Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3

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etalkredcarpet - Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3 - Page 3 Empty Re: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3

Post by Guest Fri Oct 04, 2019 2:28 pm

For the most part, things happen as they should. Tyler isn't afraid to work hard and has no trouble being awake at 7:00Am and always being on time since he is on team sports time from his training. Some people get opportunities, some ppl make their own opportunities from hard work. In a couple of years, we will see who has worked the hardest.

BTW, didnt abcfood have something this morning? I dont see anything on IG? scratch


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etalkredcarpet - Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3 - Page 3 Empty Re: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3

Post by dee Fri Oct 04, 2019 2:29 pm

So, it looks like Tyler will be visiting home (Florida) sometime this month. His mom made a comment on IG about looking forward to having him home and cooking for his friends. By friends, I don't know if she means actual friends prior to the show or his BN friends laugh out loud

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etalkredcarpet - Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3 - Page 3 Empty Re: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3

Post by Minney Fri Oct 04, 2019 2:36 pm

All I know is that we probably put more time and effort into analyzing Tyler's life than Tyler does. LOL!!! IMO

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etalkredcarpet - Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3 - Page 3 Empty Re: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3

Post by sdmom Fri Oct 04, 2019 2:43 pm

Minney wrote:All I know is that we probably put more time and effort into analyzing Tyler's life than Tyler does. LOL!!! IMO

So True! Hannah’s season never ends.

"Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree"~ Martin Luther

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etalkredcarpet - Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3 - Page 3 Empty Re: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3

Post by lleyki Fri Oct 04, 2019 2:49 pm

Also it’s my subjective opinion that he WAS interested in Hannah romantically, during the show and after. Had it not been for Gigi, I do think he would have explored that more. I’m basing this off things he has said, and actions he has done. He had a chance to be in a lucrative franchise couple. He halted all of that for a shot with a super model. He gave up the shot to be The Bachelor (if he didn’t want Hannah) for a shot with a super model. He  gave up (speculated) DWTS for a shot with a super model.  He gave up interviews and press post show, to live with a NDA and be someone’s tabloid/mute/side guy for a chance at a super model.  I (and many others) speculated this Gigi nonsense would lead him no where. That’s what I think is dumbass. Getting louder for people in the back - Getting with Hannah if that’s not what he wants (all subjective opinions in what he actually wanted, btw), was never my point or reasoning in calling him a dumbass.

And my subjective opinion is one, I truly believe he'd decided against being The Bachelor before any situation with Gigi happened. Since another noted his being honest, well I choose to take his word on the combination of his dad having some health setbacks and the stress of the Bachelor world just as a contestant was enough for him to feel like it wasn't right for him at this time. So no missed opportunity there.

And DWTS, yes, as stated, speculation and nothing more because if we believe Reality Steve, according to him, there was never any talk of Tyler doing DWTS. It was always about Hannah. So I guess he missed his weekly sitting in the audience cheering her on camera moments. Okay...

And interviews...really? The same interviews he's done now? And sure some may say well it's almost two months and no one cares now except people sure are still talking about said interviews and following every little word he said to analyze and over analyze. And in that time he's gotten a gig with Yahoo Sports, is featured in GQ, according to him has a great campaign coming up in the new year and is still laying the ground for his contracting business.

So again, from where I'm standing, I'm still trying to see and understand these oh so great lost opportunities. He's still there showing up on US Weekly's IG pages for simply walking. Really, they made a post of him just walking because as they put it, "why not, he's hot".

More than a few would not have gotten their opportunities without exposure on national tv. A few come to mind, with their pre-Bach employment:

And that is why I specifically said that there are opportunities some make for themselves based on their skills, etc. Of course it has to do with the national exposure they got from the show. I thought that was obvious in my comment.

But the point is, Travis went on to The Doctors because he was already a doctor, Rachel has a history with sports entertainment and used the notoriety to pursue that, etc. My point though I don't agree with this notion that being part of a "power couple" with Hannah would have ensured some big opportunities for him that he's now lost. Tyler's notoriety from the show, Hannah or no Hannah was what was/is going to help these opportunities. That's my point. That this notion that his being attached to her would have elevated some great opportunities that he now cannot have is a stretch, IMO.


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etalkredcarpet - Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3 - Page 3 Empty Re: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3

Post by lleyki Fri Oct 04, 2019 2:55 pm

I respect him more for not pursuing that 'franchise couple' route. Anything good to be gained from it would be outweighed by the pain of a public break-up and yet another round of the blame game that every couple gets subjected too post split. And even more unlimited criticism from angry disillusioned fans. sad That's a lot of wear and tear on him and his family and friends. Look at the hate his best female friend got for absolutely nothing. Look at the scorn Matt gets for whatever it is he does that people find worthy of derision.

This can't be overstated. Look how he was treated now by some despite the fact that Hannah did not pick him, he really owed her nothing and simply chose to move on to someone else. Like you said, look at the derision and judgement he, his best friend, etc. got. And hell all the over analyzing of every minute thing that still existed.

So yes, imagine this in a scenario where the great Tyler/Hannah reunion of 2019 did not last. Anything short of both saying the other was the bestest, greatest person ever and they both mutually decided to split, would have created mass reaction with the battle lines drawn of Team Tyler vs. Team Hannah. And even if they did say something like that, people would still be nosy and over analyzing and trying to drag this one or that one.

