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Post by Billysmom Wed Jun 12, 2019 4:39 pm

I guess she figured what the heck, since there's been so little screen time for most of the other guys that even the unspoiled viewers will probably have figured that out.

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Post by Guest Wed Jun 12, 2019 7:07 pm


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Post by Guest Wed Jun 12, 2019 7:36 pm


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Post by Guest Wed Jun 12, 2019 7:43 pm

Of all the things that contestants on The Bachelorette are known for — showing off exorbitant amounts of skin (hello, Jordan in the gold speedo from Becca’s season), getting into physical fights (name any season, and there was most likely a brawl), getting hurt (ouch, Kevin!), or getting called out for having a girlfriend on retainer (see: DeMario, Scott) — perhaps the one thing that is sure to surface every season is the notorious Bachelorette Tattle. Just ask Bachelorette dude Mike Johnson.

The Tattle is what happens when some drama goes down in the mansion, and one or multiple men feel the need to go running to the Bachelorette to let her know that so-and-so is not here for the right reasons, or that what’s-his-name has been acting super sketchy when she’s not around.

The unfortunate truth of the matter, however, is that most men are not good at the Tattle, and it usually ends up blowing up in their faces, due in large part to frustrated Bachelorettes who would much prefer to spend their time getting to know their suitors than having to play referee to a bunch of squabbling sophomoric dudes.

Enter Mike, this season’s answer to a much-needed relationship guru. The effervescent Texas native has already won the hearts of Bachelor Nation just four episodes into the season (see some prime examples of his adoring fans below), and it is likely due in large part to the fact that he’s managed to master the Bachelorette Tattle, somehow able to call out bad dudes left and right without coming off as a tool or a pot-stirrer.

For example, his masterful way of dealing with Luke P. from the start has cemented his status as a gem among the contestants, from his pointed tongue-in-cheek toast following the first group date to his unwavering allegiance to Hannah’s well-being amid Luke P.’s badgering behavior. (And let’s not forget how he called out ABC Cam for concocting a desperate, last-minute story to earn sympathy from Hannah.)

The point being that Mike has figured out the right formula for an effective Tattle without sacrificing his integrity: be consistent, be sincere, and be transparent in your actions. He’s told Hannah from the start that he loves and honors the women in his life as his “queens,” and his behavior has been consistent ever since: every chance he gets to check in on Hannah’s feelings and emotions, he does, and he’s always eager to listen more than talk when they’re spending time alone.
The moments when he tells on his fellow contestants, then, feel less like Tattling than they do the work of a Bachelorette vigilante, brought onto the season to deliver some real talk about bad men’s bad behavior—and hopefully find love too. If Mike continues carrying himself through the rest of the season the way he’s been carrying himself thus far, he’s poised to make it through at least hometowns, we’re willing to bet.

Consider it a way of already “winning” The Bachelorette without making it all the way to the end just yet, because as Bachelor Nation knows, the biggest win of all is getting out of the season untouched by a bad edit. We’re rootin’ for ya, Mike!

The Bachelorette's Mike Johnson Is An Expert Tattler — & It's Why Bachelor Nation Adores Him


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Post by Sprite Wed Jun 12, 2019 9:54 pm

Sorry, but I think he has sacrificed his integrity. In fact it bothers me even more when he does it since he is older and should know better. He is kind of condescending every time he start up on Luke. Once is ok, but he just harps on it every chance he gets. It's too much and is turning me off him.

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Post by Doats Wed Jun 12, 2019 10:05 pm

@Sprite I agree with you that Mike did indeed sacrifice his integrity. I liked him so much in the beginning, hoped he would stay silent after the first time he "tattled." Unfortunately, he kept on and I no longer feel he is a good choice for the Bach. Very disappointed as I had such high hopes in him.


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Post by Mommyof2 Wed Jun 12, 2019 10:34 pm

HEA wrote:

Interesting thoughts Sharleen.

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Post by Idlemess Thu Jun 13, 2019 7:25 am

Doats wrote:@Sprite I agree with you that Mike did indeed sacrifice his integrity. I liked him so much in the beginning, hoped he would stay silent after the first time he "tattled." Unfortunately, he kept on and I no longer feel he is a good choice for the Bach. Very disappointed as I had such high hopes in him.
I’m inclined to believe that he’s not the only tattler and for whatever reason he is being shown as a snitch. TPTB makes the decision on the edit.

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Post by Sprite Thu Jun 13, 2019 11:45 am

Idlemess wrote:
Doats wrote:@Sprite I agree with you that Mike did indeed sacrifice his integrity. I liked him so much in the beginning, hoped he would stay silent after the first time he "tattled." Unfortunately, he kept on and I no longer feel he is a good choice for the Bach. Very disappointed as I had such high hopes in him.
I’m inclined to believe that he’s not the only tattler and for whatever reason he is being shown as a snitch. TPTB makes the decision on the edit.

