - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 35 Empty Re: Bachelor In Paradise Australia - Season 3 - Episodes - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Genevieve Australia Tue Jul 28, 2020 1:08 am

Agent99 wrote:

I will just say @Genevieve Australia that that clip is just before Glenn and Alisha's first date.  I really don't think they knew much about each other except they had a nice conversation and made an impression on each other.

I saw it again, and they have old clips and new clips, that is announced as something we will see tonight, because she is saying that it is not really a date. Let's wait and see Smiley It is fine if I am wrong, it wouldn't be the fist time giggling

'You are always with yourself, so you might as well enjoy the company.' - Diane Von Furstenberg BachelorInParadiseAu - Bachelor In Paradise Australia - Season 3 - Episodes - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 35 1176891977
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Post by butterflylove Tue Jul 28, 2020 1:10 am

Bobette wrote:
Genevieve Australia wrote:That is okay, @bobette we can disagree, I am fine with that   yes  Just a question, in your opinion will Alisha and Glenn end up being another successful couple and last for years? My point, as you know is not that Glenn and Alisha are not in love now (clearly, they have been together for longer than 6 months and we don't have evidence of any contract so they are probably in love or care for each other enough to be in a relationship), but my question to you is: in your opinion, will Alisha and Glenn get engaged and eventually marry? This has been my point: I don't think so. I think the spark will fade, I cannot see them together long-term.

Absolutely no idea.  BachelorInParadiseAu - Bachelor In Paradise Australia - Season 3 - Episodes - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 35 3806527698

And TBH I don't care - for me the romantic side of this show comes a very distant second to the sleuthing.   :detective

With Glenn & Alisha I see enough evidence to convince me they're genuinely into each other and still together post-show, so they're already doing better than some of the "couples" to have come out of this franchise, IMO.

It's been 8 months (definitely now with the airing of the show they're over the waiting), Lisha's moved cross country to be with Glenn as it's easier for her to move, and they've survived iso together, and I think they're both ready to really settle down and have a long term relationship, and I see them doing just that. I can't wait for the show to be over to see them together.

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BachelorInParadiseAu - Bachelor In Paradise Australia - Season 3 - Episodes - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 35 Empty Re: Bachelor In Paradise Australia - Season 3 - Episodes - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by butterflylove Tue Jul 28, 2020 1:13 am

Genevieve Australia wrote:
Agent99 wrote:

I will just say @Genevieve Australia that that clip is just before Glenn and Alisha's first date.  I really don't think they knew much about each other except they had a nice conversation and made an impression on each other.

I saw it again, and they have old clips and new clips, that is announced as something we will see tonight, because she is saying that it is not really a date. Let's wait and see Smiley It is fine if I am wrong, it wouldn't be the fist time giggling

She was wearing the same clothes as their first date. It's old footage. Cabana Drama from previous days, and footage we haven't seen. They're saying the content in the video today is spicy, not that it's what to be aired.

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BachelorInParadiseAu - Bachelor In Paradise Australia - Season 3 - Episodes - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 35 Empty Re: Bachelor In Paradise Australia - Season 3 - Episodes - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by Agent99 Tue Jul 28, 2020 1:13 am

Genevieve Australia wrote:
Agent99 wrote:

I will just say @Genevieve Australia that that clip is just before Glenn and Alisha's first date.  I really don't think they knew much about each other except they had a nice conversation and made an impression on each other.

I saw it again, and they have old clips and new clips, that is announced as something we will see tonight, because she is saying that it is not really a date. Let's wait and see Smiley It is fine if I am wrong, it wouldn't be the fist time giggling

If it's this one you are referencing, then it was before their first date.


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Post by Bobette Tue Jul 28, 2020 1:20 am

butterflylove wrote:It's been 8 months (definitely now with the airing of the show they're over the waiting), Lisha's moved cross country to be with Glenn as it's easier for her to move, and they've survived iso together, and I think they're both ready to really settle down and have a long term relationship, and I see them doing just that. I can't wait for the show to be over to see them together.

Yep. And they both have real jobs, so presumably won't be pimping their relationship out for free crap on the gram - that gets bonus points from me whether they last 8 months or 8 years. yes

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Bachelor In Paradise Australia - Season 3 - Episodes - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Genevieve Australia
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