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Post by Aunties_Love Thu Mar 15, 2018 5:40 pm

This is going to be a long post and sorry but grabbed some to put them all in one post.

GuardianAngel wrote:If Arie took a chance on changing his mind, regardless of how much he was going to be hated, and held off all this time to propose to anyone, or say ILY after Emily's season, IMO I doubt he would get married to prove anything to anyone.

Since we now know Millsy intends to air more "unedited" film, SHV's etc, as per his interview, it will be interesting to see who the next person will be that will be accused of not being able to say no to the producers.

@Kashathediva so true. Kypton comes to mind. There are those that are desperate to get married, marry anyone. A good friend's daughter did that. 38 yrs old, not married, dated a random guy online, no job, no history of stable employment. He knew a good thing when he found one, they got married. Moved into the house that she bought and owned on her own before him, and of course he got half when they split, she settled just to get rid of him and move on.

The difference between that couple and Lauren and Arie, is A/L from what I see are totally in love. The body language is OTT. If Arie would have smiled this much, or looked this happy with any other one of his lady friends, he would have gotten married to them, but he didn't. If they do get married, it's because they want to, and for no other reason IMHO.

Totally agree with the bolded. IMO, it's VERY obvious that the two of them are in love. IMO, the reason why Arie never settled down and likely went between one woman and the next is likely due to him never finding the one that he truely loves. Obviously to me, Arie will marry Lauren IF he loves her as much as he says and shows. IMO, Becca didn't really love Arie that much if she could jump from being the broken one to being the lead that about a track record. IMO. I seriously doubt that the two of them will settle anymore for anything that they don't want. All IMO

Bet2Win wrote:Arie at age 36, never been married, I doubt he will walk down the aisle to prove anything other than wanting to be married to Lauren. Imo

As far as the upthread posts about Arie wanting to stay in the limelight, he has already said in an interview he will not be doing DWTS...nor did he do any of the Bach spin off's after Em's season.  The only thing he did was the game show, where he raised money for charity, IIRC.

Yeah, he's a real fame whore.  

At least he has a job, whether it be real estate or racing.  So many contestants don't even have that.  

sosleepy wrote:
Bet2Win wrote:Arie at age 36, never been married, I doubt he will walk down the aisle to prove anything other than wanting to be married to Lauren. Imo

As far as the upthread posts about Arie wanting to stay in the limelight, he has already said in an interview he will not be doing DWTS...nor did he do any of the Bach spin off's after Em's season.  The only thing he did was the game show, where he raised money for charity, IIRC.

Yeah, he's a real fame whore.  

At least he has a job, whether it be real estate or racing.  So many contestants don't even have that.  

Huh? We are talking about the same guy who begged and pleaded with TPTB for years for the Bachelor gig, right? He really wanted it when they gave it to Sean, he super wanted it when they gave it to Farmer, and he was so desperate for it 5.5 years later, that he did it as a last minute fill in when Peter fell through. Totally not a famehore, that one. Definitely not desperate.  laugh out loud  ***IMO***

I actually think he being so old, like Nick, actually decreases his chances of ever getting married at all. If you are nearing 40 and never been married, there is probably a reason why. I agree they shouldn’t cast the youngins’ like Higgins ... but 36 year old Arie and Nick (and Byron and Brad) swing too far in the opposite direction and have different problems. They need to cast in the age bracket sweet spot, which for the dudes I would say is 28/29-32/33.
I seruously doubt that Arie is a fame whore. He went back to his own life racing and real estate after Em's season. I can't see that changing. He just isn't the one that would settle and I think that it has already been prooven so. All IMO

grace8136 wrote:
sosleepy wrote:So my big Q ... for the people that believe in them and like them... why? Like seriously, why? I’m just at a loss and wouldn’t mind reading someone’s perspective. I just don’t see it.

It seems Arie knew very early on that he made a mistake. The decisions that came after that aren't normal life. You don't normally call producers, consider PR/public ridicule and 5M contracts when breaking up with someone. It was a messy break-up, but I can overlook it because of that pressure cooker of weird circumstances. How many leads have faked it through ATFR to avoid the heat he's getting?

Personally, I think he got into this predicament because he didn't want to let TPTB down or his family. It's why he proposed and it's why he picked the wrong girl imo. His most honest, raw comment was when he said he felt shame for all this. I really felt for him in that moment just like I did when Emily handed back his journal unread, so it leaves me hoping things work out for him.
Regarding the bolded, I completely agree. I just feel that Arie isn't a vindictive person. I am glad that he got who he wanted in the end, no matter how it was done. I still think that there is a lot more to the story and don't know if any of us here will ever find out but that's ok. I still have my suspicions.


Aria wrote:
Alanna wrote:Yeah idk why but these people never get married, even if they seem happy and stay together for awhile laugh out loud I doubt L&A will be any different.

I don't know...I feel like these peeps with two broken engagements between them, an epic love story that has endured for an entire 56 days, and a love so pure and strong that conversations aren't even necessary are really going to be the couple to break that Bachelor curse. IMO.