Well, we have been shown pretty much everyone except the top 3 tattling to Hannah, so yes tptb decide who to edit. For me, with Mike it's not just the tattling to Hannah. It is also lecturing Luke, leading the annoying conversations about Luke and of course, his ITM's. Now I know producers lead the ITM discussions and even suggest the other bits, but he seems to be going above and beyond in his righteousness regarding Luke. He is the oldest guy there, He was in the military. He seems to pride himself on his behaviour and yet he continues to harp on it and clearly doesn't get how this could get twisted and interpreted. I think what bugs me more than anything about this is that while the other guys who are saying things seem to be genuinely frustrated/upset and generally appear to have just had enough of Luke, Mike seems to be using it as a platform to lecture, condescend over Luke and appear mature and above it all. The genuine emotion, frustration I don't have a problem with even though I hate having to listen to it....and I know much of it is again egged on by production, but Mike doesn't appear to have any of that. He is just gleefully carrying on in an effort to make himself look good and that I do not find a good look. Personally, I can put up with a lot of annoying people, but a** kissers are a big turn off for me.

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Post by Guest Thu Jun 13, 2019 1:27 pm

^^ I agree

Sharing the "I was not here for my partner when we lost our baby" did not bode well to me. He did not look upset to me at all and my gut feeling is that he was looking for petty group date rose. This is private and even if the group date was about babies, when he arrived, it seems to me he was all cheerful.

It takes always guys to tattle to the lead hoping for some mysterious reasons that they will gain points. they never do but somehow it seems that the memo never arrive to their brain.

There is a fine line between reporting a situation that needs to be reported and bullying... Bullying is nasty. Regardless if Luke is lovable or not, regardless if he acted stupid or not. Ganging on someone is never the right thing to do. It is taking advantage of the majority to look good. In this, you always have the bullies and the followers... and the victim that tries so hard to defend himself without success... even if he is right or wrong, tattling is a nono in my book. bullying is a MAJOR nono.



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Post by notarose Thu Jun 13, 2019 1:53 pm

HEA wrote:^^ I agree

Sharing the "I was not here for my partner when we lost our baby" did not bode well to me. He did not look upset to me at all and my gut feeling is that he was looking for petty group date rose. This is private and even if the group date was about babies, when he arrived, it seems to me he was all cheerful.

It takes always guys to tattle to the lead hoping for some mysterious reasons that they will gain points. they never do but somehow it seems that the memo never arrive to their brain.

There is a fine line between reporting a situation that needs to be reported and bullying... Bullying is nasty. Regardless if Luke is lovable or not, regardless if he acted stupid or not. Ganging on someone is never the right thing to do. It is taking advantage of the majority to look good. In this, you always have the bullies and the followers... and the victim that tries so hard to defend himself without success... even if he is right or wrong, tattling is a nono in my book. bullying is a MAJOR nono.


I listened to the Wright Reasons podcast. They are relationship experts and had an interesting point of view on the guys’ actions regarding Luke. Basically they said that the guys didn’t have the option of cancelling him from their lives because they were stuck with him as long as Hannah kept him. They approved of the guys actions saying that with a person like Luke everyone has to set the boundaries and make it clear ... not just Hannah. They eluded to Luke being in an unhealthy place and that those around him on the show had it within their control to make clear they would not be his pawns. They also addressed mean saying had they been passive it would only enable Luke and would not be constructive to their own mental well being.
Thought it was an interesting take.

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Post by Guest Thu Jun 13, 2019 2:51 pm


I get it that Luke is not the best buddy they could find. I get it that Luke needs some personal growing up. But what did Luke do that was sooooooo awful?

* he misinterpreted Luke S OR was on adrenaline during the football play (which is a VERY manly game, we had a reminder at the beginning by the coaches). Luke P was certainly not jealous of Luke S since Hannah had zero interest for him.
* an abc clip video came out last week to show us that Luke S DID come to Luke P and not the reverse and yes Luke P put him down.
* he got the first impression rose
* he stated his feeling early on in public
* he probably lied about Luke S intention or maybe he did not and manipulated the truth but then he apologized on the 1-1 with Hannah. genuine or not, we will never know. I have my theory that I already shared in his thread.

at the end of the day, I honestly believe he is not a psychopath which is obviously a term used to upset him. I believe that the edits made him look worse. I believe that it is not a clear cut of who is a villain and who are angels. I think it was a Luke S versus Luke P issues and the other guys jumped into the catfight even though Luke did not do anything to them directly. I felt uncomfortable they did. They could dislike him for x or y reasons. fine. They could give him the cold shower too. fine. But I think it went out of proportion for the real deal. Is Luke a manipulator? probably but it is hard to really know what he believes and what he distorts in his mind. I still think he is genuine but living in his own bubble.



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