Last edited by lleyki on Fri Oct 04, 2019 3:28 pm; edited 1 time in total


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etalkredcarpet - Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3 - Page 3 Empty Re: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3

Post by jojo47 Fri Oct 04, 2019 2:57 pm

Ash2214 wrote:I agree @sosleepy 

I also think Tyler has shown himself to be an honest person. Over the last couple weeks, Tyler himself has said he was not in love with anyone, he and GiGi are friends, and that he was single. Turns out he was telling the truth since multiple outlets have reported their month long relationship is over now.

Right after the finale, Tyler himself said that he was not over Hannah, their break up was one of the most difficult things he’s ever been through, and that he was considering grabbing that drink as a first date for them. He recently told Lauren Zima that he was considering getting back together with Hannah. 

Ultimately, none of the Hannah stuff matters now and I don’t like to see them always lumped together, but I’m confused by the continuous talk about how Tyler didn’t want Hannah back, he got over her quickly, etc. when he has said the exact opposite. He’s shown us that what he says, he means. I wish them both well. I do think Tyler missed out on some great opportunities those first two months post show, but I guess that his prerogative.

@Ash2214, regarding the LZ interview & the bolded, do you mean he was considering getting back together with Hannah at the time of their post-show drink date? That’s not something he’s currently said he’s considering, correct?

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etalkredcarpet - Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3 - Page 3 Empty Re: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3

Post by Summerfun1980 Fri Oct 04, 2019 3:03 pm

Ash2214 wrote:I agree @sosleepy 

I also think Tyler has shown himself to be an honest person. Over the last couple weeks, Tyler himself has said he was not in love with anyone, he and GiGi are friends, and that he was single. Turns out he was telling the truth since multiple outlets have reported their month long relationship is over now.

Right after the finale, Tyler himself said that he was not over Hannah, their break up was one of the most difficult things he’s ever been through, and that he was considering grabbing that drink as a first date for them. He recently told Lauren Zima that he was considering getting back together with Hannah. 

Ultimately, none of the Hannah stuff matters now and I don’t like to see them always lumped together, but I’m confused by the continuous talk about how Tyler didn’t want Hannah back, he got over her quickly, etc. when he has said the exact opposite. He’s shown us that what he says, he means. I wish them both well. I do think Tyler missed out on some great opportunities those first two months post show, but I guess that his prerogative.

I think whatever Tyler felt for Hannah He was done after the Netherlands episode, the peter windmill stuff etc. if she didn’t choose him in the first place, it was hard for me to see him going back. Too insecure and too large of an ego. Many fans have a fairytale version of him in their heads because of his edit that never existed. Tyler is a young human with feelings. He was not this too confident man who is unfazed by everything and just wanted the girl. I believe more bothered him about Hannah’s actions than he said. Tyler is very careful with his words. And he was careful not to say he was interested  in a reconciliation during press  after the finale and just hanging out, taking it day by day, because he didn’t want to tie himself to her IMO. Then he entered a very public relationship two days after leaving Hannah’s apt. Actions speak louder than words. He would not have pursued Gigi if his heart was with Hannah. There is a positive from Gigi coming in the picture because it gave him an easy out and the Hannah thing didn’t drag out. Gigi being so famous and the public nature of their relationship allowed the cord with Hannah to be cut for good.  All JMO


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etalkredcarpet - Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3 - Page 3 Empty Re: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3

Post by Guest Fri Oct 04, 2019 3:13 pm

Wow, he wasnt kidding that the Netherlands date "sucked", eh? laugh out loud


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etalkredcarpet - Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3 - Page 3 Empty Re: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3

Post by Summerfun1980 Fri Oct 04, 2019 3:15 pm

@seton In an interview he retweeted on twitter, he called their fantasy suite date underwhelming too.

I don’t think he was ok with how it all went down. He just was saying he understood Hannah’s actions to be supportive. He’s a young guy. He would have to be Teflon to get over everything.



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etalkredcarpet - Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3 - Page 3 Empty Re: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3

Post by Guest Fri Oct 04, 2019 3:23 pm

@Summerfun1980 I also remember Viall saying on a podcast that the Beast didnt hafta say she didnt want to have sex with TC on national TV. That could have been discussed off-camera and OFTEN is. That was her grandstanding and publically rebuffing TC. For whatever reason. Probably for Dogjingle's sake.

all IMO.


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etalkredcarpet - Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3 - Page 3 Empty Re: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3

Post by Tiggerlgh Fri Oct 04, 2019 3:32 pm

Summerfun1980 wrote:@seton In an interview he retweeted on twitter, he called their fantasy suite date underwhelming too.

I don’t think he was ok with how it all went down. He just was saying he understood Hannah’s actions to be supportive. He’s a young guy. He would have to be Teflon to get over everything.


If I went to the FS and didn’t get any I would call it underwhelming as well. Especially when I found out the lead had sex with more than just their F1. All imo.

I also think when they don’t talk about not having sex on the show in FS it’s usually because it did happen. I think more often than not the lead sleeps with more than just the F1 in the FS.

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