But they do look to be in love and if they are wanting a televised wedding and TPTB want it, then why shouldn't it happen.....I think it would be great to see and am looking forward to it personally. As far as Arie's history goes....couldn't that history of existed because he never found the one that he thought was worth breaking that history and pattern for before? Again, it is their lives so they should decide. all IMO.

wishesfireworks wrote:Most bland couple since Ben and Lauren. ***IMO***
We need to mix it up and ban blonde Lauren's from the show.

Well, that's pretty weird isn't it....why ban blonde Lauren's. I know some that are very good and interesting people IMO

umngirl wrote:This is hilarious coming from someone who said they are above shilling. You’re doing paid appearances dude (this, the Nashville Women’s Show). You’re shilling out yourself.  laugh out loud laugh out loud

Doesn't everyone who comes on this show to some extent or another. Doesn't everyone have the right to decide what shilling they are wanting to support? Why call him out when this is the one that he feels is worth supporting....IMO

Alanna wrote:I don't know about him being covert in the future, cheaters gotta cheat imo plus, it seems he's all "wham, bam, thank you ma'am," when the women misbehave. Oh Courtney wasn't happy with him one night, "Well, no worries, babe, I'll literally FLY another chick in the same day, you're free to go, see ya." So if Lauren starts giving him any problems or even if she doesn't, but someone else interesting comes along, idk, I don't think he would feel the need to be covert. All imo.
Because maybe this is the one that he feels is worth not cheating on. Maybe this is the one that is worth it to him to play things straight with?? His life, so letting him live it IMO

Iluvbachette wrote:Why give someone a bad time about making money off the show. Who in the history of the Bachelor or Bachlorette hasn't. I say go for it. If some one wants to pay them so be it. Look at how many wrote books etc.. They have to make a living as well. To Arie and Lauren go have a blast enjoy your life.
Exactly. I am really liking how loving and attentive Arie is with Lauren. Maybe he found the one that is worth giving up his old ways with. I say live your lives and forget everyone/everything else out there. IMO

littlereddress wrote:I find myself wondering if Arie had never made the switch and was posting beautiful pics of him and Becca in love and happy would people be this angry with him and bringing up his past.  Would they be insisting he won't be faithful to Becca and still a horrible man no matter how much it appeared that he was in love and that he just wants to have his own way about everything?  IDK.  The perception of Arie seemed so different before the switch IMO.  
I don't think so. IMO there wouldn't be the hoopla at all. Yep, Arie was praised out there big time before the switch happened. I can't help but wonder personally if Arie chose Lauren in the beginning and switched to Becca what the reaction would of been like. IMO

Aria wrote:
littlereddress wrote:I find myself wondering if Arie had never made the switch and was posting beautiful pics of him and Becca in love and happy would people be this angry with him and bringing up his past.  Would they be insisting he won't be faithful to Becca and still a horrible man no matter how much it appeared that he was in love and that he just wants to have his own way about everything?  IDK.  The perception of Arie seemed so different before the switch IMO.  

There's always been Arie haterz. And some of us always knew there was something sketch about him (you have to be a tiny bit sketch to be BFFs with Jef, be FWBs with someone like Courtney, and mock Chris's legal issues and breakup), but still had hoped that his womanizing ways were all strictly ethical because we enjoyed him on Emily's season. It wasn't until the switch happened and we saw firsthand the way that he cheats, lies, and manipulated with literally zero regrets or guilt that it opened people's eyes. Then you look into the quotes and see that it's girlfriend after girlfriend after girlfriend who has called him out for his cheating, lying, fame-wh*re, immature, and disrespectful ways.  It's similar to Andi's book. I think most people reacted to her allegations with a "meh, it's probably exaggerated", but when you saw it firsthand with Amanda and you saw that exact same pattern? It's too much to ignore.

Oh, and if Becca was still with Arie and they were posting happy pictures together and talking about getting married, I would be crying on the inside. Nothing like seeing someone you like wasting their life with someone who isn't worthy of them. It would be like when another one of my favorite leads picked IMO a total loser. IMO.
IMO, Arie was very liked going into the season and extremely well liked on the season till word of the switch happened. All I was hearing is how dare he did this to Becca. Then it was all about how bad Lauren is....WHAT?? I am sorry but I have a really hard time understanding what in the world she did wrong. I say that it is their lives and not mine so let them live it. all IMO

bleuberry wrote:Was there ever a time that Arie didn't have a womanizing, playboy perception? Only difference is before it was largely Arie's exes and RS talking about it (though I never doubted it tbh) whereas now we basically watched him do it. JMO.
So it would of been better for him to string Becca along even though he knew that he didn't want her and would break up with her on ATFR. That would of been better then everyone could see them both unhappy and a wasted season?? I say that at least he did break up with her early enough to enable her to have her season, especially when he knew that there wasn't a future with her no matter what. I think he did the best he could of for all involved considering no one out there especially me right now knows how the producers may of been yanking everyones chains. all IMO

everglow wrote:
Alanna wrote:Seriously, Arie was going to stay with Becca if Lauren wasn’t interested? Who acts like this? It’s a life partner, not one pair of shoes versus another if the first are on backorder. This guy has issues imo.

Actually if you are believe him at his word and I do personally believe his sincerity here, Arie said in this interview that he would have broken up with Becca regardless of whether or not Lauren accepted him back because it wouldn't be fair to Becca to be with someone who was not wholeheartedly in the relationship.
Correct. Whether Lauren took him back or not, come ATFR, the couple would of been dunzo no matter what. Personally, I think he did the best he could by all of them when all is said and done. Arie and Lauren are together, Becca gets her own season. All imo

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Post by Aunties_Love Thu Mar 15, 2018 5:44 pm

Aria wrote:According to Arie and Lauren themselves, he was contacting Lauren behind the producers' back, so he could have easily broken up with Becca behind the producers' back too. According to Courtney, she advised him to call Lauren and not put anything incriminating down in DMs, because if Lauren did reject him, there would be proof and she could easily show the screenshots to the world and it would be humiliating for him. The fact that this was done without the producers' permission and my opinion that Arie was so calculated in making sure that a) Becca thought that this was a closure call, instead of a "can we get back together" call and b) there was no hard evidence if Lauren said no, tells me that Arie had no intention of dumping Becca if Lauren said no. IMO.
Just there proof to the bolded or ????

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Post by sanlee088 Thu Mar 15, 2018 5:47 pm

I said I was going to stay off the board for a while. However, here I am. laugh out loud Changed my mind. yes

Last edited by sanlee088 on Thu Mar 15, 2018 5:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Post by SarahD Thu Mar 15, 2018 5:49 pm

Backlash not as bad? I don't think I remember a couple who got mocked as much as them when they did media rounds like Kimmel and Kelly and Arie's clip and comments from Ellen? Hysterical! giggling

Of course, there will always be people who will like them and they're flashy antics but not me. I can't ever support a relationship built on lies and two people who are as hollow as them. Just my opinion.

It goes without saying...everything I say is IMO.

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Post by Diana Thu Mar 15, 2018 5:55 pm

I can’t take anything they do or say seriously when they are constantly being shady, lying and acting like they are above everyone else. These two can get married for all I care but that doesn’t change their horrible  actions.

All is JMO

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Post by Kashathediva Thu Mar 15, 2018 5:59 pm

@sanlee088  Glad to see you are sticking around!  Smiley

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Post by Mommyof2 Thu Mar 15, 2018 6:06 pm

I found it interesting that MF retweeted this US article.

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Post by Mommyof2 Thu Mar 15, 2018 6:08 pm

sanlee088 wrote:I said I was going to stay off the board for a while. However, here I am. laugh out loud Changed my mind. yes

I was going to have a sandwich for lunch, but then I changed my mind and opted for a burrito instead. laugh out loud

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Post by Aria Thu Mar 15, 2018 6:15 pm

Aunties_Love wrote:
Aria wrote:According to Arie and Lauren themselves, he was contacting Lauren behind the producers' back, so he could have easily broken up with Becca behind the producers' back too. According to Courtney, she advised him to call Lauren and not put anything incriminating down in DMs, because if Lauren did reject him, there would be proof and she could easily show the screenshots to the world and it would be humiliating for him. The fact that this was done without the producers' permission and my opinion that Arie was so calculated in making sure that a) Becca thought that this was a closure call, instead of a "can we get back together" call and b) there was no hard evidence if Lauren said no, tells me that Arie had no intention of dumping Becca if Lauren said no. IMO.
Just there proof to the bolded or ????

Yup! Courtney's interview with RS.


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Post by Aunties_Love Thu Mar 15, 2018 6:27 pm

Aria wrote:
Aunties_Love wrote:
Aria wrote:According to Arie and Lauren themselves, he was contacting Lauren behind the producers' back, so he could have easily broken up with Becca behind the producers' back too. According to Courtney, she advised him to call Lauren and not put anything incriminating down in DMs, because if Lauren did reject him, there would be proof and she could easily show the screenshots to the world and it would be humiliating for him. The fact that this was done without the producers' permission and my opinion that Arie was so calculated in making sure that a) Becca thought that this was a closure call, instead of a "can we get back together" call and b) there was no hard evidence if Lauren said no, tells me that Arie had no intention of dumping Becca if Lauren said no. IMO.
Just there proof to the bolded or ????

Yup! Courtney's interview with RS.
Where is it, where can I find it. Can someone bring it to here so I can see it, thanks.

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Post by Aria Thu Mar 15, 2018 6:33 pm

I don't think we're allowed to links to RS's site, but it's available on his site or anywhere that you listen to podcasts, like Apple Podcasts app or Spotify or Stitcher.


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Post by Kashathediva Thu Mar 15, 2018 6:44 pm

The thread can be locked or posts can begin changing in attitude.

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